01-09-58 PC Minutes �,
JA1�tJARY 9,, 19�8.
A r�gular meeting of the P�.anni.ng C�mmi.s�sion s�f Golden Valley was hel.d
Qn January 9, 1958 a� 7s30 P.M. at 8030 Ols�on Mem4rial Highway,
President Pennuck presided and'the f�allowing members were presents
Messrs. B�rcher�t� Br�ow.n� E'�a1d� Helgesen�Hetma.n, Jensen, LaBissoniere�
Loughland, Lynch and Velz. Ne�r member Mert Dresser as �.bsent.
On motion by Br�n+rn and seconded by Zoughland� Minutes of tlze regu�.ar
meeting of December 12,, special meeti.ngs of December �1, 1957 and Januazy
4, 1958 were apprc�vea.
President Penna�ek introduced the new member Ly1e Jensen. The President
then �pened the meeting t�o the electit�n of �fficers for the year 1958
and the folls�wing were d.uly nvminated and eleeted: President� Gec�rge T.
Pennt�ek; Vice-President, ft4bert L. LaBissoniere; and Secretary� F'rank W.
ftech Plat - West Half Yaie G�,rden Homes. Chairman Lynch r�p�rted that �ai�
Com�cittee s fi.ndings were r�atisfact�ry azid sug�sted that the Commi��ion
approve the Rech P1at. M�otion 'by Borchex�� seconded by �aa1d, caxried
unan3mously t� give final appr�oval.
Earl Peters�n�s re 1.at of Z,�ts 6 7 8 Keene �ii bee anci Bi�tzer�s Golden
Va11ey u lt�ts. P1at Committee recs��rnnen e fina approval. Mot �n y
Jordan�se o�ed bg He1g��en �nd carried unanimously to give final �.ppra�val
t� the Petexson repl.at. '
Walter Seherr Plat, I�ts 1 and 2L Block 1. Gold�n V�31.ey Gardens.
Recommendati�on �f the P1at C�o�itte� g3ve�'��a3. a�ro�ali�ras gra.�t�d by ' >
Mot3.�n by B�rehert, s�conded by �iu�hl.arid� and car�ied unanimously. �
Mr. Lynch �'urther reported that a request for platting liy,Mr. Langley on
Jerse� Avenue was n�t c�mple�te and re��ommended that the Commissis�n ret�rn
the submitted prop4�als to the applicant for rev3.syc�ns.
Gerald C�mmers, I,�t 12�Bl�ek� 7, Tyrc�l Hills Chai:crr�an �rald rep�rted h3..s
Gc��nn3.ttee�s rec�mrnendation t�iat=�he Comm�ssion recr��rnnend -to �the �auncil the
granting of a 6i waiver �n Ea.st pr�operty li.ne. M�tion by Ewald �econded by
Br�wn, m�ti�on was earried unanim�ously.
Ernest J. Wi1.le L�ot 2Q,5 Belmon� A�.dition Chaix�naxi E�aa1d �urther reps�rted
�n the hardship wa�ver request t�f Ern�st . W3.11e recommiending t� �he
C�orarni.ssi�n that a waiver be grain.ted pr�ovided the applieant establish a 20t
setbaek on the Fl�rida Avenue side. Qn mc�tion by Helgesen and seconded by
i,�ughland,, �he m.embers unanim�usltiy voted t� rec�manend t�o the Village Cc>uncil
the grantin� of �he waiver with the ab�ove s�tback stipulation.
JANUARY 9, 1958•
Pre�ident �'ennock s�a�ed that Co�uneil had given first reading t,o the new
propc�sed Zon3.ng Ordinance on January 7� 1�58. After s�me discussion,
th� C�mmissi�n members unan.i.mously appr�ved the r�eo�endati4n thatthe
Council give the Ordinance a se�ond reading �on January 21, 195�. Cha3.rman
Pennoek then asked for any questi4ns or s�pini�ns �f the citizens present
at the meeting. Mr. Frazier resid3ng on Yo�emite Avenue express�d his
�pzni.on tha.t the propert� in question shmuld b�; considered as t� perm�.t
a passible exit onto Tu�ner�s Crossrs�a.d fr�om the ��t open devels�pment
referred t+� as the'�Hagen Prapertytt. After further d�scussi.on by th� �mbers
and pra�perty crwner� present3 the Cha.irman a�ked f�r a moti�n s�n the issue.
Bnrchert m�ved tha.t the application for rez4ning be denied. Seconded by
I,oughl.and, Mcrti�n carr�ied unaninmusly.
SEPHACKS - Cflurity R�ad #18 report Z+�ning Cor�mitt�e Chairman Ve1� repflrted
��t �ie inis�rma�cion r�:gar�g etbacks an the pz�pext� ad�acent t�
Highway l8 was n�t eomplete and recomanended that th� Commi.ssion d�1ay any
aetion �an.til. m�ore informa-tis�n wbuld be available from the Highwa�r Dept.
Velz further stated that iantil fi�zal. ae�ion by the Commission can be
t�k�n, that �he 150� setba,ek sh�til.d be used at this time. Th� Zoning
Com¢nit�ee also andicated that fina�. p3ans on th.e Highway 18 p��ect w�a�ul.d
als4 give the C�,mmissi�n s�me guidance an establishing the �etbaek
�qui.rement. The C�mmz.ttee f s recommendationa were unanimously ap�ar+oved
on motion by Ve1z, seconded by �ra1.d.
4ARIANCE 1�TAIVERS 1.im3.ted to Iiardshi s Chairman P�nnock rev3.�wec1 �the
quest�ons regarding t e variance waiv�rs, and sta.ggested that certain
ehanges be made by Att�rney Kane in the proposed amendment to the Ord:asiance
The C�o�uniss3.on members reco�rn+lended tha� Sta.nle�r Kane make necessary changes
in the proposed am�;ndrnent �o the Ordinances and on mvt�.on by Loughlar�d�
�econded by Ewaa..d, carried unan3.r�usl,y to approve change� in ord3_nanees
and recammend that Cfluneil giv� new Ordinance fixst reading on January 21,
1958. AttQrney Kane reviewed eertain proc�:dures rega.rda:ng Waiv�r appl�.ca-
tions and Notices 4� Pub�ic Hearings.
There bei.n� no further bus3.ness, the C�nis�i�n me�ting was ad��urn�d.
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