06-12-58 PC Minutes � � BEGUL�t MEETT�7G C�IS?E1Q VALT�'Y pLA1�NIl'1Q CO1�II�StSSTfJ� Jm�e l2, 1958 A regular ��ting of the Piar�ing Cc�aiss3.crri s�f Gc�ld�� 9a11ey xas h�ld e+n June 12, 1958 at 7a30 P.M. at 8030 Olson �ari.a7. HighWay. Presid�nt Pennock pre�ided and the ft�ll� �mbers xere present: Mes�sr�. B4rchert, Brc�nm, I}resssr, H@Ig83flA� Het�aa,Jen�en� LaBissoniere� LA�aglzland� T��neh, Shinder and R�1�. Al.�s� preseirt �ere Q�.il.age Engi.neer pon Sc�rensen, qillage �c�iei.�istrator Ulstad and Plar�ning Cc►n.,s�al.tant H�wk�. The �ates of the r�gular �eting of May $, 195$ were u�a.nimously �gproved on �ac�io� by Lyneh� seeonded by Jensen with th� follc�ring correc�iAn: u�ader Rnt�.edge Canstruetion CQ�pany, r�quest f�r Waiqer - delete r�ference tc the 12� ae�baek cn the Ir�i.i.a.n,a Ave. side. T4 read as fe�llc�ss �8�ledge Ccnstr�cti�n C� requests a wa3.ver c�f the enti.re �ide yard aetbac� on the I�►d3.aria Ave. sid� a�d a l�� wai�er of the frcnt yard setbaek. Cl�airr�an Jordan atated that 2�.3.s c ttes.recc�ad� a setback t'rc� I�iiaria Ave. of 12� aad a Yront setbac& ef no lea� tl:aaan t2�t af ad�scent prop�rties. - FI��'S � LO[�Y �RA.GE .A�DITIO�, E 1/2 YALE GA�'� H�I�S - Bert Ptit�. Fina1 apprQVal, .._._..,.._...�.�..._...._.._...._.._...�-- Ghaix•ma,n �,aB3.s�oMiere repo2^�ted the P1at Co�i.�tee rec�er�ds fin�al �ppro�ral of thi� Plat s�b�ect tt� apprs�al by the �illage Engizaeer. Mr. .Sc>rens�n x•epcn�ed hav3.ng cheek the plat 1.aqcut. Motion by Brawc�, aeecnded b3r Borchert to accept the C�i.ttee t a recr�nd.ation carried �ni�cwsly. AI.BIN J. PAI��TIE, Preli.s�3.nary Apprcval of' AeE].at_�GULDEN V��I�.E.7C R(�D & �4BI� AV. . wi r��r�� ��������� Chair�an �3�.ss�ni.ere reported that the Cs�ittree �e�bers visited the prt�perty locatian and stat�d that th� replat requeat �e� all requ�Lre�g�� ar�d rec r�1ed that the �v�isaic+� gi�ts prelixinary appr0'val to the applicatio�.. LaSi.s�oa.i.�r8 pointed en.t that the 17' additional setback f� Goldea �a].ley 8t�ad t�as�s n�t neces�ary aecarding to tl�e Village Eng�ieerfs r�pert. Lct�hlsnd maved t�t the Com�3.ttee�s repart au�d. recflrnmendatio�s be aecepted anci that the Co�iasion �ec�er�d_prel3�inaxy. '�prc�val. tfl the Covnc3l. Mbtio� seco�aded b�r Shird er �i ea.r��ed �,a�a3�s0a�s1�. F'EI�F�ft & I��RISI!T HOVT}EN - xeplat Lcr� 22, �uDi�o�js s�snr��zo� #330 - �1.i�.i.nar� ��� w.�.�.�r�..�r��w�n+r� apprana . . CY�air�aan 7yaBissoniere r�ported that the re-�ubmitted plat p1.an nc�+r irsclud�d the entire area and t�at it �eet� aIl require�r�ts, with the Plat �o�ittee re��- �ndin� preli�d.r�r apprs�val� LaBi��s�r�i.ere indieated that ar� �arli�r pl.�t plan did not me�t �the platting reqr,iir�men�ss. Matis�n bb� Shinder, r�eccnded by Bsrchert to ats�AePt the Cs�n3.ttee�s r�port recoa�aendir�g pre:limi.nary a,pproval� ca�rri.ed ut�axl3mot�,s1�. S�REE� PATTE�I. Aud3.tc�rts Subdiq3.eicm #346• �.�..._r... ._.._�._�.,... _,....._.,..� No aeticro s�as taken on �his �natter. � , REGT?LAR MEETIlI�T'G VII.LAGE 4F G4LUEl� �ALL�Y PI,AN�tING GOMMTSST4�t ��ne i2, i958 ���, TTxO1��Otte�ruetiou E�o:. F:�aal. App� Je��ten ��ed �t the Plannimg Co�i.ss3.on ��thari�e the P7yat C�i..t�ee tv act fln f�.tsa.3. appra�l of the Pl�t. Th.e mation wa� secc�d.ed by _ Lynch and ca.zMri.�d unanimc�na.sl�. Ei. J. FAH�FAIDOA�' Lvt 16, Atu�ii.tar�s �.bdivis3.� #322 — Fin�I. Approval. � � rrr�������i�.���r���.+�� ■ ��� Chai.rman LaBi�smn3.ere rep4rted that he had received �1� final plat la�ro.t late and t�aat the Cc�i.tte� wa� unable �o �he�k th� f3�s1a2 plat 7.,ayc�tt. M�t3.cm by Bra�m tY�at the Planning Ccmnretssic3r� a�thmr�.se the Plat Cc�mai�te� to act on the f3.na7. approval, �ras see+�r�ied b�r de�asea an�i carri.ed ur�r�i.�cc�usly. �ONING �_ I+TID J. TRt�MAIQ, Id?TS 1:,.�. 3,s 4.,_G�'i� TE� �3.rman �'el� reported that the Coz�i,ttee �t w3.�b the applicar�t and. disa�aed the prop�r�ed zoni.ng req�est. 'Pel.� stat,ed that at th� t� of th� Ca�i:ttee�s meeting, some qf the member� had no� in�eted �he prc>p�rty lcrcaticm, therefox�, t�e Cc�mi.ttee wit2�held acti�crrx unti2 �ore cf the menber�s had an apporttulity to inspect the �rea t�nder cor�iderat3.o�. Velz further stated that si1. Ca�nms;ittee ��nb�rs haci �inc� then iaspect�d the propASed b��i3.din� si�e, except Shizuier, �nd tY�at his Com�i.ttee recomm�nds rl�n3.�1 t�f the zoni.ng reqv.e$t on the'.basis that the area wa� devel�rpi�g �resid�utial� ar�d t1�at the be�� t��e of tY�e lanci was reside.n�tial. Mr. T��man $ppearc�d befor� th� C�3.��iar� �nd presexrteti his vi�wg cm the advaritages of mw�3.tip1� �caning, sfi.ati� that ctmsider�.Bie tim� and effort had been gi4en in ffiaking the bui.]..da.ng� de�3.gn ec�nipatible to �,ny reside�tial area. Cs�3.ttse �effiber Dre�ser reaffirm�d th�* Ca�m�i.tte��s p4sition as t4 �h� best t�e af land i�a that area be�3u�g resident3.a7.. LaBissoz�i.ere �sc�ved that the C�nmrdi.�sic>n ac�ept the Cmm�3.ttee�s recom�encirat3.cn for dertial of�the zdning reqt�est. �tia�rt cax°r3.ed �rith Sh�.z�cier not vcrtai.�g. v1�'Y V'IEW E�TERPI�.IZE, I�C. 2? Acres — NW corner St. Crc>iac Av. &e B�lt I�ine. :.�w�. ������ .� i����.��� r� ���rr�������r��rr���.�.�. � Ch�airman Vel� po3.trted cntt t�a the �mber� t�e loeat3.un of the I�d a�ea t�der can�ideratic�n ami stat�d that the C�3i.ttee �et �th the app2i�nt who pre�errted a prapc�s�1. �or 282 �al.tiple dwelling vnits, a shc�pp3.� c�rrtar, ar�d �everal re�3dentiall lots on apprc�3s�a,tely a 2� acz� tract I.o�at�d at the �lW irrt�sr�ect3.cm c�f 5t. Crt�ix Ave, and Hight�ay 100. velz f�arther repert�d th�t tlzere wer� a great � �az�3.ance� 3.a the px�c�posed pla�n frc�m the I�ltiple Dt�ellirig Ordi�anee and tl^��� th� appli�aats Were aware vf the�e vari.�css. qe1.� a�t�ad that,the p�€�po�ed 1.a3rout �w�,s adequate t4 3s�icate �he applie�n��� intent fc�r devel��t ar�d t�t the applicant req��sts an indie�tivzt�m�f the Ca�i��iont s feeli�ngs tv�ard �he p�,ropoasd land t�se a�s�dxig that c+e��.3.arice ts� �11 �istin� villag� Drdinat�ces wvuld be maint,si.�ed. Vel.s alsa �ated that the propor�ents did con�ider tc� deed the lcrts a7:� Ba�sett Cr�eek fcm Park p�rpa�s, amd tl�,at the Z� Co�tttee feels that the prapo�ed Za.r�d n��� are �uit�bls �nd �ofald rec�a�ci that the Com�.i.ssion fur�,l,l� ad�v3.a� the applica�ts tc �hi�s effect �o that the� can proceed t� d�velop a su3.t�b1� Zayou� f�or a�ubmittai tc� the Zoning Cmmn3.tte�. Laz�y l�a.tanfant a.�d 1�1r. Thcr�eg �pp�ar�d before the C�a3.ssion �.aci �cpla3.ned a propc�sed b�.ilding � REG�TLAft �iG VII�AGE �F GOLDEId VALi,�'Y PLt�NNI�G C4�L�SIOI� Jt�NE �.2, 19�� plan 3.ayc�t whi.ch ��ld cc�ply wi�h the Qillage Ordinar�e reqvire�ent�. F'e�arx��k po��d out that t,lae Cv�ai.s�icro shcn�l.d �nd,q the pas�ibiZity e�f e�tabli�shin� a prsc�d�rat for la�}use bcrrderin� HigYxw�y 1� in the vi�inity ax�i �a11ed attention spe�i.f3�a1Zy to the eorraer lcrts cm the ,S4�.thw�st anci Nc�rtheast cox�ers c� the int�rsecticm o.f St. Cr€�ix .�venue a�i �Iig�iay lf�Q. After :tbrther discu�siun by �bers �s to ��.e best larsd. u��, a �crti�n by �hla,nd� seconded by Helgessm �o accept the Co�Lttee�s repc>rt ar�d. recor�me��i�ns ta appx�e�e the Zcmi.ng req�t�st was carri�d, m�aa�sly. Tt wa.� furth�r agx�eed that the n3,11age Engin�er�� off3.c� shov�.d eheck c� t�e Iiighway 13epart�tentt� plan b6rdering the axea �nxuier ccrosideration ar�i that th� P�xk B�ard be ir�.f+�rmed caf the prvp+�sed zonin� reqme�t. cc�r�� v.� �cmzs� c�cx, 7501 �t�tAg 55' �he West 86J� a� �cr� �, Audi.tvr�s Sut�tivis3.on #322 - �re=ed.par�_�a�----..�_,.._ ���+��r������r.�r�r���r�. Chair�a�i Vel� repc�rted that his Csrm�r3.ttee xon].d recvm�rxl the zc��in�; �� :Izistittational., th� t�es�t 80 ft. vf Lwt �., Audi�bvr*s Subdiviaitan #3�2 no� �o}�e�a devel�nt i a� it i� an enl.arge�at c�f the exi€�'ir� Prope� na�r �con�d �Ix�ituticx�al.�. DAN�L R. SHIl+II3ERyAppr .ax3.�at� 17�D ,�1�s ,���^3:�.,:3�..._.Ac..res• ���r���� r��i � Cha�g Ve1.� repor�Ged that his C�.�t�e wc�u3.d r�cc�nd denial of a rez� rec�tiest frcr�n rt�pen� tc �Cc�ercial��ince the propc»ed l.aycrnt far a dr3ve-3.s re�taurant a�l delicatess�tt �ras tvo large for the prvperty. �'�lz specifically referred tn the lack t�f a.c3equate parki�g �sace ar�d t2�at t,he �etbaek reqr�irement� w�re ns�t adequate. Daniel R. Shinder,, the c�nery appeared befcr� th� Cv�.ssi€�i and r€qne�ted the Cc�3.s�icrr�t s co�sideration on a neW 3aya�t p3.a�a �rhic�Yi was aa�ilable, Ve3.� suggested that in order to p�operly e�,sider the n� plau the Goa�n.ittee �hovl.d have a �oint �e+�tiz�g �r3.th fi�he appZi.eant. Lou�,hZa�d ramred that �he Ccmm�is�iuu r�:fer the mat�r to the �ani�ag Ca�3.t�ee ft�r :t�rther st�ac� ba.�ed on thc� riew proposal. �.e r�tion �as se�snd�d by Jensen ar�d carri.ed t�it� ��be� Shi.�cier vbsta3.n3.r�g frc�n. vcat3arig. , , PRt)P�S"ID PAR�1'G REGULAT]AI�S � COMPARATIVE Z�NSNG CHAR� ..._............��...._......� ..,._...y....... Cl�a3.rman Vel.� r�p�r�ed that the Co�.�tee �ad. sperit c�siderabl� tinie in �tu� the pr�po�ed p�x�3s2g regalation�� a capy of �rh3.ch was pr�aserited ta a1.1 �mber�. �cau�e �� the �3me schedule, Co�i�sior� �nb�r� a��ci ta d3.scuss th� gr4posed c�v.tli.ne at a speei�.1. �eet3.ng of the P7.�►ruiin�; ��.t�siQn schedvled for dtuie:26 at 8:(3(� P.M. at .803fJ �ls��an l�e�+orial Highway. The balance af iteres on th� ageta:da not cc�sp7.e��ed were a�l.so scheduled fcm hearirsg at t�e Speci�l. �eting. JOHNtt OI�S4II PRAP�R'P7C, �E l/1� t�f �T 1/!t Sectian 29, T—Z18-x�21. � ���.irr�.�r � ��r� �.r��r�r r�r.r.�rii�.i.�.� . �hairn�s,n Velz reported tha� ��ie Ccm�ai.ttee �et with I�r. Jehn Olso�f Prc►Pertp cx�ner ar�d I�ir. M�a�er, martgage holder, �..long wi.th Mr. �a�enps�rt of �h� I�TBoS Railrc�ad and tha� a �oint disc�ssian waa held r��ardi�ag the p�ropc�sed reav�ing flf the prcperty from tlxxdustr3.al�t. to t(?pen De�eSop�ae�tt a� 1''�co�er�.ed by �he I►ong Range P3�:ning �o�3.ttee. Vel.z stated t�at the Ccmm�3.ttee �ata adv3.sed by the pz�cperty ca�rter �hat considera.bl.� ef�art h�cl beeri +w�xpended duri.ng the past thr�e year�s tc� prvmo�e the indt3.strial develc>pmer�t csf this propertv aald that dev�l�aent m�,y tal�e place in t,he near f�r.ture, az�d t�t the Ca�Lttee t�►� �� REGi3I,AR M�a]'G C�7�N-VAI�L�'Y PLAATNING COI++�SSIOAT Jt�ne 12, 1958 th�i.s infar�tion ia�o consideratien, rec�3.�i.�g the fact that the pr�perty was ncrt zcmed 3.�.dustrioa7. fcr a spec�ie applicant at the tf� of rez�i�g. Vel� reported that a s a resn].t o� the �udy, the Zcmmu�g Cc�.i.ttee r�ca�Mds fi�at no action be tak�n at this t3�me tv re�an�e thi.� pr�,per�t�. Members took nc� formal acticm an the a�att,�r. Peru�ock po3.uted out to the �nbers that a rec�n.t C�.ssic�n action cm the I�nbert requ�st sh�t�l�d be given cs�3.derat3.on. _ o _ . , _ _. .,... HARUS'FiIP WATVE��S L. M. G�, B'3� AVE. NORTH & McNAIR DR�TE �.�r.��ir.�.��n�.��r.��i■ r.�i�r�� , .. . I+�ember Brawr� acted aa Cha3.rm�n of the 4rdinance Co�xiittee sncl repQrted tbat this c�elling as proposed wou3.d raquire wai.�er� tt� �rithin ?� feet cf Byt*d Avenue ]?rive ar�d tc� t�i.�h�.n 22 feet of I��a3s Avernie, as�uu3 f�x•ther �ated that the Cam�i.ttee realizes �hat 3.f this p�t of Lot 24 is to be oceupied by a dwell3.r�g, it wca�l.d require waieers. Brs�wu stated tbat the C�.tte� wcr� reca�nd � denial af the WaiQer reqv,est. Mr• G@�14 &p�8P�f3 bE'.��i'Ly '��3.0 Cc�i.ssiou ar�d stat,ed that the lcrt wau].d aecc��4d.ate a dwelling a�sd that the wai.vers were r�ecesgar� �ince this wculd be the best use uf tl�� l.ar�d. �er ec�siderable discus�3.on by �e�b�rs� the fv1l.c�irig propee�t� e�er� registered their v�rpositic� tc the prc�pased b�ild3.�sg plans John Ilubugu�f 2}�fX3 Byrd �.�v�. l�+arth Thaubas G. Zelenak, 2Lt01 P�rkv3.�w �31vd. Andy I�ucoric, 233� Cres�e3.ew Iloma3.d JoY�nn�en, 2�3? Byx�l. Ave. Nc�rth 3'�ic�nas �. Sa�renpa, 21���. �Ic�ta3.r �rive Fla�rd J. P�pper, 2l�12 McNair Dri.�ve Llayd E. Thc�ttpsen, 2�2� �icNa3s E�r3.ve �iarold K. Gar�ex�, 2l�26 Mc�ai.r Dr3.ve . Warren H. Ar��ierson ��21 i�c�Tair Drive 0, W, Fredriek�cm, 2�.08 Mc2�Tair Dri�� Elizabeth R. Thomp�cm� 2l�2U Mcl�ai�� DriQe Bill Fc>rd, 2311 Byrrd Ave. Bflrcl�er�t m�v�d tha� the G�aissi�z accept the G€�i.ttee i� recc���ion, with r�ccma�x�daticm to the �fluncil that th€ �raiver requ�st be denied. 3�e motifln �ras seec�nd.ed by Lou��l.and and carried �nan3.�nc►u�3y. r�scr��. cc�s�xucrzox �Q��rr co. 56c� w�.���. eLV�. - i M�r � Brc� regarted �hat the Ccm�ittee �ras �mabl� to take acticm d�e to lac� af i.nformat3.on �n the applicatiQn. Bx�c+wn pointed m�t tl�at the ap�plication d3.d nat ea31 for � �pecific wai.ver rec�xest aa�cl that t�e dr�wi.ng �bm3.tted did nt� sshcw �he right-of-�aa� lin� on Xenia Aeen�ze. N1r. Or�es appeared bafc�re the Gcuara3ssion and presented pl.ans fgr a buildir�; addition and req�arted a tc>tal wsiver c�f the �etbaek requirements c�n Xenia Avenue. Mr. 4x�es a�a#�ed that �the prt�perty ncnr was be3.ng u�ed For eq�.p�ae�t stc�rage and t.ha.t a buildi�g, if can�cti-Ea.cteci cm the property wetfl.d be �n imprc>vement frc+m an appeara,nce ��az�dpc�i.nt. Nir. �rmes a1ss� �tated that he l�ad deeded c�rtti� Prapertq tc� the Village for the present street lccation ar�l tha� th3.s s�tio� cr�ntrib�zt�d to the proble�. Ga�t.ssi� ��bers pflinted Qtrt the traffic ha.�ard that wvuld re�ul� if the bw.3.lding xa.s per�itt+�d 'up tc► the r3ght-cf-�a.�r � REGtILAR MEETIldG VILLAGE OF GULUENt VA:LLEY P:LA�INING Ct31�+JTSSIt31� �igne 12, 1958 c+f �enia Ave�e. Borchert nicrvecl that the Cc�mi.s�sic�� rec�end to :�he Ca�mc31 tode� th� r+ec�test for s�ai.v�er. Moticm �ras �econded by L4ughlar�d �i carried �c�nsl�. .�. �. �BVx� �.�1� �a� sr - ��. . �++ir�r�ru��w� i r��ri��r��i r�w� Ae�ing Cha3.��n Brartri r�ported tMa� tk�s p�tpa�ed g�cra.ge �dditi.€tn �c�u1d r�quire a �rai.ver c�f 6� f t. 4n s3.de yssd req�3.re�nts and that the Gc�i.tte� was 3.n s,ympatby �.th the request b�t et�1d f9.nd no �u�ificaticm fer a wai�ser of thi� si�e. 1�. Redburn appear�d before the em�m3.ssic►n and pr�sen�e�ci hi� opi�.i.ons as �v �.y he �hou7.d: receive the waiqer. I�resser moved that the Cca�un�.s�ian �ecept the Co�[.ttee�� report arn3 �ri.th recc�endatiflns t� the Ccranc3l to deny the wa3.ver request. �oti�n was secur�ded b�r Shi�ler and carr3.ed tu�arii�ously. F�WARD d. F4RAN, I�3T 276� BEI�NT ADDITIt3I� . � ���r��r� . . . Brv�rn repQrted that the l.ot xas not 2arge �nough t� ccmf€�r� t�th pre�ent village resi.de�rt3.a;1 lot req�ix�emr�ats, snd that �as tgpica7. c�f other s�all corn�r lots i.r� tY�at area and that .the Com�t.ttee wcauld recc�ad setb�ck wa,i�ers pexm3.tting a 21� u }�4 fflot d�rrelling with a 5 foc>t we�t side yard ar�d a 2l� yard � FlOrida Ave. Brv�rn sG�ted thxit th3.� reco�ndat3.vn �ra�1d b� 3xi line with acticn ta�en fcm a r�sidenee at 65�1 Ktu+l.]. St. in 1957• Brown further �tated that the reeflmmer�da.tion was sub�ect to the applieant�s satm�i��ivn of aigr�at�s of the ad�oini�g Pro�pertp a�raera in complianc� with the n� �rdir�ance. A mot�.cm b� Jen���, secc►�.1:ed by Borchert to accept the C�.ttee�� x�+pert ar�d reec�esa�d apprcr�a3. to the Ccs�ncil, aub3ect tcr c�plia�ce tirith the �r Ord3saance, �wa� carried unani�usl�r. . � THt)MAS B. �RI%, 23t'�'3 �EGE� AvE. NOA�H �,..�.��,�..._...��_._.,, .. Cc�aais�i�n a�mbers �ceived the Co�i.ttee i s report rec �ui3.ng denial af the wai�v�er req�.s�, actix�g �airma,n Brarm repcn�i.n� that �ll�ee ea�ii.tte�t� re�c�- m�ndatisn wa� �stde cm the basis that by slightly re].flcati�g �1^ce propa�ed residence, no waiver wc►�l.d. be reqtzired. Br�n also iz�d�.cated t}�at the �pplicaat did nct meet w3th the Corranittee. Mr. Her�drix appeax�ed befcm� �he C�i.ssion a�u3 poirited. rnxt that his request for �rai�r xa� based c�n the proble� of se�rer elevs�tion and that a Wai�er �roul,d be req�xi.red in arder t�a pra�rl� t3.e—ixi h3.s prapo�eai res3de�ce to the s�er system. After further d3.�cu�aion b� �mbers it wa� a�reed to rafer �he ma��er �o t� f)rd�.nance Cv�.ttse for f'�rther consideratioz� based � t�.e �r 3.nfoz�at3on pr+ese�ed by Mr. �e�drix. Nc� fc�r�a1. aetion was tak�en. i�ED A. F'L�IDExS� 1�27 WE3TWOQD DFtIVE �T��H ��r��ir+.�ri���rrr..w��r�wr����rrr...�r��.��w�� � Hrc� repox�ed that the Co�ni.ttee �embers d3.d n�rt �spect the prapert� �hich �aer ityacaessible d� to se�er c:anstrnetiau in the �a, b�t d�e to th� fact that the applicant ia a�king for a �ii�am �i�e �arage �ucsd reqne�t� or�l,y a 2 foot �,iver a� o�e caraer� the Ce�a�,i.ttee rec�mn8nds apprcrval. Zt 3.s a3se nc�t�d the ad�a��t pr+�perty a�raer at }�33 Wes�rood Drive ha� no sb�ectis� to thia wai�r bei�g grsra�t�d, M€r�i.cn b� Dress�er was sec�omded b� �et� �d cc�rrri.�d �i��].� for appraval rec �dati�n to C+�cil. �R V F�EGLILAR ME�,TTNG GC3L�E1� YAZ�T�'Y P'LAN�iING C��IMISSIOA3 Ju� 12, 1958 R� T. RU.�TT�BGE, �tI36 4�Sfl� HzC�TAY. , . ..._....._...__...._.._...._.. Bra�,m repvrteci that the �.i�p req�8st was s�ndied �s��rtl.y tri.th �h� �c�ug Raz3ge P3,anning gr�up and that the Lcmg Rar�ge Plann3�g C�mnittee re�mrt be receiv�d. �r. Gec,rge L�gh3�nd, Gc�i:ttee Chg3.r�an r�ported as fo�.lcr�sz . "Co�3.t�ee menibers �e7..� �a z��r�a �t �.tr� o���e C�3.ttee �mbers Jc�rd�a�t, Brc�m, and. Helge�on at �bc:ve sit� and brieflg viewed the gener�.l. area (Lot :L�.� at 3�mct�n ¢af T.x�eliar�a Ave. NQ. a�d State H�.gh�ray #55)• T�e P�'���1 Pres�r�tly �der con�icieration �as �on�d to C�e�3.a1. cat�gory alrnag with a71. other lots' fx�rr�ting Hi.ghwa� #55 frvtn Arc�re. Aqe.. 1Jorth (ncn� �ca�ed} easterl�r to �'ranc� Ave. in 1938. �he DieBel shap of 1��aS Ra.ilroad was buil� 3.�].95� - 195i o� th� w��t s3.de c��' I�d3�.ana A�►e. r�� 8�h A�e. �ivrt.h w3.th a setback o� 2(? feet. It is vr�3.ersttt�d that the (�rd.ixaaa�ce Cfl�i3.ttee �r511 rec¢�tend a �ettba.ck fcr bt�il�ding prt�po�es af 35 f�et� f5rt�n Highway #55 R/�W and of 24 feet frcmi Indiar� Ave. w3.th � specified af'F- �treet parkin� ar�a. Tlie LErag Range Co�.ttee can agree �ith �u..ch reca�- mendations pr�vi.ded the 2� foat setback 3.� not c�mstrued. ts apply tc► an� crther stree� in thi.s l�cality crther thar� Zx�t3.ana. It is e�de�t that the 2� foot se�back nvw en�ayed by the Railrc�d �o�any haa9, in p�rt at 2eaat, establfshed a precederrt fc�r Indi�na Ave. North. The Lcmg Range Co�3.ttee �rishes t4 ha.ve m�re �� for a revi.e� of tla�s Whc�le ar�s 3f the Cc�i.s�ic►n or C�cil ssa deaires.� . After �ctane dis��zs�ion by ��bers,, a �otion by Ve1.z recc�ner�c3ing that the ..�� repart af tl�e Lc�ng Ftange Plarrning Cc�i.t�ee be �uba►i.tted to th� Coim.cil a3.4ng w3.th recfl�r�dat3.4ns to app�rc�ve a 1,� .f'eet si.de �.crt s�tb�c� �a3�ver pl� p1.ac3sig the sstruc�vre 20; fr� Indisn� Ave. xras �econded by Sh3.nder � cax�r3.ed �mani��.s1y. l�embers also pfli�xted c�ut �o the prc>pcmen�s that t1�s 2,� fe�t res�r ysrd setb�,ck wmz�.d be required, L(7NG RANGE . Al. Stein Ct�y - �TACATION OF 1.f�th AVE. N0. ST�'B, PI,A� 8�d17,Paresl 8410. r����r�.��.rri�r� �� �.�.r�r rr�� ��.r���r�r�wr�ir��. . � Ctiairman yc�ugYal,and r�orted that the �smbers of h3.s Co�i�'�ee vi.�ar th$ pr�mises with Mr. Stein cm at�ne l�� 19.�8 and that the vacat3cm requ�st involves �he v�i:mprc�ed stub s�r�et 3� fee� t�i.d�e, average 168 feet ltmg �,ri.th the prineiple pvrtion af the stt�b street at a level cc�arable to Ye��s Ave. a� that poirr�. �c�hla� s^tated that the W�ster� pc�rtit�n Qf the stub s�treet �here it �vin� YQrk Ave. is hca�e�ver, �c�e 4� to �� feet la�er i.n elevatign th�x the main portian ef the stree�t and that th� gr�..d3r�g far nse af lbth A�e. �'orth �airr�ly s�rS.th Zsrk Av�e� North 3.� thi� vici�.tg �rc�u].d be gvite 3,�apractical and extres�el� co�atly az�d t�►at the Cc�r3.ttee reec,�ends �he approval of the request px�ided (1) that the vacatie� be made �o the easterly aide cf Y+�rk A�;�; eat�r�cied, the av�rag� ler�h i�volved beir�g 168 f�et and, (2) tl�at the existing at�e3 traf'fic barr3.sr a�ar t,h� easter� end of 16th Ave, �or�h st�.b �reet be mairrtaixzed. � �oti�tt by Borchert see�ci.ed by Lynch to �,�cept th� Ca�3.t�e�i� repc>rt a�1 x�et�a�i Gm3ncil appr�al. t4 vacati�g the s�reet, was aarr3.ed tina.ni�tc�sly. Ei.EPQRTS _....�... PLANATZNG �(3NS13LT� ��9N�G (�ee f ellv�ing Pa8'�� � REG�,At�. MEETING GO�d3F�' YALI�"I PL�I1�G ��1�+iISSIt)D�' a�ne 7.2, 1958 . Cl�,� Pe�ck i�rod�ced Jim Ha�ks af Carl G$r�ner,& A�soei,ates, a� t� x�r Pl�nit�g �o���ant for the vi1l��ge of Golden TTalley. Lc�a.gh3and. reparted tYiat �e h�d inf'ar�ed Mr. Ha,w�s .nf the �a�s�io��.s desir� to ' expedite the pr�� �3i.�h a pos�ible cc�ple�ic�n dafi,e af eight �►cm�hs. Mr. Ha�rkax pre�e� his progra� iri genera7. for� tc� th� Cem�nf.�sio�. Tn �he repart Mr. Hawk� stre�sed the need �or a qillage focal p+�int such aa � C3.vi.c Ce�e� ai3d �that hi� plan incl�d a pr4posed �eries Qf s�etings whieb c��ald be ca:Ll.ed bg th� Ca�o�i,�sic�n Presiderrt duriag the aamcae of the pr��ra�t. In presenti� h3s repc►rt, Ha�rks ref�rred to a �ritfi�n repc�rt whi.ch �a� pre�nted to Pr�sisdder� Peranoek. Nfl aetion was taken by the Cc�anission 3.� rega�rc3s to �he progr� va�lir�ed in the r�port. DA�T I,Y�TGH, Buil,di�g Inspeetor R:eport t - _.�.�.._..�.�.....,� Ifi�cc�en�di.rig the e�a.blisY�aeat �f miat� �q�a:re fee� area of roo�s was d�fexYred to � �peci�al. �eetin� of the Cc�is$ic�m ou 'June 26, 1958• There b�3�g nc► fizr�her b�siness, the �eeti�g was ad�ovr�ed. . a�Jt� C y. arge ermac , � �t �i