08-21-57 PC Minutes 236-A �PE�?AL �T�r OF �fIE - - �,TT,T.AG$ PLA:NNIl�TQ C0�lI^�ST�Bt , ��tgu�t �.7., 1957. Pursmant to due--call and notiee thereof a ���7. meeting af the �'illage Pl�3.ng Cam�anissivs af tyhe �illage of t3vlden 'P�.7.2.�y', Fisnnepi.n �oumt�D 1�3z�neset�, �aa held at 8030 Ol�on Memoria]. High��ay 3� sa3.d �i]�.a,ge on gnga��t 2t� i957 a� 7t3Q P.M. T'he follaw3ng mem'b8rs �rezre present� Pennock� ga�tsraea, dord�,n� Borcher�, �i.nders Flsanagan: I�nch� ?�a.aghlarid and I.aBis�n3.ere. P�esent �rere V311ag� �'1ePk and�Ac3m�.�ra�or t}�rens� Ehgiaeers So�en�en and Ho11i �er �eparE�aent �pauld3.ng3 St,a�eet �ept. ��in, F3.nagce, ��'P�a F3.� Chief� �cltl.and; and Iaspe��ar, H��ra anc�. Lyneh; Asses�c+r' P�ah. �hairn�n Per��k aa�lled th� m�e�ing to order �.t 7a}�5 Pd�i. - _ &�a Pr�1�►aed aru�exa.ti�. of Vi�1.a�e of New �cp� p�r�nt t� �he d3recti�e caf -__..__���=- _ - - _ __..,._.. �HAIl�MAN aelled for rsp�rts by Departmeat Heads on xha� effect �ah �.nnexa�ian wou].d �.v� on. each De�t�nt. - D+�a �reriseas Qi11�ge F�ig��er and Arno Den�inD �t�et Department forem�a, �gor�ed tha.t �hey had inspected �he roads a�l sztre�t� 3A. Aie�r Hope aad determined th� folltiw3nga - - : 1� Pre�� �roa.d� and street€s are ia �r sha� and do n4t meaaure �p �� (�C►ldea '�sa.7.ey sta�da�1�. 2, �t3ma�ecl aost of m�,� .����*�g �Pee�s 3n present condi.t3.on wculd toe $2CI0.t3� �r m�.].e �r �e�r ana1. to �:L�ta�.n a� Colden �'a�17.� sfi.�dard�� vhish �].d �eritnal].y i�prr��e them s�ewhats � w�u1.d cast �t'�J.� per mile per �+e�r oF apprar�imat�l�+ �520�.f)� far se�er�]. year�. 31 Also �iuted ont that the foll�a3n� a�dditi�a.l equ3pment aesd�da 1. i�rre�ak ancl plo� ............$Ts9C�.� 1 grad�r �1$,0�.� �_� �25s�d.(Kl Tt � poiated � �ha� �}a.ese-are one-ti�.e ���e� an� wmu].d appl� o�l� to the 3�ed3.ate �ime of a�qu.�i�ion. Mr. Denzia i8f�ced the ���.ss3.on �hat at the pres�nt time �e�r Hope contracte tc� h�ee th�ir. ma3ntenance and �ns�ar plowirig dom.e. Mr. Thetland, Fire Cl�ief, r�p�r�ed that at preser� �'ew Hope i� s�rved bg �al, Bcbbiffi�dal� a�d. t3old�a �Tall�y �e Dep�rt�eut� an a $�.5.�0 �r c�1.7. (1 trq.ek "- 1 he� - � �n) b��i�. T�°�err�e Ne�r Ho� on a ba�is eqt�al. tc� t3oldem Qal].�y', � new �ation wo�7.d have tc► be erea�ed at a eo�t of �pprog3ma�1� $5�a�00.t�'J eq�i�ped ex�ept for �raeks and that one or twta tra�ks vc�a].d ha�e �a � b� p�rch�e�i at a �ast of $17�000.00 e�ch. P�r. �t7..��wnd po�ed ou� th�t �.n _ os'der t� a�e3.r�tain the preaent Fir� Tnstiu�anee rat3.ng the who].e eorpor�.t� 13,m3.�s of �.e 'Pillage � meet the isa�e requir�meat� ar�d the ����t bo�n.d�xies of the �ill,age repre�ea� thema�c3�mm eoverage from �he pa�:�8s� +stat3on�. 236-.B I�Ir. �pa�g rep�r�ed tha.t at present �'e�t �ope doe$ aer� have �era b�tt �ae� had some �eli� stmdies �de. Tt�.e �a13a�3�n of the seWer� wotxld be sasses�d aga3� the prc�p�rty vra�ter� and �h� only addit3.0na1. <.ro�t �rou].d b� ma3a�ea�ee of the �era .� of st�e� ].3ft �at�.�� and P�ak l�ad re�ereeir� �� � be ne�esssary. �� also p43�tt�ed cut tha� � �pense wo�ald be at 1�.� pa�isll.� �ffset t►g the �P �3�r�e� �.de t� �he t�er. A��easor Pi�ch st,ated tYa�.t he feel that the pr�pex�r in 1�e�r H�rpe �h.ovld be pea�se�sed as the a�ses�c�. valnes as�si�n�l. appears �ca b� ].or� ea�np�.red with Gold�n �alle�. �� ao�ed that 3.a 1945 3tat,e A�se�s4rs were bx�n�ht in t�o make a� independent �ey of G€►ld+�n �'ailey� at a eosat of about $lt,000.00. �� fesls th�.� orltside of the 3nit3al rea.�s�asmen.t eo�t the a�ttia7. 3ncrea�e,"in �perat�.n� e�ens� ist his depart�mer�t w�uld no� be �re �han $I'�0{�..�� d�e ts tlae acquisiti4n of. IQew Hape. �+Lr. Pin.c�t ir�tr�d.t�e�d a tabvlation �f c��arativs expee�ed reveuue w�,iich indicated �hat at t�ie app�retsent as�e�sed v�a�.�a��og'--Y1i� �.eqi�sf:-�io�' of l��r':��ope would being �n e 27�in re�enue if. a m�.11. ra�e s�f 3� sn3.].a.� was i� �ffe��. -_ Ira. �he abaextce �►.� a �epre�entative from �he Pm�1i�e Department, 1�. (�rer� reported that �he ��qt�3.�i.t�i�nn vf New Hope �rould enta.il the addi�i�n mf a m3ni�m�n �� � men a.r�d ame ppl�.ee car �,� a�r�. estimated ��ost t�f �7.Ja.,OQO.� �.ai the first year. '�Tith the additi�nal. area a�d equip�ent 3.rt both tY�e Poliae �nd F3.re Depar�t�aen$ b4th Mr. U�exi� ar�d 1�. Thotlarad a�reed th�t a f�i11 t3me D3.epafi.eher �ould be neeessary and that an ��t3lna.ted add3.t�.ona1 e�st of $16,Ofl0.� might be enc�nnt�x�ed 3n the fi��t �ear. Snch D3.spataher �r�n].d serve Ps�liee, Fir�, �v37. Def�nse and R4ad Departr�ent. �he Iaspecta�r� reported that the addition �uld precip3.tate the aeed fa�r a full t3�re Building Inspect�r bnt indicated. tY�a.t the present leeel �f pez°mn�.� fees c�ming in fr�m C�ldea F�a]].e� al�ne ��1a].d �ov�sr this e�st. �1r. Ss�ren�en indi��ted t,ha� engineering �e�ce� ts �the additi�nal ax�ea �ra3.d requ3re add3.ng �ne acldit�.ona1 ma.n t� th� Engineeris�.g Departmen� rat at� annual sa1�.r�' �� $,��0(30.(� to $6 a�.40 Mr. Muphy i�d3.cated tha�G he d3.d no� think tha�t the a�qu3.s3.�i�n ��.l.d plaee �ch addit3a�nal 'burden can the F3xian�e Depa�ment at the pre�ent tim� �� . Ne� Hope�s reQOrds i�uld be inc�rpa�ratec� izs� G�lde�. Qa11e�r:�e. Member La�aghlaald s�a�gest�d. tlo�.�t a eompat�ti�e b�.d.get s�hedu].e be made sp �or buth �T3.17.ages and ec�mb3�ed and such. i�orma�ic�n be pro�ec�ed to fu�us�e gears t.o deter-miae b�e�it ,�o .t1ae pex>ple of Gvlden 0a17.ey. The membere af the �mm3.ssla�r� were in agree�ent wi�h tM3.s bu� a� formal ��tion s�a.s made �n t�e �int. An open d3.scussi�cxi follr�ed eonoex�ai.ng the Ne�r Ss�pe-Cx-�rstal bo�ar�.daxy wh3eh �as described as �ery irregu,7ar. Members felt �hat the pres�nt bonx�dar� r��n1d make the area hard t� ac�i.nist�r due to the degree +�f 3rregn].ari�y and �he fa�� that the �311a�ge 13inits �re nr�t e�nti�.ous. Mesnber Bc►�hert ex�;;►resssed h3.s fe�L�.n� that� talk �f p4�sibl.e fad�.stri�.a. expansi�n3� s�aly �peee�ala�3.�� �nd he d3.d nat ��el that G�Zden 9�11e� sh�onld �.��r 3a��c� sro�ah speata3..a.tior� but rather expa�d �rha.t vr�develcped area 3.t has� wi-�hiri its present l�.�aa. M�ved by� member La�ghl�.a�d arid se��ded b� member Borahert that the Ct�nm�.�si�n repor�t to �he 93.7.1age �ouaeils 1. The C�o�L�s3.o�. i�i it� esx�erence with the Depart�ent Aead� for the 0illage at 3ts Spee�.al �e�ting flf .�ngust �l, eoaclnded. from it� prelim�nes�y discu�s3.�n t13a� combyning G�lden 9a11eg and New H+o�pe �uld be a vexy dubi�us undertakin� on the part �f �crlden �a11ey £or the follo�ai.ng rea$onsa 23b-C a) Appaxen� ad.d3.t�.�na1 budgeted es�s� of aba�t $�.5,f�0a.� w1.th apparent 3�acome of onl:y $27,�(�•00. b) �hh� questiona.ble urgency �f deveTaping the ax�e�. i�.v�l�red. a) Probletns �.nvolved in bring New Hvpe �oning irato line �i.th Golden Qa1ley pa�3a.c�.ple�. dj The px�bable red�c�imn in the �red.it rating of C�l.ci�n �'a1.�� if thi� area were a�qu9.red. e) The geagrs�ph9.Qa1 locat3.on aand b0ux�ds� enfi�nglemen� �,r3.th the 9illage �f C=ys��a7. wou].d m�.ke 3.� d3ffiavlt to ad�inis�t�r �nd �ser�.�e �n a basis �s�apar�ble �1.th the �urrent V'311age of Colden ��,1.7.ey. 2, gYia�G it stands rea.d�r tv reeeive further instructi�ns fr�m th� G¢�une31 i.g the� feel that add.it�oraa.l research �n the ma��er w�til.d be �a°�hwh3.I:�. Ya�te wa� takea ar�d �am�i.ssia�n voted unanima�nsly 3ri �'av�r. �Road. Dept. - $�,2(�0.� P�liee 1lt,004.�(3 � I�lre & Police D3spataher 16,E�0.�0 Tisgiraeerin� 6,000.f� �e�aer & Misesllanec►u� 3,80fl.(�{? ��.5,000.Oo R�:�r� sm Sche�.d�� Park Opti�n . .��.�. Member La�issoniere reported tl�at �he o�wriers are not ia a posit3.s�n t� �a3.� l�nger and rees�imnended that the P3�eis1 a�pect� of �he ease be brou�ht bef�re the Cc>uncil. REa Billboarda I�rr. �en� reports that he i� 4b�ain�n� cs�p3e8 of t� ��dir�an.ees ragarding this m�t-�er, ene a ms�del �rd�n�,rice r�cammended 'by the Nati�aria7. �u�i.s�r �dvert�.ser� As$ociati�r!t and the �ot2�er an a��d.ir�a�.e�e �3.ch wa� adc�p�ed by neighb�r3ng cc�unit� hav3�g a similar sit�a'�ian.' �t�n�e� Hs��ch�rt m�veaci for ad�a�urrunent secmnded b�r Patter�o�a. /�/ Jmhn .F. Murphy �Acti� �epetar�)