10-09-58 PC Minutes 47 .
' ocTOB�. 9, 1.958
A regular meetingof the Planning Co�nission of Golden Valley was held vn
Octo�er 9, 1958 at 7:30 P.M. at 781�0 Sixth Aver�ue N�orth. Vice President
LaBiss�eniere pres3.ded and the f�Ll�:awing members were present s Brc�m, Dres�er,
�ra�d, JenSen� Jordan� I,�ough:Land, Lynch, Ra.ugland Shinder, Velz, with George
Penn�ek arriving at 9:l�5 P.M.
The mir�utes �of S�ptember 11.� 1958 were unanim�ously appr�oved, with mo�i�n by
Jordan� sec�onded by Dresser.
F. B. �1s�on, Bl�ocks l, 2, Cumberland 2nd Addition - Final approqal.
The 1'1at C�ommittee recomm:ends t�o the P1.anning C�ommi�sion for ree�nendati�on t�
the C�ouurici.l.� -�hat final appr�oval be gx�anted t�o the Cumberland Hi11s, 2nd Additi•on
Plat, subjeet t�o checking by the Village Engineer. Moti�on by Ve1z� sec�onded by
Ewald tha.t fi.nal approval be recc�mnended t� the Council, carried unanamously.
Tyree .A.dditi�on - Prelim3.n.ary
A spec3.al meeti.ng was indicated with th� L�ng Ra.nge P�.�ing C�om�n�.���e and Plat
C�omYnittee t�o meet at the site, approximately Winn.e�ka Heights Drive and Winnetka
Ave. No�th at 10:00 c�tcloek A.M. flctober 25, 1958 for the purpose of ��ointly
sttzdying this a:rea f�or recommendativn to the Cozr�missi�on. Motion by Loughland,
seconded by Bro�m -t�o refer this matter t�o the October 25th, 1958 meeting, carried.
U.S.H�omes - Yarnellts Golden Valley Outlots - Preliminary
� r
Deferred ta� the nex� regular Planni.ng Commissi�n meeting, Nc�vember 7.la., 1958•
Street Name f�r�Private ''R�ad 800t South of and parallel to Gl�nwo�d Ave.
Moti�n by Loughland� sec�nded by J�nsen to establish the street name as WES�'tnT�OD
LANE sub3eet t� the appr�oval. �f the Post Off3.ce Department, carried un'animously.
Street Nam,� Change
M�ation by A.a,ugland, sec�onded by Shinder t�o change the street name �of Sweeneg Zane
3.n Merry Hi.7.ls Additian� S'�reeney Terrace in Sleepy H�o11ow Additi�n, Sween�y Lane
in Cumberla.nd Hills Additi�on - all t�o be changed t� LF�GIlVD DRSVE, sub�ect t�o the
appr�oval �of �he Post Office, carried unanimou�ly.
Val�e� Vi�r Rest Home � 5730 Ols�on Hi�hway
N� �ane was represented this Rez�oning ma�ter� and with no report by the C��anittee�
the item was indefinitely tabled.
Gler�ro�od. HiJ.ls Hospital - 3901 Golden Va11ey R�oad
The Committee rec�mmends tha.t the foll:ccywing described lands be zoned to
Institutional Categ�ry:
The SE 1�1a. of the 5E 1/�. lyi.n� Easterly of Twin Lake and its outlet; th� SGit 1/�
of the SE 1/�.; and the NE 1/!� �of the SE 1/L}. lying Sc�utherly ��' Ba.ssett�s Creek;
all being in Seeti�on 1$� T�ownship 29' Range 2�..
MOTION by Loughland, sec�onded by Raugland t�o �odify the Com�nitteets report as
presented by Gha.irman Velz, i.n additi�n� ta include a11 s�f the area as �rigi.na.11y
requested by t�.e Glenwv�od Hills Hospital, w3.th Shinder voting ��No'� and Ve1z
abstaining. M�otian carried.
Ernest Lambert & Haxry Lund Lots 1 & 16 Keene Higbee & Bitzer�s Golden Valley
�utl�ots. Z "�—"_
Th�: Committee met with Mr. Lambert and Mr. Zund to discuss th� problems related
to the residential development of their properties. These problem� are associated
with the Tndus-trial Zone to the North, the loea�ion o� the sewer alt�ng Duluth
Street and th�; resulting assessments being out of proportion t�o the benefit
whi�h coul.d be derived for resi.dential development. It was their contention
that the sewer should have �one thru the center �af theix properties so tha.t
lots could have been backed up to the Tndu�trial zone to the North. They
adviseel the CQmmittee that at one time 3.t was planneel to so place th� sewer
lateral, but Zater changed over their objeetions to its present location �n
Duluth Street. In view of these eircumstances, they request Industrial
Zoning as a means to obtain benefits from the sewer equal to the assessments�
an.d to make it possible for them to market the ps�operties. All at�empts �o
develop the properties residentially have failed. The Cornrnittee recognizes the
prablem of trying to de�relt�p residential lots £acing undeveloped industriall�r
zoned prnperty where no restrictions ex3.st regarding setback or open space�.
The Co�unittee alsv ree�agnizes that �xtending the Industrial Zane t�o inelude
these two 1�-ts would solve Mr. Lambertis and Mr. Lund�s problem only tv plaee
a similar problem on the properties t�-the 5vuth East and West, and not sol�ce
the real probl�m at a1.1. It 3.s the Committee�s opinion that it wou3d be t� the
best interests of the Village if these lo�s cQUld be deqelaped in s�me light use
eategory, preferably residential. Study and e�►nsiderati�on should be given
toward, r�solut3on �f �he problems which seem un.favorable tt7ward such develt�pment.
Qn this basis the Co�nittee recommends denial of the request for rez�oning t�o
Industrial eategory. M4TI�N b�r Pennock, seco�ded by Loughland that the Plann.ing
Commi�sion accept the Committeets report and recozmnend tha.t Council den� this
request, earried.
Duane Foss= Coun-ty Road ,�18 N�rth of BassettTS Creek
The Committee reviewed the request without the benefit of the applicant�s
presence. From the mater3.al subm3.tted to the Committee, the request appeared
to be for rezoning apprc�xima�ely 6 acres of prvper-�y with apprc>ximateZy I�75�
of fr�ntage an C�ounty Road l8 3.mmediately North of Bassettts Creek for the
purpQSe of construction of an Animal Hogpital. for an und3.sclosed party. Th�
building tb be 50 ft. �on the front by 30 ft. deep, setback 5� ft. �rom the
Ea,st R/W line �f Caunty Road 18 and �0 �t, from the �dge of Bassett�s Creek.
_ ZOIVING (C�nttd)
The pr�perty S�outh �of Bassettis Creek was recently purehased by General Mi11s.
The property to the Nor-th is open development. The Committee reeognizes that
the area covered b� the request is far in excess �af �he reasonable requisements
f�or the prop�sed business� that the building s�tback sh�uld be 100 ft. �ather
tha.n 50 ft. and that the propo5ed land use is questi:onable in this area at
this -�ime. For these reasons the Cvimriittee reconunends denial of the request..
M�ti�n by Jensen, sec�nded by Pennock that the Planning G�oman3.s�i�on aeccpt the
C�oimnittee�s r�port and reem�nend tha.t C�uncil denay this application, carried,
Shel.d�on Br�ooks, 911�5 Olson Highway
M�ti�n by Penn�ock that the Planning Cammissir�n approve the pr�posal of Sheld�n
Bro�oks as present�d with the reservation that the Z�oning Committee and the
Villag� Attorney meet with. the proponents for further study, wa� �econded by
Br�ortan. Motion carried. ,... M�tion by Pennoek, �econcleel bg Loughland that the
Vi1l.age Att�oi n.ey and the Z�oning Committee meet f or the purpose �of reviewing
the multiple dwelling �roning ard3.nance. Motion carried.
F�berg-P�tri, Inc� 6th Ave. N�orth & H3.ghww ay #55
The C�mmittee reeeived this petition at a late da.te and th�ugh a port%or� vf the
C�oirmlittee ha.s viewed the site and laoked at the pla�n, it cann�t make a ree�m-
mendati�on at this t3xne. Th� propflsal d�oes n4t fully c�mply with the Ordinanee.
The C�reanitt�� wants the opp�rtunity t� study this pr^op�sal furth�r and discuss
it with th� applicants. The matter was def�rred t�o the n�t regular meet3ng �of
the ne� regular meetirig �of the Planning C�oYrmiissi�on, November 13, 1958•
Parking �e�ulati�on
�I�otion by Jensen, sec�vnded by Pennock that the proposed pa.rki.ng regulati�on as
subm3.t�ed by the Zpning Com�nittee be presented t�o the Village Attorn.�y £�r his
rec�ommendati�ons and returned to �he Planning Commi.ssion for further aeti�n.
Motion carried.
�nil Anders�n /ft�Cutshell, 1816 Quail Avenue Alorth
The C�orrmiittee rec�onnmends the approval �f the application as submi.ttecl and
all.a�rs the app3.ieant t�o construet a garage ]..l.�t 6E� fr�ma. North l�ot lir�e, This
3.nv�alves waiving �of side �ard requirement by 6'� at the front of gaxage only.
The progosed garage addition is of a mi.nimum size and would be in harr�ony with �
the neighb�orh4oct.
M�ti�n by Velz that the 1'lanning C�ammissi�on accept the rec�mmer3dation �of the
C�ommittee and recaErnnera,d C�uneil approval., wa� sec�nded by Jensen� Moti�n earried.
Octvber 9, 1958•
Duane Dicke�, I�ots 2 and 3, Bloek 3, Arn�ld Anders�on�s First Addi.ti�n `
■ .r�..r�.r�. r
St is noted that the side 1ot line in ques�i�on was created by previt�us
appr�oval �of plat and that repla.tting will not change this condition.
Motion by Jensen t�a accept the Commi.tteets report and recoirnnend appro4al
by C�ouncil, wa� seconded by Ra.ugland. M�otion carried.
Nt�oti�cm by LaB�ss�on�.ere, sec�nded by Jensen that �he Village of Cre�Iden Valley
purchase a 200� steel tape t�o b� used s�olely by the Plat C�rn�rmittee and ar�,y
other Com¢ni.ttee whieh ma.y request use of it, carried unanimously.
There being no further business to transact, motion by Jordan to ad��urn the
meeting, was seconded by Velz. Motion carried.
Robert L. LaBiss�oniere�
Acting Chairman.
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uR ger K. Ulstad, Acting ecretary.