10-10-57 PC Minutes 2�0 REt�ULAR ME,ETING G�I+DEN V�I,LEY PLANNIIQG COI�Il+LL�3TOIJ oc�oe� io, i957 A regula� meet3.ai� of the Fl.a�nning- �o�ai�ssi�n of C�lden Valley wae held �a aet€�'6e�r Z0, I9�7 at 7a30 �•1�. a� 8030 dlson Mem�xx�ia7. �ighwa�r. Pre�3dex�t I�e�o�k presided and the 4oll�r3.ng members were 9.n attendanees Es�a1d, La�3i�s�aiere, J��d.�aci, Helge�en, Lan�hland, I��ch, Pa.��,ersvn, P���, �h�.nd�rs and Vela�. T�a� �3:�n��s �f the meeting �f �eptember 12 on mot3.4n b�r Delz �c�eflnded b� T�augh].and were approved a� r�corded �nd d3.stributed by mail t� all membe�s. N'E�nT HOP� - M�G�R = �Y�.e Presideat re�'erreci to the �pecial meeting of Angust 21 held iA cons3.der- a.�i�r� mf ei�her a.� annexa�io� o� c�nso].idat3.on �f Golden 6a11ey w3.�h the 'Pillage flf_N�r �ope,,_and reposted that �he F311age C o�acil ��ncurr�cl i� gen�ra�. �tit�:the findings �h�.ch the Planni.n�g Cc��i$si�n repr�x�ted. Mr.Nt�.lt�n. �io�:ffieg, A�a��r �f ��w Hope, appeared befor� the Co�iesi� req�.e�ing th�.t a 3�int �:eetiag s�f the two �illages+ P1aru33.ng �.a�simn� be-held to f�ther • stuc� the p�os and cons �f �ch merger. Mot3.on bg Patterson wae $�e�nded b� Lyn�h a�nd carried that the PZarntiag Commisaion hold a�speeial ffi�e�iag wi.th the �e�a �ape Planning Co�nissi�nn. It waa dete�n3.ned that the meeting be called f�r 7a3Q P.�I. Wednesday, October 23. PLATS . �� Qtt��s ��t Qdditioa Mr. Lyle� �.0tto appeared b�.f�re the C�n3.s�3.mn peque ,g in approva� of a plat of �tto�s F3.r� Addi�i�on. ��se�si�r� centered arevnd a�quisit�.on of Unity Aveilv.e.serQ�ng the plat. �he 9i11age �.tt�rriey, in attendanee at the meetiag, repor�ed�that �s�ndemnatit�n proceed3ags ba�.d ct�mmez�ced to�d acquiring right-of-�a� for Uri3.t� Aeer�ue. It was m+��ed b� LaBiass�iere, �econded byr S}aiader and carried, ta� rec�mmend f3xial appr4val for the plat sub�eet to the 8illage aeqn.iring title to IInit� Ae�enue pro3eeted t�v pro�vi.de street aeces� t€� the plat. Oscar Br�se�h Siabdiv3sion �f Lo� Chai�ru�n �f tl�� P1a�t Cr�min�.ttee rep�rr�ted t, t . -. saar remset c� ode Tsland Avea�ae No�h had requeatec� sppr�av�,]. � subtract from a 97� frontage. lot and addto an a�butt3n� 591 lo�. �� act3.� wa� takea ina�uch �� the niaterisl snb��tted was a�ot in ps�per fes�m. ' ��G, C�a�3�c �rove The �3.].la�e At�orneg r�;ported on:the �ta�u.�s of a pl�t af - t�.�rr�a 1t �z�o� p3.�tted by Pa�l Ehghause� and �ivera final: approval bg the �fl�aneil on Mareh 22, 19v�7• l�irr. Ka�.e �st�ted that �t1ze plat sxi�ed a 2�� ,�tr3.p al�x�g its ��rth border fo� �hich tMe plattep did nw� have c].ear �itle. M��ic�n b� Lynch �� �ecanded by T,�Bisson3.ere aaid earri�i ts r�ec�end approqal 4f �. �e�3.��d plat red�cf.n� the �ronta�e c�f Zot 6, fr�m 112.f33� ta> 92.83' elimin�ting this 20� str3.p frc�m tdie plat. _ H�9.RIISHTP �TAI�� F�1�iu 8. �o�th At the reqnest of tMe appl:icant who appeaired before the t��n3.ssi�n, e�n.�id�ration of a hard�h3.p wa3.�ver for Edwirt �. BoQth at f30�. P Parkvi.ee�rr Terra�e �ai.g deferread to the nexG meet3n� t,a pea�it t�ie plat �om�ai.ttee to ega�ine detailed plans, not subm�tted with the applieation. �er�raeth E. Gaines � , 24��:= R�QrtJLATt MEL+'1'II$G f30LDfl�1 9�I,LEY PLANNTNa COMMI"�aTON � , Kenneth E. Qaines �ic�t3.�tn 'b� E�rald second�d by Lyneh wa� a�rried reca�nend g approval for hard�hip �aiver tu pe�ait cona�trna�tioa oP a� d�,rell3.ag at 312 West�r�d Drive 3�o�th beeanse of the �tn�sval top�graph�r of the 10�. � � Ria�s. 6845 Win�dale �3r. �$'�O MOPCh' Attorn.ey, together with the a�lie�—appeax�be oPe �he cc�mn3ss�lon � support of �heir req�e�t for a wai�es mf s3de lot reqnirement fcr a Momse constx�uated at 68}�5 T�Tir�sds7.e. Buildin� permit #383b iesaed Ataguat 30s 1956 for th3.g dwel'i..irlg was dis�m�sed. Motion by 9elz xas �ec�oaded by I,aB3.��flniere � and carried to table c�nsiderati�or� of �he t�aieer request pending further advice from the Yi11�.g� �t�or�ae�r. - - W3nnetka He3.gh'�s - Jes�p Messrs. Ray T�arp, Danielson �.nd Millard � Ols°a appeaP�. e ore the Commniss3on in s�sppart of t,heir request for �3de lot wa3.eer� on all coa�ner lots is �he addition of Winrietka Heights platted � by Wm. Jes�p and ree�mm�ended by the Commissi�an for final approval at its meetiFig of Jmne 15, 1957• �� applieants stated that t�e� wi.shed �v aonstr��t hs�u.sez�, the frontage� of wh3.eh �rc�ul.d not me�t the vi]lage reqn.irement for cArner �etbaaks. Mot3.on by E�a].d was seconded. 'b� LaBissoniere to reec�ead denial 9f �he reque�t inasmnch as �o l�dshi.p E�+aditivm suppc9rta it. Motimn cs.�ri.ed. �OYJINa .�.__. M�. E. Newmar� - W ata-Blvd Cha3.rman of the Z�ning C�mm3.ttee V�lz repr�rted on the request o app cax�ts for rezoning to Co�uriercia7. land abutti.n� �Tayzata Hlad. and Zy3.ng bet�reen Bh4de Island and�Scmater. He stated that �he , appiicants �r3.shecl to �on�trnct a tr� story bvildiag of 60� frontage and 100� depth posit�.on�d. 35' T�`est of Rlaode Is].ar�d �nd aligned witl� the �r� Bowl3.ng All�r. He �ep�rted that his c�mn3.tt�e �ad met with the applicants on �he site and f�d tY�� .th3.s area should not be rezoned from Res�3dential t4 Gfl�mercia]. eategorsr. f;harles Halpern, �tt,oi°nca� f�r the applicant�, rept�r��d. that t�e propQSed building w�ia].d �o�t appra�Uea'te13r �12�,m00.0�, the g�r�o�d floor to be o�cap3� by an 3.A'{',@Pj.OP �1fl1II@ imprt>vemeats co�ar�g spec�.a�.izing iri kit�hen and bathr�n re�odelings and flcor �overing. Mr. Halpern stated fvrther that 3.t was pr�pos�d that the seeond flaor might be plaat�ed fo� . pra�feesi�na]. c�ff3.ces, that the land was presently owned bg Nlr. g11en �arri�r� and tha� the appl3cant� had entered ir�ts� a cor�tx�.ct for piarch�se con�igent ug�n get�ting the area rezoned. Motion by Yel.� sdas se�oaded. b�r LaB3s�s�nier� and aarried un�n3.mnualy to recommend that the Conacil der�q the��•re��a�ing. . SEEtOICE DftIVE�S ON �CQAWAg �5� No f�ther �n.foa�ation was available on the sub�ect of servi�e drives for S�.ghr�ay #55 a�d 1�Ir. I�e�q �allian�, who attended the meet3ng' was enaour�ged to ma,inta3a e�ntact w3.�h �he 9i l�e Eng3.neering Depar�Ement to leaxna of f'u�t�are develapments. QACA7°I01� OF �Tl� Tr3tsn �r3ve between Qmai.l & Re en�E A�entzes Chairman Patter�r�n of the l�ong range p �nn�g c�aimn ttes su m�..tte a report dated Oetaber 9 �a th� m�.tter �of va�sa�3.o� of Tr3.ts�n Drive betweer� Quail and Regent Aven�ee. ��2 �� ��Q ��� �� �� ��� oc�oe� Zo, i957 Tri.tor�-Drsv� (Cont+d) Th� �port point�d ou� publ3.e �.�e �eed far �hi's land a� a�ces: �o park pro�rt9', �ral�' f�� sch�l cY�il.dren, aanit� �d �or�a se�aep fae3liti��, and eventual �tree� er�pleti�. Mr. �. �a��.na.t�h repcar�ted it� behalf of L. Z. Carl�n HQmeb�ilde� that the lc�t fi�o the �utl� of the-�treet wo�ld na�� pex�it the con�tructic�� of a hanse of size �nd valn,a.tia�n co�aen�ate �r1.th ad�acent hom�s. I� iaas� �ug�ested that smme setbaak waiver cgt�].d be requested if � laardsY�3.p .dst�s exi�t. Mgtion by ve7.� wa.� seconded b�r Helgesen and carried unaniin�usl� to apprc�ve the �o�tte� report a,nd re- c�end denial �f the req�eat fc�r va�at3fln. ORDTRAN�E�S - The Qi.11age �ttor�� �s3.r��1 with the �muni��3.�a in a d3�eias�3.on mf pa�sed �rdinanaea� go��rn3.� ]�ard�hip waiver� and bill.bo�xda�. l�ir. Ra.ne� atated th�t it ha.d be�n �+nne t3�e �in�e he h�.d prepared m�..terial for r�viaing prov3.sioras of the zc�n.3.ng a�de regarding var3.ariee �a.�.vers, and that he �rl.ehed tca review �th3.s �asterial and r�rt at the r�axt �aeeting. The genera7. discuasion regaz�di�g b311board.s �r c�naeraed wlth the pra,atieabil.3.ty og li�it3s�g tgP�a mP aigi^,�s and r�sstrict3�.g 'the�.r er�ction to eertain de�in�d areas. P7�1TS ....._.. Plattin - Ho�aa.rd. Wa�er�.iaa.a Mr. Hcward iaTagenhals sa.bmitted i�formati�a or a �ep at of Ls�t 7, ug. �bd3eisic�n #322. The data°��as re�'err�d. to the plat com�.tte� f�r a re�sort at the nex� reg�l� ffieet3,rag., Walter F. Scherr - �ld�a �tall �ard�ns 1�'r. �eh�rr �.ppeaaead. before the � �� �n aee g aPP� � h s divi�io�t of �,��� 1 & 2 3.n Block 1 s�f GGss�].den Ya11� G�rdett�s. He repor�ed that he had prepadred the £inal plat and �ubsnitted it thr�►ugh the �.11rage �off3c�s. Mov�et b� Ve1� �eeoaded b�r ' F�rald �nd carri�. �o a�thor3.ze tYae pl�t co�.ttee to aet mn thi� rea,�me�t �pan re�eipt of prt�per �t�ria7. arad ccp3e� of the f3nal pl�t, and to repart their a�tic�a t� the aex� re�.la�.r m�a��3ng c�f the c�m3.s,�3.�. RErG0I�111YQ ._...._ _ Calvar �'e le t°��Ai**�,fl„ �f the Zo�ing Co�3.ttee 9e1$ reiterated �he ap�.ni.on s�f t t etm� �ee that the best t��e of the land sot��ht fc�r Iatsti.tnti�onal rezon�g by �al.eary Temple is an e�a�ion of the re�idential dev�l�pment mf Cloverlcaf Terrace. Moved b� Ewald �eesnded by J4rdan arid vnanimsamsly carried th�t the Con�a3���.�n sub�t��iate tl�eae finding�. . P�T3 �� Age�d� A. N� one appe�.red, aa�r wa,s there informat�e�, a�a31ab1� to c�nsider the s�bd3vi.si�a c��P M�sst�1�G f�ard�ru� A�. It �.ta a�epc►rted tYiat Colc�n3a1. f3eal.t�r had �eq�ested a defermea�t of eonsideration mf their plat. �4�. RD�ULAA MEETINQ OF GpLDEN' 9�LEY PLAN�+TIl�Ta C('�lMISSIDRi oc��� �.o, a.957 I�em� ll & 12 m�' the agenda were deferx�ed t� the ne� meetin�. BUDQ�P �� P�aid�nt Penn�El� rep�rted on fi�a7. act3cs �en bg the �mcil in es�ablis}3ing � budget for the eo�ruoi.ssion for �he �ear 1958• H� ���cl.:� tha a�eet3.r�g that ��t7.Q0. h�,d been alloca�ed� �3t�J0 of �hich �ro�.d a�gmen�t a b�dgeted am�� t�.th3.n �h� En�3.ti�ering Departmen� t+� p�ovide fs�r a.n �4ig�ie�ar � a�sume �he re�sp�nsibility for Plaan.ix� asais�ance a,�d �o-ord3.mati� of �he ��i��3.an�s a�tivities �a3.�h th4�e of the aigS.neering �.nd �ther departments. � 3'here follawed ad�our�eAt. � ,. ; , � �_ '� �� � � re en� � f �.-��� �� o� ,�2�����-- , See�eta.r�r