01-15-59 PC Minutes �� REGULAR MEETTNG OF THE GOLDEPT VALLEY PLANIVING COMMISSION JANUARY l�, 7-959• A regular meeting of the Planrzing Connnission of Golden Va13ey was held on Janua:ry 15� 19�9 at 7:30 P.M. at 78�0 Sixth Avenue North, Ma.rmeapolis� Minn. President Pennock presided and the follc�wing membexs were presian.t: Messrs. Brav�m� Dresser� Hetmart� Jensen, Jordan, Loughland� Lyneh, Ra.ugland' Shinder� Velz. Also present were R�ger K. Ulstad, Village Administrator� Donald �oren�en� Village Engineer and Dan Lynch, Village Building Snspector. Mintttes of December 11., 1958 meeti.ng were approved by_ma-tion of Brown, seconded b� Loughland and unanimously accepted. Mr. Pennock turned chair over to the temporary Chairman� Roger Ulstad and announced that nominating Committee consistinu �f Loughland and Borcher-�, past Planning Commi.ssion �residents� would pr�sent their candidat� recommendations. Mr. Loughland of the n�minating committee nominated Mr. Permock for President� mcrtion by Loughland, seconded by Shinder that nrnnina.tions be closed and that the Secretary record unanimous vote far George Pennock as preszding President. For Viee-president� the Committee recommended Mr. Joe Bra�m be nomi.nated� motion by Loughland' seconded by Dresser that Mr. Joe Brown be elected Vice-President was recorded by the Secretary that unanimous vote was cast for Mr. Joe Brc�m. The Conuni.-Gtee recommended that Roger K. Ulstad be Seeretazy and Donald Sorensen act in Mr. Ulstadts absence. Motion b�r Loughland that Mr. Ulstad be Secretary was seconded b� Pau3 Velz and carried unanimously. PLATS L. Z. Carlson, Brentwood Plat - Prelimi.nary llalrr. Shinder in behalf of the Plat Coimnittee recommended refex�az�.l flf this Plat to the Long Range Committee to eonsider str�et pattErn, drainage and o-ther improve- men�ts which should coineide with subsequent preliminary plats af this area. Paul Ehghauser - SethA.bbott1s Outlots - Preliminary -------- It was the opinion of the entire Planning Commission tha.t the P1at Commi-ttee together with the Zoning Committee shauld study the preliminary proposal of the Seth Abbottts Outlots and present theis recommendations at the Februaxy 19th meeting. .�� REGULAR ME�TING OF GOZDE[�1 VALLEY PLANNING COMNLISSION JANUARY 15, 1959 Wayn.e 0. �smunds�n - Vacation of Alle� between Meadow Lane and Ardmore L Gleriwoad The Planning Commission considered the peti�ion f or the vacating of a portion of the Alley be-tween Meadvw Lane and Ardmore in Glenwood Addition which shawed 79� signers of the effected alley in favor of vacation . Motion by Lyneh, seconded by Browri that Planning Commission recommend to the C ouncil vacating of the proposed portian of this Alleyt ,� Village -to keep in mind provisions for the necessary utilit�t .> easemen-�s at such time when the property revex°ts back to the property o�rners. Motion carried. Ross Denison, Lot 5, Keene-Higbee-Bitzer�s Golden 'Valley Outlots - Prelim3.nasy Mr. Lynch on behalf of the Plat Committee presented the same problems regarding this plat as that of L. Z. Carlson�s Brentw�od Plat, and that similar study should be given this plat by the C�mmittee and Engineering, such report t� be completed for presentation at the Febrt�ary l�th meetin�. ZO�TING Walter E. B d - D�u ,las Drive & Medicine Lake Road Committee chairman Velz reported that he had received no further inf o�mation from Mr. Boyd regarding his request for consideration of this zoning. Committee thereforE recommends that this petion be tabled until such time as the pr�perty owners in question request consideration. Study 1001 Open Zonin� of the South side of Bassett�s Creek from Winnetka to Vermont. Mr. Velz� the committee chairman stated that due to insufficient informatic�n at this tirrie, the Committee is not in a position to sug�est any change in zoning of this area. Additional information as to the petitioner and the . desired use is necessary before final con5ideration is given. It was also noted that Bas�ettis Creek would be considered along with �he proposed guide - plan being developed for the Village. �?RDTNANCE WAIVERS John A. Obinger, 3343 Major kve. North At the request �f the petiti oner, this item was deferred to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commissi�n February 19, 1959• Kostecka�Albin K.� 911 Winnetka Ave. South Due to the incompletene�s of the peti�tion application, no recommendatifln was considered at thi� time. . � .: REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDII� VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 15, 1959• Douglas Anderson, 213 South Westwo�d Drive Having received no further information on thi5 applieation, the Committee recommends denial o� request as stated in minutes of Planning Commission dated November 13, 1958. Motion by Velz, seconded by Jensen to refer ' petition to the Council for study. Motion carried. Duane Foss for R. R. MeChesney, West Constance Drive & St. Croix Ave. Double Bungalow proposed. This lot has 17,685 square feet and.;on on.e �ide has only 87 ft. dep-th, Having viewed the lot and considered the application, the eommittee recommends to Council waiving the square footage requirement and allow the owner to build. a double bungalow on this lot. Because of the location and irregular shape of this lot, tl�is action would be in harmany with the general purpose of the building code subject ta signed approval of abutting pro�perty owners and that the 35 ft. setback be maintained. Motion by densen,:seeonde�i.;by T�yry,c�.�t� recommend Council give �pps°t�va�. of this waiver subject ta the cond.itior�s set forth, earried unanimously. Sisson, W. Z., Phoenix at Florida Ave. Additional information to be obtained as to driveway easement and date of sale of proper�y. Until this is determi.ned, no action be taken. � Matzke P2at P1AT This item wa5 not on agenda but it was agreed to consider the application at this time. Mr. Buxshide, Surveyor represented Mr. Matzke and presented drawings to the Committee for consideration. Committee chairman fel�t the canditions surrounding this request�e similar t� that of L. Z. Carlson anc3. therefore �treet pattern, drainage and other improvements must be considered by both the Plat and Long Range Committees regarding subsequent plats in the general area. � � � �LONG Rt�E � � �ac'� atir�n�of new County Road C.S.A.R. 66 Ehgineer Sorensen submit-�ed an overlay sh€�wing preliminary proposed street pa�tern of St Cro� �.ve. .from Golden Vall�y Road and e�ended West Nor�hwest to Medicine Lake Road for recommendation or cha.nges. Pla.nning Commission felt tha.t the proposal f�r Highway 100 Wes� Nar-thwest to Medicane Lake Road appears to be acceptable. Further s�udy should be given specificall� to the a�ea from Golden Valley Road to Highway #100. East West �reet between County Road #18 and T�innetka Ave. at approx. Duluth. Long Range Comrnittee chairman reported they will meet with Plat Committee, the property otimers in question and the Committee Cha.irmen January 29, report of which meetin� will be presented at the Special meeting scheduled for February �, 1959• Chairma.n. Pennock es�ablished Febr�zar�r I9, 1959 as the next regular m��ting of the Planning Commission. �� REGU.LAR MEETTNG OF GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNTNG COMNIIS5ION JANUARY l�, 1959. Therc being no fur-ther business, by motion of Jensen, seconded by Raugland that meeting be adjourned,carried. �`` � = :f j � �� �- "� �i '—' " _� � K. ta , Secretary � ,�'`��,,., G� George Pennock, President