03-20-58 PC Minutes �� SPECIAZ MEE�ZNG`JOIlVT MFErING 0� GOT�DE6T VALLEY PLANNIATG COI�'1TSSION With VILLAGE OF NEW HOPE PLANNTNG CONIl�'LCSSSON MARCH 20, 1958. Pursuant t� due call and n�tice hereof9 the Planning C�mmi�sion of GQlden Va11ey and four members �f the New Hope Planna.ng Commission met at 8030 01s�n Memc�rial Highway, at 7z30 P.M. March 20, 1958 �9 discuss problems relating t� �the proposed annexation �f New H�op� by G�o2den �Tal�.ey. Mr. LaBiss�niere� Vice PreSident z�f the G�1d�n Va11ey Planning C�mmissi�on was acting Chai.rman. A1s� present were I,ynch, Shinder� Jordan, Jensen, Loughland azzd Bt�rchert. The New Ii�pe Planning Cormnission was represented by Ohman,, Kels�� Davis and Jensen. �t was agreed that the Village Adminis�rat�or ke�p a memc�randum c�f the meeting in lieu of formal minut�s. Since G�lden Valley did n�ot have a quorum present it was agr�ed that an informal discussi�on �f the problems w�uld be in order. The ensuing discussi€�n resulted in the e�nclusian that the same basic reast�n�, as en�um�rated in th� Special Minutes dated August 21, 19�7 still appl�r. B�th C�ommissions agre�d to report t� �heir respec-�ive Council tha� any �urther acti�on w`auld be at their direction. It was a'is� agreed that the ViZlage of New H�pe should initiate any future action, at which time studzes w�uld be j�ointly ct�nducted by sub-corrm�ittees af b�th Planning C��nissions. Cha.irman LaBissoni�re presented the P1at C�mmittee report of Ewald Heights Addition. iTpon m�otion of 5hander and seeonded by Lynch the prop�sed preliminary plat was unanims�usly apprdved by c�untirig absentee Ewaldts pro�y v�ote in fava�r �f preliminary appr�val. There being n� further business, the meeting was adjourned a� 9:30 P.M. DONAT�D S�RFNSIlV Act�r�,g V'illage Adma.nistrat�r , . �-� , _ �` ` ' �\ � -E - '. QiC /'. . _ .� pbe . iss�niere, Acting C airman