04-02-59 PC Minutes 1
�oz�r Q.�r.s.,� ��� cor��sTO�
s�c��u, r�zx�
�.pril 2, 1959
P�rs�.a�zt to dn� �a].l car�.d notice, a sp�cisl �eetir� of the Plsinr�ing Co�niss3on
�ass held on April 2nd, 1959 at 7:30 P.M. 80l�0 Olson M�morial A3.�h�aay. Vice-
PreaideA� Brown presid�d and th� following �rmb�rs were preseatr Mesaers.J�nsen,
.�€�#�dan airj.d Bec�e11. Also pr�s�at �a�re Roger IIlstad, Qill�ge Aci�3nistratar,
l3onald Sorenaen, Pillage Engineer a�ad Stanl�y D. �ane, Village ,�t�rn�.
There bei.n� no c�orea� repr�sent�d, �.pproval of the March 12 minutes �as deferred.
SPRTfCE ADTJI�I�N Erland �kberg :Jr. Part of the West 1/2 of` the I�or�hea�t 1/}�
a ec on , T��as 2 , ange 2�.. Motion b� Jerssen, �econded b� Jc�rdan th�.t
s3nce Mr. El�berg � present, �he pl�.t be ref�rr�d to the gillage Couxx�cil for
act3�n on Apri1 7, 1959. Mfl�ion carried.
Me�nbers pre�ent re�iewed the proposed ordinar�e� �.n de��,il with t}� sp�eific -
req�est that Sec:tia�s !�-9B, 7A and 12-B recei�re detailed stndy ar�d diseuss?�on at
the next Pl�naing Co�nssi.on �;eting, April 16, 1959.
l�r. Stanlc�r D. Kane, oillage Attorne;� di�cusseci this vrdinance r�3.t� me�bers
pr�sent. �To action was taken.
Ther� b�3ng no f'�trther b�siness, �neeting was adj ourned at 12�10 A.M.
Joe L. Brown, Presi g aa.rt�n
R e . : � d, cre ary