07-10-58 PC Minutes ��
��R M�r�u� co��r va��c �nr�rnv� cor��sTCmr
_ str�� Ia, �.958
A reguZar meeting �of the Pl.anning Cflmmissi�n was held vn Ju�.y 10, 19�$ at
803� Ols�n l�emorial Highway.
Fre�3.dent Pennt�ck ealled the meeting tt� t�riisr at 8 s30 P.M. and a xroil ca11
pr�ved the ft�ll�aing-present: Brc>�m, Dre�ser, Jensen, �,yneh, Sha.nder, Penxrs�ck
J��dan'and 9e1�. Dc�nald Bflll, Assistant Vi11ag� Engineer and Dan Lynch,
g�.11age BuiTding Tnspeetor w�r� als� present.
President Penn�ck appointed Donald B�I.1 seeretar,y pro-�em.
Minc�tes t�f J�,ne 12 and dtlne 26, 1,958 by mo�tit�n by Dresser, �ec�nd�d by Brown
�rere appro�r�d and carri.ed unanim�ausly.
Fischer Additi.�F & R RE�TY, Mi.nnaqua and T»H. #1CX? - Px'eli�nnina.z'y appr�val.
Go�.i.ssit�ner Lynch,�c�in� Ch'man i�� Plat Committee regorted his ct�z+�►ittee had
s�udied the prc�pvsecl plat and rec�mmends the C�ouncil. give prel3.tninary approval
to the plat after �2�e foll.awing c�nditi.�ns have been ��,ti�f3.ed:
(1} The areas v� the lot5 are pr�ven adequate f�or 3ntended �se.
(2) Unity A�e. S �uth c►f Minnaqua be Iined up with Unity Awe. North �f
t�reenview Lans.
(3) S�treet grades meeting the approval of the Vi11�.ge Eng3.neer to be
Upon question, Mr. Ro�ne� flf the F & R Realty Compar� stated the i.nt�nded �,�e is
fpr dc�uble bungalc� dwelling ttnitg. Chairman Lynch stated hi.s Co�nittee felt this
use wa� an excea.].ent buffer bet�een the propo�ed m��a..itiple dwellings an the l�c�rth
and the residexYt3.al �t�ne an the S�uth.
�tifln by �Te1z� ��conci�d byJox^dan, tc� accept the Plat Ct�nmzitteeYS repart and refer
it tv the Cvuncil as the Cs��n3.ssiflnt s recflr�eruiatimn, earried �.na�i�ously.
Va11ey View Enterprise, Tnc. N.W. �orner of St. Croix Ave. dc T.H. #100
_.___.,�_ . —____.._
Com�n3.ssiflner Vel�, Chaircnan of the �oning C�mmittee reported his Cosnmittee felt
the use �� the land as pr�sed was �it�.bl�i referred to thc p1.an drawing by
�he Minnesuta Highway Department and exg>1a.3.ned the interchange designed by M.H.D.
far T.H. #10� at approxisr�ately St. Cro� Ave. and its effect �n the pr�rp�aed
�ii7l�rd 22�r�en, a,�chitect, r�pre�enting Vs1.l.ey V3.ew �iterpr3.�e, pr�sented a layo�zt
which in�luded the present plsn by M.H.D. arbd eacpla�.ned how the �evelopment �,nd the
interchange can be desi�ed t�r fit tagether in a desirable plan.
l�otion by �elz, seconcled. by Dregser reeomnnending the Cvuneil give favorable
c�nsiderati�+n to '�he rez�ning c�f this pro�pnsed develsrpm�.mt taMultipl� Dwelling
District ar�l ��nerci.a2 district as t�ne pa¢kage, prt�v3.ded the Qillag� can
R�GUIrAR �I�i'G G(n'�F,N' �ALL�,'Y PI�A�tNG COI�+lTSSTf�+t
JULY10, 1958
Qalley �Tiew Enterprise �eonttd)
- .._.�, .
be a�sur�d that the rezoriing w3.11 nct int�rf�re �th constrr�ctie�n of an
adequate intercY�.nge, __
The Commissi�n t't�rther reccm�nended that every effs�rt be extea�ed-�:h arriving
�t a satiafactory layout �of' the interchange with the M�3D and Hexmepin
C�tanty Hi�hwag Department at the earliest pc�ssible date. This mc�ti�n carried
un.ani�a.sl,y. _ __ _
PAKO CORPOHA,TIU�1 - 66��e I�orth (Olsor� H�.ghwa� & D�u�las�Drive)
C�aua3.ss3�ner velz, Chaiz�an �f the Zaning Cor�nittee, pr�:serrted the C�n�.ttee�s
repoart aZ�rzg with the.:pro�m��:d plat plan of site ��.nder c�nsideratior�. C��ittee
C,,�m�nitt,�� l�ks f��rerably txpon the re�cmir� tt� Indu�tr3.a7. fs�r the nse as Pr��ed.
�ti.+�n b� Bz•s�m, �ee��l.ed b�y Sh3.x�des that the C�.i.esia>n aceept the C�3.ttee
repor� arid fs��arc� it t�r th�e Grn�cil as the C�ias3�n�� recamm�x�dati�n, �as
carried �rian�OUSIy.
RA'YMQND Dt31�1GAN - Lcr�a la tl�.r�h 11t, Bl�ek 2, Cs�tage Girove .�ddit3.�
�,._..,�.��.._......._..r._�_ ,,..�...��.�......�._._
G��3a�r�er 9e1�, C1�irman. c�f the Z�mia�g �.t#„ee, rep�rted t►1�at hi.s aa�ittee
req�e�a �r� ti� to ��c� the Pr�poaed re�n3.ng �d that tk� r8f�rral. to the
Z�itig Cc►m�3.tt�e be cont3�ued �ant31 tk�e n� re�ul.ar �eting. Reqnests granted.
Ato �rther acatiou ta,�en,
�3d(? R�G� A�l'UE �41�H - HI�+IDR.TX
Cc�.��i�ner J�o�is Ch�irz� c�f t�e t�rd.3s�a�ee �.tt�e, reparted that the
app7.3.aan� l�r. Her�drix� reques�ts a deferr�e�� ro��ii the next r�g�zlar �eetin.�.
Req�e�t grantesd. Ns� �'�her action taken.
23Q1 YORK,A ,YII+T�TE�N��T�£_._�J��rd�.r�ar�d�.F�alt�� Ge�t�rt�_. A_
Co�aia+�ic�ner Josd,an, Chairman €�f the t�r�d:Ln,ance Cc��ittee repnr�ed that t�e
Cfl�3.ttee hsci na►t suffieient time t+� st;c�r tl�e applicatia�n aiu3 aaa�ed �hat it
b� deferr�d fi.c� t�e next �ee�t3ng t� s�ff4rd. �m�.i.ttree s�ffiei��t t3�e f�r st�.
Request granted, Ai� fvrther action tak�n.
1821 SPRTNa VALS�EY RQ�D - Ja�nes A. Aa�man
- - .._......�._.�.. ._......_.._.�._,.
This i�� did n�t appear �n t}a� agezsda. The �m�i.�si.�ri agreed �nani�O�csly t�
p7.ac� it +�n tl�e agenda at this ti�. Cc�issi�ner �tnrdan, �hair� af th�
t�rdir�aric� C�.t'�e rsp�rted thr�t rro f�rmal appli.cati�on f�r �id�ratf,�u �►2,' the
ma�t�r had been f�ed. The G��ai.ttee l�,cl �� n�met � tl� �t��r, hence n�
recc�aendatii�r� c�n be �a�d� at thi.s ti�. N� acti�r� w�� tak�en by the G�f.ss�.adn.
�y io, 195$
Jt�3.�rt l�e�bing s�3.�th V�.11age �cil
President Fernr�ck reported sm the is�.fs�z�ma1. m�eet�.ng of t�e P1:arming C�3.��si�n
with th� V�.11.age C�uncil and '�ill.a�ge �tta�rney rt�n July 8, 195$. C�ti��i�ne:rs
�re�ser, Sh3.nd�:r, bynch, �Tel�, d�rdan, B�rn, I�hland� densen an,ci Pe�rmck.
Iie �pres�ed the appreeiati�on �f the C�nnn�.s�i� fa�r tMe �+pps��m�3.��r t� diacus�
wi.th the C�ncil amd the Att�rne� the m�.ttera �f mutual c�ncern in c�ee�3.�
w3.th �i1"Lage t)rdinanee� on Z�3.ng and Pl�rn�ing.
Tl�ez�c be3ng n+;► furtMer business t� c�ns3.der, a n�tiem bg Dreaser f'�ar ad��tu�nm�n�t
was seaQ�ded by ,Br�wn and Garr3.ed nx�anim�usl�r.
rge eim�c � s�. nt
�/ ., a�/�_�-,
. ae u�g secr�tary