12-21-57 PC Minutes - ��� ; \ SpE�IAL A�T]NG OF GOLDF�1 VALI�� PLANNING CONIMCSSION DECII�II� 219 l9�? P�sv.a�t t� due ca]1 and na�tice hereof, a special meeting �f the Plann�.ng Cmmmi.ssion was h�1d a�n Deeember 21, 1957 at 10a00 A. M. at 80�0 Ol�on Mem�rial Highway. President Penn�ock presided and the f�1l�wing members were present a B�rche�, Br�owria H��mari, Jo�.^d.an� ZaB3s���.iere, I,yneh� Shinder and Velz. DISCUSSION Rea MULTIPLE DTRTELLINGS Ntr. Stan7.e� Kane� Village Att�orn�y adeiaed tMe member� that in acc�o�d.ance ' w3.th V'i11a�e C�ounail acti�n, he has pl�ced � nc�tice of a publ3.c heari.ng ��r Jan.uar� 7� 1958 t� aonsider proposals f�rmulated by the P1ann3ng Comm�.ssi�on. The Village gtt�rney alsa� stated tha.t most zoning �rd3narices n�w 3nclude a separate mn�.tiple dwelling district. l�.r. Bru.ce McsN�il �f the Mead�owbr��ok Sch�o�ol Di�triet stated that thi� distriet� �as f�r�G�nate 3.n h�,v3ng a h3gh valuati�n per child. The sch�l distr3.�t w�ia.7.d no� l3ke t� see a laz�ge number of 1a�w cs�st h�nsing available in the distric-t� but t�.ey �ere not basica]1y app�sed to m�.,ltiple dwell.ings. After disoussi�n, th� members decided ta� re�rl.ew the prog��ed '�MMultiple Residenee Di�Ex�ict" as pr�p�sed for adopt3.�n •by the V371age of Ed3sia. DUring de�ailed re�rie�, - se�v�ral m�d.ifieat�.a�na or alterati�ns w�r��suggested ar�.d the Village Att��ney was x�equ�sted tca ci�aft a s3srii7.ar amend�fen� to the Z�z��.i�g C�de f�r presentatioa • and study �n a�,� 4, i95s, snch c1r_�-� t� inelude the m�ad3.ficat3.ons or � alterati�ons. ---�� On mot3on the me�ting was ad3�ovrned t� �he Special Meeting t� be held �on Januar�r �.' 19�8 at 8030 Olsa�n Memor�.al Hightiaa� at 10:00 A.M. Secretar� res dent ,