09-11-58 PC Minutes `t`t REGULAft ME�.�ING OF THE GOLIIEN VALLEY P'LANNIIdG COT�RSSION s�r�Ex Lt, i958 A regu.lar meeting of the Planning Commi;�si�n flf Golde� Valley was held �on September 11, 1958 at 7:30 P.M. at $030 Ols�n Mem�rial,Highway. President Pennock presided and the fallawing members were presentz M�ssr�. Dre�ser, E�ra7.d, Helg�son, Jordan� LaBiss�niere, Lynch, Perm:ock, Raugland, Shinder, Velz� Village Administrator Roger Ulstad, Vi.11age �ig3.neer S�orer�s�n� and Village Att�rney Kane. _ The minutes �f the August 7.la., i958��eting were u�.ni�ru�� a�rovea. PZATS .._� P.B.01san Bi�cks 1. 2 Ctamberland 2nd Additi�n - Prelima.na A x•c��al. C� ttee ree�c�ends prel ary approval o the revised 7..�,t. �ot �n by Fwald, sec�nded by Jordan that the Planning Ca�nissior� recom�n�nds pr�1�3.�ary apprQVal af this Pla.t t� the Council. Motian carr3.ed. Bungal�€�w Terrace Addition, �ineer St�ren�en reeom�nended that a revi�ed atre�t pattern�e u"�m —t ed. e Commission recommer�ding tha.t the s��r�et patt�rn be changed to conf�rm to the �gineers r�e�mmendati�n t� �.11uw an additi�nal 2�0 squar� feet t�f Lot 2, B1oek 1, making all lots the minimum required 18,7�j0 sq. fee�. T�iis can be acc�mplished be changing th�; lmt lines. Moti�on by LaBisa�niere recom�nd3.ng apprc�val sub3ect ta these ehanges, was seconded by &�ald and c�rried.. Htrward H. Tyree, Tpree Additi�on - Prel�ary Apps�oval. With n� �ne pre��nt at t e meeting representing this ��at� no acti�►n was taken and ma�ter was deferred t� the next regular meetir�g �f the P].anning C�mmis�i�n. E`�h�l M. Hal�n 1637 N. Lilac Drive. C��mn3.ttee r�pc>rt�;d that �n the basis vf :e existir�g t. lt�t� that a. subdivisia�n cflnsisting of the S�ou�h 63 feet and the N'�oxYth 92 ft. would be perm3.ssible. This �uld enable the cflnstrueti�n �f a 33 Ft. home �n the smaller lot which would be suitable tt� the area. M�otis�n by Shinder that the Coimn3.ssi�n re�omTnend to the C�ouncil appr�val t�f thi� subdiviaivn, was secvnded by Helge�on. Mo�ti�n earried. �pake Plat � Final A roval�. This matt�r was n9t �n the agenda but it was agreed that it s�� d b�et�ns ered at this time. Fin�l agpraval �as re�cmmertel�d ��.b3eet t4 the Ehgineer and Plat C�o�mnitte�; examiria.tioz� ��' the P7.at as submi�ted and if it met wit2� a11. the requirements t�f the Vi7lage Cflde. Mt�tion by Ve1z� see�nded by LaB3.ss�aniere to rec�mn�:nd approval. was carried unanimou�ly. ZONIISTG i Ra ond M. �un an 5�9 Rh�de Island Ave. Nt�rth. Lt>ts 10 11 12 13 and rt t�f �c st a e r�ove A t �n. ` e om�.i.t�e� : a ng a v e �p ion on t is ma ter� �o give no rcc�ommEndat3.t�n tfl the C�mmis�i�on. Presid�nt Permock� �n the basis t�f no recommendatioM, stated that the matter was �pen fc�r diseta.ssi�n whereup+on Mr. Bush, Mr. 13re�nan, P+Ir. Vende and Mr. Palmer, a11 resid�nts �vn Rhc�de Island Avenue �bjeet�d to the rezaning �of f�ur re�idential l�t� �� C�mmercial �n th� basis �f i.nereased traffic and that at th� time their homes were e�ns�ructed, this area was �f a residential nature. � �� _ `/ R�GULAR MEE�TTNG OF THE GOLDII�T VALT,EY PI�AANNING C�NIMISSTi3�T - September 11, 1958. ' Raym�rncl 1�. Dungan, SCs�nt t d) _� . ._,_ NLr. Tr+oup stated that his intentivn was t,� build on the existing ct�mn�:rc3.a11y z�ned area ad�acent to the residential lc►ts whether th.e� be rez�or�ed �r n�t sub�ect t� �h� appr�oval vf th� C�mmissi�ori. Mt�tion by Dresser, sec�nded by J�rdan that �h� PZann3.ng G�mmi��i�on rec�omr�nd to the C�ouncil den3.al �f the request f�or reti�on3.ng,. R�11 ca11 �rote Jorda�i, He1�es�n, Lynch, Dres�er, VeZz and Perzn.�ck �ting yes, and Shinder, Raugland, E�ra1d and L�..Biss�niere �ting Nay. M�ti�n carried. R�BEftT W. MOSER 2001 At�. Hi hwa #100. N� n�r mat�rial received, th�ref�re n� act a�n wa� en. V�LLEY P,��d RFST HOP�E - At t�ie requ�st �f the applicant, thi� i�em:�ras defex�red un � e a� er ' 1958 �eet3.ng, O�F'ICT CITYLIN'C. HigYnaay #100 and U.S. #12. . �r.�r +��..�w.� r�.�� The C�ann3.tt�e met with the applicants regard3.�g the proposed elevel�pn�ent of the area W�st �f' T.H. #�100 and Sfluth c�f T.H. #12 ad3ac�nt �� the Off ic� City devel4pment area in St. Louis Park. The p�rt3.cular area l,ying We�t t�f T.H.#1�0 is Bl4ck 4 �f Kavilis Cedardale Additi�on and is unde� eontr^�1 �f �ff3.ce C3.ty,Inc. except ft�r � 7 at the extreme �vuth end �f the area. There is a reasidence vn this 1at. The C��mnittee feels that resielential develt�pmer�t �vf Bl�ck {� i� n�ot practical because'�fits ist�lati�n f'rt�m �other residential. property by T.H. #].00 anei 3.ts proximity to the pr�p�sed �.ffice City to the West. The C�mmittee fe�ls that a3.m3.1.ar devel•opment 3.n this area �rould be �or the bes-t int�rest �f the Vi1.l.age as a wh�ole. The app3icati�on submitted to the C�tmn3.ttee requssted C�o�rmiercia.l z�ning fflr Bl�ck �. (except �t 7) f�or th�± inQn�diate cc►nstz~Eietion �f an �ffi�e f�r Mid�re�t Steel, Znc. at the Southern end. A.fter di�cu�si�n relative - t�o C�m�er�ial Z�ning alc►ng the Belt Line and the types �of uses c�nsid�red desirable fvr the pz�t>pex•ty in qvesti4n, the applicant� r�quested that the applieation be changed t�o reques�t rezon3.n� of the South 12� feet �f the propert� ta� Professi�nal and Bus3.ne�s O�fiee category. The C�o�nitt�e ree�mnends that this requ�� be grante;d and feels that this type �f use wen�l,d be r�st �uitabl� for the_p�rtion �of thi.s gener�l. area �ra>rrta.ng direct7�► t�tard the Belt Line. The Ca�m�nittee further rec�nds that nu parking be p�rmitted within the ,�Q� fr�n-� yard. The C�n�n3.ttee recs�gnizes tha.t the pr�posed s�ffice build�..ng may se�m t�o create a hardship �n the residence t�n Lot 7, but an �orderl,y �ff�.ce dev�l.�p�nt wil.I, in the opinion �of the e�o1omittee, vltimat�Iy incr�a�e the va3ue �f this 1�ot. l�ti�on by Lynch that the Pla�ning C�an�n�.ssi�on rec�cmnnerul. t� the �vuncil rez�n� ;£� �s3.�nt�.a]. ��`Pi�fes�ri�l-a�d Bu�i.ess Qt�`�.cei c�.t�;��:�#:t�i th'�' �tip�la��.t�r� . . . � � ._. . _ . .. �tha�. p�rk�ng-:����be a1.�t�� �.ii t�� fr�r�, wa� s�c�Mded b�.;�in€'�r, ani�:carried. . __ _ ,. . . .�.�kSTI�AI'{"a �.?At�'ft�r ��t'I�`T��-�A�;�+'r�,�'J1:L�IDII���I�,�:: A #,e .�� �i s A�.e..a_ R�z� x��rm � �v�� �p�en � 1g ustr a . T � �mnu.ttee met wi:t th.e applicants regarding �h�ir appl.icatic�n f�or Light Industri.al z�n.ing �on the Ada B�rgman pr�perty fz�nting �sm T.H. #55 ���-�� �v� aMd l�cated immediatel�* West c�f Gopher Gasket. There �ras ct�nsiderable discu�sion regarding, the pr�per setback f�r the progosed building t�o give a pleasing step-back- appearanee t� blend w3.th the buildings ta� the East. Apparen�l,y Gopher Gasket is set back somewhat 3ess tha.n 35 ft. 'Theref�ore a 35 ft. setback far this building w�otzl.d be c�nsidered suitable. The building is �� have 15()0 sq. ft. �of 4ffice space, ?50 �q• ft. c�f sh�p area and 2750 feet of Warehouse. The fr�nt and sides �f the �� REGUI�AR MF�,TING OF THE GOLD�N VALT�EY PLANNING COMM:LSSION - SF�'T. 11� z95�• A. D. Stx�ong Cb. (C�ont�d) r .r�..�r�.�.r� . . . . . �office secti�on to be �of brick c�nstruction and the rema.inder p�ointed c�oncrete block. The C�nan.ittee recm�nen.ds approvai flf ��n�ng ��r Li�Tit. Zn�t�strial. M�ti�n by Dresser tha.t the C�ommittee�s recommenda�ion be aecepted regarding the r�quest t� z�one tt� Light Tndustrial wi.thout reference t+� a setbaek requirement� was seconded by Helges�n. M�otion by Ve7.z, sec�onded by Shinde� t,� amend the m�ti�on regarding setback req�irements� that being a minimum �of 1� ft. ��o the rear of the Gopher Gasket C�mpanYy. This �roul.d then canf�orm to the graduated setbaek �of e�isting buil.d�.ng,. ��oti�ori'ea.rried. gAS,LE3� VI�d F�iTERPRISE,INC. N�rthwest c�orner St. Cr�3� & Highwag #1Q� �.._... ......_... � N�o further �.nf�ormatit�n received. Tabl�d. �RDINANCE HOUSE MOVING OR�INANCE The Planning C�ommissi�3lrmusly appzroved the Ii�use �.ng r ce as present�d. H. E. H�lm, La3�ts 85, 86 Be7.mont Additivn ■ .rr �+r�� ■ �.�r� . . � Mr. Hc�lm reques-�ed t�o add the West 1'7 feet �� Lflt 86 t�o T,�� 8� t� make a 56 f�t l;ot. After eiewing the property and neighbt�rh�€rci� the Cc�mmitte� f�;lt that s�me- thing c�ould be d�ne to increase the size t�f 3�d�t 85. The rec�mmendatic�n w�u1d be to add 27 feet from 1ot 86 t�o l��t 85. TM.is w�uld leave a l�t side �ard fr�m existing h�ouse and a 2�r setback frt�m Fl�orida Ave. side. �hi� ��.t�. i°���e a .. ., wa�.ve'r��f� ��tS:� 3:Q��'� ��r'g�'�,f t3ties�� a�t�'��?.�id�r°3�,�1.�-wa��r •��a l•fl:'-,f��t. The C�oimni.ttee reeommendation would be t� grant these waivers. This would be in harmon,y with the neighb�rh�oc�. and �,he gen�ral pux�.rose of the Z�n�.n,g C�.e. Motifln by Lynch tha.t the C�o�unissi�on accept �he C��unittee rep�ort �of the prvposed 15 ft. sideyard s�tback and refer this reefl�mnendati�n t� the Council was sec�onded by ZaBiss�aniere. N.[�GER, OF TTTLES The Planning Ct�mmissi�on is in s�ympathy with the Ct�unc3.l bn.t ee s t e present status be retained and erif'orced. PROPOSID REQUIREMENTS OF REGTSTEEZID LAND SUftVEY IN LTEU OF GJAIVER FEE. _-.. Moti�n b�r Ve1Z, tha.t th� C�ommisgi�on aceept the C�a�.tte� repor�t and leav�: the $25.00 fee in eff�ct was sec�onded by E�aald with the understanding �hat the Il�gineering Departrnent check accuracy t�f the drawi.ngs submitted with th� appli- cation and pla.ce stakes at bt�undary andjor identi�icati�n p�ints relating tt� the applica�i�an. T�is to be d�ne bef�ore applicatifln i� �ubmitted to Corrnni.ttee �t�gether with ar�y c►tb.er ree�mmendati�ons �r inft�rmation f�rn the �hgine�ring Depar�tment. Mati�on carried. PLANN�AIG GONSULTANTtS WORx pr�eiceeding vn �ched�a.i.e a� rep�rted by Mr. Ge�rge• I�ughland, Chairman.�� Long Range Planning C�ommittee. ° There being n.�o fur�ther business tv tran�aet� MQti�on by Dresser tc� ad3ourn this meeting was sec�nded by Ra.ugl.and, and carried. .�-�--�---� � _� .��, , � � / R J� '. " t �..,�'`�:,r .,� �' �Rogsr s a , Act ng ecre �.ry �rge �c , res en �