12-12-57 PC Minutes � �4�.
DF��� 1�, 1957
A �egu,lax� meeting a�f the Plarming C��n3.ss3.�n of Qvlden �a1]:e�r'waa-held on
DeceYnber 12� 1.95? at 7a30 P.M. at 8030 Ols€�a Memar3.a7: Higliway. .-�'resident Pennoek
pre�sided aad the f�llow3rig memloers were presenta LL��arcFer�, Ewa].d� Helg�s�ons
Hetman, dordan, ?�c�u�hland, T.�nch, Pnt�am, �hinder azad Oelz. -
On m�tioa by Borchert sec�nded by Loughland the November 7.la. m�a�tes as mailed t�
a11 members were apPrc��red..
T�hi.�e Inves�men� ComPa�r:-. � -
—.���.w.w.�..�.�.� Chairman Qelz repoa�ed on-�li� mee�ing .�f his zoning
��am�itte� w3.�h Mr. J�ohn I. �mith s�� the T�Tlii.�e Sn�ves��ien�t-�ompany,,� aaid�•t�e,t Mr.
�m:ith had n�t sub�3.tted rev3.aed plans �ri.�h�addi�ia�i�a7.-�tle�a3.7. �f�r hi��propo�ed
develc�pment at 591� alenwood Avenue as discussed at the �amm:�.�teeumeetirig' and
that comaequeA�ly no further action eonld"be taken by�he coi�n��tee. I�Ir:-M�.A.
Hetland exp�esaed the opinicm tha,t the ma�ori�y of-�kie Pes3:den�a��3:n�the a�ea d3.d
r�mt �ppo�e �his planned 3ndu�rial development 3:E niai�a�ained:�3nuth .of��he creek,
and further that perhapa a sm�e]].l offiee bu3.lding se� back �'rain Gle��ro�d gBenu�
w�u1.d meet �i.tli appx��al of the resider►ts. T�hen i��rmed that�the applieaxat had
3ndicated ��ative pl�ns for mnitiple dwe113rig ur�i�s a� a part of��he �ve�aL1.
pro��at, I�. Het].�.nd stated �h�t he felt tl�e ao�.gs3:on ought t� eoa�3.de� �h3s
paz°t of the program very car€fully.
Abraham D�vis ,
�"��`��b'elz PE.'j)OI''�iEC�. �A the meet3.ng �f the zoz�ing comm3.ttee with l�r. I?avis
and that �he ma3.n considerations�invelved �Gype of bnilding� s3ze of lot, setbacks
fr�m lut lines� futvre expansion� and rail�ra.� spu� servi.ce. The cs��anittee fc�und
the pl�.ns had a n�b�r of shortcc�mings, and it was ag��eed that the �pplicant was
t� subm3.t r�ew or��s before further aetion i�ould be t�keaa b�r ��he ���rmlittee. Village
Er�g3�aeer 9orensen reported that �he�Coiuity. plsniiecl-to seeiire '�fieir .addi�ia�nal ��.ght-
of-way for H3ghwa� #18 from �he pr�opertg lying we�t �f thei.r preser�t right-�f-�.�r.
Mnitiple D�re� � . �
._._..... .
j Fair93.ew C�nstruct3.�on Co. Ms�rs�u.�ne Foss,� G.W: �ein3.nge�� aad
oth�rs r�p��sentiiag Fa3�v3.e�w Const. Compan�►'�ag�peared be�care -�Yie c+o�ii�sion to
disawss tentative plans for three 2 stor�r mul�iple dwelling-�i�� �ri the West side
of T�ers Cros�roacl. acid S�anth of T�Toodstock gve. It wa.s expla3ried �h�.t �he three
bu3ld�s r�vld be a7.]. brick const�ati�n, compr3.se appr�oximately�99� sq• �'�•s b�
26� isi he3�t, and situated on a l.ot 295� x 361� and wo�1,.d Qor��ain l� 1-bear�m
units and 15 �-bedroom �partments. �here fs�ll�wed gerieral d�.scuss3�n o� pereen�age
a�.� lot area related to the bailding size, n�e o�- rema3:nirig Iand, parls3ng and �
._., . _�me. int�rested n.ear su�Yi a ro`�ect wot�:d be_ a�i G.���a�el,
2 9a��urn�rs Cr�ssz°�ac�_. s�a�edy+tYiat �.e �`elt� �°esidcnps' � .` eared. �r• �_ �n.v�„si�n �f
_ ., °e
r �
secr�:ce�raad.-�P�heiBelt�T,itre�eand tha �1 @8' �Yi�t `�L�AE3P8 TaT8,8 JRESt1'� �O be 8
_ ... . - - •--
, e�tiel3:e�ed thatJ�the M'irmeso�a �3.gh�ray �
�spaa-�ment �culd ]:oc�k i�.th�d.i.�fav�or�up�ri��uue�i'_au_.en�erpr3.se: `l�tr. ?�a�rence LaBelle,
a res3.dearE in Skellg Add3,�ion� �a�ted tha� ��3de�it� in that acidition"were oppo�ed
and uri�hed to ge� �c't3.s�i�. t� c]:a.ssify their"area as a, resicle�ial�zfl�ae. �M�tion by
� Bor�he�t wa,s secoiided T� T��glilaricl-aticT �us1.� carried ���p��pone�setion �n
�he TEqt�.E39�. _pBYId�,Elg b'FrLI�'. R'f�' T8Q0I►IIx1�T1(�8�3.011 '�O �.h@�C�ti21C�.-�OT �ZtJIi3.II�',_.$h3.8 t,�'�.C'F
to Residerr�ial, ancl fvrthe� s�ual�r-�f the���rresea'��.tioi�.��g �r�inan�e-regarding mu1 t3ple
ciwell:�igs t� be rep�r�ed�at �the �nexb �egul:as� mee��g�cf�the`C�mon�.ssion. �I�t-was
de-�errri3�ied ts� �i'salc� a speQial meeting of the Con�m3.ss3on a.� 10s00 A.M. Satnrda�r�
Deaember 21, 1957.
��O QOLDIId' '��E� P�ANNIlUG COZ�ITuSIOIQ� December 12, l95?
Ha�O�k� �th Add3.ticc�t _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _.._. _ . . ._ ._._
��11�� l��A�� _ - .
_ �'lat coaim�.ttse pr�sen�ed a final plat cof g�mpshire �
- •
Oaks ?�th Add.�.tion. l++�i�n � L�neh� �ecvnc�ed b� La�uglalancl was e�arried t�
reaa�iex�el f3:n�,1 approval of ithe plat; proeidecl tI�.t the plat-�er ded.3cate a .
prope� rad3i vn the 1�.E. aofiaer �� �t l� H1oak �. :
�Ta enhal.� 8e- 7.�t of Lc�t 77 Aud3.t�r�� Subdivi.sion ,�,322 Plat C�mm3.ttee
rep� e y rec��nended � � Ca�vnc per thc; asa�3g�uaent �t the
previa�us meet3rig, �ha� the Wagenhals plat be g3.�en prel3m3�y appr�val.
T�e�r�rd E. Laap�le Plat The G�momittee rep�rr�ed that Mr. Langley h�,d reqw.e�ted
aZ'e ermen o. �onsi��3a�n o� his plat, for an area'Id Q£ the Church of the •
Co�d Shepherd pPaperty. __,_�__-- ,
Inde ndeat SQh�l Di�tri�t ,�281 ASssrs. E. J. C�per' Keith I�arisides, R3.chard
ar s � c� . t ea�n� efore �the Cs��n3.s�3.on �ep�esentit�g Indepeade�
Schovl D�..strie� #281 t� exp].�,ixi a reque� for �ele�aat3� 5t. Croix gvenne cut vf
c�ns3dera�i�on f�r the ea�a�strn.ct3.on of the new Jr. Yligh Schv�l. l��ti�n by. �
Loughl.and was s�c�rided by B�rchert and carried to reccmm�nea�d t�o the Ce�nne31 that •
the relo�a�3.aan c�f St. ��ro3� Ave. be perm3.t�ed �3.th the und�rs°taAd3ng tha�t �he
Sch�l Bos�d woz�k out a straight �sterly exten�ian for the �rt�et to the T�Te�t
Bs�t�.rtdazy �f its prop�rty.
Ord3naace �nendmerrt The C��ua3.ss3on di�cus�ed a prcx�sed ot°d3�8ncse amendment
c wm 3.mi. c�as3deration �f rezoni�g req�.esta. It w�..s moved by Lyuehs
se�nded b�'r B���he�a and carried una�i�u�lar to rece�end t� the C�vn�il n�t t� �
ada�pt th3s legislati�n in v3.ew of these findin�sa
l.. The ordisiar��e wi.Z1. r�mt be workable becaus� of'�he ease of .establish3s�,g �
�nea�p a�crad3.tion �� applicar�t and/�r �er�hip;
2.. An applieantts �a.bseclta.ent psbposal m3g�rt be Qon�iderabl� mc►re de�3reable
than a,ai oriigin�7. one;
3.• Inas�.ah as t�e Co�mn3.s�is�n and Couneil re�erne the right t� �econ�ider. �
zon3�� aeti�s the seme right ought to be granted an applican�.
9 e Ha17. Coa�3.�tee Member�hi Eres3.d�nt P�aamck �tated that he r�i.�hed �to
appv me ers aa�. an et�a to serve_�s��e�her �a3.th himself on the
Ma,��r�� �dv3.sursr Ce��3.ttee for pl�uiirig th� Yi1>.age Hall. o .
IbT�TTU`PTO1�.L ��TQ Gha� e�' the Zo�3.ng C�m�3.t�e V�l� m4�v�d. tha� the
�o ss mr�. se e Couna3.l to take a� action at this time to classi�`y Parks
under the In.r�3.tutioua�l. ��nec� clist�ct. 3'he m�tion �ra� second.ed by B�rehe�t and a
earri�d. Pre�3dent Penrzt��k reqt�ested the �oa�ing �o�arn3.ttee ts� stud� the que�i�r�
of establis setaaeks�r Go�.n,t� &3.ghwag #18. The P�es3.dent a�1�m�,rledg�ol
reee3pt of,add3tional infox�atia�a dated Oatober 30� bnt th�.t n� further reque�
f�r �, �o�nt raeetin� had be�n ra�eivr�d. �
an ms>t3.�a the meeting ad���rned.
erc� a�y
es e