01-04-58 PC Minutes . l SPEGIAL MEETING OF THE GOLDII�i VAI,LEY PLANNIIdG GOM�LCSSION JANUARY !�, 19,�8 Pursuant tc� due ea11 and notice hereof, a special meeting r�f the Planning Commission was held +ari Januarylt, i958 at 10:�0 A.M. at 8030 01son M�;mmr3al Highway. Pr�;sident Pen�qek presided and the f�ll�wing memb�rs were�presents B+orchert, Brown, Hetman� Jordan, Loughland, Lyneh, Shinder and Velz. DTSCU�SION Re s PfiJL�IPLE DWE'LT,TNGS Cons�derable diseussic�n by the members resulted in the recs�mmendatir�n that the Village Att�rney prepare a final draft �f the prop�s�d Mtaltiple Dwellir�g Zonin� �rdinance i.nc�rpQrating revi.siens �nd change� as sugge�ted at this meeting. M4tion bg Velz was �econded by Br�own and earried tfl refer the Mul.tiple llwelling Zoning Or�.inar3.ee ta the Vi7lage C�uneil fQr approval. Mo�i4n by B�orchert �ras seeonded by L�neh to recommend tc� the Villag� Council that the Unifo�m Builda.ng Cade as adopted by the Village be amend.�d ts� inelude Section 3, subs�etic�ns (b) and (c) of the prop�o�ed Edina NIu].tiple Resid�nce Zonfing �rciinance. uaid secti�n� read as follow�s 3(b j EFFICIIl�tCY APAftTME�iTS. M� �Qre than five (5) P�'r�ent o.f the weZl�.ng un ts uz ar�y building or developm�nt shall be '�e�ficiency apartments", that is, dwelling unit� r�ot containing at least �one room used principall.y for sleeping purpo�es. 3(e) FLOOR AR,EAS. The min3.mum fl�o4r area of an Effici�ncy Aprtment �h�.l� no�e le�s than l�00 squ�.re feet and the m3.ni.mum fls��r area s�f bed-rot�m apartm�nts sha11 n€�t be les� than 700 �qua.re feet. F�r purposes of ineasurement� the fls�or ar�:a� shall me�n that area within a building us�d by a single dwell.ing unit f�r customary dwelling purp�s�s but shall n4t includ� stair�rays, entry5� fc>yers� baleQnies� or un-glassed porch��� separate utility rooms, separa.te st4rage areas. On the moti�n the meeting wa� adjourned. ���� cre ary �/� � .:,/� l�' �, - � ' �, �'r i�-� �' , P $7,. �Il'F,