04-10-58 PC Minutes ��
APRIL 10, 1958
A regular meeting �f the Planning Comm�.ssion of Gnlden Valley was h�ld �on
April �.0 19�8 at 7:30 P.N:. at 803� 01son. NTemorial Hi�hway. President -
Pennock presided and the following members were presentx Messrs. Borchert,
D��sSer� Ewa1d Hetman, J�rdan, �a�iss�iniere, Lvughland, Lyneh, Shinder and
�e1z� ITillage Ehgineer St�rensen and Village Administrat�r Ulstad.
The minutes �f the regular meeting of March 13, �-958 were appr�oved
unanimt�usly an m�tion by �ald, seeonded by Hetman.
NEW HOPE - GOI�DIl�T VALLEY Joint Meeting re: Pr� �osed I�Ier er
President Penn�ck requested that the Commiss�.�n af 1rm an appr�ove the ae�ion
taken at the joint meeting of the G�lden Valley and the New Hope Planning
C�mmissi�ons �n March 20a 19�8, as the members present did not c�nstitute a
quorem. On motit�n by L�ughland, seconded by Ve1z, C�mmission members approved.
the aeti�n taken by the Planning C�mmiSSion at the Speeial meeting, and the
motifln was carried unanim�usly.
President Penn�ock intr�du�ed the new Village Administrator, Mr. R4�er U].stad.
, EZZIS FLYGARE 721� Glenwood Avenue Final A roeal
C airman issoniere rep�or ed ha e pr� m�.nary approval was granted and that
the Committe� recommends fi.nal approval be given by the C�mmission to the
platting requ�st. On mo�ti�n by Loughland, sec�onded by J�rdan, Comrnissi�n
members accepted the C�ommitteets rec�ommendati�n unanimougly. •
WILLTAM FORD ADDTTIO�Duane F4ss) 10 Mendelss�ohn Ave, Preliminax�r A prp t�val
Chairman LaB�.ssoniere rep�s�ted t at his c�mmi���� met join�ly with the propt�nents
and the C�oning C�mmittee, reporting that the Plat Committee would recommend that
the Co�nission give preliminary approval t� the Plat request. On motion by Shinder,
see�onded by Jorda.n� Corrrmiission m�mbers appr�ued unanimously the Ct�mmittee�s
H. J. FAHRE[�TDORFF, Par-t �� Sectifln 32, T-I18, R-21, Subdivision #322 - Prel�.minary
Ghairm�.n ZaB�.ss�niere rep�orted �hat the prop�osal f�or the platting request w�.s
inet�mplete and stated that the Ce�mmittee would take n�o acti�n until the applicant
complied with the basic platting requirements. i,aBi�s�onzere suggested that the
Engineer�s Offiee contact thQ proponents and instruct them a� t� the applicativn
DAN OTTEN - Preliminary Approal Val W_ o�od Plat - Duluth-Pe�ia-�Olympia-
Chai�rman ZaBiss�oniere repox°ted �ha-� the plat request complied with the street
locatis�n requirements which were previ�usly inadequate and recorrmcended t� the
Commission that preliminary appr�oval be granted. Ewald mr��ed that the Plat
Committee�s r�cflmmendations be accep�ed, $ec�nded by �elz and carried
IDWARD JORDAN - Duluth Terrace Plat - Duluth Avenue - Preliminar�r approval
ChairMan LaB1�5oniere reported that h�.s Committee w4u1d recommend approval o� the
plat request, and stated that such recomrnendations be based �on the t�riginal plat
submitted sh�owin� Ork1a Drive as n�ot a thr�ugh street. A Motic�n by Shinder -tfl accept
the Committeets report and recorrrmend Council give preliminar�r approval was seconded
by Hetman with all members voting for approval, except Jordan who obstained from voting.
JERRY GREE�T�� MASSOLT GARDIlV Prelimina a roval
C �,irman LaBis�oniere state t at ecause 4 weat er eonditions hi� Committee
was unable t� CflTRpZEt� their study �f the plat loeati�n and indicated fur�her
tha.t similar app�.ications for replat w�ould be c�ming up b�ft�re th� Com�issi�on
and requested that the Commissi�n a�:w.�whale study the plat request. Mr.Pau1
Eh�hauaer appeared b�fore the C�mmission, stating his views as a representatiae
�f the pr+�p�onents, and indicated that the applieants w�ould be willing t� dedicate
a 1�0� strip #��o the village ��or th� propos�d street� and a 60� turnar�und diameter
if the Village w�ould make this a public street. Mr. Enghauser als� stated that he
is aware t�f the mxnimum 10�t requirements f�r turnar�und and stated further that
the 1.�cati�on �o� the turnar�und ww�..s ushc that if the 60� diameter was exceeded
it w�uld cause pr�blems with present l�ot bnundaries and destr�y certain land-
scaping advantages �f the area. Mr. Ehghauser c�ntznued in e�pressing the
applicant�s p�sition that if the e�nditi�ons offered would not be approved� the
applicant would then make the street a private road. After s�ome discussi�on by
members in regard to the advantages of a publie street, Yillage E,hgineer Sorensen
stated that the reason for a 100t turnaround reqv.irement was t�o permit easy aecess
and -�he �peratimn r�f snow rem�oval and grading equipment. Mr. S�rensen als� stated
tha.t"'light�r equipm�n-t could be used if the turnarflund was li.mited t�o 60�.
Chairman LaBissoniere mo�ed that the Planning Commi�si�n rec�mmend t�o the C�uncil
t�o give preliminary appr�val praviding that a 100� turnaround be established.
The motiori was see�anded by Shinder and carried unanim�usly.
Rezt�ne tt� f ice & Pro essi�nal, o s 1 ru 12, Bloek 1; (2) Multiple, L�t� l, 2,
3� Bl�ek 2; (3) C�nmercial, L�ts l, 2, 3, Block 2. Chairman Velz reported that
the Z�ning C��mittee fel-� that the property is suitable �or any or all �f the use�
pr�oposed in the applica�ti�n prav:i.ded that desirable tenants can be acquired to
devel4p the pr�perty. Ve1z further stated that in view of -the past aetions o� �he
C�uneil and the C�mmission, and in view of the recent rez�oning back to open
d�velopment of �other pr�operties in the Village, the C�rmnittee ree�mmends that the
rezoning be withheld at this time, but that the Commissi�n g4 �n record as being in
fav�r of the indicated p1an t�f development for desi.rable tenants. T�elz alsa stated
that this actic�n sh�ould n�t affect the establishment �f the p1at, �r street pattern.
The plat �hnuld,, h�owever� take in�to account any setbacks which �the C�mmissi�n
establishes a1o�g �s�unty R�ad 18. Mr. F�oss appeaared bef�ore the C�mmis�i�n and
stated that preliminary platting and zt�ni.ng approval ws��z7.d expeda.te the aequiring
�� cl.ients for the pr�perty. After s�ome discussion by members relating t�o the
established Commission pfllicy c�n, rezt�ning, LaBiss�niere mc�ved that the Zoning
Committee rep�rt be accep�ted and that the Z4ning be deferred. M�ti�n was seconded
by T,�ughland and carried vnanimously.
BARNHARD J. RUBEZ formerl (Garrison Al1en W.) N side �of Wa zata Blro�d, between
Su�er an o � s an rezone r�m resi entia tc, multi le.
Chairman Velz repo ed on the con itzfln � t e pr�pe y, stati.ng tha,t earlier
requests for three apar-tment units were denied and that due t�o pre�ent applicatic�n,
ineluded �one structure. Velz r�p�rted that the Znning C�mmittee rec�ommends that
waivers be granted t� permit the constructi�on of one eleven unit apartment building
as indicated �n th� plot plan da�ed April 5, 1958, exeept that the parking area be
set baek 15T fr�m the xear p2�operty line, with waivers granted f�r area per dwelling
unit and for parking area setbacks. Velz fvrther �tated that the Cnmmittee feels
the waivers are justi.�ied on the basis that tha.s is the best use bf land since it
ha.s been exeavated and that the parking area wi11 be lowe� than the adjacent pr�p�rty
and that this would n�ot be objectionable at a distanee �f 151� and that it seems
desirable to keep �lie paxkang to the rear rather than in -�he eenter of the
pri�perty. �n moti�on by Dress�r, sec�nded by LaBissoniere, C�mmissiqn members
approved unanim�usly the Z�oning Cammitteets rec�mmendati�ns.
TT�'EREI'H B�NAT JA.COB CONGR�7GATTOIV Sunag� ue and Youth C�nter Lots 5 - 6 7
2 2 27 Block l MeNair Man�r Ad i ion. ea�ne o ns Z u 1c�na .
C airman �e z presente a p a p an an -exp aine e aca ion � t e proposed
Synag�gue and Youth Center buil.ding. Velz further stated. that hi5 Cr�mrnittee
ha.d given e�nsiderab�e �tu.dy tt� the pr�posed zoning -request and rep�rted that
the Committee rec�mmends the denial �� tYie applicatic�n fln the fflll�wing basis:
(�) Pr�perty is suitable f'�r r�sidential devel.flpment whieh , in the �pinion
flf -the C�ommittee, w4uld be the best use of the land and in d�riformance with the
residential character already established in -�he neighb�rhood. (2) The building
is to� large tfl be placed �on the property in e�o�.f'�rmance with the setbacks
required by the ordinan.ce. (3) Off-street parking is not adequate to aceomm-
�date a11 the vehicles which may reasonably be expeeted to cc�ngregate.
1Kr. R�sen.field, representing the S�nag�gue and You�h Center� stated his r�as�ns
why a propt�sed buildin� and property uses should be acceptable. Rosenfield
further stated that arrangements were bein� made for parking facilities and that
many members �o�' the syna��gue would be within walking distance o� �he proposed
building locatiflns. N�r. Rosenf'iel.d also questi�ned the C�mmi�si�onts p�sition
in regards to Institutional Zonin�, stating that he had received �opinions on
this frcTm. the Village Attorney.
Mr. Rosen.fiel.d also stated that State laws nt�w in existance would make illegal
C�uneil acti�on in denying the zonin� request. Pre�ident Pennock inf�ormed the
applicants that the Commission was not in any position. t� interpret State Laws
and that the Coucil w�uld �take such aetion as necessax�y in keeping with g�od
Village planning as requ��ed under the village ��ning c�de. Mr. Harry I,A�,
�f 1933 Xerxes Avenue and other pr�perty �wners af'�'ected the rez�ning reque�t�
appeared before the Ct�mmissi.on and stated their ob3ecti�n� t� t�he pra�p�o�ed
rezoning request. These objections expressed� cunformed with the rea�ons f�r
d�nial as reported by the Z�ning Committee. Harry Dezeil, 1�.22 AngelaDrive,
appeared before the Commission and stated that he was a member of the Mar�aret
_ R�ary Ch�.rch parish and stated �hat property owners find church locations compatible
with residential areas. After considerable discussion by members, F�aa1d moved
that the Commission accept the C�ommitteets recommendation and that the z�oning
request be denied. Shinder sec�nded the motion and members v�ted unanimousl�
for acceptance �f the Co�runittee�s rep:ort. Village At�orney Stan Kane arrived at
the meeting after receivin� a call fr�om the C�ommission to express his flpinion. in
regards to the questir�n raised by Mr.. R�osenfield. Kane re-affa.rmed the C�mmissionts
position an re�ards �o the action taken under th� present z�ning �rdinanee and
stated that he was not fami.liar with any state laws prohibiting institutional zoning
on a Village level.
MLNNEAPOLIS AND STy LOUIS RAILWAY COl`^�AIV�', County Highw� 18 South t�f the Minnes�ta
Western Railway tracks. Pr��msed Lumber Yard f�r T.h�mps�on Lumber Com�any.
Chairman �Telz, using a c�ia� showed the area c�overed by the Zoning request and
stated that the appl:icati�n inel.uded all of the pr�operty N�rth of the Standard
Oil 10� whereas only ab�ut two acres are involved f�r the proposed locati�on of
the Thompson Lumber Company buildings. `�Te1z further reported the Committee�s
recammendations that z�ning be approved only for the prflp�rt� to accomod.ate the
Thompson Lumber Company and that the remaining property n�w c�wned by the
Minneapfllis and St. Louis Railway Company be left as an t�pen devel�pment. Velz
stated that the Committe�ts r�cflrmnendations requiring a 100t setback .from the
East right-of-wa�r line of Cc�unty Road 18 to be established by eliminating �ueh
� ;
areas frflm the zoned area as was d�ne in the case of Standard Oil. Ve1z further
stated that the Camrnittee rec�mmends that the 100� setback be considered for the
entire length �f County Road 18 thr�ugh Golden Valley f�or 1and uses �other -than
residential and that the C�mmittee also wisM.es to p�oint out that its reeommendati�ns
for apprt�val �of rezoning for the Thompson property is made with n� building layout
or other land use diagrams. Ve1z further reported that the Committee ma�es its
rec4mmendati.4ns evnditional up�on the ultimate building and land uses as be�,ng of
high quality c�nstruction and neat appeararioe compatible with the quality of the
�ther new industrial developments in the Village and the applicants agree to plan-�
trees ancl shrubs t�o beau-�i#"� the p,roperty eomparable to the cr�nditiflns accepted by
Standard Oil. Mr. F'rank Clawson� representing the Minneap�lis and St. Louis Rwy.
and. Mr. Buckholtz t�f Thvmpson Lumber Company� appeared befflre the Commission and
pointed out reasons f�r req;a�sting �he setback �f 50� fr�m the County Road No. 18.
The applicants stated that widening of Cqun.ty R�ad l8 wi11 be to the West on the
New Hope Village side and that the 100t s�tback requirements as recoirunendsd by the
Z�ning Cornm.ittee, w�u1d fflree the placement �f the Thvmpaon builduz�s to th� rear
�of the pr�operty, necessitating the relocati�n of the planned �pur track. Mr.Clawson
pt�i.nted �out tha� if such was the case m�st of the switching �of freight cars would
oceur �n the West side 4� C�un�y R.oad 18. Mr. Claws�an further stated that most
�f the land covered by the rez�ning application was swampy and that the best s�oil
conditi�ns fvr building were l�ocated within the 100� setback requirements. After
cfln�iderable discussion by member5 regarding the setbacks a1�ng Go�nty Road 18,
B4rchert moved that the C�mmiSSion accept the recommendatic�ns �f the Zoning
C�mmittee. C�ommissit�n member Jordan raised the point on question regarding the
necessity of maintaining a 1001 setback for -�he particular application since 100�
setbaek c�uld n�t be maintained thoughout the �esidential area Nort� of the
property in questivn. Chairman Ve1z reported tha� the Viilage Ordinance inter-
preted.� refers tc� sueh setback requirement5 for eommercial z�ning and that
residential setbaeks are established by the residential z�ning eode. A11 members,
except Jordan who obs-���n.ed from voting, �oted unanim�usly f�r the mt�ti�n tfl accept
the C�mmitteets rec�ommenda�ti�ns.
D.ARWIN Z. DICKEY 6t�oo�- 6600 Ham shire Place - Multi le Zonin
Chairrr� �e1z sta�ted that the Committee mem ers meet with the propQnents and that
the member5 inspect th.� area �u�.der c�nsideratit�n. Chairman Ve1z repr�r-ted that the Z
Zoning C�rmni.tt�e ��und the application f�r multiple dwelling units fc�r lot 3, �, and
5 as meeting the mizl:tiple dwelling eode and that lt�t 9 and 10 did not meet sueh
requirements. Chairman Ve1z further stated that since the Z�oning Gommi�tee was nvt
in camplete agreement as t� the zoning request and stated �urther same question was
raised in regards t� the elevati�on �f the building shown �on L�ts 3a l.G and 5 and that
his Cflmmittee recommends stud� by the entire Corrnnissi�n in c�onsid.ering the applieation.
Chairman Velz aiso indicated that the pr�perty wa� adjacent t� the railroad and
exposed fln the N�rth by the H�neywell installati�on� b�.t that r�esidential de�el�opment
was- e�tablished in the �ther �three directi�ns. Mr. Sahnieder, a property owner t�
the lots in questi4n, appeared bef�re the Commission, a1�ng with other property owners
in that area� and objeeted t� the rez�oning request s�n the basi� that the area wa�
residential in eharacter and was developing satisfaetorily. L�ughland m�ved that
the C�mmiss3.�n ree�mmend t� the C�uncil to deny the applicatir�n on the ba��.s that
the erea be established as r�siclential. Motir�n was seconded by Dresser and all
�ember� vc�ted f4r -the ree�mmendati�on.
STANLEY IfLINK, Douglas Drive at Olympi� - Multiple Dwc�llin�
Chairman �elz sta.ted that prewiflus aeti4n by Cflmmissi�n shot�ld be3 estate�
and referred to the Z�ning C�ommittee�s rec�rrnnendati�an vf March 2�, 1958•
�e1z reported that the Committee �et w�ith the applicants ai�d that the
applicants did n�t show any new prc�posal that me-t th� multiple dw�lling
zona.ng requirements. �illage Engineer Sor�nsen stated that the bui�ding
inspectar rep�rt sh�wed that one 3-�anit apartment buildi.ng could be piacecl
on the 1ot and that any flther proposal woU.ld n�tmeet the mul�iple dweLl.ing
z�ning requiremen�s. Mr. Atkins�n of the K1in� Realty appeared bef�re the ,
Commission and 5tated that if waivers for setbacks could be approvsd then
the buildings could be placed satisfactorily to utilize the prvperty.
Mr. Sehnieder, pr�perty awner in the area affected by the rez4ning request,
app�ared be�'�ore the Cnmmissi�n and e�cpressed his r�bjeetions to the pr�oposed
multiple dwelling location. A��er discu�si�n by the C�mmissi�sn members,
B�orchert moved that the Cflmmission reeommend to the Council that �n acc�rdanee
with -the present zflning �rdinance and in the light of the pr�perty abtztting
railr�oad ps�opert�* that a waiver on the buildable area land requiremen�s be
granted to acc�modate approximately an eleven unit dwelling and waive rear
yard setback requirements and rez�one the area t�o multiple dwelling. Motic�n
was seevnded by Jord�.n and all members v�ted for the m�otit�n.
REPdRT �F' ZONING CON�'^�TTEE Reeammendati�ons far Corrections and Additi�on�
prior to C�difieati�n of Z�ning C�de. See idareh 17 C��runittee ��rt �
Chairman Velz reported additi�nal c�rrectian.� in Industrial Zoning and
ree�ommended certain additi�nal changes as related to the actual u5es and
tioning. Member Lyneh moved that the Cormnission f�rward the Cormnittee
report ta the Council as read, seconded by Z4ughland and carried unanimou�ly.
EftNE�T LANIDER�, T.�ot l, Keene-H�b�e & Bitzerts Outl�ts.
Chairman L�u�hland. report�d that Mr. Lamber�ts request f�r rezs�nin� from �open
tfl Tndustrial was based �n his added tax burden due t4 sewer installati�n r�n
his N�rth boundary. After some discussion, Committee members expressed a
general �opinion that the land was mflre sui�able for residentzal than
andustrial devel�pment. Mr. Loughland stateri that his Cr�mmittee w�uld recc�mmend
the denial flf the applicati�n. On M�tit�n by �elz, seconded by Borehert� the
C�mm-i.ssion members app;r�ved unanimonsly the Committee�s recorrunendatia�n�.
Committee member �Velz m�oved that the area N�rth �f Duluth Street and Wes� �f
the railroad �e referred t� -�he L�ng Range Planning Corr�nittee �or possibl�
rez�ning ��a Residential. Nivti�n was s�cflnded by Shinder and ear��ied unanim�usl�.
_ _ STREET PA�TEftN _ __ . .
Vi�lage Engine�r S�rensen r�p�rted that s�o�- pr�b�.em� have arisen regarding
the use �f School pr�perty as aceess r�aads by proper�y owners but tha.t no
a�ti�on, wt�uld be taken until full report was received. �
Ther �bsin�' furth business, the meeting was adjovrned.
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