04-16-59 PC Minutes b � REGULAR 1�EETING 0�' T.� GOLDEN VALLEY' PLAIVNI�'G COA�iTSSIOPt Apri1 16, 1959 1� regular �eting of the Planning Connn3.ss ion of Golden Valle� wa,� held on �.pril 16, 1959 �� 7r30 P.M. at 'j8�.0 Six'th Aven�.e North, Cc�lden gall�y, 9iee-Presid�t Brown presided and the following �emb�rs w�re presentr I!�ssrs. B�dwe11� Borchert, Dresser, Ewa1d, Helgeson, J�ns�n, Jordan, Loughland� Lynch, Shinder and 9e1z. A1so pr�s�n� were Roger K. UZstad, ViZ1ag� Administrator� Stanley D. Kane, Yilia�e Attorney, Don�ld T. Sarens�n, Yillage Engineer. �Iinute� of the March 12, and Apri1. 2, 19�9 Plann3ng Commission meet3.ngs wer� approv�d on motion by Jensen, seconded by Ew�.ld. �,�TS SPRUCE ADDITI�N Erl�nd Eicberg, Jr. Part af th� �Test half of the Nor�heast quar�er�o S�c on 18, To�nsl�3.p 29, RaMge 2l�. Plat Coramittee recommends �'inal approval. Motion by I,a�.ghland, seeonded by Jens�n tfl aecept the Plat Cor�m3.ttee report and recomrnend to the:;Vi11a,�� Coux�eil final approval o� the SPRUCE ADDI`FION plat, subj�ct to the approv�.1 of �he 9illage Engine�r and the establ3.�t�m�nt o�' the lot line din�ensions of Black 3, Lots 1 �nd 2. Motion carried. W�C�NSIN TERRA�E, Jam�s F�r�a.son, North of Duluth at Wi�eonsin. - Aft�r c�'ieck�xig t�dshell �rhich was presented at the meeting, t�� Co�mittee rceommended final approval subjeet to the V3.11age Engin�er�s acc�ptance. Mot3.on by Lov.ghland, seconded by� Borchert that the Planning Commission accept tl�e Comm3.tt�e report and r�:commend final approval to the C�tancil subjeet to the Vi11�ge Engineerts �pproval. Motion carried. , , Rfl�S DENI50N - Lot 5, Keene-Higbee-Bitz�r�s Golden Valle� �utlot�. o act. on �r�s reco�snded at the present time �.ntil al� parti�s 3nvolved ' can meet to ciis�uss the various aspects c�f the �xisting probl�ms. The P1at Gommittee therefor requested in order to attem�t to f3nalize this pl�.t, that Mr. Kr�tz3g and R�ass Denison be instru.cted to be pr�s�nt on �pril 23, 7-959 at 7t30 P.M. a� 7830 Sixth Avenue North t� discuss and reach � an agx^eem,�nt on street right-of-way. Motion b�r Shinder, to eall thi� me�eting or� April 23, 1959 was second�d by E�iald and carried. QALLEY DE6ELOPMEh1T - Saw�er property, Fr�d Jones. Deferred to A�'_ll.t.th, 19,�9. i,E�N.ARD LANGLE3C - 100 Ai. Jersey Aventze. - P1at Gommittee recommends the L�s mak a layout of property division in ac�ordance with th� 't1i11�ge Engineer�s reeom�tendation and appear at the next Plann3ng Commission meeting on r2a.y 1.�,, 1959. 7 RE(�tILAR MEETIN� OF THE Gt3LDEN QAIyLEY PLANAI'IIdG CaI!7�SSI�N April Z6, 1959. RICHL�NU HIIaLS 2nd Addit3,on. Leon�rd Bies. The Cc��a3.ttee reco�arnez�ds P� �9' $pP�"QVa o plat. 5treet patt�rn �d 1ot si�es �e�ting all rsqu3.r�ments. Haw�ver, the CA�3.tt�e f�els th�.t there sho�.ld b� n9 change i.ri the street rt�e� I.eavin� the nat�e Valders as is. Mvt�.on by Lau�hl�nd, seconded by BOr�hert that Plan�3ng Com�i.ss�.on accept the � Con�ittee z+epoi°t an,d reco�nd Council give prel�3nary a.pproval to this Plat. Motian carr3ed. _ (�ENE KUR.TZ Rearr�nge�n� of part o� Lot ?7� Auditorts 5nbd�.visic>n #322. �Fie C^��e reco�nd,s prel3minary approeal, �ubject to the following Cmndit ic�ns r (1) that TEXAS TERAACE )�th Addition be f31ed befnr� appraval. (2} that IDAHO i�VENUE be ciedicated (3) tha� the r�-arrange�nt eompl3es �ith the following: Lot 1. Add 7 ft. to the Alorth 14t Lot 2. � Rec�u:ee Sot�th boundary to 75 fe�t Nort end - decrea�e te �l�,l�� ft. Rec3z�ce East to 2�7 feet East to rema3n 1.73.87 ft. �Te�t to rema3.n same South - 8l�.Z8 ft. west - 173.8? ft. � Inasnn�eh a� Mr. K�.rtz had no opportun�,ty to check the P1�t Comt�itte� st3pnlation�, the Pl�nn�.ng Co�n.ission reco�nded the it�m t�.bl�d for the May ].�th m�st3.ng. HARQLD E. G�OI)RICH, GOODRICH TEAA,ACE Part of Lots I3 and 1l�, Yale Garden Homes. �'hia pl..�.t was giv�n pre a,r� approv�,l a� part of the ov�rall pl�n �or West Half Y�.7.� (�arden Ho�s. Tbis Plat d�viates from tl��; c�verall plan in one rc�spect; a subs�and.ard lot i.s created b�c�use a prc�posed lot line ghavJn on the a�cepted over�ll, runs thrta. an ��3.��ing home. The new lot line � show on this plat is 15 f�et fro�. th3s home. It is the reconanend�.tion of th�: V3.11a�ge Engineer and the Bta.ilding Insp�ctor that this plat be giuen, approval as presented. Motion by I,ynch, seconded b� Sh3.nder that Planning Commz.ssinn rccom�nd Cotane3.1 gi�e finail �pproval 0� this plat, car.ried. H�MEWOQ� REA.LTY - Lots 5,6,7, 2�,26,27 MeNair Manor, Block 1. omt � ee re�cmmends pr�Zia�3.n.ary �,PProval of th3.s plat as present�d. Ev�n tho�h a merger of title is 3nvolved, the Com�3.t�ee feels that in view of the past re�ord of th3s ax�a (proposed synagog�e) the best solution 3s to cooperate �aith �the Platter. �er�:fore tt�; followi.�g is reco�nended: Lots 5, 6, 7 divid�d intc� two 75 ft. 1ots. Lets 25, 26, 27, one lot 75 �. and one 105 �t. Mution b� Ewald, seeond�d b�► velz that the Planning Co�unission accept th� Go�i..tt�e�s r6por�t and recorarr�end that Cauncil give pr�limiriary approval to this p7.�.t. Niotion carried. . , �� F�GULAR MEETING OF "PHE GULI)EN VAI,LEY PLAI�NING CONQ�IISST�I� April 16, 1959. E. R. CONRY (Linds Bros.) Phoenix & W�lcom�e Ave. oa�n. ee r�co� pre aPProval for r��3.dential plat of Block 1. Tentative �pproval to road pattern of proposed Blo�k 2 �d 3, �nd t�mporary ]AO ft. turn around on. W�st end o� Lindsay Stre�t, Block 1. 100 ft, frontage �aith additional requirem�nt for lfl� ft. at bu3.lding 1ir�e. After fvrther discussion, the Pl�t Gommi.ttee reeo�nded tabl3.ng thit� �a.t�er tuitil def�.nit� co�npletion of indiv�i.dual blocks, exclud313g the open developed �a with3.n. the proposed Plat. P�.a�nning Go�m�3.ssion a�reed tc� tab1� a�tic�n to the l�ay ].l�th mee�3ng. �'EXAS TERRACE l�th Addi.tion - Added to agenda by cc+ns�nt af the PZanning o ss3.on. o on Loughl�nd, �eccanded by Jensen th�t Platan3ng Com�a3ssion recomends Cot�.e3.1 approval st�b��ct to d�eds for autlots bei�ig tnrned over to the V'illage Attorney to be held 3n escrc>w for f�.tur� eonv�y�,nee to land abutting Id�ho Ave. easterl�r �ide. Motion car�3ed. ZONII�TG WALfiEFt E. BUYD� �o�glas Drive & M�d�.eine Lake Roac3.. APP7,. ca; ori f i r re�oning withdra�m. ORDII�NCE WAIPERS ERNEST McGt7�iAN Fl�uth-Stu�ter-Wiranetka - 8 lots. �teques s�or waiver of Merger of Title ord3.nance �o applicant can build-� - hou�es on al1 8 lots. The comrni.tte� vi�wed the prc�p�rty and dis��.ssed replatt3.ng to larger lots Hith Mr. MeGowan. The co�ittee f�e1s no action 3s , required at this tiir�e as ther� has been no merger of title sinc� ordin�ee was enacted. They al.so feel the petition should be r�turned and f�� rebated. Mot3.on by Ewald, 2nd by L�ch �o accept the co�n3.ttee report and r�fvud the me,ney to th� �,pplican�, c��.ed. ROBERT C. BLUE I,ot ll Bloek 3 Del hian Heights. Req�est is for wai��r of . set ac o fee , a so merger o t t e. The committee v3.�w�d the property and �the Engineer�ing Departrr�ent ch�cked ��:tback of gar�ge on lot to the West which measured 22 feet, also garage on lot to Nnr�th which is on7�r 6 inches from �he lat line. � v3�w c�f th�se setbaeks a�nd al�€� those of' other ho�ses in th� ne3ghborhafld, the cb�3.ttee feels a 25 ft, se�back frc>m the 5outh lc�t 13ne �o�ld be rtasonable, prgvicied hcna�ver, that the 1� ft, North and 3� f't. East setback be mainta�zed as 3.1].t�strated on appli�ants drawingy fh� thi� ba�sis approv�,7. 3.s r�cor�ended. Mflt3.on bg Ewa1d, s�canded 1�r Hel�eson to aceept the Commi.ttee repor� and re�cvrr�nd: th�t Co�nc3.1 give �,ppro�al, carri�d. V�RYL WYMAN� Lot 1]., Block 1.�, Wi�metka Addition (1300 Stunter) equ�3.s for waiver to bu31d on ��b�tand�.rd lot 6!� ft. wide w3.t� hc�.se loeated s ft. frpm East lot line b�.� conzply3ng on all other fronts. Request should 3ncl�.d� 10 ft, t�aiver of East setback as desig�ated b� Ordinance 3.11-B (15 ft, clearance Sfl�zth c�r East). After v3.ewir�g the site, the Co�.i.ttee f eel� t�i3s lo�ation �ou1.d ma3ntairi the 35 ft. s�tback or� both the front and side of �� REQtILAR MEETII�G OF �HE GOyDEI�1 VAZLIIt PLA1�iNT1�TC3� COI�LCSSZE3N April 16, 195�. �., W�+1 (Cont�d) this corner lot providin� th� ne��ssar,� v3.sion at th� ''�1.f.'�C��Ti.• AZSS the loca,tion of house would b�: iri keepiz� �ith others in this ne�.ghbtirhoud. The Co�m.3.ttee reeommenc�s approval. Motion by Borchert, secon.d.ed by E�aa�.d ta aec�p� the Co�aittee report and recommend that Council give appzroval, �arr�ed. C. D. NORDSTRO� Lot 11, Block 1?, W3nne�ka Addn. (1018 Rhod� Zsl�z�.d) �eque��-'3s�or w$3ver to tm3.ld�.rsg on less thax� 10� �, lot (59 ft.) The �ceo�p�r3ng sux�ey shottas hous� loc�.tion to co�fc�am �3.th setbacks 3n accordane� w3.th Se�tion 3.11 paragraph B of Dillage Code. _Th� co�ait�e� inspeeted this lot aar�d feels the x�quest shpnld be approved. MotiaM b�y� Ewald, secunded by Jordan tc accept t� Committ�e r�port and 3:�-i �iew cif�no: m�zger'�sf t3.t1�,that: :'. the f�e b�rr���trid�t3,;te� �,he,-�a�p�.i�a��; Mpt3.�r�-;a�„��,ed. VERYL WYMAN, Lot 18, B1.ack 13, Winnetka Additi4n (1?.la.4 St�er Ave.) �teques�`�for wai�er of 3� t`t. setback to 28 feet on P��th Av�nu�. TMe request sho�.ld also 3ncluci� a t�aiv�r of 7.l� ft. to 7 ft. to the South lot 13z1� as provided bg ord3�nanc� 3.11 paragraph B. On view3ng this propert;�, the cc��u�tt�e tovk note that s waiv�r to 28 ft. has been �r�ted on hou�e to t� West and that hata.se to th� Ea�t is onlp 23 ft, fra� lot line. Tn v3e� of the subst�,n,d�rd l.t�ts �nd the pla��n�ent of hou��s th�x�e on in this immedis�t� nc�i�hborhood, th� cou�ittee recommends approeal. �ot�.o� � zo�t�i�a, seeonded by �Tordan to acc�pt ;th� Co�n3tte� report �nd reco�nd th�� Coune3l g3ve approva3., earried. GENERAL PR�PCkSID SiTBDIVISIaN ORDINANCE & SIIPPLF�tT TO REVTSZ01�5 MERGIIt: Ct� TI�E - CZARTFICATT�N Bc>th s�b�ecta r�pc+rted on b3► Stanley D. Kane, Yilla�e A�torney and tabled �'ar fut�re cQn�i.der�tion. Letter from A�er3can Societ of P1ann Officials was read and on �tion � orc , �econded Lflug and o te t e Plann3ng Com�issian msmbers to attend the �or�erence of the American Societ� of Pl�nnirig Off�.�ials on May 10 ta �� carried. There being no �s�ther business, on mution by Raugland, secbnd�d by Ewald th� �eeting �ras adjourned at 12.00 midnight..---°�'"'� - ,�-- 4...e Ro i s ad, Secr� �ry / Jo� L. ro�., ic�-Pr�s d�nt