03-13-58 PC Minutes � , REGIJT.AR MEETING GOLUEN VALLEY PLANNING C�MMISSION March 13, 1958 A reg€�lar meeting of the Planning Commission of Golden Valley was held on March 13, 1958, at 7:30 P.M. at 8030 Olson Memorial Highway. Vice Chair� man LaBissoniere presided and the following members were present.; Messrs. Lynch, Hetznan, Jensen, Ewald, Jordan, Velz, Borchert, Shinder, Dresser, and Brorvn. . The min�tes of the regular meeting of February 13, 1958 were approved unani� mously on motion by Brown, seconded by Ewald. NEW HOPE - GOLDEN VALLEY Joint Meeting re Proposed Merger - Vice Chairman LaBissoniere opened �he discussion with the introduction of the Nev� Hope ViTlage Planning Commission members Messrs. J. J. Kelso, C. Jesson, L. Davis and N, Oman. After a brief discussion bq �iernbers relating to- the n�vr devel- opments in the �roposed merger plan, it was agreed tha� a special join�t meet- ing be held to discuss the merger plan on the 20th of March, 1958, at 7,30 P� M, at 8030 Olson Highway. PLATS COLANIAL REALTY CQMPANY - Revised plat, Western-Louisiana-Laurel-Jerse�Aves. Preliminary �proval. Plat Committee Chairman LaBissoniere reported that after due consideration his committee would recommend to the Commission to give preliminary approval to the firs� eight lots and stated that consideration should be given for a possible approval of the entire plat as submitted. LaBissoniere indicated that a previous plat application was disapproved because of sub5tandard lots and other conditians involving out-lots shor�n on the i�itial plat layout. Mr. Halverson and Mr. Sachs appeared before the Comtnission with a new plat layout. On amotion by Lynch, seconded by Shinder, the Commission members voted unanimousiy for an approval of the entire plat as submitted. STANLEY KLINK - Preliminary approval Dou�2as Drive at Ol�mpia, Proposed Multiple Dwellin�. Chairman LaB'issoniere reported that his eommittee had given full consideration to the application and stated that the eommittee using the present muitiple dwelling zoning regulations wouZd recoa�mend to the Coimnission the denial of the zoning request. Commission members disct�ssed the Council*s intention in referring the platting request to the Commission for reconsideration. Mr. Foss appeared before the Commission and stated fihat the Council referred the matter to the Pl�nning Commission for recon- sideration based on the new pla� layout. Minutes of the Couneil's action were read to the Planning Commission members. Village Attorney Kane india cated that the Planning �ommission should observe proper procedures in acting on all applications and stressed the neeessity of compliance with all present zoning regulations. After some diseussion by members, a �otion was made by Lyneh, seconded by Brown, to recommend to the Council to rezone the property �nder consideration and to allow waivers on such set-back require- ments as necessary. Six members voted against the motion and three for the motion. 9 _ Regular Meeting Golden Valley Planning Comrnission Maxch 13, 1958 A motion by Borchert, seconded by Dresser, referring the ma#ter to the Zoning Committee with recommendations that the Zoning Gommittee give a special consideration to the applicant•s request, was approved by members with six voting for, two opposed and one member a�sstaining. The Zorting Commit�ee was requested by the Chairman to report on the matter at the next special mee�ing, scheduled for March 20, 1958. FATRVTENT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - Ewald Heiqhts Addition Preliminary plat approval. Committee Chai.man LaBissoniere reported that his committee re- commends that the plat be returned to the applicant for revisions. Chair- man LaBissoniere further stated the plat layout was not complete regarding the placing of streets and other requirements. He further xeported that he would suggest a joint meeting of the applicant and the platting committee. No further action was taken. FRED JONES AND BDWARD JORDAN - Preliminary approval of Plat layout of area between 23rd Avenue North and Duluth Street. Chairman LaBissoniere reported that the plat layout was incomplete and recom�aended deferment of the appli- cation until the next meeting. B. A. ROBBINS - Multiple Dwell.in� at� Turner*s Crossroad South of Woodstock Avenue. Chairman LaBzssoniere repoxted that the previous Commission's action on�t�he rezonin� request be reaffirmed and stated further that the zoning re- _ quest did not meet the requirements of the new multiple dwelZing zoning code. Mr. Donald Rog�rs, attoxney for the applicant, appeared anti related the his- tory of the applicant*s request for rezoning. Mr. Rogers stated that the applicanfi is willing to provide the necessary road requirements into the Hagen proper�y and further pointed out tha.t i�his was one of the basis why zoning application was not approved. Mr. Robbins also appeared be€ore the Commission -- and restated his proposal regard�e.ng the access provisions into the Hagen pro- perty, Mr. Robbins also stated that he had purchased this property with the intended use for multiple dwelling, basing his judgement on the zo�ing regu- lations then in existance. After further discussion, Village Attorney Kane explained the necessity €or the commission to follow the present zoning code requirements in order to maintain continuity in the Village zoning p1an. Mr. Beckman, property owner on Woodstock, stated that a petition of property owners effected by the proposed rezoning, had signed a petition opposing the requesfi for multiple dwelling zoning. Chairman LaBissoniere reported thafi no'.sueh document was received by the Commission. After considerable discussion by the members relatin to the quest'on of re- �.zoning on the basis of the new multiple dwelling aon�ng code, Borc�iert moved that the Commission advise the Council that the present plan for rezoning does not meet the requirements of the multiple dwelling zoning regulations and that �hese zoning requirements �epresent the best :judgement of the Planning Gc»m�ission as applied to this rezoning proposal or any other multiple dvuelli.ng rezaning request in the Village. After f urther discussion by members, the motion was seconded by Veiz and was app;roved by ail the Commission members except two who abstai.ned from voting. After da.scussing the Coiranission�s pre- vious action on the matter, Borchert made a motion that his earli�r r�comm« ' endations be amended to include the Commission's reaffirmed posi�ion on the original Commission action on the proposal for rezoning. The motian was seconded by Velz and all members voted unanimo�sly for the amendment. �o Regular Meeting Golden Valley Planning Commission March 13, 1958 STREET PATTERN AUDiTTt11R*S SUBI3TVISION -346 - Chairman LaBissoniere presented members with a plat showing the areas in question and suggested that members study plat relating especially tothe future street locations and the access roads. The Commission members agreed to place this on the agenda for the next meeting. ZONING �`iL�-L�t`� � ���,F �z R R�ALTY COMPANY � 2100 Lilac Drive - Multiple Dwellin� Chairman Velz �>t�.. reported that the application meefis all requirements of the zoning code and �'` u�����p recommended that the Commission approve the request if the question regazding access to Highway 100 be sti�ulated. Mr. Rooney appeared before the Commis- sion and indicated his plans regarding the entrance onto Highway 1Q0, and 5tated that he would be wil�.ing to mcet ali Vil2age and State requirements regarding the access road, On a motion by Velz, the Commission recomtnended to the Council that the request for rezoning- be approved with the stipulation that attention be called to the Council regarding the provisions for access onto Trunk Highway 100. The motion was seconded by S hinder and all members voted unanimously for the recommendation. GARRISON, ALLEfT W. North side Wayzata Boulevard between Sumter and Rfiode Island Avenue-Rezone from Residential to Mult�_'ple. Chaiman Velz re�porrted that �he rezonxng request does not mcet the neeessary requirements of the Village zoning code and that the committ�e recommends to the Commission that the re- quest be denied. Mr. Garrison and Mr. Friedlund appeared before the Cofamission and indicated that more land could be made anailable" for the proposed building site and stated the desirability of such a bailding that area. Mr. Friedlund pointed out that the particular property in question was con�ained on three sides by roads and streets and pointed out other advantages of a multiple dwelling unit in that particular area. After some discussion by Council mem- bers relating to the setback and land area requirements, a motipn by.Velz, seconded by Dresser, was appzoved unanimou�ly to return the application to tiie applicant for a new layout and resubmission to the zoning committee. CORRECTION OF ZONINGS PRIOR TO CODIFICATION OF 20NING CODE Chairman Velz r��orted that his committee and the Village Engineer reviewed the zoning records and made certain corrections and additions necessary to have the records comply with �he actual zoning and uses. Velz recommended to the Commission that the proposed corrections and additions be submitted to the Council for their study with the necessary legal considerations so that the proposed corrections and additions can be included in the eodification of the ordinances. The motion was seconded by Shinder and all members voted unanimously for the recommen- dation. STRF.F.T VACA,TION VACATION OF TRITON DIRVE BETWEEN REGENT ANp QUAIL L. Z. Carlson appeared before the Comms.ssion as a property owner and stated that the need for action _ reg�rding Triton Avenue vacation request was necessary. The situation constitutes a hazard in the present condition and he suggested that if the street be vacated that a wa�k-through be made leading to the propa5ed park area. � �i`' Regular Meeting Golden Valley Planning Commission March 13, 1958 1�r. C�rl.son alsa expiained the need of a storm sewer to solve the drainage problem, Cha'�xma.n LaBissoniere reported that the request for vacating has been placed before the Commission on several occasions in the past and that the Woodla�m Assocfation Gronp were seeking Village a.ction to solve the problem. After considerable dis- � cussion by members relating to the feasibility of vacating the streefi and to the need for action by the property owners in �hat area, Gommission members suggested that the Association and the property owners affected by the present conditions should initiate the action in �bme manner such as a petition for storm sewer. Commission members further recommended that the Village �ngineer inform the Council as to a possible solution to this problem from the Village Engineering standpoint. Outside of the above suggestions, no action was taken by the Planning Commission. HARD6HIP WAIVERS TH�MAS MULCAHY - 111 Ardmore Drive - Setback Committee Chairman Jordan reported on the waiver request and ��ated that four members of the committee met and viewed the property. Due to the peculiar terrain af the lot, the Committee felt that a particular difficulty exists in main taining the required 35 foot setback. Chairman Jordan further stated that the drawing submitted by the applicant does not show exact distances as to where the proposed dwelling would be from` the front property line and that the recommendation of the committee would be to app- rove the request provided the Southeast corner of the structure wauld maintain a 30 foot setback from the front property Iine, granting a 5 foot waiver of the standard 35 foot setback at the Southeast corner only, On a motion by Dresser, seconded by Ewald, the Committee's recommendations were accepted unanimously, GEBO, L.M. Gorner Byrd and McNair Avenue - Setback Chairman Jordan reported that members of the Committee met and ins ected the p property and that in absence of a survey of lot 20 and the proposed location of the dwelling to be built, the Committee recommends that no action in regards to the request of the appli�ant be taken. Mr, Gebo appeared before the Committee and indicated his desire for. ' some guidance from the Commission in regards to making a proposed p2an for a structure on the lot in question. Commission members took no formal action on the request and saggested that applicant submit plans for the proposed building, LONG RANGE PLANNING ERNEST LAMBERT' Lot 1 Keene Higbee and Bitzer's Outlots Mr. Ernest Lambert appeared before the Commiss�.on and requested that the Planning Commission give their opinion as to the long range development plans for the area adjacent to his property. Mr. Velz, acting as chairman of the Long Range Planning Committee, in �he absence of Mr, Loughland, indicated that more study was necessary regard- ing the f uture developments of the area in question and suggested that Mr. Lam- bert contact Loughland for futher study of the area development. DEVELOPMENT OF AREA NORTH OF IAUREL AVENUE - Re ort. Mr. Velz repnrted that a closer s�udy be made of the possible uses of the area North of Laurel Avenue, taking ��a�o eonsideration the topography as well as current trend of development in the adjacent areas. Velz further stated that Committee Chairman Loughland would be in a position to discuss further a long range development plan for this area at �he next meeting. No formal action was taken. .I� Regular Meeting Golden Valley Planning Commission March 13, 1958 There being no further business, the meeting was adjou.r d. ' • ,� � � �Secre�ary .r��Lf ; . �'`W. Hetman l . . �(1 F�?\.�i � . /� ��� � Vice-Pres'dent °� ;/ ' .; �`� r' C� , a�—;�-�-?-�`=''�-��� � R. L. LaB�niere '