06-13-57 PC Minutes I��a�' REGULAR MEErING GOLDEN VALLEY' PLl-iN�TING COMMISSION JUNE 13, 7-957• 1� regtilar meeting o� the Plannin.g Commission of Golden Valley was held at the Village Ha11 on Thursday; June 13 at 7s30. The meeting was presided over by President Pennock an.d -�he following members were present: Borchert� Brown, Flannagan' Jardan� Loughland, Lyn.ch� Patterson� Putnam, Shinder and Velz. The president poin-ted out that the minutes of the May meeting had been ma.iled to members an.d -�hat un.less someone in attendance tiaished them to be read he would entertain a motion �or approval w-ith.out reading. Motion by Brown seconded by Velz was carried to approve th.e minutes of the meeting held May 9• PLAT S Follo�rin.g presentation and report by the Plat Committee on a number of snbdi�ai.sions, the Commission took these actions: WiLliam Jessup - Wirm.etka Heights. Moved bg Shi.n.der seconded by Borchert and carried that the CorRmission recommend �ina1. approval of Jessupts plat of Winne�cka Heigh�cs. Sleep� Ho].�ow Addition, R. V. Anderson. Motion by Zynch seconded by Borchert was carried to �ecormnend the Sleepy Hollow plat for .�inal approgal. Subsequen-�ly discussion brought up the question of dedication of a 17-foot strip alon.g Golden Va11ey Road and o� rounding off the lot corner at the Street in.�;ersection with Golden Valley Road. It was moved . b� I,ynch, seconded by Brown� and carried to rescind the earlie_r motion and refer -�he plat back to the Plat Committee for the platter to meet �these �o requi_remen-�s. ' II.lis Flygare, 7215 �leriwood Avenue. The Corrm2i�tee repor�ed that further si;ud� wovld be necessary regardin.g relationship of this plat to the propert� adjoin�.n.g on -the East. Green�iew Terrace - Dubers-tein et al. The Green.view Terrace plat� sho�wing no provi5 on �or street access to the area to the North� was on motion by Lynch s�conded by Bro�m and carried� denied recommendation for final approval. Motion by Brown seconded by BorcYiert was carried that the plat Corr�ai�-�ee be authorized -to recorrmiend final approval if the platte_r satisfac-tos�il� provides a dedication for road s�r�ice to the area to the Noimtli, Re- lat oz Lo�s 6 7 and 8 ge�ne Higbee and Bitze��s G.V.�a�1.o-ts. Earl eterson presented a ske�ch showita.g a proposed division o£ this area� and. its relationship to su�ro�un.ding platted lots, the sketch havin.g been prepared in cooperation wa.th the Village �5.i�ineering Depar-tment. Ntoved b�r Shi.:nder seeonded. by Borchert and carried� that the plat receive pre-liminasy approval. Dr. 5amuelsonts Subdivision. A sketch was p•resented indicating an in�Cended_divi.sion of the property adjacent to Dr. Samnelsonis residence on 'rwin I,ake. Fo].l.owing consideration o,f lot sizes and frontages, and the possible need for a s-treet in the area� motion b�r Shinder seconded b� Brown carried to return the plat to the plat cormn.ittee for fl�r-ther s'cudy. G�� N�` ZTN��III�T TII�.RACE. Motion made by Lynch� seconded by Patterson carried o recommend the plat Zirmnerman Terrace for f uial .approvala Re-plat of Zots 1�3/�+9 Auditvrt s Subdivision ;�330. Followin.g the oxr�ni ee s repor on �.s p ls o�' land owned b� a nvmber of par�ies, motion by Borchert was seconded by Lynch to gran-� preliminary approval conditioned upon securing the dedication o� street access through the Mandile propert� on the South. ZOIVINGS ` James, 528 Sunnyridge Lane. Continued from the meeting of May 9, applicat�'ion of Rober'c and Marion Jameson for rezoning at 528 St?nr�yridge Lane to support a combined residence and antique sh.op was, on motion b�r Velz seconded by Put�.am, and carried denied approval. Mark H�ux°d Sus•vey Company, Allan C. Bock of the Mark Hurd Survey Compan.y appeared before t e Commission in su�por�t of their appli- cation �or industrial zoning a-t the Northeast corner of Laurel and Pennsyluaaa.ia Avenues' for �the purpose of �onstructing a building in which to process aerial photographic surveys. Chairman Velz o� the Zoning Commi�tee report�ed that the Cosmnitte� recommannended that '�the Wes-ternly 250� stra.p b� rezoned to Business And Professional category; that this 250� strip e�end from the South lo-t line to the northern extremity of -the tract, and that the balance of the area remain in Open Development category." Mo�ed by L�m.ch seconded b� Brown and carriecl to approve zoning committee repoit� making its findings -the recommendations of the commission.. Member 3orcheat requested to be recorded as abstaining from the �ote. Calvary Temple Churcho Mr. T�enn'u.m.,, counsel for the Calvary Temple Church, s-�ated tha� at the request of the Village Council he wished -to preseni copies of a written report regardin.g tra_ffic conditions . related to the Churchts application for rezoning South of the Clover- leaf Addition. Motion by Brown was seconded by Zoughland to refer this report prepared by Calvin Hedl�und to the Zoning Co�i.ttee, reques�cing -�he coarm�.it�ee to study it and to repor-L- vn all cons�derations of th.e application. i�o-tion carried. H�RDSHIP WAIVERS Member Brown of the Orda.n.a..nce Conm�.3.t-tee read in part from tl�e attorne�1s report of February JJ�., 1957 regarding the significance of hardship waivers. Volp Construction Company. Mr. Clare Volp •appeared befo�e the Comrnission in support o� his application ta reduce the setback for, bu�.7.ding f'rom the East side of Colo�ado A.venue north of irJayzata B7.vd. (County Road�1a.1) from the required 35� to 15� � o�'der to construct a one-story 0 x 105t office and warehouse building. Nio'tion b� Lczughland seconded b� Borchert was carried to approve the report of Ordinance Committee and recommend denial of the petition. • / ��`�'.,- -3- Gearge Norbohm, 1501 Valders. �t was pointed out that this applicant could _ rearrange his planned a.ddition of a breezeway and grage so that n.o variance � waiver would be required. Motion by FlarLr�.agan seconded by Pat-ter�aon carried � to recormnend denia7. o.� the petition. Charles Mur�hy, Lot 15, Blocic 2, Spring Green Sou�Ch. Charles Murphy appeared before i;he eommission ui support of his petition to reduce sidelot requi:cementa on either side of a proposed house on Lot 15, Block 2� Spging Green South to 122 feet. The Ordinance Committee recoarmiended dena.al of the request. By reference to Corranissionts meeting of Nove. 10, 1955, it za�as determined tliat a slight setback variar�.ce had been approved for Lot 17 along its side abuttin.g the State Highwa� propert�r. Motion b� Borchert seconded by Shind.er was carried to approve the report of the Committee and recommend denial oi the petition. I�.enneth P. Albrecht, 6332 Olympia. Member Broti,mm reported on the application o�' Kenneth Albrecht for a waiver to construct a g�age and breezewa�r within 6332 0lympia. It was poin,ted out that the adjoining ne3.ghborts house was built 25� from th.is line and that the proposed construction was in keeping with -�he adjac�nt properties. Moved by Velz, seco�.cled by Flannagan and carried to recorrnnend granting the petition, provided that the applicant secure written consen.t o� the neighbor abutting on the Wes-t� because of similar conditions existing in th.e neighborhood and that denial would prevent applican� from maka��.g full use of his loic. Nember Pat-�erson wished to be recorded as �voting N0. Casl W. Peterson 1509 Aquila 1Vo. Mr. Peterson p�esented his petition for a �aiver in order to construct a house at Wi:nsdale and Boone. Discussion. brought out the �act that in accordance with Sec. 3.12 of the Zoning Code (P.7) a variance would no� be requ3.red in order -to construct a house o� 20� depth. Mo�tion b� V'el� was seconded b� Patterson and carried to recommend that the indicated back yard distance be increased from 22� to 25� and that inasmuch as no waiver is required the petitioner1s �ee be refunded. . R�chard E. Olson, 1211 Winnetka Av. N I�.tr. Olson petitioned for a waiver to 12t side lot se-tback in order to construct an attached single car garage and • breezeway to his home at 1271 Winnetka. In addi-tion to the w.ritten consen� of his ad3oining neighbor, tlze cozmn.ission �a.s appraised of •the agplicant�s necess�ty for providing indoor play area fo� a handicapped child. Motio� b�r Loughland seconded b� Shinaer was carried� to recormnend approval of the petition. Mr. Patterson requested to be recorded voting NAY. Chester W. Barr�os, 5150 33rd Av. No* 1Io-tion by Flannagan seconded by Lynch was carried to ap�ro�re tre ordinance corranittee repor'� and deny the petition of Ches�ter W. Barros for waiver of 35T setback i�a. order to const:ru.ct a . 20� x 2�.� 2-car garage with room above at 5150 33rd Ave. No. President Pennock irLformed the Commission that he had been invited to attend an open meeting arranged by the Park Board to con5ider further action toward development of a Village Park plan. He reported. that Mr. Lawrence Hendrickson had been named tempo�ary chairman of a Citizens Co�nittee for Park Development, and that the Pl�..nning Commi.ssion president . , � . ��o _�_ together wa..th representatives from the Council an�. Civic grou.ps were to mee�t Jv1�r 10. The question of land acquisitions� park develop- � ment and finance we�� then ir�'ormally disc�.ssed so that President Per�.ock rn.i.ght convey some o� these ideas at the July meeting. There followed adjo�unent. i� Secreta,x� esid nt