02-12-59 PC Minutes �� �� ��� aF � r�nn�r vaLL�t ��r� c�sszo� February 12, 19.�9 A regal.ar meet�.ig of the P7.ar�n� Cc�i��itrr� +�f Golden Hall�y �s held on Febru�ary 12, 19�9 �t 7s3� P�M. a� 78l�� Siath Aver��e Narth, Gc�Iden 9a11e�*. Pres3.dent Peranoel� pre�ided and t,h� fc1.].vt�g �ber� �ere pr�ser�s Mea�r�s. �a1.d, Hetmara, Jensen, Dres�er, dord.�xas L3�s �hin,der. Also preaeut-��re Roger K. tTl��el., Village Ad�inis�rater� Stanle� �3. �ar�e,� �illage �tt��ra2eg st�d IJ�n I�ra�b.� v�l],age Bu�.11d3�a� Inspectt�r. �3.�tztes of January 15,� 1959 Pla�ing Co�.�sion �eetit�g �r Motion ag Dre��r, aecor�ded by I�rrich wer� approved. Mintztes s�f Febrvary �, 19.�9 �peci�l. �eeting of �,h+e Pla�min� Co�3.�sivtl �rere apprQVed '!ay �Icrtism vf F3et�� s�cox�ded b�► 3}�res�ser. F'LATS ..�.._ Pavl Ea �ser - Seth Ab'batt�s Go].d.en Val1. E)vr�lut.ss - Prel At the reque�t of Mr. Enghau.ser, th3.� item was t,abled �d in its� plaee, plat of S�. Cx°c>ix Gxro�e Seccnd Additicm �� �ubmitted it�r final �pp�c�val b� the Pla�t :. tee. crt on era eecomded by Z,ync�ti that the Flann�,ng C�n3.ss3.on r�ccam�nd tm Cc�arzcil �'3.na]. apprp�al. of thias plat sub ject tg t�e sut�missian of a har�d-she11 and t�he acceptance of sa�e 'b� the V'illage Il�gi�eer. Moticrn ea,rried. Rass Deniso� I,c�t Keene-�Ii be�-Bit�ers� Golden Vall Qutlots - Prel Plat Cc�n3.ttee x�ec�ends prelit�ra�ry �pproval. sub�ect t� th� I�arth 16-1/2 ft. cf the Ros� Den3.�on Addition �o be �sed for fu��re r3gh�-of� €m �I�pis� Aver�ue as recc�erlded in the I�cmg R�ange �epor� stt tdhe Special Pl.ax�aing Cor�3.�sit�n �eet3.r�g af Februar� ,�thg vnl�r the lt�a ir� Block 1 t�a be re-arranged. Th� �opertg c�mers cb�ected to pruviding the 16-1/2 ft, f'�r right-►flf-�,p purposes for 41�pia Av�enue as t.h3.� wotild cat� the s�reet te be 1€�csted within s fe�r feet off their ho�s. Ac�ion deferred tc tY�e March 12 �ee�t�,g. J. H_a & Rcr� W�tt, I,ot 1 Block 111Qlet�da�:e. Also part of RGS 75� ��"t�e'�as.��. . . �..�_,___..�.._.......___.......` The pa:rcel. of la�cl in questic�n is oa�med by two parti.es. In order to �eet appro�l., the Commi.ttee sug�ests �at bvth partiss �vin in �ne cn�ner�hip �f plat tr� get the required faotage t�ece�sarq to c�ly with th€� Qillage Codet �he two prc�gert�r ar�ners 3s� q�s�ttion, subm3.tted a letter in �orm of an a�f3'ida�i.t a�reeing te the abo�e stipvlati�. Mr�ti.ca by I,�n.ch secc�nc�ed by Het�an te accept the Coa�,i.ttee report a�cl. t,hat the Plar�rii�g Cc�3.a�3Qn r�e�e�td to Cmmcil prel.i�3.r�arY �PProval of this pla�, Motion carried. , �� R�GULAR MEEPINL� t�F 'THE G�LDIIi VALL�' PLA�INIl�G CC�'iMISSTt� 2/12f 59 A'�.t$ke�s T�rra Li� Addition _ _ . , ar � �s o �ion , . r� rc� � o n � Addf.tiem _�.,.. �he �if'i�d area plat shawirig the revis3.enas and prs�visions atgreed upern at � Febr�r 7th, 1959 ��� flf the Plat C�.ttee �et� wi.th the preli�iAarg appr+�val. o� th� Ca�,a�it�t.ee �b�e�t tA the Villa�e Eagineeri: apprs�val of the ��*�i�► lot �ize�. M4ti.on by L�.ch, secmnded by Het�arn ta a�ce�t t�e Cc�aitte��a report a� preaented a�d that th� Piar�ni�g Crn�.��3.s�n rec�end prelimi�ra�,rr„� �p�prov�,l t� Cc�ancil, cstrried. �rach Cc�n�strc�et3.c�n Co�any — Na� change — Da�kkc�ta Ave. Sc�uth tQ Fai�11e� Lane �.�. frs� Qler:�od to I,aur�i A�vent��. The Plat Ca�i.ttee rece�ends denial of this req�est tc► �he Plan�3a�g Gt�i.��i�an� fvx� the pre�ent time. Pla�ni�ig Ca�mi.s�icn by► Mvtiora of Dr�s�er, seec>�d by Het�ua.n m�a.�mta.�y agreed �Q defer this ma�ter for furtther discussian and ccrosidera�icm �.til tY� March 12th meeti�g. ��'�. �� Min`ne+��oli.� Gu C�y — 3(�� �c�er at Golden �a]1ey Ac�ad. Weiat of ��la��. M�ssr�. Ken Per�cn and M. gingaley Patter�c�n regre�nti.ng the �lis�ae�pcl�.s �as Cm�•, were present ta ans�er a� c�ueati�n� that m�q c�n�e before the Co�i.���.�rn. The Zc�riir�g Cc�oi.�tee and t�e Pl�u�.g Cv�n3.asis�n revi.ewed thi.� application in �ecember, 1958, conclm�3.ing��r3.tJh a recam�end�tioa� t,hat the applica�r�t irive�3.gate the 41d Gre�hound To�er site. The applican,�t hh�..s � 3.nd3.ca�t�d tha� the stzggested site did not �et th�ir requ3rements and the�►' wished to rene� their reqnest d�ted Ns�ve�ber 7, I958. The Zoning Gc�3,��tee�a recq�ndation to the Ccu�.ssi.cm iss a.) That th�e petition, fox resoni�g af thi� proper�y is ncrt requir�d. b) That tY�e Cc�mni�s3.o�n rec�nd tc the Council the i�s�ir�g +�ff a �us�e permitt t� the Mianeapoli� Ga� C� f�r ecan.structic� of a radi€� tcrw�er �n.d. transmi��ion �tatirm oz� the described p�xxcel �cn�r �cmed industrial.. IKotiqn by Jarr�aa, secox�cied by Jerasen to a�cept the Co�,i.tt�ets repart and re�s�m�nend ta Covnc3l that � pex�3.t be granted, carried. Patch & Ericksun, 2815 Wa�ata Bl�d. RLS 37. �'�� A, �� 312, Tract A .� ._.._._ , � ._.�.._.-.�._. _ � ite�r tabled to th� I�larch 12th �seti.r3g of the Pls�n�i�g Ccn�.i.ssio� �t the reqtiest sf the petiti�er. ORDI�I+TCE WATVERS Johz� A. Obin�er, 33Zs3 I'�iar Aveaue North — Lc>t I, Block 10, l�oble Gr�e ...�........, ..��.._...._......_...._..,.�.. Reference wa� macie to �he �c�ittee reparts c�f Dece�ber 11� 19�8 and J�nvary l�th, 1959 artd on the ba�3.s �ff these repc�rts, the �:e�di.r�nce �Taiver C�f.ttee reccm�end� der�ia]. of th3.s applicati�n. Ti�e Plarn�� C�issisn accepted the Crn�Lttee repo� a� rec ed that tt�e Cc�ncil de�ny this rec�est. �f�rtian b� Dresse�r, se�or�cted by Jens�n t� reco�emmd deni�l., c�rried. W. L. Sisson. Phvenin 6c Floricl�. Av�. Lot !�. Parcel_ 5��0 Bel�flnt Additifls .���..�._� �� �ur� �� �� � �a�� �a� ��nvG ca�ssz�x 2/2�/59 Si�son. W.L. can-�td -- ..... _�._,.._._._ A rep4rt cro s�tuc� by the Village c�ffi�e reg�rci3.ng sub-divi�3.�n ar�d e��st. on this pr�rty. P�axi.�nam width available far ciwelli.�; is• 20 feet �.ecc+rd- ing to the cuae. c��i,a� sccep�ts the Cc,n�.i.ttee repaxt. Moti€�n bg Jordan seco�ded by �hinder that Plarming Connni.ss�.cm recvmmend ts� Govncil d�nial of thi� Ardin�nce �rai�er, carri€d, Th�ma� Lipi.nski, 1$�0 Yalders Ave. Lot 3, Alock 1 G�lden aaks �rd Aek�n. i � i�w� ��.� rr��i �. ���� � �.. r i �.���r� Fmundati€m c►f �his buil.di.�� was �arted withcut a pex�ni.t a�d with a � ft. vis�I.a�tian. �tvp c�rder wa� p1.�ced cm prs�i.�s Jan�ary �th, 1959. 8��.3.1.ding permi.t was issued �t dauble fee on danuaxy 16th for house cmly w�.th agreem�nt th�g wauld n+�t proceed with garage. The C�.i.ttee vi.e�red this propex�y and �.greed that na real hardsh3.p �ists� a,xrd there�ore denial 3.s recc�end.ed. The Cmm�issi?cm. did n�at a.ecept �he C�.i.ttee report an�d b� ag'r��ea� d�ferr�d the �a.tt�er un-�i1 �he Mareh 12�i �eeting af the Plar�ning Cmrm�.ssion. Thos�s A. T3eGala 236 J C3.x�cle L€�t 3 36 Bl.ack 6 Glenvrban 2nd Addn. The Ca�.ttee agreed this �ra� the �st pr�.�tical use of land and r�eo�aer�ded approva7.. provided,, hc�waev+er, that 15 �t. s3.de lot elesr�nce be �i�t�iried. Motic�n bq �e�man, secuncled by Shir�ler tt� accep� the Ccm�f.ttee report �nd that Planr�ing �c��aission reecr�nd apprc�va7. to Cc�uxeil, carried. ' � �,Tilliarn H. Johns� ,��Il Circle Dc�nn� - �,�rt 1}a. Bl€�ck 2 Green aa�th The Ctam�ittee eheeked th3.s prc�perty axid als4 the b�3.3.ding pez�it. The permit shv�w�ed l� f't. side l� clearanee. Th3.s buildi,ng wa.� built ia, violatita� and the Co�.ttee recaa�rend� deni.�l. Mo�i.oa b� Dresser, a���rmded by I�ach nat tQ accept the Gv�.i.ttee reec�endativn and defer this ite�a �il March 12 e�rried. GENEftAL �t3.l.lage cmned prapert�* —"°�'—'� . ..11��■ Y ■ - Nnrth df Ba�sett�s �z�eek E of Wi�etka & S �f Mirui- We ern Ra eaa . The Plaxining Cca�is$ian felt that at thi� �ime the �'illage sh�uld de�er any definite acti�. re�arding this prvperty antil more cQns3.deratitm is �iven 3.n ece�rc�ax�c� w3.th th�e �ggested Gu3.de Plan. � There bei�g nn fZU�her busi�z�s� by mcrtis�n, the ��tiug was ad�+�urr�ed. /s � � � 3 • , Cl"�s at°y' orge er3rtoc � Pre si nt ' � � � A��, �'�