08-08-57 PC Minutes 2�4 R�UL�R MEL�ING GOZDEN VA[,LEY PT,ANI�TZNG COMN�SSION Augu.s-t 8, 1957 A regular meeting of th.e Plannin.g Commission of Golden Valley was held at 8030 Olson Memorial Higllwa�r on Thursda�r, August 8 at 7:30 P.M. President Pennock preszded and the fo1lo�,ring members were in attendance: Borchert, Brown, I3elgeson, Jordan' ZaBissoniere, Loughlan.d, Lynch, Patterson, Putna�., Shinder, and Velz. i�otion by Lough.Zand 5econded by Patterson was carried to approve the min�.tes of th.e meeting held July 11 with a correction to clarif� th.at the action taken with regard to Elmer N1.Lamph.ere�s request �or rezoning at Winnetka & Medicine Lake Road applied to the total area of approximatel� 10 acres. President Pennock reported th.at no action had been taken by the Council with respect to the request o� Calva_ry Temple r"or rezoning a.nd further that the Council had sustained the Commission�s recommendation with re�'erence to Dundee Zanscaping. Sheldon Ostroot of the Park Board presented irLf'ormation in suppor-t of the Boardts desixe that the Council secure area for th.e e�ansion o� Scheid Park at Regent and Golden Valley Road. Drawings w�re e��hibited showing the Boardts program for the acquisition of additional acreage. It was stated th.at 17 lo-ts could be purchased for approxima.tely �15,000. Motion by Brawn was seconded by Loughland and carried th.at this extended pa.�k use is not �s conflict with pr�esent plans of the Co�rnnission and that the Commissio�. would recormnend this change of use from residential platting. Member Patterson asked to be re- oarded as not voting. ZONIDTG Trving G. Brown, St. C�oix at Douglas Drive: Velz9 Chairman of the Zoning Committee� pr�esented that Committets repor-t recomm.ending denial of the applica�ion of Irving G. Brown �or commercial zoning to permit the construction o� a gasoline f tll.ing station at S�. Cro�x & Douglas Drive. Follo-ww�nng the repor� Mr. Brown introduced Thomas S. Nlaple, Realtor, who - spoke in beh.alf o�' the application. Mr. Maple stated that al-though the area would not presently att�act a large food retailing organization he vi.sualized the ultimate development thereon of a small scale shopping cen-ter. He reported that �he owner intended to do considerable grading� ' that, a larger par-� o�' the trac�t than indicated in the proposal be used for the �illing station, that he had negotiated for the sale of' oth.er sites to the PUre Oil Company, who have an option on the land, and pQinted out that construction of the s-�ation would increase vi.sibility at -the inter- section. He in tusn introduced Messrs. Ed.wards and Lindahl, repres�n.tatives of the Pure Oil Company. Motion by Lynch was seconded by LaBissoniere an.d carried to refer the application back to tYie Zoning Cormn.ittee for ad�.itional consideration. ��� : -2- Duane Foss, Douglas Dri_ve opposite Ol�mpia: Dv.ane Foss appeared be.�ore the Com:mission in supp�r�; of his request to rezone approximately 8/lOths of an ac�� at Dou�las Drive opposite Olympia to permit -th.e construction of an office and 13gh� warehousing building of approxima�el� 6000 sq. ft. It was reported that the building would �e con.structed by Fais�riew Con.struction Co. for thsir occu.pancy, involve no outside storage, be bricked on f our sides and. resemble the Hope Chest �uilding. Nlotion by Velz was seconded by Brown and carried to reco�nend rezoning the si-ce to Comrnercial .for this purpose. Member� Patterson and Lynch voted ��Nay'�. Haakon H. Weld.e� 5211 St. Croix Ave: Jordan, member oi the Ordinance Committee, reported verbally on the request of Haakon H. Welde to divide part o� Lot 29� Auditorts Subdivision �t330 to crea'ce two building sites. It was pointed out that this land lying bet�aeen Golden Valley Road and St. Croi�_Avenue so di.vided would result in sub-stand.ard lot sizes, each approximately 9�5"75 sq. iee-L- and ordinance committee recorr�nended denial o� tize request. NIotion b� Borchex�-t was seconded b� Loughland and car�ied to endorse the Committee�s recommendation for denia�. ' George Norrbohm, 1501 Vald�rs Avenue: Inasmuch �.s Mr. Norrbohm did not appear and. there was no new iriiormation on th.is application, no further considera-�ion was given to his hardship waiver request as previously acted -upon a-t the June and Ju1y mee-tings. 1'LATS Lyle Otto: - Otto�s .Nirst Additior�: Lyle Otto� George Klouda, Earl Fay an,d others appeared bezore -the meetin.g iti support oi tl�eir request for iinal approval o�' a plat o� Ottots First Addition. It was determined that �his plat, �hen reierred to as "Replat of Lots J�3-�-9, Auditorts Sub. ir330 was given pr�lim3.nary approval at the meeting oi June 13 "condii;ione�. upon securing the dedication of street access through the Mandile prop�rty o�. �h� South". Discussion developed the fact that no further action of' -the Co?nmission can i;ake place until the access is secured. Har Snod rass: �Iaxrj S�.odgras� seeking to Uuilding a residence on a lot b2 x 0 �'ee�in Lakeg-i.ew Heights A�diti�?� was re�erred to -the Ordin.ance Committee for sonsultation. GEORGE LOUGI�A_ND r�ported that his corrm�it-cee inad-gi�en in�-��al con.sideration �� the d.a-ta s�.ggested for a Subdivision Ord:�n.ance and that the com�nittee would meet with the Admi�.istrator Owens �r�.d �he En.gin.eering Department. � VELZ presented recommen�.atians of the Zoning Coar�nittee regarding classi�cation o�' various parcels of land -to'tIn.stitutional Use��. Motion by Lynch was seconded by Borchert an.d carried to approve the report, recommending that tl�� Council establisll Institutional classifica-tion for items, l, 7� 3� 21,22 and 23 as + described in. the �.gi._�eert s report of' Apri1 29, 7-9�7,, ar?d �'ur-ther recolm�nendinb to deny this zonin.g classification to items- 2, 11, 13, ancl lq these descri�ed parcels being �'ound to be non-confo_rming to the reg,uiremen-ts of the Ir�s�Litu- tional Zon.ing code. Th� repor-t stated. that the Commi-�-tee will give further considerstion -to the rem.��ning items. lic was reported -L-hat the Ordinance Comsni-ttee had been unable to meet to consider the matter of Sidelot Se�cback Requirements for Lots of 7�ess than � 100 foot frontaoe. - : 23� � m3_ . LONG RANGE PI�NG: Chairman Patterson reported on meetings of his Committee and poin�ted out the dif7°iculty of plann�n.g choroUgh�'are stree-�s wi�hout knowledge of development plan.s of the State and Cour�.tyo . I�e reported that Y?e �.ad requested the Fire Depart.ment 'co supply �_h_eir r.ecomsnendations as to needed thorou�lzares. He stated -th.at wate_r • courses and la.ncl con-cours determzne to a large ex'cen-t �he layout for throu�h streets, th.at the committee wovld need e:�tensive paper plans to �vork wi-th, and -that their cliseussions to c�ate emphasizecl tre importe anc� of recognizi:r�..g natural water coUrses in platting anc? resulted in the committee observing that th.e commission. should give more attention to ' contours when considering plats. Discussion was then given �to means of mo�ivatin� this long-range street plannino, and the relative merits of usirig ou-tside consultants or the Village�s otan �ngineering Departimen-t were disc�sseda It was moved by Borche?�t, seconc?ed by Zynch and. carried that the long-range planning project oi plannin� a thoroughfare s�,reet layout �or �;he Village9 utilizing tre Departmentis manpow�r as provided for in 'che budget f or the current year. ELM� M. LAN`,.FFI11�,E appeared be�'ore the commission with. regard to his request for rezonin.g at Winnetka & Medicin.e Lake Road. Chairman Velz reviewed the action of the commission �aken at the Ju1y meeting. P�r. Lamphere stated that the area in-tended for the construction of a filling station could be increased to a 2501 square a._nd that he would presenti a plan sl�oza�g details of the la�out. Notices prepared by -i,he Villa�e Adm.anistrator of a special meeting oi the Golden Valley and New Hope Councils and Planning Corr�missions sched.uled for August 13 were dis�ribu�Led to all members present. ;, There iollo�ved adjournmeni;. � � � .._-- �� � i ������.� � � � Se retary �y � �''�`" " 1' eszdeni.