08-28-58 PC Minutes 4� , GOLDII� VAI,LEY PLANI�ING COI�[SSTOI� SPECIAL MEETIidG AUGII5T 28� 19�8 A special meeting af the Plar�ning CQm¢n3.ssion c�f Gfllden Vall�y was held �n August 28, 19�8 at 7:30 �'.�• at 8030 Olson Mem�ri.€�l Highw�,y. Presid�nt Pet�n�ck pre�ided and th� �o1l�ring mernbers were present: M��srs. Brawa�, Hetman, Jensen, LaBissfln3.ere, L�oughland, �ynch, Shi.a�der, v�lz and Qillage Ea�girie:er S�rensen. . Zf?� ACKERB�tCrr &c COt3PERP�fAN, 3'IFEftEti'1'H B�NAI JACOB SYNAGOGUE & YOUTH CII+TTIl� � r -__ Chairmar� V�lz,,repor�ed that th� Committ�e ha� studied the applieati�sn a�.d f�cu�d the pl.�r�s t� m�et all r�qui,rement� �xc�pt the $etb�ck requiremear�ts �n Xerxes Aventze. Chairman 9elz pc�inted �out that a waiver would be required ' f�r the px�pc�sed 3,5 foot setback which was in keepir�g with the established � setbacks naw ir�. existence �n Xerxes Avenue. Velz p�inted �ut tha„t the pr�p�rty �wner t� the N�,rth �f the pr�op�s�d site was in f�vcr �f th� reque�t f�r r�zcs�3ng. Cc�ma�i.ssi�n member.� al�st� n�ted and tt�k int�o c�n�id�rati�►r� the ob�e�ti��as raised by Minn�ap�lis prr�p�rty �wr�.er� at the last regular Con�is�i�n meeting. After further discussi�n� a m�ti�n by boughland� sec�nd�d by Br�rn' rec�runend- ing t�a the CC�►�uncil. to appr�v� the z�n3.ng r�quest with recmrmiendatians f�r a wai�rer �+f th� 35 ft. s�tb�k �n JCerxes Avenue, caxried unan3.mously. LONG RANGE PLANNING INTII�HANGE GOLDII`d QALLEE�C ROAD AND TRtIATK HtGHWAY #100 Chai.r�na.n b�u�hl�r�l and Yillage E�.g3.neer �orensen report�cl that the H3.ghway Departmerat has developeel their interchange plans which were mt�d3.�ied fx�a th� �riginally prop�sed plan incorporati.ng th�; Villa�� E.hgin�er�� plara as presented t� �he G�ais�ifln at the last meeting. S�or�:nsen stated that the prea+�nt plass would pr^ovide a direct aecess unto Dc�ugla� Avenu�. S�rensen als� r�p�z°t�d th.at Mr. Mfls�r has been n�tified flf the ne�w H3.ghway pl�. Mr. Lc�v.ghland indieat�d that the I��ang Ra.nge ���set plan f�r the V3.1].ag� w�ould take intc� c���iderati�rn the new Px�pased grade separati�n. There being further busiaess the m�etirig wa� ad3�vrtied. r.' rge e�n�ek, sident a.� J •_ . 7 •�, � � -'--�-�. .... .. .:;., .,r .._._.. r-��G--�°�Z-f_/� /. :�' i't/`"�`-2�L����"`r.""_„ 4 • �.''t'l11AY1� $�C2'�'�83'3T