07-11-57 PC Minutes ���.�,.:x_
JULY 11, 1957
A regular mee�cing of the Planning Co�nission of Golden Valley was held
at tlue Villa�e Hal1 on Thursday, Jv1y 11 at 7:30 P.M. with Presiden�
Pennock preszding and the fo7lowing members presemt: Borcher�, Lt�iald,
Jordan, LaBsssoniere, Zoughland, Patterson, Putnarn., Shinder and. Vel�.
Motion .by Jordan second�d. by Lal3issoniere to appro�re the minutes of the
�une 13 m.eet3�g was carried.
Ellis Fl gare Plat 7215 Glenwood Ave. Member Shinder reportecl that the
P1at Commiti;ee ha viewed the property o� Mr. Flygare at 7215 Glen�aood
Avenue and endorsed the o�uners t inten-t to plat the East 218� of Zot �.5
in Auditor�s Subdivision �322 into -two lots b�r the construction oi a short
s�ree-t and turnaroux�.d inasmuch as it appears there is no other wa� to
divid.e the property. The Coirnnittee recommended preliminar�r approval, with
the street -to be designeted as II1is Lane. Nlotion by La.Bissoniere,
seconded b�r Ewald carried, to reconmiend the Plat for preli�ninar�r approval.
Samuelson.�s Plat. Repor-t oi the Plat Committee dated July 8 was preseniced
ior pre im�ary plan for subdi�i.sion of Lots 5 and 6, .Auditorts Subdivision
fi'330 o�n.ied by Dr. Samuelson. Approval was recommended, provecled that the
�inal lo� lines are establisrecl to create not less than 15-soo�C side yards
for al.l existing buildings and that the building line oi -the southermost
lot be es-�ablished to coincide with other houses in the area at a lot width
oi approximately 99 feet. Motion by Velz seconc�ed by Sh�nder was carried.
to reco�n.end prel�mixiar�r approval of the plat, per these conditions.
CALVARY TIl�JI'LE CHURCH. Chairrnan Velz of the Zoning Conma.it�ee reported on
�;he Comm.ittee t s meeting wi.th N.�r. Vennum, that -the report of Mr. Hedlu:r�.d
r�ga�d3s�.g traf fic on Belt Line ,�100 and Olson fIighway had been considered
by the Co�n_it-Lee but did not al-ter previous comrnittee findings� and that
�he Zoning Co�rnn.itt�e wishes now to reaffirm its former recommendations
�egarding the application. of Calvary Temple Clzurch �or Instituti.onal
Zoning. It was moved by Velz seconded by Borchert and unan�mousl��carried
that the P1.anning Corrmiission recommend that the application be denied for
the following reasons:
l. The size of the Church and the poten-tial size oi the congregation
are xncompatible wi-th the residential developr,�e�.� in the area.
2a T�e I�es-t use oi the land is considerea �o l�e an ex�ension of the
already existing residential develop�:errc.
3. V�_r�r �.e�'in.i-�e i�raffic problems and hazaxds detr imen�Cal to the
heal�h and weLare of -che Vi7lage are believed to exist, °in the gain-�n.g of
access to the highwa� at this point.
!�. An.y use of the prope_rty which z�ould cause a conden.tration of traffic
would mean iche dispersal o� some of this traific -through residential stzeets
noi designed �0 lnandle it.
�.. Any use o� the property which wottld cause a concentration of
traff ic would mean. the dispersal of some of thia traffic through
residential streets not designed to handle ita
5. Projec�ed plan.s of the Minn.esota High�ray Depar�tmen.t io-r
x°elocation or improvement of service d.rives in this area would not
suff�cien-tly all.eviate the problems of a large number of vehicles
attempting -�o gain access to the highurays irom this site. �
Dvndee Landscaoin . The Village r,ngin.eer reported that the Council
requested ' e Commission to consider the ope-ra-tions o�' the llUndee
Landsca�ing si-�uated on Highway {�100 North of the M & St. L Railraad
cracks. Discussion pointed up the fact that this operaicion is permiseible
in the open development district to the �y-tent that it fa11s �uaithin tHe
categor�r of "(2) farm.ing, truck gardeni�.g and orchard.s,�� and the
Cormn.i.ssion.1 s mir_iites of November 8, 1956 were reviewed. �lotion by Zoughland
zras seconded by 3�chert and carried unan�nously tha-t the Planning
Commission reaffirm a ge�.eral policy that no commercial or icidustrial
developmen�c shou.ld take place on the East side o� the Belt Line from
the 1�2 & S�.Z Railroad -�racks No�-th to the Village l�mits, and zurther
tha•t, as reported at �he Noverr�be_r 8, 1956 meeting, construction o�' a ,
billbo�.rd-t�rpe sign for Dundee is prohibited under Item 33, Section �..03
o�° the Zoning Gode, regardless of the Zoning Classifieation of this area.
George Nor_rl�ohrn, 1501 Valders A.v. Ewald repor�ted tlzat the orclinance
commit�ee reviewed �he previous request of Mr. Norrbom �'or a setback
waiver io construct a g�age and breez�way. It was reported that the
application did no�; provi.de sufficient information to accurately
determine -the ex-tent oi waiver requested, and that const�uction. would
appear to be wi-i,hin 31� from the edge o�' the pav�m�nt and not the lo�;
� line. The Coirnn.it-�tee ��rther felt that loss o�' trees would not cons-titute
a h.ardship. Mo°tion by LaBissoniere, seconded by Borchert was carried to
recorr�n.end denia.J_ of the applicat�ior?.
Donald �I. Schiefelbein, 5725 Woodstock. The ord�.ance committee report�d
-tha�t it had considered the hardslzip waiver petition o� Donald: H.
Schiefelbein for permission to con.struct a 71t dweLlzn.g on Lot 11, Block
2 oi Skellyts addition .in such a mai�ner as to require a corner lo-t se-tback
� reduced �rom 35t to 7-1�.t . The Commit-L-ee recomm.ended denial of the request,
reporting �chat no hardship rvns wi-th -the land and that an equivalent home '
could be built on the lot -to comply wlth setback requirements. Mo'tion by
LaBisson.iere was seconded b� Shincler and carried to accept the committee
report and recoimnend .dei2ial of tlie request �'or waiver. ,
Lamphere Propert,y� Elmer M. Lamphere, 7600 Medici..ne Lake Road., appeared
before �he Commi�'ssion in support of his request for commercial zanin.g of
approxim.atel�r 10 acres at the Southeas-t Corner of Winnetka Avenue and
Nledicine Zake Road. Chairman of the Zoning Co�r�nittee Vel� reported that
his Commit-�ee had viewed the prope�^ty� which was largely low, swampy
ground; that areas Nor-theast and Nor�chwesterly of -�his intersection and
.e� :_ .
` lying in New Hope Toc�mship are presently zoned for co�n.ercial deve�opmen�;
an.d that the applicant onl� requ.ested consideration �'or a square o�'
approx�nately 15Qt a��.d had a clien�� in-�erested in tre construction o�'�,e
filling station. Ne reported that -tlie Coramittee believes �hat th.is9�as�ea
would be suitable ior corrm�.ercial developmen� of a desireable nature, but
� would not reco�ner_d rezoni�.g un�i1 specific details oi development are
availableo Moged by Jordan, seconded by Loughland, and carried to accept
the Cornmit�cee repo�-t and approve its reco7rnnendation.
Ra1ph Fredrickson' Vil�age Engineer�introduced Don Sorenson, who �,rill be
his successor, to the members of -L-he Corrnnission.
The Presid�n� named a special co�rmiit�ee as follows: Loughland, Chairman;
Pat�;erson,, Velz� Ewald and LaBissoniere to study a suggested subdivis�on
ordinance, material submitced by -the Village Administrator and dated June
13, 1957•
There followed a discuss�on of -the material datecl June 13th. submiti,ed;by
the Village Admin.is�rator on the subject of ad.opting stree-c specification,s
� by ordinance. Motion by Velz was seconded by Jordan and carri�d that the
Co�runission does no� believe that ihe �nforma�ion is in proper �orm, or
should be the sul�ject ior an ordinance inasmuch as specifications for
stree-t co�.struction are continuall� being revised.
The Presiden� requested the ordinance committee to repox�-E on the har�lship
and variance waivers re�or-ts of the Village A.�torney dated February 11�
and to consider the subject of side-lo-� setbacks for lots of less than
100t �rontages.
Th.e Presiden-t referred the Administratorts listing o� legal descriptions
to be considered ior institutional zoning to the zoning committee.
There followed ad.jou�nmen-�.