08-14-58 PC Minutes �7
_ .,-.. __
AUGIIS'� 1�.� 1958
A regal.ax meeting �af th� Pla�ning Comn�3.ssi�n �f Golden �a11ey was h�ld an
August 7.l�� 19�8 at 7s30 P.I�. at 8�30 Ols�n I�e�ri.a]. H�ghwag. I'r��ident P�r�ek
presided �d the f411�ing �mbers were pr�sent: Messrs. Br��rt' Dre�cser� �ra1.d,
Hetman� �ord�n� LaBiss�niere, Lc�ughland, Shinder� V'i.11ag� Engir�eer �t�ren��n,
~ Vi11ag� Administrator Roger Ul�tad, �.nd V3'.lage Att�rne� Kane,
The min�tes vf the r�gular meeting �f July 14, 195$ were i�nan�.m�uslr appraved �n
a motion by Jvrdan, seeonded by Ew�l.d.
F & R REALTY COMPAN7C - BUNGALOW T�tRACE .�DDITION PLAT (Fern�rly kn�wn as l�is��her
Ad t �n appr�c�4 . r�an sson �re reported that th� Plat G�m�nitt�e
was t�nable tr� take acti�n t�n the appSicati�+n. A i�otifln by Br�ra r�et�mn�nd3.ng
. t?�,a.t the Cc+�aiasi� auth�oriae the Plat Cfln�3.ttee tt� give fi.n�l apgx�vsl �aa
sec�rnded by LaHi��flai�r� and c�.rried unanims�usly.
RAY�IdD M. D�INGAI� 09 Rhvde Island Ave. North L�ts 1.� 11 12 �3� and art of 1l�,
C�tt�ge r�v� A t on, �oc . zon� rom �s en o ��rc .
Acting Chsirman Shuider reported that �he Zt�ni.ng Cc�mmi�tee met with th� applicant
pri.�ar to the last regul�r Com�i.tt�e meeting and that the C�o�m�i.ttee p�3,nt�d �ont tra
th� prcaptaneu�s the n�ed f�r the 3�� set-ba�k frc�� ftht�d�; Islanei, str�sa�3ng the
des3,rability t�f a buf'fer z��e bet�een th� e��er�isl us�rs and th� �d3�.�er�
residential. pr�►perty. :�iinder stated also that thes applicants w�r� advis�d �f the
pr�blem corraeeted wi�h the l�catit�n of the prsspflsed ac�ess tg Wir�n��ka Av�nu�.
5hinder r�pQrted that the C�manittee advi.s�d the applicantss thh�,t the sub�.i.tted p1.ar�
was n�ot aeeeptable. Sh3.nder furth�r �ta�ed that a�ub�equentlq a ne�a laycn�t pl� was
submitted t.t� the C�mnni.tt�e ah�wing a 3�� �etbaek from R.��de Ialand and the inclusion
�af paxrt a�f Le�t 9 �ith n�o buff�r area ind3.cated between the Ccm�rc3.�.1 bu3,ldings �nd
�h� exiat3�lg residential property. Shi.nder po3.nt�d �ut that the C�m�n3.ttee �rnber�
viee�red th� Pr�perty and surrc�unding area �� sever�l. �ecasions and. eame t�o the
c�nclusivn that the request f�or r�z�oni.r:g sh�►ul.d be den3.ed since it wt�u].d be
�ndesirable t�o chang� th� established residentisl chaxact�r �f th� ar�� aZa�rig
Rh.t�d.e Tsland �.t thi� time. 1!�. Dvngan appear�d beft�re thc Comm3.ss�i�n and ��fered
a n�r plan for th� C�mmissit�n�s c�nsid�ration. A matit�n by Jord.an;� seet�nded by
Hetm,ar3.' to refer the matter t� the Zoning C�minittee fc�r a further �tudy carried
R.OBERT �1. 1�3SER 2t�1 RTORTH I�LGHWAY #100. Pr�op�sed R�st H�ne f�ar Ag�d Christian.
�ieati.sts. z�n� r�m pen ve apmerit ta Instituti�nal. Ac�ing Cha.irman
Shind.sr sn.bmitt�d the f�11�.ng re±port t�r C��ni.ssi� member�t '�The Cr��nitt�e tt�t
with Nlr. M�ser at the Christ3.a�a Seie�ce Church prmp�srty �on T.H. #i�� �ust S�uth
of the Hi�hway De�artm�nt and had a pr�li.m3.n�.ry discussion Hi.th hi.� regardin.�; th�
ec�nstrueti�n �of a R�st Home on the Westerly ptjrt3�on of th� pr�pertg. Th� C�anitt�e
3.�dicated tt� Mr. l��er that sueh a prcrposal mi.ght be gi�en fav�rable c�or�id�ratian.
Pqr. M�ser wa� advised to ma.ke a Fs�rmal applicati�n �t the Village Ha11 3.f h�
want�d t� pr�eeed xith the devel�panent. The Ca�mm3,ttee wvuld then m�k� �. detailed
study �nd rse��arnenda�i�n t�o the C�omanissi€�r�.
�8�� w. �s� (c����a)
A forma7. applicatit�n was subsequently made f�r a twn-stoa^^y, �2-bed Rest Hbme
f�r aged Chri.stian Scientist8 �n a 165 f�t tract to the r�ar �f the pre��nt
Church pr�perty. �he building w��.l.d occupy 23.l�� �f the 1a�c1 area a.�d ther�
would be 28 parking places. Side and r�ar yards are sh�m as 15 fe�t.
Ad�acent px�perty is �r plaruzed f�t�r, esmmlerc3al and mul.tiple dwelling use t�n
the N�rth, West and Sc�uth and th� Ghurch lies to the Ea,st, The i�est Hc>me
w�ould b� �perated cm a non-pr�fit ba�is acc�rding t�r Mr. Moser. The ��emmitte�
' feels that the pi^��sed n�n-pa�fit Rest H� sh+�tzld be p1.�ced in the Tnstituti�al.
categ�ry al�cng with the ad�acent Church property. In stzeh eas�, th� plat sh�ulc3.
3.nelud� the accurate l�o�a�it� c�f the Chureh building in rel�.tion t� the prs�p�rty
lines arzd the develt�prn�nt �f an ad.equate, properlg ltacated pa.rki�g area �r the
Church. The G�m�nf,ttee �tild 1il�e t� �ee this entire property develt�ped and
beaut3.fied and w�ou].d then be in favc�r �f the pr�pc�sed Re�t H�me devel�p�ent and
�Traing nece�sa�y t� acc�omtrx�dat� it whether it be Instituti�nal �r C��rcial.
The Ch�wrch prtaperty shc�uld be placed in the Ir�stitutional cat�g�ry when a �uitable
1ay�,ut is presented.�
Nlr. Moser appeared before the Commission and expl.ained hi� prop�sed: building plan
and ].and use. �omm3.ssi�or� members agre�d that the pr�op��ed p].�n sh�uu]..d inc�.ude �
layout �f tlae Chureh pr�perty in relation to the pr�po�ed bu.flding. The appl3.c�nt .
was advi.sed tt� s�bmit a riee�rr plar3 which w�uld include the p�,rk3.rig areas far b�+tYt
build�ix�.gs. �he Z�►�ir� Cmm�n3.ttee �ra.s �.dvised t� study the �.e�a iayt�ut when received.
SF�.�pN C. BRO(�3K.�S 97._�a. �lss�n Me�orial H3 h�w� , Rez�one fr�m OPII�T De4c�l�apn�nt t�
s�i t.�iple` Ac i�g �ha:�x�an �r��ec�the f�1l�wing C�nffnitte� rcpQ� ts�
the C�rr�ni.s�i�on memberss �The �oning Committee �t w3.th the �.pplic�.nt� a�r� the
p�operty �Pa.rcel 302I) and discuss�d the pr�gc�sed mu3tipl� d�r�ll.ing devel�nent,
�he Camm3ttee p�inted �ut tha� the prt�pert�r c�uld. aec�a�date abc�ut 26 �a.n.ita gm
the 3,21 aeres as cvnmpared to the !a.?a. uriits pr�pc�sed, The C�mmittee a1.s�a had been
advis�d b� �he vill.age Bu3.lding DEpartmen� tha,t 2!t of the proposed units were
bel�n,r the m3n3.mu� ar�a �f 70� square feet reguired by tY�e bui].d3�g c�de. T�ie
C�o�n.ittee inf�ormed the applicants that t he p�pgrty was ea�nsidered suitabl� fc�r
Multiple D�relling u�e, but ax�y such use �r��]..d have t� be in �tric� ct�nf�rm�r�ce fi,�
the C)rdinance. There was �tr�ne discussi�n about possible chang�� in the f)rdir3ance
and the Ct�mm.i.ttee wit�hes to make it clear that ris> cha,nge� are being c��temp7.at,�d.
at �his time whieh w�onld perm3.� a si.gn.ifieant increase in the nw�n�nber �of tani�s
pe�tted. The applicants sh�uld nFrt proceed with t2� �p�s�r� de�rel�p�er�t with
th� idea c�f adding additic�nal units 3.n the future �rh�n the Qrd3nanee may be �lax�d
�n this poizlt.
The Con�nittee w�uld,h�wever, rec�mmend Zoning the pr�pert� t�o Multip�.e Dwel.ling
categr�ry pr4�33.ded the devel.�pment is in fu11 c�onf+�rmance to the �x�linance and
building Cvde�.t► Mr, Sheldnn Brooks appeared bef�re the Commi�sifln and etated that
si.nce the la�t meeting with the Zvning Committee �re la,nd wa� acquired and �hat
the present prop�osal met �11 �aning anci ord,ir�ance requ3.rements. Shinder r�ved
that the Cvmmis�i�n ree��nm�end t�o the Council t� approve the �fln�.n.g request and that
the additional land purcha,sed be rez�ned alnng with the area c��ered by the original
aPP13.catian. T�e mc�ti�n was sec�nded by LaBis�oniere and �arried unanimflus2y.
RBGU.t�R, MEETIlwTG OF THE Golder� Valley Planning Gommi�si�on - Augu�t ]1.G, 1958
_ _ _ _
ACKII3Bk�.G & COOPER�IAN Tifereth BiNai Jacob S o e & ��uth Center. Ac�ing
C �r rep� ed e �o ttee n�t ve time to act �on the ne�w
pr�p4�a1 ax�d suggested tha.� n� aetion. be taken unt3.1 the C�mm.itt�e had a �hance
to vi�r the pr�per�y aMd �tudy the progosed plan. Chairman P�;nrs�ock stated tY�at
the C�ms�.s�i�n �uld be w3.1].3ng t� hear fx�om the pr�iperty� r�wner�' present in regards
�o the �aew prop�,sed p1.a.n.
Mr. ar�d M�s. Le�nard Nlarcu� �f 135� Xerxes Avenue N�r�th �ta�ed that th� pr�p�x°�y.
ur�.der ct�nsiderati�tn �ras n�t suitable for the progosed buil:d3.r�g because �f i�s
l�cati�n and ir�dicated th�ir ob�ecti�on to the propoaed p1an.
Mr. Sam Bright, 1336 N�rth �er.xes Avenue, stated tha.t he agreed w3.th the Marcus�
�apini�n and stated his t�b3ection t� the bui.].ding plan.
C�mm3.�si�n zneeraber Dresser moved that the matter be ref�rred to the Z�n3.z�g Comin3.ttee
f�r the3.r reco�endation9. The rr�ti�n was �ee�ded b� Bra�wn and carried una,n3�nou�1}p.
Presidez�t Per�a.t+ck po3.nted ��,t that it w�oul.d be necessar� £a�r �he Planning Ct��mi�rsi�oa
ta hold a special meeting to con�ider the new prop�sa.l and the m�embers wt��.1.d be
notifi.ed �,s tt� the date t�f the meeting, tentat3.vely scheduled for the 28th �of Augu�t.
TFi0�.3 B. HENDRIX Q,�00 Re ent Avenue North - Chaix�na.n Jorclan rep�rt�d that the
app cat �n was �u t e w t �ut the requ ed pr4perty owners petiti�n appruval.
Chairman J�ordan stated tha� the C�mmitt,�e met with Mr. Hendrix �on the pr�po�ed
site and had t,aken inta cvnsiderati�on the facts a� submitted by �he applicant.
Chaz.rman J�rclan stated that wo hcmnes l�cated t� the St�uth in the same blr�cl� did n�ot
meet., the 35� setbaak and tllat the Comm3.ttee felt that it would be �od plann3sag t�
a11.t�w Mr. Hendrix tto maintain the �ame bnilding lin.� �n Reg�nt Avenue. Cha�.r�nan
Jordan sta�ed that the reccmmtendati�n of the C�ram�i.tt�e t��u.l.d be t� waive th� i'�int
�*ard setb�ek by 3.bt but to d�rYy all a�ther waiver requests. Mr. Hendrix app�ared
bef�re the Cv�3.ssi�n and pc�inted out hi.s vie�ws regarding his reques�. A m�tic�r� by
E�aald, se�a�nded by Shinder, accept3.ng the Camunittee�a r�p�rt with r�ct�arnendati�n t4
th� C�nne31 t� approve requestj carried un�ani�rnouslg.
- E'�HE[, M. HOLP�i l63? Id. Lilac Dr3.v� - Chaix�n►an J�rdan rept�rted th�t the applic�tis�x�
c u e a ne g �r ��o pe it on aPPro�ing the �ubmitted plan. Chaiz�man Jt�rd.ar�
stated that Cemun3.�tee m�mbers vie�wed the pz•operty and gave cl�o�e c�nsiderati� t�v
the applicat3.4n and c�uld n�ot find 3ustificati€tn fflr creatir�g t� subst�,ndard l�►ts
as ��QUId be r�qui.x��d and. that the Comn�ittee wt�uld rec�c�mmend denial �f the x�qu�st.
Ethel �3.rn appeared bef�re 'the Ca�m�ni�sion an,d p�oi3atcd �ut the aelvaxitages that wrould
� b� ps�ssible i.f a h��e w�re built c�n the prvperty n� under c�n�idera�i�n. Several
ad��o3.ning Pr�rty �rner� �rere preserrt and i.�d3.ca�ed their appr�e�va1 �f th� pr�+p4eed
r�quest, LaBiss�niere ��ved that the G�ission accept th� Cc>na�.tte€;t s report.
M�ti� was s�c�mded by Shinder and earried una�imou$ly. Gozmni�sitm m�mbers agreed
that the Plat Co�mni.ttee sh�u7.d study the �rai�er r�quest and report at the ne�rt
r�gtil.ar meeting.
NORDSTROM & O�ELL R,EALTX 23�1 Yvrk Avenue N�rth - Chairman J�ord�.n rep�orted that
t e app ea �an < no c u � �G e required ne g�ib�orh�d petiti�� appr�val ar�d
stat�ed that the l�at referred t� in this appZi�atian w�,�s sma11 and irregular a�bd �r�ould
require a �ra�.ver fmr the best use flf the land and �hat the C�mm3.t�ee fclt �h.at the
� Pra�p€�ssd h€�use was to� la�ge f�r the 18t and rec�nded de�,i.�l �i� th� request.
N�a�ti�� by &,ia1d anel sec�ox�ded by Bx�wt� carried unari3.�ously, t�o accept the C�mr�itt�e�a
rep�z°t with rec�nendatia�ns t� the C�uncil f�or deni.al. .
VE�.YL WYNSI�i L�t 1 Bl�ck 12 Winnetka Additivn, - Chairman Jor"'da7ns�xbmi.tt�d
e � �c�w�.ng rep� � e � ss ont ' e g rh�od approval submitted.
�his lot 3.a typ3.ca1 r�f the small c�rner l�ts in this area. �he applicant a�ks
t� build a 21�t wide h�ra.se �n this lot� Zeavi.ng a 26?9� s�tbaek �►n Plymciut,h
Avenue and a 2��7t� setbaek tm Slamter. B�rth setback�s �uld be i.n line wi.�h
exi.sting h�ou�es. The G�nmi.ttee feels it w�ulcl be in ha�r� with the �eighb�,r-
h�aod and th,e general ptzrpo�e Uf 't�lE Z�r�ing C�de t� reetunmend app�val. �f th3�s
request. �etbacks t�o be Sa�uth 7t5et, front 34'7't, side 26t9tt. A mat�.s�n by
Br�awn �ra,s sec�nded 17y I,�augh.land to accept the-C�mmittee t s repc�rt with r�ca�m-
mendati�r�s �t�o C�uncil t� app�ve request, was carried unanim�usly.
TF�2RA INC. Lats 19 2� 21 Bl�ack 2. Confer & Erieks�nt s Blvd. Gardens.
irman ar x�eporte t t t e app icat � su tte w�s c� ete an
included thc n�ighbarh��od petit3.an appzroval. J�rdan atated that the applf.eant
w3.shes �o c�mb3ne three 50 f't. lot� i.n�� tw� 75 ft. 1�ots. Chairman J�ordan
stated further that 3.t wt�uld be mare des3�a�able f�r the ne3.ghb�rha�1 t� haqe
the twa� h�omes �n 7� �'t. lats instead �of �hree h�rnes t�n �� ft, lo-�s and �hat th�
eommittee w�ould rec�munend approval �f the request as submi.t�ed, feelii�:g that it
is f�� the generaa. wel.fare �f the r��ighb�rharod and within the gener�.1 purpro�e flf
, the Z�ning C�de. Mr. Heater �f 7()0 Winnetka Avent�e South stated that he �ras th�
ad��in3.n� praperty �mer �of the land under c�onside�atic�n and reques�ed as�uranc�
fzw�m the Cc�mini.ss%on th�t the Village w�u3d prc�vide proper drainage beft�re the
buildin� �of the pr�ogased h�mes was �tat.ted. ViLlage �gineer S�orensen as�ured
N1r. Iieater �ha� he wa�uld make rec�o�ndati�ns t� the C�ouncil to instruct the
Buildir�.g In�pect�r � is�ue the b�ildisxg pex��i.t w3.th the �derstanding that
px^�per drai.nag� provisi�ons be ma,de. LaBiss�niere ma�ved that the C�nis�i��
aceept the Cc>mm3.ttee�� rept�rt wi.th r�c�unendatia�ns tv the Ct�uncil t� appx�aee
the wa,iver request. M�ti�n was see�nded by Uresser and carried unan�u�lar.
MAR�IN A. EZSIl�i I,�c>t 1 Block 19 Winnetka Addi.t3a�n. Cha.irrr�,an J�rdan sub�aitted
s rep�r�t as o �rs: � e g �r approva su mitted. This it�t is a 59 ft.
c�orner l�ot. The appli�ant asks tc� build a 2t�� h�use vn this l�ot. Setback ��7.ct .
be �.� t't. s�n Sumter, 21 ft. �n Ph�eni�c ar�l 11�.-ft. on S�auth 1ot line. The 21 ft.
setback �n Phoenax w�uld be the �ame as h�v.�� set at 7711 Phoeniac t�o the F,�s�;
�.3 f't. setback �on S�nrter �..n line with h�t�se �on the Sc�uth; l�t t�a the 1nlest being
vacant. The ree�mmendativn is f�or appz�oval a� presented. Th�.s w�vld be- in
harmox�y w3.th the neighb�orh�o�d and the general pu��e �o� �he Z�oning Cs�de.'� A
n�oti�on by Br�swn t�o accept the ��ommit�ee�s regort and t�o ree�ommend t�r the G�ru�cil
t�o agpr�ove the requ�st was sec�nded by Loughland and carrisd unani�n�ly,
AI�o aet�:�on was �aken and the matter was deferred to a 1.�.t�r me�ting.
GRADE SEl'ARATION PLAN'S FOft HIGHWAY #12 - Chai.rman Loughl�nd reported that his
�imaa.ttee met w t varic�us groups w �.c 3ncluded the City �f M3.nneapolis Planning
Ea3gine�rs, the G�unty Engineers and the �t. I.t�uis Park Village Planning Grc�up for
the pur�ro�e t�f stuc�yirig the �rver-al1 pl.ans submitted by� th� Hi�hway Depaxt�nent.
Chairman L�ughland stated that it is t�; Gv�ittee�s t�pin3.�n that cens�iders'�le
changes wi1.1 b� made �rcmi the �original plan submitt�d. by the Highwa�r T?epart��nt'
aMd ind3.cated that i� was the C��n.i.ttee t� plan t�o have �a�int meetings with vari�ou�
groups t� arrive at the best plan �f es�ablishing H3.ghwag 12 grade cr+���ings.
Chairman L�ghland a1s� p�int�d. �ut that the plans thus far ar� t�nlv prel3.min�y
in natvre and that n�o definite decisi�crns have be�n res�hed.
R�ax r�r�rt� o� �x� co�� v� �rrz�G cor�sszo� - .���st �4, �.s58
. ,--- �...�.._��__._.�_._.._�
Pre�ident-Peru�.�ek pointed �out f�ur the benefit �of the pzropert� �cxwners pr�sent
tha� the Highway Department wciul.d nt�t ps�o�eet their pl� t�ith�ut apprc►�al �f
the Vi,ll.age Ga�v�x�runer�t. Chaix�nan �,vughland evnclud�d h3.s rep�rt w3.th th�
assuranc� that his C�m�nii�tee w�uld ke�p all Comm3.ss�.�on memb�rs inf�rmed �f
the pr�gres� made �n the plan f�or High�ray #12.
N�rth t�f New Jur�is�r High Sch�1 �n St. Croix Aver�ue, Chairman Lmugk�a�ad
presented th� C�mmni.�aian �iembers �rith a prop���d �treet pl�n 3.r�Ei3.cating t22�,�at
this plan was preliminary i.n nature and sugge,�ted that prsperty �,rrti.era prr*se�t
at the r�et3.ng expr'e�s their opinions i.n regard tt� the plan in g�neral. The
f�llawing prc�perty o�,mers appeared bef�ore th� C�►mm3.s�i�n stating th,�ir ei�r�s
�. Mr. ar�d N1rs. T� Vail, 6601 Medic3ne Lake A,�ad expressed interest in the
� g�neral plan as to the ps�s�ible acc�ss accorrmlfldati�ons th�t this plan �rt�uld
pr�ovide ft�r cei^tain properties ad3acent t�o the pr�p�sed stre��. Earl Jt�hn�scm
a resident s�n Dou�las Drive,, stated that th� prop��ed acce�� ra�a.d �dt�rth ��o
Med�.cix�e Lake Ra�ad was nc�t neee�sary and stated that 1a.�.d a�mer�s in the ar�a
w�re ��ed t�o the p1.an. His referen�e ws� to the prop�a��d s�r€:et Seau�h �f
�iedicine 7�aake R°aad� �opp�site Flvrida A�enue. Mrs. Wall, 25�1 Il��.gl�� �riv�
N�rth� appeared bef�re the Gatr�nissi�an and i.ndicat�cl thh�.t the prvpQS�d t�rn-
_ arc�ur�d ar�a dn the street lead�.ng N'�orth to Medici.n� Lake R�ad included h�r
pro�rty an.d �ome and stat�d her a�ppt�aiti�an t� the pr��sed street plan.
W311.iam Th��na� �f 2�11 Do�glas Driqe Nc�rth �tated that i.� his 3�i.tial plans
he ir�ade arrangements f�r a private street int� his back lots a�d that h� was
oppt�sed ts the prop�sed street plan.. Ntr. C�per, al�ng with �ther sch�l
� board members r�pregenting the Carl Sandb�rg Junior High Sch�l y�ca�ed t� the
S�uth of the pr���d street, app�ared befr� th� Connn�,�,��n an,d i.ndi�a�ed
�ha.t it �ras their �pini4n that• the 9cY�po�l rlid���t neecl the pr�p�sed stre�t �
runn3.ia,� E�::st and W�st: N�rth �'th� scli,aol pr�perty�. F�� re��m�nended tha.t
S�t. Cr�3.�t Aven�e co��.ld be re�at,�cl ,�that er�ranc� cau�d be"xi�.dg c3.irectly
N�rth �nt�c Medicir�.e Lake R�oad. I+i�. C�r al�o g�inted vut oth�;r prcrblemm�
�hat w�u1d a�ccur if the proposed plan f�r street l�catic�ns was f�ll�vwed.
Miltcm Stenger, 661.�.1, Medicine I,ake RQad, stat�d. his �osit i�a� t� the pr�sc�d
street plan and Mr�. Coleman, a property ro�mer in th� area �of thc� px�vp��ed
str�Et p2an, s�Cated that �.t w�uld be desirable to ��a11�vw the ger��ra]. plan t�f
str�eta prc�p�sed if it w�u1d impr�c>ve properti�e in the area. Mr. Guertin,
61�09 l�dicine Lake Rc�ad expressed his �ppusition to the plan in gener�l.
.Aft,er further diseu�si�n c�f the plan by members, it was agreed t� refer the
m�a.tt�,er tQ the Lt�ng Range C�mmittee f�ar ��oint study with the pra�p�rt�r �ners
z�u� �Q� r,�r��r� �eoRfi 3/1/55 - Cha3.rman Loughland �tated that the
�i ee w�ou5.d x�epflrt �on t�matt�r "at the n�x� regular meeti.ng.
Chairman I,�ugh]and reported that the High�ray Depax�tment ha.� props��ed a plan f�r
and Ea�t-�dest Highway #l04 er�css-�ver �t th�, vic�.n3.ty a�� Golden �alley Rt�ad and
that hi� Com�n,i.ttee, after �ww�rk3.ng w3.th v�,riaus gx�o�.ps includ3.ng the Village
Eng7.neer�s office, �uld pr�optise a eross-�trver ss�me�,rha.t ��rth �� Gcalden Valley R�aci.
L�oughland fU:r�her stated th�t the pr�posed cx�c>ssing w�uld have se� eff�et �n
the pre�ent plans t�f land devel�pment in that ax�a. President Penneck gointed
�ut the need f�or recarrunendati�ns t� the c�u���i i.n regards tfl the C�mmi��t�ee��
proposed grade separation �rhich w�vul.d be submit-ted �fl the County Engineer arsc�
the State Highr�ag Department, Lvughland moved that the Cflmmissicn rec�mm+e�d. -t�o
the C�ouncil that aet�.on t�n the zaning request �f Valley Viee�rr Ehterprise be
deferred t�o 30 days s�o that the Ct�mrni.�si.vn can recei�e t�ntativ� a�ceptarsce ��
the propc�sed High�ray #100 grade separati�pn N�i°th t�f Golden Falley R�ad. The
mot3.�n was sec�nded by Ewa1d and was caxried una.nim�usly.
Vi1l.age Ad�r�.i.n3.strat�ar Ulstad poi�ted t�ut the need af recei.ving the Pla�nning
G�mmittee budget rec4zrnmenda,ti�ns. N1r. Lflugh].and suggested that the Ct�mmi.ssi�n
sh�ould ha.ve e�ra funds t�o emnpl.ete the I�ong Range Plann3ng prograa� under the
direct3.�n �of the Ps�fessi€�nal P�.anx�3.ng Consultant. L�o�ghland als�o �tated that
an ex�tra man be engaged tc� aid the Village �igineer in the w�rk necessaxy related
�ro the Plannit3g C�omm.i.ssi�n. Member Dre�ser p��.ated a�u� the need t�t�r c�onsider-
a�ia�n to engage a regular secr�tazy t� rec�ord the minutes dur3.ng Plaxuiing
Commissi�n meetings. C�mmissi�on members agreed to have a Planning C�mm�.ss3.�n
C�omm�.ttee �rk with th� Village �ffice in establishing the Comc�i�si�ant s budget
pointe �out t e a�ee �� stu the pr� em 3z� re�ar t�o �b�-stancl�.rd T�ts in �he
Village. Members agreed the neeessity fvr stu�,ying the pr�oblem and r�ca��nended
Plat Co�runittee ac�i.c�n.
This matter was delayed f�r a 1a�er rep�rt fro� the Building Inspect�or.
There being na .�urth�r business, a mo�i�on by Brc�um for ad3�urnmen� �aa seect�nded
by Hetman and earried unanimc�us:f,y. f
? r
, �� �' ���
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�' , a . e man, ecre ary
Gerarge P oek� resident