02-05-59 PC Minutes 63 SPECIAL M�TING OF THE GOLDEN VAI,LEY PLANNING CONIMISSIO�T FH�RUARY 5, 1959 Pursuan� to due ca11 and �t�tice hereof, a �pecial meeting of the Plarjning Comm3asion wa� held on Febr�ary 5, 19�9 at 7:30 P.M. 80�.0 Sixth Avenue North. President Penn4ek pre�ided and the following memb�rs were pr�3ent. Mes�r�. Borchert, Dresaer, Ewald., Helge�on, Jense�, Jordan, Loughland, Ra.ugland. Al�o present were Rober K. Ulstad,Village Administrator, and Do�. Sor�n�en, Vi11�.�e Engineer. � C�RL L. GARDNER & ASSOCIATESL Gt77IDE PLAN Presentation of the Carl L. Gardner & A�sociate� Study for Village Plannin� by the Long Ra.nge Committee. _ � In it� memo Qf May 8, 19�8 entitled «A CHART F'UR THE FtITIIRE" th� Long Ran�;� Commi�t�e o�' th� Golden Valley Planning Commiaaioz� �xpresa�d certain view� eoncerning the need to critically exam3.ne the Village growth in rec�nt �ears and, u��ng that information a� a ba�e together with th� Corr�nia�io�.�a l�owledg� o�' cur�°ent expanaion prc�blems, -to set down a guide plan f�r an orderly and rational 1ox�g range development of land uae. The Cornmis�ion and the Council �upported the Committee t� v3.��r�. La�t J�a.rie th� Couneil emplo�ed Car1 L. Gardner �c Aasocia�ea, prflfe�sion�.1 mur�ieipal Planx�era, as Co��ultant� to carry out thi� w�rk in collaboration with the Planning Commia�ign and its Long Ran�e Gommittee. The Committee had sev�ral meeting� with the Con�ultants as their work progres�ed. It acknowledg�� th� valued aid o� Mr. Dan Sorensen, Village Engineer and the guidance of President P�;nnoek, F.x-affieio Committee member, who were in attendance at tho�e meeting�. The work ha� been �ubstantially completed. It was pre�ented to th� LQng Range Cammittee by Mr. James W. Hawk�, principal planner �ox th� Gardner firm, on the . �vening of January 29 1a�t. Ta that meeting the Committee 'had invited the Chairmen of the Plat, Ordinanee and Zonit�g Committee� and members of th€� Golden V�,l1ey Park Board (Ray Stocl�nan an.d Dr. Peterson present). CONSULTANTSf REPORT The October 1958 5ection of te�tt i� in two parts, the fir�t dealing principally wi-th Zoning and Land U�e; the �ecand, with populatipn distribution and growth. �hese �eetions are ba�ed on field examinations and on compilation� o� Village data covering the past �ten years to the end a� Ju1y 1958• The January 1959 Seetion of test deal� with the Guide P1an and Thoroughf'ares and is a, generalized pre�ent-day idea o�' how the Village rnay be expected to use it� land area� and develope its thoroughfarea thru the years ahead. The plan cont�mpl�.t�s a population hdZding capacity within the preaer�t Villag� 1.imita o� roughly 3��000. The following map� form an important .part of th� Gardner Studies� Rcport� and Coneluaions:- �� SP�CIAI, r1EETING OF GOLDII�t VALLEY PLANNING CON�7ISSION - FEB. 5,1959 Z) v�.a u�� - �oot to l�t 2) Zoning - 800� to l�� 3) Re�id�ntial _ - �.00� to li' �) Subdivision - 80fl� tfl 1t� �) �xisting R/W - 800� to lft 6) Rpad and Rail eond:itions (Not complete) 7) Tra�'fic Flow - 800� to Z" (Not compl.ete) 8) Tharou�h.�are Plan - 80�f t� '1" 9) Guide P1an - 800+ to 1's In additiQn� a card file was compiled on e��ablishmen-�s doing bu�iness in Golden Valley a� of the end of last July. In present3�.g the Gardner stud�r' �he� Cormnitte� wi�he� to empha�ize the importanc� af:- 1} The THOROUGHFARES a� sugge��ed, �hould be promp�Zy studied iM r�asor�able deta2l by the Village Ehgineer and he 3hpuld th�n prepare a map for th� approval and acceptanc� by the Planning Commission and Council. This map would �hen �� the €�fficial document tha� would place all prospective land deve�loper� an nptice of the thorough.f.'ar� pattern the Village intends to e�tabliah. R3.ght-o�'-�ra� widths as w�11 a� g�neral alignment� could in thi� way be pravided f or we11 in advane� of construc- tion« Where added �°igh�-of way wid�th i� �ugge�ted thru developed area�, gradual and opporturie acqui�iti�ns �hould be made from time °�o time �o aa �to alleviate that problem when enlarged eonstruetion i� imminent. . 2) The e�tabli�hment ar enlargement o� PARK and SCHOOZ areas should r�main a hi�h priority in the furthex� development of the Village. It appear� obvic�u� that the pra.nciple flf the Park Board plan to provide park areas at �trate�gic locatian� th:rruou� the Vi1.1a�e i� �ound. To the�e end:s the Corrmmittee �uggestg alog� cooperation bet�r�en the Park and Schpol Boards and the Planning Commi�sion. 3) BASSET��S CREEK, b�ing the principal outlet for carrying �f� sur�ac� waters, should have early study becau:�e as the Villa�e becorne� more �opulated th� surfac� runoff will incr�ase over natural conditians. In �uch con�iderati�ns care must be exerci�ed -�o tl�e �nd th,at -the Cre�k a.mprc�vement wi.1Z no�t d� harm to property down-str�am and. beyond the Village limits. Runof.f impoundin� ba�in� should be developed whenever appropria-te and the�e areaa could, in �ame in�tance�,, be also �u�ed �'c�r Park purpose�. The Consultant reepmmends that the Village plan to acq��rc a �trip o�' land raughly �0 ft. nn �ach �ide Qf the e�nt�r�.ine of th� Cree�k for combined Park and drainage�ra�r purpose�. The Committee concura, but adds tha�t mt�re that 50 ft. in certain 1oea�tions might b� de�ireable for cambin�.tion pur�poses, �.) A11 n� the STATIS�CAL DATA and P+IAPS are based on information a� of the �nc�.. af Jul� 1958. The Corr�nittee �trongly recommend� that the basic data, m�ps;:�tc. bc durrently kept up-to-date. If this 2� no�t done� the val.ue o�' �he Gardner s�ud� will ��pn dimini�h, The currently up-to-date data ar�d maps w3.11, th@ Cc�mm3t-t�e i� �ure, be valu�bl� to the ad�n.inistration of Village affair� a.n more ways than can �:e>w b� anticipated� It a.s par��.cularly recorr�nended that the Land U�e Map �how all. preliminary application� �or land u�e a� �oan a� they are �iled. Thi� eould be don� in 1.ight pencil .�orm �o as to be readily ehang�d from time to ti�ne until final approval i� �ecured, 5ueh a m�.p wi'1Z be valuabl� to the Commi��ion� Council and �o man� 4f th� o�her funetionaries a�' the V'illage as well as t� outs3.ders havin� dealings with the V3.11age. �� SPECI.AL MEETTNG OF GflI,DIlV �tALI�EY PLAl`INIINNG COI+'�SSIOI� FEB 5, 1959 s) 2he GUIDE PLt�T envi�ion� what the de�relopment could be like when th� Village papulation reache� its �ull. limitations, probably many ��ara henee. A� time gve� on and cireum�tances chang�, modi�ication� of �he Guide Plan rr�y be necessary bu� the�e �n�YZld a�.wa�� be wei:ght�cl and a rea�c�nable ef�ort be ma.d� to eoriform to the original Guide Plan. Tt should not b� taken or us�d as a hard and fa�t idea, but on1.y as a provisional goal which now �eem� appropriat�. I� �ollow� that the Guide Plan al�o �hould be kep� up-to-date to re�lect deviation� tha�t become nece��a�. It i� suggested that the original be k�pt a� i� and �ach �-ear a new 4ne pr�pared� �hawing the y�axTS progres�. Th�s� annual map issued w�ll indica�e what change� are infl.uenc3.ng the deviation.s from the original plan and wha� new direetion.s the Villag� plan appears tti be going. It may beeome advisable �o have the Village development patt�rn revi�red by a profes�iQna1 plann�r ever�* few y�ar� to make certaix� �hat it is progre�ging properZ�. The Commi�tee reeomr�ends the ace�p-tance o� the Gardra�r atudy and findirsga �ubjec� to th� �hange� suggested January 29 and subjee� to compl�tion o� maps (6) and (7) mentioned above. - Submitt�d by � LONG RANGE COl��N123"gEE, John Borch�rt� Jde Brc�m, Ly1e J�r�sen, Robex� Rau�land, Paul Ve1z� George Loughland, Chairman. F�bruary �, 1959. '� MOTIORT by Bo�cher�t, �econded by� Jen�en to acc�pt the Long Range Committ�e repc�rt and the Gua.de Plan �u'bmi�tted b�r Garl L. Gardner & Associate�, and tc� rcf�r same to Council �or acceptance, carried. PROPOSID SUB-DIVISSONS ORDINANCE The propn��d �.i.bdivi�ic�n �rdin.ance wa� referred to t�ie Long Range Commit�ee for further s�udy. EAS2 TrdEST STREET BE'�W:E�'N COUNTY ROAD ��18 & WTNNETKA .AVE. AT APPROX. DULtITH Motio�. by Loughland� �eeanded by Ewa.ld �he following be designated aa a thorough- fare: Duluth Street from Winnetka to the East line of the General Mill� property thence diagorsal.ly Northwe�t through the G�neral Mill� prop�rty ta F�a.rZ Str��t; thenc� Earl Str�e� �o Caunty Road �#18 in aceordanc� with t�ntative plan� Qn �ile� E�1ST-WEST STRE�,T BI:ITWEEN DOUGLAS DRIVE & WINN�I'KA AVE. AT OLYI�PIA Motion b�r Lr�ughla.nd, ��cond�d by �ra1d the followin� be �designated a� a thorough- fare: Olympia betwea�. Dougla� Driue and Winnetka be approved as a thoraughfare in accordance with tentative pZana on file with the F.�gs.n.eering D�partrner�t. This provides for 01,�rmpia to be con�-�ructed along �th� North 1i�.e o� the Ro�� Denison P1at. Motion carried. There be no fu her bu�ines�, on the motion ��-�ne�i.ng wa� adjc�urr�ed.. � :- „_ �� �. _.. George Pennoek, Pre�ider�t e K.U1�ta , S cr��ary