07-16-59 PC Minutes �� REGULAR MEETING OF THE {�QI;DE'N VALLEY' PLA1�iAITNG COI�SSZON ,1t7L� 16, ].959 ,� regular meet�.ng of the Planning C�ar�na.ss3.on of Golden V`all� �ras heZd on July 16th, 1959, ?s3� P.M. at 78Q0 Golden V�ll�y Road, (�olden Va11ey, M3.nnesota. Pre�ident Pennock presided and the follow3.ng ��bers were pr�sent; Messrs. B�ctwell, Brflwn, Hetman, densen, Jordan, Loughland, Shinder and Vel.z. Also pre�ent were Roger R. Ulstad, Villa.�e Admini�trator, Donald Sorensen, Qillage Engine�r� Stanley D. Kane, Qillage At�orney and Dan L�rnch, Building Tnspector. On mcmotion, the Planrting Comm3ssion minutes of June 11, 1959 were approved. PLATS Langley, Leonard - 1C� Jersey A��. Nor�h - Final With na ehan��;s �de a.n said plat since the preliminar�r approval of both Pls+nning Commiss3.on and Covncil, th�: Plat Comm3.ttee recommends final �pproval oP the Zangley Plat as presented. Motion by Jordan, �econded by Velz that Planning Commission aceept the committee report �nd recom�nend final approval by Council, carried. Br�a.nsw3ck Court - Kenneth Atash - Final. Deferred to Augu.st 13, 1959. A@eline A,ddition - "Dr. R;obert Boller - �'inal The P1at Co�ittee could not co�ply s�ith th� Commi�s$ion�s directive as ��t out in its mc�tion of June 1.1, 19�9� R�ferring to a map or pre131ninary plat prep�r�d by Cartwright and 07.�on d�ted �tay 5, 1959, entitled "PTOposed Adeline Addition't, the P1at Committee reccffin�nds approval oF the prelin�3.nary plat �ith the follaWing corrections: (1) Adeline Lane to be }�0 ft, w3.de instead o� 30 ft. as shown on �bove �ntionec3 plat; the added 10 ft. being taken �rot� the T�test front� of lot� l, 2, �.nd 3 3 (2) ,�deline La�ne to terminate in a 90 ft. dia�et�r C�.l-de-�ac, instead of th� ?5� aquar� as s�hown on the plat in th� Southwest corner of Lot �. (Notes the Cul-de-Sac inay also require the use of a part of the tJorth�est corner of Lot 4 and parts of lots 3 and !� of block 5, Thotlandi s Twin V'iew Terraee). This t�:rminal to be de�ignated to the satisfaction vf the Qillage Engine�►r. (3) �he surfac�; of Ade1.3.ne L�ne to slope down ward on a grade of �� beginning at ita �unction with the southerly side of Angelo Driv�e and continuing to the Cu1-de-Sae. (!�) T�a.t the paved portion (u��al].y 2E� ft. r�3.de) of Adeline Lane be located as close ta the East eide nf the !�Q ft, r3ght-of-way as shall be approved by tMe gillage Engineer. � ' REQtTLAR. �ING OF THE GOLD�T �ALLE'Y PIANNING CAP�RSSION Jtn.Y 16, 1959. Adelin� A.ddition �o�tt d Motion b�r Lo�.ghl�tud secand�d b� Jord�n that the Planning Co�aission accept th� Coa�i.ttee�� repor� and reco�anend that Cot�neil give final apprflv�l of the Adel3xie Addition �rith the est�blish�nt of a 2� ft. setb�.ek on the E�st side of Adeline Lane and gran�ing a 1� ft, special : .' setback '; wa�ver for the exist�.ng ciwelling on Lot 1, Block 5, Thotlsnd�s 2'win View Terrae� Addition. Thi� speeial Waiver �o apply only to Ade1�.n� Lane. Motion carried. Richland Hi21�1 2nd Additiun. - Final t?n the basis of the Pl�t Committee�s recom�endation, th� Planning Co�ission , �ecommended that Council g�.�e final �.pproeal to this Plat. Motion b�r v�lz, secunded by Brown that the Planning Commission recon�end that Council give final appro�al to the Rxchland Hills Second Addition p1at, carried. i,.Z.Garlson�s Registerr�d Z�nd Sta.rvey �512. Prelim3..z��,r�r Deferred to August 13, 1959. REZOIdING Ed. Con - Land West of Winnetka North of Bassett�s Creek South of Minn. es �rn - 900 W e a Avenue ort . rom en De�ve op�en o Indus r3.a1. The Zoni.ng Con�m3.tt�e reco�aends approval of the application for zonin� to aceo�wdate �arehaus�.n� �nd offic� use, pronided that the bnild�g setback from. the ATorth line be �ucM th�t trucks ean turn arid man�uver s�i.thout encroachi.n�; on the street. It a�pp�� to the comm3.tte� that the proposed 70-foot setback is not ad�quate for �urnin� srl.d backin� trucks up to 50 ft, long. Motion by Bro�, seconded by Shinder that th� Planning Com�.i.ssion aceept th� con�ittee r�pcart and recca�end to the Couneil approval of the reques�t for zonin�, th� property descr3bed Por L3.ght Indt�.str'i�t7.' 3.ne1v.d3.ng �a,rehouse and office us�. l�ot3.on carr3ed. Motion bgr �eZz, seconded by Hrown to reco�nend to the Couneil th�t an amenda�.ent to th� Light;Indv.strial Ordinance be adopted to 3.nclude WarF:hot��ing a� a p�rin3.tt�d use in Light Incl.ustrial areas. Motian carried. f}ood �h� herd Lntheran Cht�rch - a rox�ately 920t) Med3�cir�e Zalce Rosd, Fro� ��Op�n i�v� opm�n tm '� ns i utiona ". �`he Zoning Go�mitt�e recommends appro�r�l o� the application for zoning to "Tn�titutionsln prt�e3:ded �hat the dri�ay be setback l� feet from the West property lin� and th�t the p�.rking area be def3ned �nd 1c�cated at leaxst 35 ft. from the front property li.n� and 15 feet from the East property l�.ne. l�otion by Loughland, seconded by Brown tha� the Planning Connn3s�iun accept the Co�nitt�e raport �nd reeo�end Couneil �►ppro�al of the r�quest for �onin� in accordance saith the recom�euded condition�. Motion earr3.�d. $� ` REGLTLAR NlEE�1�G OF �F�E GOI;�IiT VALZEY PI�ANNINQ COA�LISSI�I� . �TULY 16, 1959. Lar�r�1 Avenue - A stri uf 1.and 30p ft. in de th North of and a acent to Laure3 Avenue rom e East ine o C urc af Good � e�herd to M. . RR. A �o3nt m�eting was held with the Vill�ge Engineer, President Pennock, tt� Long Rang� Gom�ittee and the Zon3ng Co�arn3ttee to eons�3der th� rezoaing of propertg describ�d above. This n�atter was referred to the Plann3ng Gommiasion by the Council on June 23, 1959. A summary of the conclt�sions arrived at by th3s group is re�pectf�zlly* submitt�d to the Co�ndssion as follows: 1. �he:m�tt�r �if re�oning North uf baur�el Avenu� requires moxe st�zdy than can b� given 3t pr�pr to the Planning Corr�ission meeting of July 16. 2. '3'he group reco�nends empl�ying a planning cons�altan� to �ak� a detailed �tuc�jr o�' the property North of Laurel Avenue and surroundi=� neighborhood and to prepare a eoox�d.3.nated street �nd zoning �u3.de plan f�r this area. Ca.r1`L. Gardner & Associa'tes prc�bably should b� the consult�nt et►�2oyed in view of ' the3r reeent study of the Villag�. The eonsul�ant should work �n.der the d3.rection of th� Long Range Committee. Mr. J�r:m Hawks of Carl L. Qardrz�r & Associ�tes is th� recommended consultant for this pro�ect at an approxi�at� cost of �1��.0� to �2�fl.�� with contpletion by August 13, � eo�.n��.l a��� aavi.sable. 3. With du� �esp�►ct to the wisl�es of the Couneil, it is �tzggested that th� Public Heari.n� be he1.d. on July 21.at as sch�duled. The inforn�ation �aincd from the hear3ng w3,.11 naost likely be helpful in arriving at � satisf�.ctory solution. Should th� Cowc�..cil consid�r it d�s3rable, th�; he�r3n� could be e�ntinued p�nd3ng results o.f the �bo�ve proposed �tudy. I�Sot�.on by Brown, s�emnded by He�man that the Planning Co�ni.ssian accept the Commi.ttee repmrt and refer the reeommend�.t3.ons to th� Couneil for their consider- ation at this t3�. Mution carried. WAIVER OF ORDIAT.A�1�E Ke�ranee Way - Clarence Scherer. Requ�s� is for waiver to 2� ft. ��tback on all lots fronting I�ewanee Way. Ihie to the topography, the co�itte� recommend� approval. Motion bg Brown, aeconded by Raugland that the P1.ann�.ng Coimni�ssic�n aceept the com�i.ttee report and recommend � to the Council approval of the request for waiver. Motion carried. William C. R3.chter - 2200 Orchard �i�enue fteque�t is for a !� foot side lot w�.iver to enable petitioner to build a 1� ft. addition onto the present garage to within li ��. of lot line. The Co�rtriitte� feels no h�.rdship existss and recommends deni�l. Mr, Richter was present and �tate�i �ha�t in his op3.nion the property �ould be impro�ed and also that his ne3ghbor was granted a germit for the sarne sitt�ation 1�st year. Motior� by Loughl�nd second�d by Bed�r�ll th�t the Plann3.ng Commission accept the committee report and reco�nend t� the Counc�.l denial of the reque€�t for wa3�er. Motion earried. � REGIILAR M�TNQ� OF �HE C�OLI�I VALLE3[ PLAI�TI�ITN(� C�I!�SSI014 Ju7,y 16, 1959. � Warren Ha�shc3ld.� - �.Ol N. Meadowlane Request i� for a waieer of 21 ft. to enable applicant ta build a detached garage ].l�, �t. from lot li.r�e. Th� ig �. !�0 ft. corner lot. Applicant also own�c ad�jacent lot which is vaeant. The cc�nittee feels applicant should build �arage far enough back to permit off street parking 3n d�S.��taay. �he comnittee re- � comcr�er�ds denial of application �us written. Motian b�+ Ve1.z seeond�d by Hetman tha.t th� Plannin� Commisaion �.cecpt the comrtdtte� report, however on the basis of the rec4�mendat3on of the Ordinance T�aiver eommitt�e and th� agre��nt that the petitioner provides a proposed g�tb�ck af 20 ft. from lot l�.ne on Me�dow L�n� instesd of the 1.l�. ft. as requested, thus conform3ng to the topography� of the �tzrro�tuid3.n� area, a �aaiv�r of l� ft. shonld be granted and reco�n�n.d Cuuneil approval of the 15 ft. wa,ieer. Motion carried. Arneson Organs - 12� Ai. Meadow Lane. - Request is for waiver to bu3.1d 2L� x 61� ft. build3.ng on a !�0 ft. lot. �he eot�►itte� re�isited this property and feels that the !e ft. waiver is ,just�.fied 3.n vi.eta of the ad�o�n3.ng propertg and land use. Approval is th�refox�e recommended. Moti.on by V�1�, s�conded by Raugland that the Plannin� Cobnnissian accept the eomm3.ttee report a�zd rece�tend to the Cour�c3.1 approval of the waiver requsst. Mo�ion carr3ed. J. F. Dahinden - I,ot !�, Block 2, Dahinden�s 3rd Addition. Req�e.rt 3s for wa�.ver of depth of lot to �,nable appl3.cant to erect a dov.ble bungalo� a� sub-standard 1ot {1�3 ft. x 2�2.3 ft.) Th3.s lot fronts on the stx�e� on three aides. The co�mittee �e�ls that this would be practical us� of corn�r lot a�d reeo�ends approval �ub�ect to verification of �e�surements an�: foot�.g� of' area, Motion by Brown, seconded by Hetman that the Planning �om�ission accept th� con�Lttee report �nd reeo�aend Goun�il approval of �his reque�t for waiver. �Iotion c�rr3ed. Mr�. ,A,lphonse Charette - Lot 2� Block 3L Ka�1is Cederdale R�qtxest i� �or a 17 ft. setback from State cnmed property to the ldarthwe�t. The comm3.ttee feels that this is comparable �to the sidelo� clearance �nd is �ood land use. Appro�al recom�nended. Motion bg Hetman, seconded byr B�dw�ll that the P1ann3,r� Commission a�cept the coms�ittee report �.nd re d Cotuicil approval of this wai�rer req�.est, earried. Sterling Tnv�st�ent Coa�ar�r - Lot 7, Block 33 Kavi3a Ced.a.rdale. Fi�quest 3.s for waiver of sidelot requir�ents on �ubst�nndard lot. The com�ittee feels that this house is too 7.arg� for the lot and therefore reco�d� de�ial. The co.mm3.ttee suggeats that the small lot i�nediatel� North of this one be �equired aad �er�ed into one su3.table lot. By agree�nt of Planning Co�snission and proponents, this matter was deferred to the Augus� 13�h meetin�. ��J RE�ULAR. MEETTIQG OF THE �OLD�1 VALLEY PLANNTNG CONIl4T[SSTOBi July 16, 1959• LoNQ �u�� Robert G. A7.�n - V'acation af Ad�11 Ave. between K�1e ancl June (Storr� Se�aex) The Comtn3.ttee Chairman reconaner�ded further study of this problem befor� �ction be taken. Deferred to August 13th. Thomas A. DeCol� - Vacation of �art of Ha1f Moon Dr3.ve (a prox. 736�) Motion b� Y�l�, seco�ded by Hetman that the P1.annin� Commissior� accept the Engineer+s report �nd recommend Council approval of the proposed align�ent, e�rrieci. GEIVERAL PRaPOSED SUB�IViSIflN �AT)INAI�TCE There �as a general d3sc�.ssion regarding thi� propased ordinance and 3.t was agreed to def�r satne to Aug�st 13, 19�9 when �'illage attorney Kane will preserrt his re�vision�. TRAILER CAMP . Vi1la.ge attvrrley Stanley I7. Kane is working on a proposed ord.inatsce. Th�r� being no further busines� to tr�saet, the n�:eting was ad�ourned. ./,,�f' o r . sta , ecretary �' `� , George Pen�caek, Presider�