11-13-58 PC Minutes ��
i��ER 13, Z958
A regvlar mee�ing of the :Planr�.ing Coarm�.i.ssi�n o�' Golden. �'alle�r was h�ld oa�
NaveTnber 13� 1958 a'� 7�30 P.�I. at 78�.0 S33cth Av�nue North. 1�egent were
Messrs. Brown� Etaal.d' Helgeson, Bo�ehe�� Dresser, Lg�h,�e:�inoc�I�;Baugl�d,
LaE3.�son3.ese. Also ps�esent were Roger K. tbla�ads gilllage'A<�ninistrator,
Star�l.ey D. Kane, V'illage Attorn.ey and Donald Bo11,, Assistant Vil]age Enga.r�eer
and Dan L�n.ch, TT3llage Bu3lding Inspector.
Nfinutes of the October 9� 1958 meeting were approved with the exception of
the paragraph 3� GII�TERA.L, auf,h�razing the purchase of a 200� steel tape for the
Plat Co�n3.t-�ee. Ntota.on by Brown, seconded b� Ra.ugla�d to d�lete the pox-�ioa�
a.s foLl.otiasa ,"and aray c>ther Co�.ttee wh3.ch m..ay request use of it". Mot�.on
P.B.Olson, Bloeks 1, 2, C�nberland 2nd Addi.tio� - Park �oard Discussion
All members of the Park_Board and Mr. P. B. Olson wwt�re present to discugs with
th� Planning Coiarn3.ss3on the proposed site whicM. was a portion to be deeded to the
Village for Park pvs�poses. It was the consensus of opinion -that tha.s should be
dis�ussed fux�ther and tl�.� the Long Range Corraaittee should. make a �vrther study
of the proposed s3.te, �ecox�nenclix�.g that Mr. Loughland meet �rl.th the Paxk Board
regard.ing tY�is site or aa� other site tha.t the Park Board may eonsider.
Edward Jordan, Dv1u�h Terrace Plat� Fi.nal Arnox�oval.
On the bas�:s o� -the Plat Goiran3.ttee1s rec�end.ation, tY�e Pla�ning Conunission
recom¢nended that, Cotancil. g3.ve-f3nal approval -�o this Pla.t. Mot3on by LaBisson3.ere
that fi�.a1 approval be rec�mmended to Covnail of the 1?�1�.th Terrace P].at, snb�ect
to Eheck3.sLg by th,e Vallage �gineer, was seconded b�r E�ra�.d, and earried.
�rree Addit3on - Prel'im3na.r�A��ro_va_7.
• On �h.e basis of the Plat �orrm�3.�tee�s reco�aenda.t�ox�, the Planning Co�niss3on - -
recoraraended tha.� Council gi�ve �S�e1im�.nar�r approval �c� the T��ee Addition Plat.
, Motion by S,zaB3.ssoniere to recvnenend prel3.minar�r approval of the Plat to the
Covnc3l was seconded by Borchert, �'�d carried.
II.S.Homes, Yarnall�s Golden Va11e�r Outlots - Preliminax�
- _._. . .�.
Due �to lack of suffic3.ent informa-�ion and no representation at the meeting, the
3tem was tabled.
Glenway Sltrpes, 3rd Ac1d3.tion - D3scu�sion
Proponents a�f Glerna'a� Slopes 3rd Ad.dition were present and an.qnired as to the
future plans of Lavrel Avenue, Also the prel3m�aiary draft of the Third-Ad.dition which
�n�lneled���he three lots 'to the South adjace�.t to the proposed Lau:rel Avenue bo�andar�r,
were also in questi.on. The question being "could replatt3ng at a future olate be
possible for construction of double b�nga.lo�,rs". The Planning Co�mnission suggested
-the exclusion of these three lots and onlg plat those which axe to be. de�elvped at
this t�n.e. Future plans o� Laurel Avenue still remain status quo.
Ross Den.�.son, Lot 5, Seene, Higloee & Bitzerts Golden Va11ey Outlots, Prel3.mi.n.ar,�r
...._..� __. ._.,.._.._.__
Pla.t Cor�an3.ttee chaix�man suggested tha� p1.a.t of Lot �, Keene,H3gbee &.Bitzer�s
Golde�. V'a17.e�r Ou.tlo-ts be referred �o the Plat Co�ait�ee fox� fv.a:°ther stv.dy.
Motion. by E�rald that this plat be referred. bacic to the Plat Com�a�t��e fo�
fv�her stud� and reeorr�end.a.tion at tl�e �.e�ct regul.ar 1'lanning Coa�niss�a�. meet�.ng,
was seeonded b� Borchert and caxr�ed.
Zonin.g Co�.ttee re�ommended favorable consideration of the Calvar� Zutheran
Church rezonir�.g request o� the additional px°operty acquired,to Ias�i�u�ional
ea�e�ory, on the basis that it wi11 relieee the existing problems� name?,� -
parki�g. M�tion by L�.ch tha� the Planning Coirnni.ssion recomtnend to the Coun�31
approea� o� the rezc�n3.ng to Insitutiona.l of the property 3neolvecl.i provided all
parking :�ec,{uiremen�s are met, was seeonded by Rav.gland and motion ca�ried.
LO'P 13, Ha�kins Re-arra,ngement of LOT 5.
The Zoning Corr�ait�ee checked the area in question and determined �ha.� thc
existing builoling� formerly used for comm.ercial purposes, is not� being used
residentia7ly. Therefore it is the3r recoirmiendation that rezoning from
Coir�n.ercial to Residential categor� be ap�roved. Motion by Borchert �hat
Plann�ng Commission rec�mmends that Cotancil approve rezoning of the property
in question f��m Coa�nercial to Residentia7., was seconded by �ra1d, �arried.
MINNEAPOI�IS �AS �OMP�NY - Radio Tower - G.A.Road West of Douglas Drive
_ ..�.,_.�
The Zoning Commi.ttee observed the s3te in questi�n. However, the proponen�s :
were not present a� the scheduled meeting, but were present at the Plann�ng
Commission meeting. Mx�. Kenn.eth Person oi -�he Minneapolis Gas Company suggested
that a�s�,y action regard3ng the to�,rer at �he present time be tabled until the�
have h.ad the opportvnity to discuss the use of the presen� Gr�.�hound Tcs�er
located on �he General Mil7,s property. The Zonin� Commi�tee shavld make their
recommendations to the Plar�.3.ng Co�mnission as to what the Minn.eapo��.s Gas
Corapanyt� �3.shes are.
E�KBERG-PL''T�L,IN'C.�6th A.ve. North & ,��5
The Zon3.�.g Ccnrmait�ee reeorr,tt�ended to the P1ann.i.ng C�rrmutssion tl�e zoning�af �th�.s -
proper�t� to Paro�e�s3onal and Business Of�'ic� categor�r. The s�ux�re�r showing the
location of th� proposed build3n.g is in accordance with. a11 Village ()rd.inances.
Parki�.g is to be pravided on the No�th w3.th the bu3lding 1'ocated-on thE southerly
portion of the area. Motion by Helgeson to recoirm�.end approval to C�uneil for
the rezoning o� area located at 6th Ave. North ana xignway #55 to -PBO �as
secoa�ded b� I,y�ch and earried. ,
Douglas E. Anderson, 213 S. Westwood Drive �
, The Ordinance Corr�.it�ee felt that the request for s3delot waiver was i.n
d.efinite v�i.ola.tion of the UiLtage Code and that a h.ards�.ip condition d.id z�ut �
e�is-t.On the bas�.s of th.3.� observation, -the Canmiittee recomm�ended denial of
� the reqnest. �lot3.on by La.B3.sson3ere to recor�anend den3.al of th� Waiver b�
Council, was seco�.ded by Borchert and caxried. �
Long Ra,nge C�mm�.t�ee repori� on use of land l�r3n.g between TaTesterri Ave. & U.S.#12
9. D. �r�ng C��. ��'�
The 1ar�d �.n, c�a,estion is no�r zoned for Industria.� use. It ma,y be d.eseribed as
extend3.ng Eas�erly from the East boundary of General Mil1s Headguar-terTS Office
1a.nd about 1302 feet and ly3ng between Western A�renne on'the Nor°th and the
Northerly boundary of U.S.Highwa� �#12 on the South. It is proposed to bisect
it t�i.th a s�ree-� 100 feet wi�.e, runn.ing in a Nor�th-Soutl� direction. We staggest
tha.t'�tlis street wiath be 60 fee�.
The only stated proposed use so far disclosed.' o� the land in question is b�r a
Standard 031- Compar�y serviae sta�ion to be located on a- pla.t some 250 ft. square
�o be located 3.n the S.�J`. eornes of the East �:a1f and border�ng ora the pr�posed
s�reet and U. S. Highway �12. The West halz" of the land in question is said to
be desired by General Mills whose use of it is unlu�.own -�o us. The proposed use
of t�.e Ea.st I�a.a.lf of the land in question� other °than that set' out as an Oil
_ Station site� is no� coamaitted at tY�.is •tim�.
�'ram a long range view of t�iis si.�uation� -�his Cormnittee finds that the proposals
so fa:r as are now �i.own (1) wi11 not cori�lict �ri.th probable general street
patterns; (2) do no� confl3.ct w7.-th zonin.g as nor� applied to the land.
At-�ention is dix�eted to the need for proper set-backs and �o allowances �or �he
�'uture se�3ee roads -that ma�r be built along the South border of the ].an.d in
qv.estion when U. S. H3.ghwa�r �12 is fv1.1y developed. '
l�vtian by� R$ng-�and. to accept the Co�.ttee report as pre�ented, was seconded by
Br�m. an� ca�ied.
A use has been propo�ed for a plat of Commereially zoaecl 1a.aid borderirig -the North
side of the ft/GJ o� State Highway #�5 e�ending from W�.nnetka A�renue Easterl�r to
�he.platted res3.d.ential lots an �he West side of Rhode Tsland Avenue. TM.e Long
Range Corrunittee makes -the follaw3x�.g observations covering th.e c�evelopmer�t of
this propex°tys viz -
(l) The pat�ern for future ma�or thorov.ghfares for th�
Village c�f Gpld�n Valley indicates i�.�Fa ce�-ta3.n.t� tha,t �1'innetka A.venue wi11 be such
a -thoroughfare,, and its traffic wi11 cross S�ate Highwa�r #5� b�r use of an nn.der-
pass, the partic�ul.ar fox�m of wha.ch 3.s at present undetermiried. Howevex�, regarrlless
of the form th�s underpass ma.g take, traffie between T�Jinnetka Ave. a.nd -the la.nd in
ques�ion, wi11 be hazardous arid coaadusive -to 3nterference with proper -t�°a.ffie ,
flow on the Avenue.
R�tl��i�'� �:EE1'Ii\T(`x �I` Cz�LD�T VAZL�I'� PI��.I�1T`zl��iG CONfl'�SiIO:�d - l�_flj��8
`L�I�?G R.k�ICE �
R�port conti�ued
(�) It zs uer�r ZikeZy �hat °�he �ull deve3.opnent a� State
I�i�hwa� ;#55 wi1.1 incl�zde � service read ar� its N�r°th side and that may
h�.�e a serious bear�.r�g on the use �f the sub ject land.
Mo�i�n by Bfl�°chert, seconc�ed by Br�c�nn. th.at the item zn question be referred
back -�o th� L�r�g R,ange Cer�mattee for iurther s�udy. Ro11 call vote
indicated Rau�land and Ly�ch voting raNay" with Bro�,m, �aald, Helgesors,
Broehert, Dresser° and Penn�ck �rflting r,Yes�t. I��tion carri�d.
MOTION by B�rchert �ecanded b�r Brown t� r°escind action taken in pre�rious m�tion.
Moti�n carried.
MOTION by Borahert, seconded by Lynch to accept the Long Ran�e Cflmmittee repor-�
�nd re�er �o �thE CQUncil the problems �hat have b��n considerec�. The C�mmission
�ug�esting that an ad.c�itional problem exists �egarding �he acces� to the interiar
area and that there shoitl.d be ample provis�.ons far t�f.f-street traffic movemen.t
between the prope�°t� in quest�.on ar�d �he area fi,o the Alorth. A mare cflmplete
recammendation would be poss3.ble when �he Pro�essional Planning C�nsultan+ts
study is completed zn Feb�uary. N1ot�.an carri�d.
� - C��.�� � � ti �
I��r. Ha��ld L�Tnch in co�laboratian ia.*zth Dan LJrrch, �i�dir�g Is�s�ect�r
g�resented a s��gestec� squa�e ��at are� reqv:�.r�ement schedule far the Pl�,rirazng
�ommis�inris consider�tion and s5,�b�eq�xent recozmne��da.t�.on at �he nexL re�ular
100 �. �'rontag� lot - 1100 s�u2�°c �'eet
80 �'-t. �to 99 �'t. 1000 �T fo
L��s �han 80 .��. g�u Ik �s
Thi� pertains �to living area �nly a.nci not attachec �a,�ages, etc�
Tix°. Stanley D. Kane, �T�_ll age Att�rney presented the prop�secl Farking Regulation
0��?nance �or discus��_on. Tb.� 1'l�nning Comni�sszon rec�rnmended acce�tance �f
the Orc�ina.riee as p�e�enf;ec� and requested the �l-�llage �°�ta��ey �o dra�.r �� an
O�din�,nce fox� �ecornrrie�.c�ation �o �,he C�uncil f�r °�he fi���c reading on Dec�ml��r
3rd. This wi�.l all,ow the Pl�r�ning Commis�ion t� examine the fir�al dra�� of
the Ordznance pr���r �o its second reading°.
There being no �'tu�her busir_es�� I�fotion for ad��ux�men°� ��a� rna.de by Dre�ser
aza�. sec�r�aed � i�.ugland. I'�io�,ion c�.rried.
���= �� ,
, �. _ �
/ Rog�r ,, . t7ls�ad, Recordin� Secre-�ar� i
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F d��� ���/�����
G���ge Pen ock, Presiden�;