06-11-59 PC Minutes �� . FtEGULAR M�ETTNQ OF THE Gflvl� QALLEY PLANNING COI�LCSSION ,� Zi, 1959 A r�g�lar �eetir�g of the Planning Cc��ais�ian of Gold�n �'alley was held on J�ue lI.th, 1959 $t 7«30 P.M. at 7840 aolden Valley Ro�.d, Golden Valle�, Minne�ota. President Pe�nock pr��ided ar�d the fo1lo+�ing �e�nbers �rere pre�eats M�ssr�. B�c�ia�ll, Dre��er, Helge�on, Jen�en, Jordan, Loughlapad� Lgnch, R,a�agla�d, Shitad�r and Vel�. Algc� p�sent wer� Stanl�y D. Kane, Village Attorney, Roger K. IIlstad, Qillage Administrator� Donald Sorea�en, Yillage Eng3neer and Dan Lynch, B�ildin� Ir�pe�tor. �n a�otion by Loughland, seconded bSr Jensen the May 1lt, Plar�ning Go�3.��sion m3.nute� were approred. F'I�A� ; LE�N;@�U LA�I�ttGLEX, 104 Jer�e� A.venue N�rth - Fina1. The final plat nc>t h�ving been sub�a3,t�ed, this it�� was deferred. BRENT�Tt30D PARK (Z. Z. Carlson) Final. an �tion bp Jurdan, �econded by i�ot�,ghland to acc�pt the Plat Committee r�port as presented a�d recoa�nd f3.na�. approval to Couneil s�ab�ect to poating of B�x�d, carr3ed. aR�c� c�vR� - (Re�nett� ��s�) - ��i. The final plat w�s not $nb�itted, the��ore no act3.on �as taken. Deferred. AL'�LI�TE AT�TIt?14 (1}r. Robert Bc�ller) - Preli�.i.n�.ry. Mot�.on by Jordan, secanded by �h3nd�r �hat the Planning Comzni.ssion aecept Pl�t Cm�ttee report as fcl.lows: "T"h� Pl�t Camn3.tt�e reco�ends approe�al to Adeline Addition for th� follot�ing r�asons arid on the follo�in� conditionst 1. Not to malce t�e of 8C}4 f�et of T.ake Share property on the basis pf Dr. Binder�s abjections does not constitute good plannin�. 2. �2� tax revenu� for the Village �ust be considered. 3. Gr�d� should be law�red �� �so that the hou�es facing the la�lce wi11 no� ob�tr�ct �he view of Dr. B3n:der�� ho�se. !�. Dr. B3nder, according to the history c�f th� plat, knew of the propo�ed road. �. Dr. Boll�r reeognizing the circumstances og the situatia�n, cons�nts to cooper�tc with Dr. B3nder by soddin� that pc�rtion a� the la�n fac3.ng the road. � �� ` x�c�x ���xc aF � aav� v��r P��a cor�ssio� JtiNE 11, 19�9. AI�LINE ADD�3Z4� (Cfln��d) _ �. Inas�.ch as� the ro�d 3� l�� feet w3.d� and 21t c�f the !�0 feet wi11 be �tili�ed by either bl�ck-top nr gra�rel, Ieav3ng lb feet for bot�levard, the Co�.ttee auggest� th�t � feet of the 16 bes on the Eas� side of the ros�d facing Dr. Baller�a and tha� 11 fe�t on the Wes�t side of the raad facin� Dr. Binder�s lot shvnld be �csed as a boul���rd f�cing that side. . Mation by Jordan, seccnd�d by S�inder to accept the Co�3.ttee+� repart a%b�ect to explorin� the possibilit� of th� propezrty o�er� getting �o�ethesr wo work o�tt a sol�tion agre�able to both parties and al�o in�ludi� thes attorneyt� mpi,nian a.nd the poating af � boad rel3eving the 9illa�;e of t�olden '�a11ey of a�g legal re�ponsibilitie�. Property owners must �abmit ar� agree�snt in �rritin� in order for Cov�ncil to give preliminary appro�al. Motion lost. Mot3.on by Rauglarid, seconded by Lynch tha.t the Plat Commit�ee be given ��tMority to act on behalf of the Pl�nnin� Co�nission fmr preli�3.�ry apprnv�l t►f the Adeline �.ddition s�tbjeet to th� recom�endations resulting fro� a �aeeting between the lega7. r�presentatives of tYie affected parti�� the Villag� A.tt�orney arid th� Plat Cam�.ttee, with Loughl�nd, Jordan and Sh3nder �tir� ttno�. Mot3.on �s�x'r3ed. H�D R'�ALT3C - E�flI�F'fREW T�RttACE proposed plat. Preli�a3nary Plat Ca�itt�e recom�nd� denisl of this plat for the �ollo�rittg rea�sor�sa 1. IIse Q� tl�e lot f�cing private ruad is not in aecordar�ce with the �'i11ag� Code. 2. Depth of Lots 2, 3, !�, �, 12, 13, 1�t and 15 are not in accordanc� xi.th th�, Y311age Cod�. Com�aittee r�eo�nds tt�at lote � 6c 12, � �e 13, 3 & 7�t, 2 �C 1� be �a�.e into on� lmt. The re�sinfrig lots on tt� pzroposed pla�t $re aeceptabl�: 3. Hanley Lax1e Ro�d to be elim3.nated. U+xe to the topograpl� of this 7.and, the cost of developin� a rc�ad wo�ld be prc�hibitive. Platter requested th� withdrawal of his request for preli�n3.r�ar� apprc�val of hi� plat at this t3me for presentation at �he July 16th �neeting �.ccsmpanied by a , r�gi�tered lar�d survey. � YAI, T�t44D 2N� ADDZ�'TON (Dan Otten) Prelin��.ry. With a11 lots me�ting the necess�ry req�ire�ents and the atreet p��,tern be3.zzg accsptable, the Co�ittee recoa�amends appzroeal of this plat. Motion bg I�y*nch, seconrted bp� �r��.l ta reco�nd preli�3zl�ry apPruval on the ba�fa of the Plat Co�m3.ttee report, carri�d. BERaSTFtaM�S vALLE�' HEIaHTS ADDITIO� - Finald T�i�h the req�irements met regarding perfos��nce bond and a sigried deed con�veyin� � to the Yillage of Golden �alley o�tlot �1, blcck 3, �o bg g�ed for drainage or park p�.rp�.�a, the Plat Com�a3.ttee reco�nds final �,pprv�al. of ��3d Valley He3.gh�� Addition. 0� motion at the May 7.ltth �eeting b�r Hetman, seco�ded b� bau�hland a�thori�in� the Pl�t Co�ittee to act on the final appro�al., �ith motion carryi.r� the Plat Coa�aittee ref�rr�d the plat with fin�.l approv:l. ��Q�ndatio� t0 C�n.ncz�. , �� REGULAR MEE2'I�Ta OF THE GULI7EN VALLEY PLANNZI�G CONIMCS�IQN dt�fE 11, 1959 2011►TZTNG R�17IERTCK DOIV.ALD. Ar�� of �t. Cro3.ar on th�. We�t, Medicine Lak� on �he 'l�orth, Dou�].as Dr� ve on the East, and Car1 Sandbt�r� School on the So�.th. The Zon3r�� Co�nittee fe�ls that this requ�st for rezoning 3.s not in ke�ping with the r�gular proced�.re of �cning requests and sugg�st� that th� pe��tion be referred back to �he Acla�inistr��ive Depart�ent fvr follow �tp to rs�ec� the existing condition. RiJSSE.L�L 1�1RS. ROBER.T. Area I�orth of Qlenwood, Eas� of Meadow I�xie Nvr��h, �o'fi af �r'�nnyr��e-Lane and �test of Wirth P�.rk. The p��itioners W�re� pre�ent, and npon explanation b�r the Plar►n3ng Gom�aission of th� proced�re oP zoning in �he Village uf Golden nalle�r, the petitionera withdrew their request a� their problems we� sat3sfied. OR.D'INANCE WA,T'PEET�S TdILLSAM C. RTCFI'PER JR. 220� �rchard Avenm�. Lot 1.l�, Block �, T�iestmrb�.n. Request s or waiver of !t ft. of side lot clearance to enable petiti.oner to bu3.1d 10 ft. addit3ona.l garag�. �h3s wo�ld place 22 feet oQer�11 gara�e 11 feet fror� �1ot line., The Co�ua�.ttee feels no practical di�ficult� or t�nneces�ary hardship i� pr�geat and, therefore recam�nends denial. There being no x•eprese�ta�ion en b�half of �his req�est, the Pls�uiin� Comtnis�ien by unan3mcus consent, tonk n� action on th3s m�tter. AR�+TES�N �RGAI+TS, INC. �,o� 3�7 Gzenwooa. So�ttheast corner 8th Ave. A3arth & ��`�r�e I,ane. Request i'mr 2a ft. �et-baek waiver �o that a 21t �'t. x 6!� f'�t. bu�lding can be built ot� a l�� ft. 1ot. The Corr�ittee vicxed thia propert� and was inf'ormed by present o4mer th�t Mr. Arneson r��ald bnild-on the rear portion of this 12� f�. lot, thereby lesving the front pertion in lat,m which wo�ld not re�trict tY�e c�rt�er vision and would also present � very neat appes�z�ance. The �ommi.tt�� feels a �aiver of !� ft. co�ld be �ustificd prov3.cied the building is plac�d on the rear of the 1ot as was indicat�d. On this basis approval 3..� reco�ended. It was saggested by the Plannir�� �o�i.s�ion that t�� Ord�ce Committ�e re-eval�aate the side yard �r�iver in �omparing th� reeomraendation to the actt�al �ur�ey, sinee ��1E!PE appeara to b�, a dif�erence of some three �e��. W��� LUT�ER�AN B:CBLE IN�TITUTE Lor�g R�xnge �c,ma�i.ttee recor�r�ds approval of th� plan s�a ted and in a on, r�eco�d� that an acce�s crc>ssing be� at � point �f intersection of Dcu�las Dr3.ve and �ii.ghwag 55 �d ���'�e��Y exits be pro�ided with a chaiu across the opening at Edges�oad Ait�rth and �als Trail�an��;�i ��a�d'd�tion to ��:oa�� ,S�qu�1� .3���r�t_from.:�tat� :�i#�:�55.:�;:3i��axioe<;���' � .: ;,�`fe:t���'>`;� Motian bg Raugland, seconded by Jordan to accept r�;por�, carried. - AREA South of��'' rol 'Trail and West o� Kal.tern Lane. The Co�i.ttee belie�es th�t e area�n q�e.��ion i� �cgica�. and �epresentss th� only area i.n 5o�th Tyx�ol sv.itable for park p�.rpose�. How��rer, it was pointed out that 3n times af he�vy ra3nfal.I., this ar�a h�s a tendeneg to flood. In addition, the �orth port3on could b� ��ed for two re�iciential building lots. Motimn by densen, secanded by Ra��land �o accept th� eom�ittee report, carried. �� REQULAR I�iEE�S�1G OF TAE t30LDEI!� �ALLEY PLAI�NIATC C�I�+IISSIf�T JT�dE 1�., 1959 � aENERAL PROPUSED YLATTI�G OADINANCE Deferred to �eeting of �Tuly 16, 1959. There being r�o f'�r�ther busiaess ta traneact, on motior�, the �eeting w�s ad�Qurn�ci. �e . iT � s , �cre ar� f3�a e�oc , Presi ��at