11-14-57 PC Minutes 2�4 �� � �� �� ��� ���� � ��sE�. �., 1957 A regml.�.r �3� of the Plagn.iag Co�nissiba �� Golden `��1.1� wa�s held cm No�vember. ].}�., 1957 at 7=30 P.M. �.t 8030 O1�onMemor�.a1 Hi�h�a�. Pres3.dent Pennock presided and the fo11ow3ng members wer� in at��ndancea H�rchert, B7e�,m� �fe�mast.' LaBi�sR>n3.e�'e� I,at�ghlsnds �,ynch, Patt�rsa�n, Pu.tnam, Ra�.g7.�n.d� Shi.nder, �d We7.z. On �otian by ��1� S�COACI.�t� b� FS'�'t@x'S�!)Tl �.T3tTt@S of �h� October 10 meeti� as mailed t� a17. members wer� approved.. �.e President 3.aa.trmduced new member, Frank He�h,rna�a., app��ted by the Conncil to f3.II. th.e vnexpir�d. term of �.rt Fl�aa�an. Presiden� P�nock rep�ortecl tha� the 4ff3cia].s c�f the 9�.11age of ATew H�ope desired t�a arrangc for a meeting �rl.th the (�lden �aile� Plann3.�g Comm3.s��.on and furthe�r ��a� Ma�ror Hon�� ha.d 3ndieated the3.r intent to pro�v3.d� new 3nfox�nati�n t� member� of the Commi�s3.s�n. Mot�.t�n was m�t.d�a �eeond�d ar�d carried °t� hold th�:s meeting at 7s30 P.1�. on l�ovember 2(9 at 803C! Ols�n High�a�r. ZONTNCr Mathieu, �Iulti.ple D�re?.13r�� � I�essx�s. V. H. A'i�.th3.eu, .�raham baanb�rta and Tom DeC�ola appeaxed. bef�re the Qoa�n3.ssi�n. �r3.th referenee t� Mr. Math�.euT ss 3nt�rest in c�nstr�uct3.ng �nu.ltiple d�elling unit� S�uth and �as�t of the in��r8eeti�n vf Dougl�s Dr3ve and St. Croix. 13rawings of the pr�►p4aed buildinge, and a sketch of the la�nt wer� prese�ted and the applieant eApla3.ned that he intended ts� emn�ruet t�io ?2t x 32t seuen-nni� apartment bu�ldings, and that �he p1+an called for fu�ure cons��.ct3�n �f �wo add.3.�is�nal sim�.lar �na.ild3ngs. Mr. Za►nbe�, a�xi�r of a s3�le �am3.1y d�relliri�; ab�t�ci.r�g t�e �r�sed }�ro�e+�t� expr�:ss�d c�nce�n oeer`'th� �ffect a�f �uch devels�pra�nt on hiss proper�. There=fo�.c��ed cmn- siderable di�e�.ss3.on concez�3ng the 1.and area per dwelling unit, �etba�ks Frcim stree�s� at�eet ��anerahip�, l�t consol�.dation, and the abnttin� Zatnb�rt home. It �ras detex�m3.ned that the infox�mati�on preaeated did not c�nst3.tute a.n adequa�te plattirig of th� area, a�reqv.fred 3n Sc�tian 2.03-� of the Za�ning Code, and the applicant �t�.ted that he had not been fu11y� appr3.sed si�°�•the coadit�.mns ��' th3.s section of t�ie c�o1.e. Mo�i�n 1� �elz was seet�nded. h�► Bor�hert aa�d c�3.ed authori��ng; the Plat Comrr�3.ttee t,� aet on �,he aPplicat3.�x�, cc�n�ider� �on7.y the adequa�y and proper p].�t�3ng a�pe�t �f th� prapos�.l, �d f'wrther tq re��mrnerad diree� t� t�ie ��vn.cil reprort3.ng the ec�nuni.ttee�s act�.an back to the ae�st regro�l�.r me�tin� �f the Comm3.�s�3.on. Mo�3.on by Borchert wa� sec4nded by Br�m aa�d carriec� that �he ccmnr�3.esimn at its next re�;nl.ar me��3�� egami.rie �he present polic�* regardir�g mu�lt3ple dwe113.�g cmnstrv.at�.con in x�ela�ion ��.saaita.ry ser�er �acilitiesa setba�k reqni�ements, ps�pulatioa den�it� and ot,�er - : per��.nent matters. OI�INA�iCF.� - The Billage it�rne�r dis��.ssed �gain proposed amending o� the zonirig c�e pr�viding for variauce•wa�.ver�. Cons�nsus �f c►pinio� o� members of the e�mm3.ssion wa� that s�eh anae�.dment t4 the ce�d� anght to be 13.�3.ted t„� c�nsider��i�n of w�.3.vers onl� for hardships, arrd it �.s a�reed that he wsrc�.d subm3.t dr€�ts �c� res�ricted to a11 me�nbera. 2.���:: R�aULA.R MEE`�INCf GOT�DIIIT YA.LLEY FI�ANN?l9'Cr �0�lMISSION NO'��1BER 1l�., 19�7• Ta1AT� - Fa� R3.orts . . . . � The �T3.17.�.ge �ttorri� �tatee1. t14a.t �he Comani�si.s�n �ght take action �egarding the tiaaiver reqg�st of P2r. Fa.� 1�3.�r�s. C�unsel f or the �.pplican-�, 1�. �to Morck� re�iewed the granti.ng �f tIae bu�lding perr�3.t t,a� the appl�.c�.nt� 3.a� Augu.�t, 195� �or a laouse 7�cated with3r� 8 f�et �f the l�t l�.ne o� a �0� lot at 68�.� TnTinsdale. F�Ilcrwir�g discus$ion of l3.tigatiQn developed. as a result of this �situati�on, mc�t3on by Qelz �ee�+nded by P�rtnam to re�oimnend �ha.t the C�ouncil �x�rit the waiver request in thi� s�s�gle 3nat�nce �i.thout esta.blishing a precedent wa.s earried on a v�t�e �of 7 a�es �nd 3 na�s. PLAT� � �cnaard T�Ta era�ial.1 s R ].a.t wf Zs�t ?7 And3.�o��s �ubdi�3..sion #322. Nic�ved - b� L�B�.ss�a�.�re, �ee�on. y �.g an �a. , to av. hc�r ze he�p at e4m�ttitt�e to aet arid recommend d3rec� te t�re Covncil on the reqnest �f �iaward Wagenhals f�r prel�im3narg �.pyarc��a7,. for the R�pla� of Lot 77a Ata.dit4r�s S�.b. ��22 arid to report its aat3on at the. ne� re�u.lar meeting of the Co�.ssiono Mrs. T�a �tram 1108 Winn.etka Aven�e N�orth. Nl�tion by Raugland waa seeonded y L i���on ere an carried t�c rec�rmn�a that Lawreace Str^om and Tor.�g F�r�.d�en, mw�a.era c�f Lots 12-��, Bl��lc 12 of W3.s�etka Additiom be auth����ed t4 dieide t�.e$e la�ts 3� siach a manner as to eatabli�h a aew �'orth l3.ae fe�r lot 12 �� Ns�rth af �la.e e�3.stirig gars.ge s�rv3ng lot 12' and t� d3Tr3.de the re�.inder aaf Ls�t 13, and a11 4f lot� 1l�. and 15 into two lots of equal fx�,nta�e, ea.�h �n �eess of 75�. Wa1�er F. Scherr - Lot l aad 2 Block l Golden Valle Gardens. It wa.� r�rte t a the appl c€�n. d pr€». ed a�o ad- ic�n Qx�na �on t� the plat � c�►mmittee f�lls�ia.g �he last r�g�a].ar meeting t� receive ec�nsiderat�.crn for final , apprr9val. MotiOn, by Braa�ra was sect�aded b3r Ra�tg].and that � �i�tl��r ���1.dea•a�imn a�f thie appl3.�a�ion �rovld k�.ve t.a be by the ft�1.]. �o�m3ss3.e�r�. ZONAtTGS - � Abra�aam D_ appear�d before the Cc��.ssis�n t�gether wit�Yi Mr. �t3.n.g �f the R3ng Cvnstr�.e�� �a Con�an�r w3th reference to .1�Ir.-Davis� appli�a�3vn f4r rez�nittg approximatel� l acre �QUtheast 4f the in��reect3gn. vf Minnes�ta Western Ra3l�ray T�acks and ��ar�t� Raaad #I6. �. �3avia explain�d �hat he wiahed t� e�mstruct e. bt9.ildin� �� be �.�ed for m,ee�ulat3mn,baling, and. res�.le s�f cl�oth and used plastic materials. Mo��.on by Laughland, secoaded by Raugland t� refer the ap�lieat3on t� tl�� zon3.�ag ce�mittee carr3.ed. T�lhite Investment Co an - �91� & 6001 Gler.�ro�d Aaettue. l�r.. J�ohn T. �th appear e �re �the c�o ssion a.�d present prel inazy plans f�r the de4e1�►pment o� an off3.ee buildi.ng and other bn.�,lc3.3.n,gs a�mb3.uing s�ffice and wareh��s� facil3ties �.t� 5915 & 60c��. �l�o�d. Ave. �ved by I,augM�.assd �e��nded by H�rehert and earried t� refer the appliaat34n to the Z�oning Cot�nriittee. �lRD�HIP T�T� Da� L ah Glen�rood & Ed. ewavd g�. The Co�mm3.ssion �eviewed acti�►as taken at it� meet gs of Fe rnary an September, 1957 regart�ing the la�t divisi�on app3.ic�t3on b�r Mr. Dan Lyach, and determ�.ned. tha.t n4 fnrther action �.s in order at this �3.me. ��� � RDGULAR MEET�IdG fDF QflLDEN QALLEY PLANNINC CON�1.t�I0N NOY�BI� 1l1�s 1957• HA�?D�IIIP T�TAIV'F��. Osc�..r Br�cnaeth 111� ahod� T�1and �.ee. North.. The �'3.17.�.ge Eng�.neer was r�q�es to �on aat . remse an t�o c a the �tatv.s af his applicat�Lon. RS(�iT-OF TaT�Y DED��ATION Dcmald Rvr�er3.ek 6500 Medici.ne Lak� �oad. Chaismara Pa.tterson report�d t,�ze �c�n itia�ns r�gard raad acae$s �or thre� parcels �outh �f ��d3.eine �ake Ra�ad at �65�. It was r�port�d �ha� tl�e�e px�aperti�s had. acce�s to the hi�hwa� over a 3a-fc�ot ea�ement a].ong their east lot 1.ia��s and that the �illage was x�o�a be3r� �ff�red d�dicati4n �f �. 15t strip abut�ing this La�ement on tb�a T�dest side. It �a.� determ�neci to recs�nmend that the Co�nc3.1 aceept the px�ffered d�eds and sec�e dediestion af �he 30� Easement. . � �iae Presiden� ZaB3ss<�n3.�re reported on his atteac�sr�ce tc,�ether w�.th �einber� Putn�m �,ud �ela at the meetin� an Octc�b�r 30 mra M�etra�pa�13.tan P].a , �.e�d'at' th� IIr�3.ve��3.ty og l�inneso�a. H�: �ated that the mee� wm,s rg�demiga�d, �o aaque.3.nt �ember� s�f the Conm�.$sic�ra �3.th members mf lAeal go�rerr�ing bod�.es and planning cs��i.s�i.ens, and that ras� actiors� wea^e� taken. Therefc�llc�ed ad�o�ent. �,� ea ent / i,� � ,,`�✓�✓�2��/ Secretat� " .