06-26-58 PC Minutes ��
J�ne 26, 1958•
Ptars�� to clue ca].1. and ncitice hereof� a spec3.a1. �ee�ing cf the P].a�u�:iag
C�ra.�sio� �rs� held +�June �6, 19�8 at 8:Ot) ot c3.ock at 8�3Q Olsgn Men�rial
Highway. Pre�3.clen� Pennoc� pres�3.ded and. the f�3.lc�rirtg nre�abers �ere
present r Z3resssr,, Hel�esvn, Jer�sen, T�a.B3.�e,o�3.ere, Lyn�h, Shi�d�r a�d
ve�. Alsv preserrt �re 8oger Vls�ad, �3.11.age Aclmiiiistra�or, Datsa�3.d B411
As�istant �ill�ge �tgirieer and ifan T�yn�h, Bvild3.�g I�spec�ar. Pre�id�n�
Penn4ck appointed Donald Bvli secreta� prc�te�. ,
AtIDI�flRiS St�13:CVISIt)N #3�.6
I�r. Z.aBis�c�niere pre�e�ed a r�pc�rt by the Pl�� Caa�ir.�tee dated �ay 21., 19�8
which repc>rt was made part o� these min�stes a�d placed � f31e. II�rr. I,aBissomi.ere
preser�teci a penciled sk�teh vf I,c�t 20, A�aditt�r�� S�bdivi�i4n #3�.d draxn t►y
l�ir. Shales and aak�d for an off the recar�d �sp3n3.c�n frc� �h� Cc�i;�.�. Zt
was �znar�i.nic�$I,� agreed to reccm�end that �r. Shal�a adher� �o �he la�� �f
Auditort� �bdiv3.sion #31�6 na�r ux�ler ccrn�ideratic�n,
�A�}'IEL SHIBIDER — �soni — P�rce3.s 217� 216f3 a� 2I95 ef Do�n 7�.a� Drive &
t. Crr� A�e�ue,
II�rr. Vel.zy c�ia3.x�an of Zon3.�g Cc�m3.ttee i�forrmed the Co�i..ssicn that Mr. Dani�l
Sl�inder has a �r praposa�. i�s REZt3�TIniG to B�'SIl�tESS, PAAFESSIflNAL & d3FFICE
categary. Mr. Shin�ler pressnted a perspec�i�e and plat layr�t c�f a propas�d
�edical c7in�.e for the S.E. corner cf i3o�tglas T3rive �.a St. Gro��-,Ave�. 1�a�3,em
b�r V�l� r�cc�er�ding the Ccn�ric3.l re�one parcel.s 2170,�,�160 and���5 to �
for Dani�3 Sh3.r�rier�s prsrpo�a]. was a�cm�ded by ?,aBissc�ni.ere and €arri�d �ritla
the com�ent that �levations cf b�ildix�g as presented 3.ndieates on� artc�rq
�rc�rtt3.ng on St. �rt>� be3�g satisgactary to the Zon3,ng Cc�de r�quix�ements. ,
�T�tWA'� ST,�PES, SEC��} AI�DITIO�i — Fix�a]. Ap�r�roal.
i�rr.r����������rr��r.�.��r ■ .ww�r.r+� r���r.� �wir��
I�iotiian by baBissor�3.ere, s��+Fmded by Sh3nder �rtr recc�er�d that Conncil g3.ve
fir�al apprc�val t� the GbENWAY SI�OPES, �rn�i Adda.t3on pla� � presented.
i�1rr. Qel�, ehs3.rirrian o�' Zon3xig C+�1.ttee pre�en�ed a�.d read a repc�r� of prc�gres�
on praposed p�r�cing regulatians dated J�ne 12, 1958 anci i�i.ted discus�s3.�n.
Cha3.r�aa,n. Pem�ack s��gge�tecl. that seaeral ex3.sting establishment$ and their
aeaila.ble parking facilities be st�ui3ed b3r the Vil].a�;e Engi.n�er tc� �i�re �
rule s�f tY��tb i�np��ssicn of �I�at the requiresnen�s �hould be. Vels upa�
qne��i.cm, cited so�e af the sc��rces o�' his �atez�i,al.
The Engineert s r�e tia� to cl3ange �ICA LAA1E in GREE�iVIEW TFRRACE
�UT�I'°�If3� ta �+iZ'�7C AV. 1�fJRTIi, and FAIRVIEti,T IyA'NE in the EW�?�} HEIQHT3 2�d
ADTJITIOI� tc QT�EBEC AVE. �t?U�Ii, xa$ presented. ar�ri d3.�cus�ed. �otion bg
LaBiss4n�i.ere, �econded by Sh3.r�iex� to accept the report recc�nding tb_:
the Ccrunc�7. said name changes, earri.ed una�i�ausly.
, �c�`
�CIAL �7+`Il� 4F TYiE �E� YAE�I�1' FLAI�I�I� C�}�lISSI�l�
��ne 26, 1958
HA�SS'€iiIP WA�9�S - - - __ __ .
Thc�mas B. �te�drix 23{� REC� A�TEN't3E ktQR�i . The applica�t �a+� being pr�e�eut,
no a cn �ra� n an s ma er.
REPt)K�: l�an b ch a�e: A�inim� �tare Feet Area of Roo�s R� ire�ent.
.At�er can�iderable discussicro snbsequent tcr Mr. Da=� Ly��hr ss x,e� ti�ns
3.� xas ag�ed tbat t�ie b�st apprrc��h �c�ld probably be by-�. st� bs�sed or�
frc� the pc�int c�f �ini�um tcr�,al square feet per dw�1i�. A Cc�m3.t�ee
ec>nsi�tit�g of H�rs,yld I�ch a�3. �iyman Shixuier �ras �ppci.nted t� wc>rk �rith t�e
Building I�spec�ar �tx�th�r cm this naatter.
$25.� F�E (�tii Ti�1:i�FR APPZI�ATI�T
_...�...�.._..._._... �,.� .��
The Ord3nance Cc�Ltte� wa� i^�q�e��ed to repar� thei.r reccm�endations at th�
� re� P�.� c�t.�si.o� ��t� �,� so, i95s. _
Th�er� being � f'�rther busi,ness �c c�n�icl�r, �tian by Jeza��n t2aat meeting
be ad�cytarned xas seconded bp IIel��s�n, a�d. carried.
vna . o , Ac cre ary
orge z�cc , � en