05-08-58 PC Minutes �. R�GULAR ME�,TING GOLDEAI VALLEY PLA.NNING CONIl�'LLSSION NIAY 8, 1958 A regu.l.ar meeting of the planning Commission �f Golelen Valley was held on May 8, 1958 at 7:30 P.M. at 8030 Olson Memorial Highway. President Penn�ek presided and the follnwing members were present: Messrs. Borchert, Brown, Dresser, Ewa1d, Hetman, Jensen, Jordan, LaBissoniere, L�oughlanda Lyneh,Shinder and Ve1z; Village Attorney Kane, Village Ehgineer SorenseM and Administrator Ulstad. The minutes of the regular me�-�i.ng of Apr�l 10, 1g58 were unanimously approved on a m�ti�n by Velz, seconded by Loughland with the follawing corrections: The w�rd tNORTH� inserted in reference to the Honeyweli installation in the 1.ast sentence on page �:; and under Long Range Planning� page 5'� the Ernest Lambert re�erenee to exclude the wording "AREA NORTH OF LAUREL". PLATS H. J. Fahrendor�� Lflt 16, Auditorts Subdivisi�n #322 - Preli.minary approval. Chairman LaBissoniere reported that his Committee recommends preliminary approval to the plat. M�tion by I,ynch to accept the Committee�s recommendation was sec�nded by L�aughland and carried unanimougly. Edward Jordan�s Duluth Terrace Plat, Final Approval. , �Jillage Ehgineer S�orensen presented the Co�rmiission with the �inal plat layout which was accepted by members as meeting requirements. LaBissoniere m�oved that the Pla,nning Ct�mmission rect�mmend tr� the Covncil final appr�val. M�tion seconded by Shinder and carried unanimously. Et�rald P1at, Ridgeway, Laurel & Penns�rlvania, EtnTA7�D HEIGHTS SECOND ADDITION. Fina1. ZaBissoniere m�ved that the C4mmission reco�nend f inal approval to this p1at� subject tt� posting platter�s performance bond as required by the Villa�e o� G�olden Va11ey. Motzon was sec�nded by Et�ald, carried unanimously, Pank�nie Addi�i�n, Lots l, 2, 3 Block 1, On Golden ValTey Road at Nob1e Aae. Chairman LaBissoniere repflrted that he had recei�ed the plat request application late and had called a special C�ommittee meeting to eonsider the applieati�n and stated further tha.t the plat request did n�t mee�t the side l�ot requirements, ancl that a setbael� waiver should be considered. Chairman LaBiss�niere m�o�ed that the appZieation be referred t� the Ordinance Gomm.ittee for their considerati�n. Mflti�on was sec�nded b�r I,yneh and onfurther discussion by members relating to the pr�ocedtares and the irr�eompleteness of the platting application, LaBiss�oniere withdrew the motion and members agreed that the Plat and Ordinance C�ommittees h�old a j�o`int meeting wi.th the applicant for rep�rt a� next Planning Commission meeting. REZOIVING VALLEY OF PEACE LtITH�?.AN CHURCH, l�7�0 BASSETT CREEK DRZVE Chairman Velz rep�rted that his Committee met with the applieants and that the C�mmitteets report be given after the applicants made their presentation -t�o the Co�mn3.ssion. Mr. Pine�, representing the Church Building CQrmnittee� appeared. before the Commission and presented the building p1an along with a m�odel of the pr�posed building. Commissi�on member Jen�en. pre�ented the Commission with a detailed outline of the general plans related to the entrance and the parking. �� RE;�ULAR MEETTNG OF GOLDE�t VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION - N�.AY 8� 1958 . VALLEY OF PEACE I,UTHERAN CHURCH� (C�nttd� Jensen explained. that the Church structure wo�.ld be completed in tw� stages. Commission members pointed �ut that the total height �f the building was i.n excess �of I�O� and would necessitate special approval by the Couneil. It was illustrated to the Commission that the building was situated at a lower elevati�n than the surr�unding area and that it w�u1d be desirable t� :have a taller structure. Chairman �elz reported that his Committee has given complete study to the rezoning request and found the application meeting a11 Ordinance requirements. Velz repflrted that the land w�uld be best suited for the proposed use and rec�mmended that the rez�ning reque�t be approved with the condition that the driveway entranee be setback t�o meet the 15t Village requireznents, and that the parking area to be revised to show standard parking stalls and that the applicants presen� the C�uncil with the new layout. Commissifln members poi.nted out that the parking area shown on the plan include some Village property. Member LaBissoniere questioned the necessity to commit the Village in permitting use �of Village land f�or private parking. Chairman Ve1z stated tha� his Committee�s �ect�m- mendati�ns took consideratit�n the parking requirements and that such requirements were adequate with�ut including the Village property as shown on the plan. Chairman �elz further stated that the building could be mo'ved towards the frflnt an� thereby gaining ten additional feet which c�u1d be used f�r more parking area in the rear if necessary. Shinder moved that the C�ommittee report b� acdepted and that the Commissi�n �ec�mmend approval of the rezflning request with the stipula.tion that the l�T side street setback be maintained and that a new detailed parking area plan be submitted and that the Cc�uneilts attenti�on be called t�o the 1�3� height of the pr�p�sed structure. The motion was seconded by Jensen and carried unanimvusly. PROPOSID A�IENDME�TT TO ZONING ORDINANCE SETTTPSG FORTH DEFIP3ITE PARKTNG ' REQtTIREMEt�T S. Chairman Velz reported that the Zoning Committee met and studied the parki.ng requirements f�r each cate�ory and presented members with charts illustratin� the present parking requirements, along with a c�mparison of the general zoning requirements of the different cate�o�ies. Chairman �Te1z express�d the need f�r uni�orm zc�ning and minimum parkin� requirements f�r the vari�ous zoning categ�ries. Cammission members s-�udied the prop�sed parking regulations relating t� the space nece�saxy for the general zoning classification groupings. After considerable discussi�n by members it was generally agreed that it wt�uld be desirable t�o continue the study of the Zoning Cammittee�s c€�mparative analysis. President Pennock suggested that �'r�rmer Cammissifln member Pattersc�n be forwarded a c�opy �f the Z�oning Corrnnittee t s eharts �t�r his e�nsi.derati4n and suggesti�ns. Chairman �telz stated -tha�t the Zoning Committee would c�onduct . fizrther studies of the proposed minimum parking requirements and would rep�ort on the progres� at the next meeting. I,ONG ?3ANGE PLANNING REPORT ORT STREET� PATTF�T, AUDITOR1 S SUBD2VISION �31�� Chairman L�ughland reported that his Committee met with the Vill�.ge Engineer Sorensen and that the Village Engineer has made studies of the area roughly bordered by Golden Valley R�oad t�n the S�uth, MN&S Railroad R�Q and Bassett�� �reek �on the West, St. Cro� Avenue on the North and Xenia Ave. North on the ,GI� REGULAI�Z MEETING GOLDIlV ��LL�Y PLANNING COl�'lISSION 1�Y 8, 1958. STREET PATTERN (Conttd) East, ha�i.ng in mind a better land use and new, imprflved road layouts. Tsoughland stated that S�orensen had deve3oped three diff'erent seheme� far improvement �of the area and an April 19, 1958, thesE sahemes were reviewed �n the site at his request by Long Ra.nge C�nnnittee members Borchert, Jensen, �'e3z and Loughland, together with President Pennock and �illage Engineer Sorensen. Because �f the unusual t�pography �of the area, the Corrmlittee felt that impra4crnent plans sht�uld be divided into two s�parate r�ad patters, namely: (1) the high area (e1ev. 900±) of Oak Grove Sch�ool playgr�ound and vicinity, and (2) the lower area (elev. 870t) easterly 'of the scho�ol and between Cralden Valley Road and St. Cr�ix Avenue. Chairman Loughland stated further that it is the opinion 4f the C�mmi.ttee that Sorensen�s schemes are based �n g�od judgement as ta the best land use and a street pattern devel�pment and that the Committee recammends the scheme marked (plan #�1) namely to extend the so-called ADAIR Avenue from Golden �alley Road North and Easterly acr�ss the North boundary of the sch�ool pr4perty endi,ng in a cul-de-sac ab�ut� on the NE corner of -the scho�l land on the high (ele�. 900±} plateau and tha-t the Committee also rec�mmends as being the best use �f the l�wer lands (elev. 870±) that in general the street pattern shown on Sorensen�s plan �1 be f�ll�wed. Loughland related -the Committeets de�ire that no further c�nsideration sh�uld be given to the Village Engineerts pian #2 and #3 which indicates a s�zggcsted steep and euring street eonnecting the sch�ol yard area, (elev. 900±) to the lower easterly area (elev. 87�+_). Chairman Loughland stated that his Corr�tnittee also reeommends that the matter be referred t�o the Plat Crommittee at an appr�priate time for re�i.ew of lot sizes and ° pr�perly n�.med and placed streets to c�nf�orm to the �illage pattern. Borchert m�ved that the Planning Commission accept the Committeels report and that -the repflrt be referred to the Plat Committee. Motion was see�nded by Br�wn and carried cmanimo�.sly. REPORT ON STATE HIGHWAY PUBLIC HEARING OF APRIL 22�1958. Cha�_rrnan L�ughland reported that he was n�t prepared to rep�rt �on the matter and requested that his r�port be given at the next meeting. REZONING RECOMMENDATi0N5 OF ARFA IPdCLUDING THAT AREA NORTH OF Il�TEST I�AMBE�tT 1 S L�t , Keene, Hig ee, itzer s utlots. Chairman T�oughland rep�orted that in resp�onse to the Co�mni�sionts directi�e �of April l0, T�ong Range C�ammi.ttee Members m�t j4intly with President Penn�ck and Village Engineer S�rensen on April 19th and qiewed the l�.nd mentiqned in the Commissi�nis direetive 5tating that it was the npinion �f all members of the ab�ove gr�oup that the p�rti�n o� �the SE 1��. t�f NW 1�`1� a�' Section 29 i.n Golden Talley �� R�ULAR MEETING GOLDIlV VAI,LEY PLANNING CONINIISSION - May �i, 1958 ZONING RECOMNiENDATIONS (Conttd) which is located Westerly �f the R;�W of I��a.nneapolis, Northfield & Southern Ra.ilwayy woul�. at present be better suited to residential use-than tc� Tndustrial� as it is now z�ned, and that area together with ��me adj�oining lands North and.- East of it were �ndustrially zoned in 19�5� sine� then industry has made use of certain areas East of the Railroad with n� sueh c�omparable activities 1�own t� the L�ng Range Committee f�r the area -West flf the Railrciad. Loughland reported that a new residential area (Winnetka Height�) is now developing on the West adjoining the 5ubject tract with the Keene-Higbee-Bitzer 0utlots on the South and the elosely situated Hampshire Oaks Additifln southwesterly of the-Railroad R/W was developing to Residential u�e. CYiairman Lou�hland e�pre5sed �he Committseis desire that attention be disected also to the Commissionis action �f April 10 sizggestin� that the best use for Lot: 1 of the abave mentioned C7utlots was Residential and that the Lflng Range Cc�mmittee reeommends that the best use af the area described in the second paragraph above� w�uld, in light of �he foregoing discussion and its field inspection, be for Residential purp�ses. Lnughland continuin� his report, sta-ted that the Committee suggest� if the C�mmission accepts the above recommendati�n� that this report be referred t�o the Zoning Committee �'ar its views; f�ll�wing which, the Commissi�n shou�.�. deeide the pr�per course that this ma.tter sh�uld take for its conclusit�n. - A motifln by Borche�t recommending to the Commission aeceptanee of the report, and to refer it tr� the Zoning Committee, was seconded by Shinder, carried unanimously. Tne Zoning Committee was requested to report on the matter at the next meeting. DISCUSSION OF P�OPOSID SERVICES OF PROFESSIONAL PLANNING CONSUI,TANTS Chai�man Loughland presented a written report t4 the Commissi�n which included the f�llowing: - "In about 191�7, some ten years after the Planning C�mmissi�n was established, the �Tillage fl�' Golden �a11ey employed Mc�rrel & Nicht�ls, P�anning Engineers to prepare a physical study of the �illa�e and, in eooperation with the Planning Commissiont they also set out a general future street pattern. Saon there- after the Plannin� Commission rect�mmended a re�rised street name and numbering system which was ad�op-�ed in abc�ut 19�.9. This early work has been invaluable t�o the efforts of the Planning Commission thru the ye�rs to date. The stage of devel�pment at which Gfllden Va11ey n�ow stands ca11s f or an�other careful laok at the future in order t� make reas�nabZy sure of a ct�ntinuing develt�pment best suited to the land use, together with a c4mmensurate street pattex�n.. At its meeting of Apri1 19, 19�8 the L�ng Range Plannin�; C�mmitte� discussed this matter with President Penn�ock and Village �gin�er Sorensen. That group felt that the time has c�ome when a c�mprehensi�re review �of Golden Valleyts de�rel�pment in the last decade �r st� must be ma.de in order t� have a basis up�n which to better visualize a future c�urse. Tr.e �roup was also cognizant of the fact that any future .GI R�UI,AR MEETTNG GOLI}II�T VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION - May 8, 1958 DISCUSSION OF PROPOSID SII�.VICES OF PROFESSIONAL PLANNING CONSULTANTS,(Cont�d) plan eann�t be inflexible and therefore mu5t be reviewed from time to -time t� keep in step and be ahead o.f changes of eharacter not always anticipated. As a result of this diseussi�n the chairman �f the Long Range Committee was asked t� sit in with President Penriock, Village Administrator Ulstad and �i.11age �.gineer 5orensen �to interview tw� prafessional Planners viz: J.W. Hawks �f the firm �f Carl L. Gardner & AsS�ociates and T'ir. Sherman 5. Harbrt�uek. The interviews took place in Mr. Ulstad�s office �n Apri1 28. The 1Profes�i�nals� pr�p�sals to serve the �illage for a limited time and for stipulated fees are herewith attached as part of this report. There may be better ways to prc�ceeed with a study that will aid the Village in Planriing its future. The Cnmmittee howeqer feels that 5ome wa.y should be f�und soon by whi:eh a revised, well ffl�anded and e�omprehensive plan of future development can be set out. Tt there�'ore recommends that steps be taken �a have formulated some form of a new �orecas� �f future T�illage devel�pment.�� Chairman Lflugh.land further summarized the Committee�s thinkin� and presented tw�o pr�op�sals from the Consultant firms of Sherman S. Harbrouck and Car1 L. Gardner & Associa-tes, e�ressin.g his persona.I opini�n that the Gardner firm w�u1d be better suited to render service to the Planni.ng Cflmmission. He indicated further tha� the Gardner firmts prflp�sal was for $1�2�J0.00 and the Harbr�uckts propt�sal at a cost o� $2350.00 .Af'ter con.siderable discussion by the members in regards t� the needs f�r such serviee, and to the effects that the Consultant�s service would have on the Planning Commissit�n, a motion by Velz to aecept the Committeets report was seconded by Borcher� and carried unanimously. President Pennock stated that the Council should be advised more directly as tfl the C�ommission�s idea in regards to engaging the Planning Cqnsultants. Dresser m�ved that the C�mmission submit the Corr�nittee�s report to the Couneil rec�ommending a study be undertaken and that outside planning consultants be retained� and that if the Gouncil wishes the Commission to make the recommenda- ti�ns f�or selecti�on, t� so ad�ise the Co�nission, in which case� a Council member be inc�luded on the Planning Commission C�ommi��ee making the selection. The motion was seconded by Loughland and carried unsnimously. HARDSHIP WAIQEftS RALPH T. RUTZIDGE dba RUTLIDGE CONSTRUCTIOI�T C0. Proposed O�fice & Storage Building at Olson Highwa . � �.�%_r� �?'c-�d.c_.c..�.-t���;� �z-�J�l',y/�-��>�� Mr. Ru�Iedge appeared before the Commission and presented petitifln for sidelot waiver. Chairman Jordan reported that the appliea-tion request5 a waiver for sidel�ot setback of 12t on the Inc�.iana Avenue side, and a 20t waiver on the front setbaek requirement. Chairman Jordan stated that his C�mmittee agreed that this was the best use of the land and that the waivers be granted providing the front setback will be no less than the adjacent property accupied by the Federal C�ontain�r Corp�ration. A motion by Lynch to aceept the Committeefs rec4mmendation was n�t seeanded. Member B�rchert expressed his opinion tha�t �he setbacks established for the Federal Container Corporation should n�ot be u5ed as a pattern for the de�velopment of the area, including the land covered by the present application. �� t REGULAR MEETING OF GOLDIIJ VAZLEY PZ.ANNING CONI�•1ISSION � May 8, 1958 R�LPH T. RUTLIDGE (Conttd) Members discussed possible problems resulting frorr. similar waiver requests from the area under consideration. Lynch withdrew motion and after further discussior. b;� members, rTr. Hansan� represen-ting the Rutledge Construction Co. agreed to accept the standard 35t setback in front. TZembers agreed unanimously that the hardship waiver request be referred to the Ordinance Waiver and Long Range Planning Committe� for �urther stud�r. ( ELMER DIEI'RICH, �000 WEST BEND ROAD M-r. Dietrich appeared before the Commission and requested that his appli- cation be placed on the agenda for a hardship waiver request. �Village Builaing Inspect�r Ljm eh presented -the Commission with a plat showing -the eorrect layout of the strueture owned by Mr. Dietri.ch. It was pointed out to the Commission that due -to errors in the survey and in the �riginal layout by the Contractor, the st�tzcture was so placed i�n the property necessitating a 2t side �ot waiver on the ?�TOrth and a 5t waiver �r�n the West Bend Road. A motion by Borchert, seconded by Brown to deny the hard- ship waiver request tilas withdratM1rn af'-Eer considerable discussion by members re�;ardin� the hardships that wfluld be caused if the Commissi�n denied the request. I��m.ch m�ved tha-t the Commission recorrffnend to the Couneil that the waivers be granted and based his recommendation on the fact that the present hardship condition resulted somewhat because of survey errors and lack of eoordinated inspecti�n by the T�illage offiee. The motion was seconded by Shinder and carried unanimou�ly. PRESII]ENT PENPdOCK reported Council actions on the Commissi�n�s recommenda- tions at the last Council meeting. The being -r�a-�a.rther bus'ness� the meeting was adjo�zrned. �,Sn � �-C�"S'� i..��`p �� � ` . e° rge- ennock, President �-' G'"� --� . e man, Secretary `