09-12-57 PC Minutes 2��
� September 12� 1957.
A regular meeting of the Plan�.ir�.g Cormnission oi' the Village o�' Golden
Valle�r was held Thursday, Septembe� 12 at 7:30 P.M. a-t 8030 Olson
Memorial Highway. President Pennock presided and the followin.g membe�s
were i.�. at�endance: Borchex�t, Brot�m., �r�vald� Ii'lannagan9 T,aBissoniere�
L�nch� �'at�er�on9 PutnaTn� Shi nder and. Velz.
Mo�aon b� Brown was seconded by Borcher'� and carried to appro�re the
, mira.utes o�' the regular meetang held August 8 and the spec�al meeting
Augus� 21 as recorded and dis�,ribute�. to a71 members. .
Irvi.n:g Bro�m, St. C:��ix & D�ouglas Drive Clzairman Ve1z ��' -L-he ��oning,
C�rrm�i-ttee rep��ted �on the C�ommitt�e t s meeting with the applicant and
r�presen.tatives �of �he Pure Oil C�mpany desir�ing t�o c�onstruct a gas�line
fi7.7.�.g station at i�he Northwest c�orner �of the inte�secti�on �of S-L-.Cr�o�x
9venue and D��.glas Drive. A revised ske cch �of the lay�out shflwing the
island.s setback 35� fram th� lot lines, and indicating pr�ovisi�on. fror a
rear l�ot line 201 in back �of the pr�op�seol stati�n was exhibited. Velz
pointed out icliat the Hun.tir�gt�on h�ome was situated apprflximately 701 fr�m
the edge �oz,th.e pr�oper-ty t�o be occupied Ly the s-�a-ti�an. .4 �etter was
read fr�m N1r. Huntington stating that he was in favor mf the application.
Velz repor-ted that the Z�onin� Corr�nittee rec��mmended appr�:tr.al �of the request
, t�o rez�one. NL�^. V. B. Edwards of the Pure Oil C�ompany gave assurances that
-�1�.e 20 t reax se�back woU1c� be e stablished and that the stati�on would be a
credi�able �one. Member. Patters�on then emphasized the incampatibility �f
tl��s l�oca-ti�n and S�cti�on 19.03 �f the building c�ode� req_uiring a 250�
�.is��nce between servTi..ce stati�ons and��ariy place a�� huma..n ha�itati�n.��
1'lir. patters��n then stated the opu�i�on tha•t silling sta�ir,ns��ought t�o be
p��hibated .�rom placin.g light sta�ndards and. sigr�.s approxima.-tely o�? l��t
lin.es. Discuss��n devel�oped the �esirability �of clarifying 'cli� status �of
' z�aning wi�hin this area. The io7l�wzng m�a-tion was �ffered by Borcllert9
sec�nded by� Flan..nagan �nd. una.nimousl� carried: Whereas' i-� is agreed tha'c
the size �o�' -Lhe a�ea x°emaining in an. indus�trial classifica�ci�r-w�o�uld be -L-��o
small .f�or g�D�od ir�dust�ial use� the existing indus�rial classificati�on d�oes
n�ot c�nstitute a g��od land use in relatia�n t�o the siarr�unding area� and i'c
3s de��-�ab1e -L-�o avoid the c�rriplicati�ons inv�olved an rez�oning par-�s ��
Industrial and Open�Devel�opment -��acts t�o C�m�nercial� �he C�m�nissi�n
. recommends t�o 'che C�ouncil that: 1) the I�dustrial z�one d�scriked as Item
� 8 ir� secti�on 6.01 of �he Zoning Code (Paoe 15) be char�ged t�o Open Devel�op-
men-t; 2) the tract �of land c�vered by �his applicatian an.�. fr�onting 125�
�on b�th Dou�las a.nd S-�. Croix be rez�ned to Commercial as requested� for
fi7lin.b stiati�n use' anr� fur-ther tha� this act�9n d�oes n�ot den�r Mr. Irving
Br�tswn the ri�ht ��� c�o�.tinue his present �operati�n �of hatche��r and chicken
breec�in¢ �'a�rm..
Wal�er .�._ Scherr, Lots 1 & 2 Block 1 G��den �fa.]1e� Gardens s Wal�er F.
, Scherr9 a�peared be���re th� Cozrnnission in su.gp�ort �o�' his request to ci.ivide
th� ab;oge l�ots int�o three buildin� sites� stating that his h�ome is positioned
appr��na.=cel�r i.n �he cen�er �f the -tract' ar�� its r�c�onstructi�on w�ould. be
affected b�r the division o
5eptenibe� 12, 1957. PAGE 2
Chairman Zynch �o� the Plat Cormn.ittee s-�ated that apparently they had
n�ot rec�ived complete it���rmati�n. tm c�onsider this request. Mo�i�n
bJ Brown was second.ed by� B�orcher� and carried to return th�
applica-cion to the Committe�� empowering them to take act��on and , .
rec�ommen�. c�irectl� to the C�ovncil.
Seth Ab��t�L�s Wes�(;ern Av. Outlots: C�py of a c�ommunicati�n d.at�d
Au�u.st -co -t e ZTi7lage Adm�__nistra�t�or irom Mr. a.:r�d Mrs. J. E. Hagen was
read9 whereir� the writers c�ontencled tha-t xenia Avenue South t�o Glenwm�d
was in the �o_riginal plat �f Western. �lvenue Outl�ts ar�d 'i�h� Village shmuld
be resp�onsible f�or its ma.inten.ance� and ��c�o�nec-t it with �QU-tside r�aads.��
NLr. Da�rengort of the Minneapolis, ?�?�orthfield and SoUthern Railr�sad sta-��d
thut he believed that this street had. been gacated s�ometime in th.e 19201s
a�nd tha.t the raiLroad had made a dona•ti�n t�o c�nstruct ar_ �.lter�n.ate stre�t
r�ute east of Turnert s Cr��sroad. rIe reported '�,hat there was appr�o�.imate�
l�= 171 di-fferencc i n �levati�on between -che railroad-tl ack a_.nd C�lerr���oc?
l�venue an estim.ated dista�?ce flf 10010
Div�-°_si�on �o� Mas.sault Gardens and Ri ht-�of wa dedicati�on 6500 T�edicine
Lake R�oad.. Carri�d ��nrwa�d to the ne• m�eting.
Mi1tOn C. Bernv Zo� 8 Blocl� 2 Golden. Oaks Four'ch �.ddn. The 0?�d�.nance
Commitiee rec�ommendec? deni o t e petiti�on �'�r waiver-o�' -the 15� sidel��
requiremen-� to permit N1il�c�on C. Bernu t�o c�nstruci, a house and garage ���
vvex°a11 d�nensior_ �of 672 t �on I,�t 8, Bl�ock 2, Golden Oaks Pouct•h Additi�n'
s�atin� tha� no hardship exisi;ed and that too large a house w�.s planned
for the lot. Motion b�� E�,rald9 seconded by Sh�nn��r wa� carried t�o ad�op�t
-�he c�omm;_t�ee report and recommen�. denial ��° the reg,ues-L-.
J�se h P. Zeverone I,�ot 15 Bl�ck 1a. Westurban: The Ordinan�e
Cmm»a.it cee rep�r+ed ha-� they rad c�onsi .ere the r�quest �f NLr. J. P.
Leve�one �Dr sicl.e yard waiver in ,ord�r -c� c�ons�f;rr�uc-L- an adc�i�i�on of a
ga�age and breezeway to his resicience at L,.800 NIarkey Ridoe. The
C�mmit�ee viewed the pr�operty and rep�orted the� believed n�o hardship t�o
exis't. �Z�ti�on. by Ewald was secon.ded by Pat�erson and carried. ��
rec�omm.end. -the denial �o� the req_uest fvr waivera T�Iembers Pu-tnam a..nd L�-nch
votea ��iVay'� �on tre questi�n.
r,dw�.rd J. H�oward 6321� Glenwood Ave.: Edward J. How�.rd appeared be=F'�ore
the c�rr�nz.sSi�on i:n. suppor'c � is ��quest f��r a building permit �on a 1�t
�of 904 :�r�n'ca�e at 632�. Glenw�ooc� Aven.ue, It was reca�.led that this pr�oper�tty
was c�nsidered by the Co?rQnission at its rebruary meetin.g at the request �f
Dan Lyn.ch, �oUm.er� a..nd that acti�on was then �aken rec�mmendir_g aeniaZ �oi a
request t� divide i.nto l�o�s �f less than 100t frrontage. M�oti�on b�r B�orchert
was sec�onded by Flannagan and carried. to rec�omme�.d denial �f the r�qtizest .
��or a building permit bec�.us� the pr�pert� had not been divid.ecl in
acc�ordance witr villa�e requirements.
��i-t�on Drive between Quail & Regent Avenues W�o�dlawn Park: Dr. �°m�.
T�cZaughlan' and Z. Z. Carls�n, pr�Dper-cy �owners a u-� ng Tri �n Drive
between Quail an.d Regen-� Avenues� appeared bef�ore tihe C�mmissi�on in
supp�_rt of their request £or vacating �f this street.
� 23�:
September l2' 1957 Pa�e 3.
Ray St�cl�nan� represen-�ing the Park Board� poin�ced ou.t the desirabili-ty
�of access f�r a walkcaa� �a the p�.rk area a.nd there was discussi�on �i the
need f��s� same area f�flr s�u�°face drai..na�e. M�oti��n by LaB�ss�niere was
, sec�ndecllo� Velz and carried to �eier the matter t�o the Villa�e Engineer
ing Depar�men� anc? the l�ong-_range plat��.i.ng cammit�cee� f�r rec�ornmerdati�n
at -the next regular meeting.
• Ser�rice Drive mn FligYiway ;;`K5: Th� Village EngLneer p�flvided sketc�.es
�nc?�catzs�.g e�.�stin.g a..nd needec� service r�oads abut�in� Highway ;#55 fr�om
�;�100 West t� the ViLage lirnits. N1r. D�onald Gaudette reported that he nas
n�o access t� his pr�oper-t� fr�onting �on the highwa� between Winne-tka and
Rh�ode Island. The Et2girieer �ep�r-ted that i-� i�as his understanding that
�he State had neg�tiated �rivate purchases t�o make T.H. ;�55 a limited
access highway� and that i:f additi�onal serv�..ce r�oads were n�ow t�o be devel-
- �ped,� the� wm�uld have t� be buil-c �outside •�he highway right-�of wa�r. Mr.
Baudet-Le tia�as reierred ta the Village �of�'ices to pr�epare necessar°y data for
the,C��mmissi+�n t�o c�onsider, a..nd it was sugges�ed that he at�emp� to ir_terest
�-ther pr�ope:�ty �owners similarl�r c�ncerned in petiti�ning 1"mr a stre�t �pening.
Rez�oning - Beli Li..ne & Cr�olclen Valley R�oad: Trustee Ra1p1z Stark appeared
with vLr. and Trirs. Buxt�n W�.1drDn� NLr. Charles Anci.ers�on and T�lx�. Sam Golder_�
seekin.o �c�o s�ound �ou� the Commissi�on. �on -che questi�on �of establishing a
commercial z�one a-t the South�uTest corner �of the in�ceresectii�n of T.t�. ;�100
and G�lden Va11ey R�oac?. He p�in,�ced �out th._a.-� the Bur;ton Wald.ron T�uo a..nd
� Liqu�r St�re t�gether wi'�r a delicatessen foaa �operati��. c�uld be situa�ed
Dn this corner in a bvildi.nv �o� appr�oximately �100,,000. �alug,which he
stated would be similar -t�o the �I�olzapfel Clinic in appearance� �.c�.g a
, c��mpletie writ�en application i�r rez�Dning, the C�orr�nissi�on t�ook no ac�cimn,
bu-c there were len�th� discussiDns reviewin.g �ther applicati�ons iar similar
rez�onir�b9 �etback reguiremen�s� residen•� ��ppDSiti��� and the ge�.eral
character �f Hig�zway ,;`100.
Access �c�o V�oble Schm�ol - R�obbinsdale Sch���l District n`2?�.: The Village �.gineer
rep�orted tha-t l��obb�.n.sdale Sc �0�01 Distric�L had neg�tia'ced with the �owners �i
Z�ot 11 Bl�ek l,� Dawn 1�cres Sec�ond. Additi�on t�o secure a 10-�'�o�ot dedica•ti�on
� al�ong �he N�x°�h I�t line in �rder t�o provide drainage and walkwa�% access t�
. -the West �o:� the S�h�ovl pr�operty�. Moti�n by L�m.ch was sec�onded by, LaB1ss�,�niere
an�.�ca.._rri.ed tha� the Plann.ing C�mmissimn r�c�rmnend t� the C�ouncil �he
oran�ing �oi a building permit f�r ttiis l�t regu�xxing �nly� a 5-�'�0�0� side �rard
setback i�. additi�n t�o and c�onditi�necl up�on dedica�i�on mf the N�rth ZOt �of
�he l�t by �the �wx�.ers.
•� Ordiriance matiers appearing �n=the agend.a were ca:rried f�rrnrard to th.e ne�
1�dminis-�ra-tar Owens reported tha-t in c�nsiderati�r? �Di the need T�or �outside
prmfessi�onal assistance to the Plannin� C�rrnnission he had estimated a budget
requ�emen-� s�r the c�Dmi n.g year �z �b6000.00. Moti��n. b Borcher-t as sec onded
by Velz and carried t�o appr�ove this bud� reques-t,r
There f�ll�owed adj�urnmenic. � �
Pre iden�
, ` � � - -
�,/ �
�.. �- �,,'/ f„L;z--zc.-��
. �
OCTOBER 10, 195?
A regul�.r meeting of the Pla�i�g- �ommissi�n �of t�olden Qalley was held �n
Oct8loer 10, 195? at 7a30 P.Ni. a.t 8030 mison Mems�r3.a7. �ighway. President
Fea�n.oc� presided and the fella�wing members we�� in attendancea Ers�a].d,
�aBi�s�niere, Jord�n, Helgesen, Lan�hland, Lynch, Patter�on, Putna�,
�h�der, and Qela.
�.e Min��es e�f the meet�.n� �f September 12 r�n mc�t3.c�n b� velz �ec�nded by
I,aughland were approved a� recorded �nd di.strib��ed b�+ mail t� a11 meai.bere.
Id� HOPE - �t's� ,
The President referred tm the apee3al meetiiig of August 21 held in consider-
a�i�a� af either an �n�xa�ion �� c�ns�lida�ic�n of Golden Va11ey w3.th the
�illage �f_ATew �ope, and r�orted that �he 9illage C �o��il Eonenrred in
gen�ra3 wi�h..the f3nd�.ng� s�h3.ch �he Pl�nn3.x�g ��ai,.ssi�n repflrted. I�Irr.MiZtfln
Aon�eg', I��r �f ��r �iope, aPpeared before the �o�i.�si�on req�.e�3.ng th�t a
�o3nt ffieet3a�� �� the t�ro H3.I].ag��� P1.an�irig �.aa3.�aa be held t� ftu^�her �
�t�.dy t,�e gr�s �.nd co��� srf �.ch merger. �I�t3.a�n �i�r P�.tterstan w��s ��c�nded .
b� I,�neh and car�3.ed tha� the P1aru�,.3.ag Cot�is�ioa h41d a. spec3.a3. �ee�ing with
th� I�e� �ape Planr�ing Co�.3.ssia�n. It was de�e�3.n�d that th� meeting be
called fa�r 7a3� P.M. Wednesda�, Oe�ober 23•
. _._._
�tt�ts ��t Addi�ig� l�tr. Zyle� C.O�fi�ri appeared befc�x�e the C�.s�ia�n
reques in spprava3 s,f a plat o�' i3t�fl�s Fisst Add�.ti�oa. ��SSQ�esi�oa
aentered �ravnd sequi�it3.s�n t�f Un�tg Avenue.s��ro3.rag the plat. ��ie V�.].lag�
�tt�rney, ia attend�nce at the �eet3ag, repr�r�ed-tl�t c4nd�nati�n
proc�editag� �ad c�aenced tow�rd acquiring right-s�Y-�a� foa� Ura3.t� A�er�ue.
It was ms�ved by LaB�.ss�nier�, secc►�ded b3r SY�3.nder and �arried, ta� re��mmerid
f3.r�al appr4val f4r the plat �b�eet to the '�illage aequir3ng title to '�n3.t�
Aeenne pro�e��ted to pref�3.de �tree� aceess to the plat.
Oac�r Br��e�k.h Stabdivisi�on �f I,o� Chairmar�. �f ��e P1at Committee rep+�rted
t a . s�ar remeet o ofle Tsl.ar�d Avea�e North had reque�ted
a�P�ovsl to �ubt�act fxro� a 97� front��.ge la� � addto an abutt3.ng 59i lot.
Dis� acti+� wa� t,�,k�a inas�ueh as the mater�.al �nb�itted w�s not ira px�per f��. �
�t. �rr�ix �rove The �lil.].�.g� Attoraeg rep4rted on-�he statu� mf a pl�.t of
�t.�C',rfl .x���� platted b;� Pa�.l E�ghauser and �i.ver� final appr�val bg the
Cfl�ancil on �Iareh 22, 19�'(. 1�lx�. Ka�ie stated. �hat i�,he plat sho�ed �.�� strip
along its ffimr�Gh bordeP for whieh �.e platter did not have clear title. Mo�ion
by L�nch was �ecflnded by LaBis�an.iere and earr�.�l to recs�e�l. agproval c�f a
rev3.sed pla� red�cing the front��e of Lot 6, fr�m 112.83' 'tro 92•83 t e1i.m3.nating
this 2�� str3.p farom t�e plat. _ .
Ed�rin ft. �os�th At the request of the a.pplicaa� whm appeared before the
om�ai.s�i�a, a n�is��ratian �f a harc��h3.p waiver fo� Fdwi�n Ft. Bqcth at 801 P
Papkvi�r Terx�ce wa� deferred tfl the nex� meeting �� per�it tl�e pla�
�or�ai.��ee �o e�cam�.ne detailed plan�, ns�t snbm�tted Taith the �ppliea�3.on.
8eruaeth E. Gaines