02-13-58 PC Minutes � REGULAR MEETING GOLDF�+i VALLEY FLANNING C�N�II SSION February 13� 195a A regul.ar meeting of the Planning Ct�rr�m.i.ssi�n c�f Go1d�n Va11�y wa.s held on Februar�y i3, 19�8 at 7:30 P.M. at 80�� Olson Mem�orial Highway. Pr�sident Pennflck presided and th� f�l.lowing members were present: Mssrs. Dr�s�e�� Ewa1d, He].gest�n� Hetman� Jensen, LaBi�s�onier�, Jordan�Loughland Lynch, Shir�der and V�1z. The minutes o� the regular meeting o� aanuary 9, 1958 were apprc�ved. N�1 HOPE - 'Y:CLLAGE �F GOLDE[�t VALLEY Mer er. Pr�sident P�nnock reported that no new anformation was ava a le regardin� the prs�pos�d me�ting with the New HQp� group. After some discu�sion by the Cc�frnnis�ivn memb�rs, it was agre�d that no further act3.�n w�u1d be taken until such tim� when the N�w Ht�pe Planning Cammissis�n reque�ts a definite meeting dat�. PLATS �_ COL4NTAL REALTY COMPANY, Pr�liminary apprflval Western-Ls�uisiaria-Laurel-Jers�y Ave�. rman L issc�n er� repQrted that a#'ter due er�r�sideration on th� pl.atti.ng x�que�t hi� e4munitte� rec€�mmend� that the plat requ�st be denited and submi�ted the follow3ng basis fs�x tk�e cvmmitte�e�s recommendat3.on: (1) Plat layout as �ubm3.tt�d shcrws 32 lqts a� gu.bstandard in size; als� 2 corner lot provisi�n.s are not adequat�; (2) Plat al.s� shows a large out-l.ot on the n�r-th sa.de �f Zaur�l Aveue as indicati�g pc�s�ib�.e et�mmerciaJ. d�veiopments. Cha.irman LaBis�c�niere a1�� ree�ommencled that th� c4mmissi�n s�ucl�r ancl review earlier di5eussions relative to the lang range plans f4r de�lc�p�g the area nox�h of L�ur�2 Avenu�. A �ir. Halv�rson and Mr. Sachs� representing the Goloni�7. Realty Cs�mpany, appeared bef4re the Cc�mmissit�r� and presen�ed their plat p1an� and i.ndieated their aeceptance r�f a partial approval �of that p�rtion c�f the platted area wh3.ch m�t the l�ot size requirements. After furth�r di�cussis�n by Cs�mmissic�n members regarding th� future devel.�opment plans fsar the area under es�nsideration� a mc�tifln by Velz to re�urn the plat layout t4 the applieants f�r correction was seconded by Ew�.l.d, carried unanim�usly. I�ANGLEY, L�ON� E. Preliminaxy apprs�val 100 Jerse� Aver�ue North. Chairman �sso erc� recoxrur►ended that the Co�nissi�n deny the application was st�bmitt�d and stated that tws� €�f th� lots i.n the subm3.tted plat wer� �ub�standard. Z�aBi�s4niere also p4inted out that one 4f the lgts did not have pr,ovi�i4n f4r access. On a rnvtion by Lyneh, sec�nded by Shinder� the Committ�e�s ree�ommer�dations w�r� unani.m�usly approved. RALPH BEALt S BIRCHBANK ADDITIt�N TO GLE�TURBA�1. Final appr�val. Chairman LaBisss�n3.�re repc�rted that th� Cs�mmittee recommend to th� Cc�mmissi�on that final approval be rec�2mnended tfl the Cour�cil qn th� plat requc�st. On a moti�n by Efiaald, ��cond�d by Helgeson, a11 members voted una.nim:4usl.y tfl adt�pt th� committee�� xeec�mm�ri.dation. � REGULAR ME�TING GOLDETi VALLEY PLANNING CONIlWILSSIOAt - FEBftUARY 13, 1958. ANDFtEW�UTZIG�S Lot 6 Keene Hi bee & Bitzer�s G41den Va11 Outl�tc� - Final approval. Mr. Kxv.tzig appeare before the ComQn ssian and pre��nted f3.nal plat layouts s�n his pl�t application. Chairman LaBissc�niere r�corrmiended that the e�mmi.ssion grant final apprc�val ts� the plat request p�rov�d3ng that applicant makes proper radii pr4vi.si�ns on the eorner lats. On m€�tinn by Shinder� s�c4nd�d by Troughla�d� the Connn��sion aecepted the Corrflmi��ee�s rec�mm�ndation ta�.animously. OTTE�t CONSTRUCTTON COMPANY - Du7.uth Perin lvania-01 ia-Winnetk�. Pr�limiilar�r apprflval. Chairmar� L isson�.ere reported that his cc�mmittee ws�t�ld reeommend a new p�at layout since tne .rtreet loeation� on the submitted plat did not provid�; ad�quate aecess int4 the platt�d area. He stated further that a bet�er a1�:gm�ment of the platted streets sh4txld be made �o as ts� mc�et existiplg �treets arid a�renu�s. A7r. (?tten appe�r�d b�fore the C�mmission and agreed tc� make nec�s�axy ehanges in the plat l�,y�ut for re-�ubm3.ttal at a later date. A motiQr� by Velz recommendi.xig that th� Cs��.ssi€�n return th� plat lay�ut fc�r ec�rr�cti€�n to the applicant was �ec�nded by Jordan and caxried unanim�ously. STREET NAME CHANGE. Chairman LaBis�oniere rep�rted that hia comm3tt�e had �tu is t requ�sts fQr street name chang�s arzd stated tha� hi� ec��nitt�e re�om�n�nd that final apprssv�,1. be given to chang� the North-South p4rtic��a of Merribe� Driv� in Mesribee Hills 3rd Ad`ditian to Lee Avenue North. H� alsfl rep�ort�d his committee rec�mmer�cis that the East We�t portic�n of Merribe� Drive i�. �Ierrib�e Hills 3rd Addition be changed to Ba�sett�s Cre�;k Drive. Ghairman LaBissoniere c�nti.nued his report and stated £urther that his ct�m�nitte� re�s�rmnends that 23rd Avenue N�orth in Westm�re Heights Additic�n be changed to � 22nd A4enue N�rth. The Plat Committee also recormn�nd�d to �he C�mmis�i�n tha-� no actio� be taken regarding the re-alignment of S�. Croix Avenue until �ueh t�.me as Seh€�Ql Distriet ##2�. c�mpleted building pl.ans �whieh include the n�cessity to vacate p�rtions t�f St. Croix Avenue. On a moti4n by EE�rrald, second�d by Zoughlandi the Commissitm apprs�ved the plat commi.tte�t s rec€�mm�nda.tis�n� una�.t3imou�ly. Z4N7�VG �� LESaARD ALEX E. - N.E. Corner t�f D�u 1as Drive & G�olden va11e Rt�ad. Chairman e1z rep�rte t at t e co�n ttee me ��int w t e app lean an after c�nsidering al1 aspect� �f the zoning req�.�st, stated �hat th� conunitte� f�sund the foLlowin,g conditio�s existed relating to th� z�ning request: The area North c�f Gt>lden Valley Rvad is considered ta� be of a residential charaet�� �.rid that if any coTmn�:rcial zoning wa� permitted i.n this area� i� would pc+ssibly ap�n furt�her eommercial developments in the area ad3acent t€� the prc�perty tand�r c�nsideratic�n. V�lz a1.sn indicated that the purpose �f r�zoning this p�perty was to make it p4ssible tv ct�nstruct a service station. v�lz furth�r rept�x�t�d that the es�mmittee rec�nnnend that the pr�perty vnder e�onsideration wfluld be be�t suited f�or �ither multiple dwelling uses or f�r t�ra famil� duplexes. velz stated that u�ing �he �.bove et�nditions a$ a basis, his ca»�rn�.tt�e r�cc�mm�nds ts� th�: C�mmissi4n that the zoning rec�.est be denied. Cc�mm�issi4n m�mbers diseussed briefly the cs�mrnittee recommenda-�i�ns regarding th� multiple dwelling uses af the prr�pe;rty in questi4n. Mr. Elvey and Mr. S�herm of' the Phillip� P�tr�lezun C€�mpany representi.ng the applicant,, appeared befc�re thE Cqmmission and present�d th�i� vi.ews rela�ive to the �.dvantages of locating a servic� station on the pr�aperty und�r c�nsideratis�n. Mr. SchQrm pointed-=out that a static�n locatian w4uld be cflnsidered an asset tQ the surrc>unding r�sidential area fr�m a s�rvice � GOLDE� VALLEY PLANNING COIKMLSSI�N NLCNUTES - FF�3RUA1�Y 13, 1958• �ONTNG standp�int, especially if Douglas Dra.ve was ta be extended. Pre�3.dent Pennoek pointed out that c�rtain setback requirements of the Village ordinanc�s would have to be considered in gi�ring ar�,y consideratic�rl t� rezs�ni.ng. President Pennoek ?c�ntinued �is:r�ferenc� to the Village �rdinance requiring service stati�ns and garages t� have at least a 2�0 foc�t setback from residential pr�op�rty. After due consideration and di�cussian by member� and applicants regarding the feasibility �f c�ommercial zoning at the area North �f Golden Valley Rs�ad, the 'G�o�rm�.ssi�n members voted unanimously �n a moti�on by Lc>ughland, s�conded bg Shindcra thet the C�mmission recommend t� the C4uncil that the z4ni.ng be d�nied. H.ARDSHIP WAIVERS TRA.CH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY , approximatelg 8100 Ols�on Memc�rial H�ghway, prt�p�sed o ice `.��'uildz.r�g or ruderrt al ns�ura�ne� o a . Chairman Jordan rep�rted �th� et�mmit�ee recommen s t at the request fc�r a hardship waiver �� d�nied and stated that �his committee in makin� the recommenciat3.on, refers to Section �..Ol, paragx�aph 11 �f �the Village Zonin� Code. Jordan quoted the restrict�.�ons as contained. 3n the ordinance in part, "No bv.ilding shall be p�rm�.�ted Nqrth of a 13.ne drawn 103 feet South of and parallel to �he center line �� Sixth A�renue Ns�rth, ar South of a line d�awn 70 feet N�orth �of and paxallel t� the N�rth b4undaz� line o� sa3d Trunk Highway #�5." Jordan �ur•hh er supps�z�ed his c€��.ttee�s recommendatis�n by calling the eommitteets attenti�n t� the fact that �nly a sma11 portion �af the prcaposed building w�uld be in the bu�.ldable area now zoned. .Aft�r due discussi�on b� members r�latin� t�o the proposed building setback require- ments� Mr. Trach �f Trach C�nstructit�n appeared b�ft�re the Commissi�n a.n.d pr�sented eertain sketches and building plans sh�wing the de�ign and the locat�.�on of the px�op4sed building. Mr. Trach stated that considerable time and eff�r�t had be�n made t� interest -�he P�a.den�ial C�mpany in the prqposed site and suggested -that the C4mmissi4n give careful consid�ratis�n to his request' based �n the desirab�.�3.ty of the tenant and of the props��ed land use. Mr. Trach stated further that the prop�rty under consideration was presently classif3.ed as pa.rka.ng area an.d w�ould crea-te a traffi.c hazaxd i.f entrance �f this park3.ng area w�v1.d be provided from Sixth Avenue North. Ttae applicant a1.sa express�d his willingness to w�ork out any plan that would be cc�nsidered goad planning in plac�g his proposed building whieh w�ould permit ec�nomical useage of the pr��erty directly to the East of the prs�posed buildin� locati�n. After considerable study and discuss3.on by Corr�nis�ican m�mbers T�oughland moved that the Corr�n�..s5ion accept th� committee rec�rmnendati�on and deny th� hardship reques�. Moti�on wa$ seeonded by Dresser and a11 members voted for the motion except Lynch. I��,r. Ve1z stated that the Commi��i�n desir3d t+o have the Prudential building lc�eated in the Village and made a � m�otion that the CQrmn3.ssi4n recommend t4 the C�uncil that if �he builel3ng cuuld be placed �n the prop�osed l�eation that �he pr��perty be �ez�on,ed ter Business ancl Prs�fessi�nal catag�ry and that the waiver be granted a1lc�wing setba�ks �f 2� fe�;t from �he right-c�f-way of Sixth Avenae North and 20 feet fr4m the right-of way �f H3.ghway ,�55 c�n the premise tha.t T.H. #55 w�.ia. �ot be an abutting street. The mcrtion was seconded by Loughland and all members appr�ved except Lynch. Pre�ident P�nn�ck sugge�ted that T�°ach be placed �n the C�auneilTS agenda f�r the meeti.ng on F ebruaryl8, 1958. � GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNTNG COMMCB�LON MTNUTES - FEBRUARY 13, 195g• S�REET VACAT�O�T _ TftITON DRTVE Between RDGIl�TT & QUAIL - Chairman Pennock read a letter fx�om the W��cllawn g�oup requesting the vacation �f the Triton Dri�e b�t�ween Regent and Quail. H� stated that this request f4r vacati�n by this graup wa� made earlier and that prev3.�mas action by the C�omm�.ssic�n, dated October 10' 1957, shs>uld be �ollawed. After d�.e discussian regarding the feasibility �of vaeating the s�reet� I,aBiss�oniere made a motion that �he Comzn3i.��i�on, re-affirm its prev5.ous actiQn ancl tha� the Commi.ssissn rec�m�nend to the Council �hat the request for a vacati�n be denied. Motion was sec�nded by Ve1z, carried unanim�usly. MULTTPLE DWEGLSNG ZOIVING DTSTRTCT President Pena�ck rev3.e�d previous discu�si�ns on th� pr�p�o�ed z4r�ing az�d - reported that the Council ha.d acted on th� new zon�.ng et�de. A d3.seussion. by th:e aommittee members relating to th� effeets caf the new zoning ord}nanees on the multiple dwe113n.g build3.ng permits i.ssued was he1d. The Cvmmi.ssit�n took ns� aetion on th� questi�ns regarding the new zt�ning cade. President � Penn�ek suggested development North af Latu�el Av�nue. The P1at Cc�mmittee Chairman LaBissoniere i.nformed �he members that his commi�tee will meet t�n the Satvrday bef�re each regular meeting date. Ther� being n� fur�her busin�ss� the members unanim�usly v�oted to ad��urn the meet3.ng on moti�n by Hetman� secc�nded by Lough.land� � : � � � � � f,,✓. �. � -'�-; , ���� re� e ,