08-13-59 PC Minutes ��
�c� r��xc o� �� GoL�u �A�� �rn�Q ccn�s�zax
AtTf3UST 13, 1959
A regular meeting of the PZann3n� Commission of Gulden Ya1J.�y was �1ci on
A��'� �3, 19�9, ?s3Q P.M. at 7800 Qolden Pa11ey Road, Golden galle�*, M�i.nn.
Pr�sident Pennock presid�d and th� followin� �embers were. present: Messrs.
Beciw�ll, Borch�xwt, Brown, Dresser, Jens�r�, Jcrdan, La�hl.arid, Raugland,
Shincier and �'elz. A1so pr�sent �rere Ro�er K. Ulst�.d., ��.11age Adm3.niatrator,
Dozk�tl.d Soren�ert' Village Engin�er, St�nl�y D. I�arie, Vill�ge Attorney and
Dan I�ynch, Building Tnspector.
�n mpt3.on tt�e Planning Commiss3.on minutes of J�1y lb, 19,�� were �pprov�d.
. f�L,ATa
BRUNSWTCK COtTRT, Ren N�sh - F�.nal
The Plat �Qm�n3.ttee reco�nds final approval of t� Bzmrisw3.r,�c Court Pl�t as
pre�ented. Motion by Dresser, seconded b� Shinder that the Planning Cummis�ion
accegt tlie Gomm3.�tee report �nd reco�end to the Council f3na1 �pprov�l,c�x�ried.
�A LTNDA, D. L. N�.tzk� - Final
The plat com�.i.ttee, in checking this plat, sugg�sts that the pl�.ttsr ch�e lots
l, 2, �� !� 3n Block 2, to three (3) lots 3n order to avoid h�.vin� s�b-s�anda.rd
lots in that p€�rti�v.lsr �ections and �.]].�o th�.t they conform to the Vill�ge Code.
Corner let� to be plattecl with a 20 ft, radius at stre�t inters�etions in
contarmanee with �xisting platting reqt�ireme�nts.
Pr�li�ary a�pproval was given in error on the basis of ttao (2) snb-standard
90-ft. lots ancl it is the opinion of the plat camm3.ttee that the platter mak� th�
suggested chan�es. If th��e change� are satisfs�tory to the platter, the coc�ni.tte�
recumrnends fin�Z ap!p�roval.
The platter�did not agree to make the �u�ge�ted �hange� and on motion 'by Shinder,
�econded by 9elz, f3na1 �pproval was r.ecom�nded to the Planning Cmm�sion �nb�e�ct
tw' obtaining de�eds for th� land ly3ng betw�en the propertg 1in�� and a 2�-ft.
raditts on all �p�"ne3r l�t�. Alsa that fi�,l apprc�rva:t of lots 2 and 3, B1o�k �,
which are �ub-standard, does not iri any Way establi�h fntur� platting pclicSr.
Motion ca�rried,
L.Z. CARI�SON�S REGIS�.'ERED LAND Sth{9EY #512 - Prelim3narg
Plat comm3.ttee �ug�e�ts th� follow�ng changes be mad� before �pproval is re�ommended.
Vill�e of G4olden �a11ey to receive assurance that Coc�uaty Ditch eactended North
to South 3n Hlock 2, 3, t� should not effect this plat; that s�,i.d Diteh be r�located
�n ox+�e�r to safegusrd future bu3.idings,
Tha.� Z'r3tc�n Drive extand Ea�t to Re�ent Arenue tou�h3ng the sou�hern part o�'
I,at �, B1oCk 2, exterided te lots 17 8nd 9, Block 3,
AUC�UST 13, 19�9
Mr. Wi11ia� Cavanav�h, r�pr�senting the devel.op�r, ��s requ��ted to submit a
r�vised prel3minary plat, �a3.d prsl3�minary p�:at to eonfo� with plattiug
�quirem�nts �.n.eludin� accurat� topographieal data and incorporating th�
co�nmitte��s sv.�gestions. Motion bg Dr��se�, seconded by Borct�rt to �.ccept
the c�mmitte� report and dsfer prelim3narp apprava7. ugon sub�ission of �he
r+e�3.��d.plat, carried.
FRED JONES (Sala�rer Property) - Prelim3.nary*
Dae �� th� stat�x� of the Deni�on plat, the comm3.ttee feels th�.t it ca�no� �ak�
aetion on Fred Jones� Sa�er property, th3s being part o� a !�-part p1�t
involving Krutzig, Sawyer, Jones and Denison.
By �tua1 agre�r+�snt, the comm3.ttee r�port wa� aecepted and recornm�ndation made
that the Engine�r with the Plat Committee establ3.�h a definit� str��:t pattern
for the abov� �.rea, thus a11o�r3.ng fut� platters �o plat aecord3ng tc� the s�reet
vAL-W�OD ADDTZ�ON - D,an Otten - F3n�l
Committee reco�m�.ends final approval of this pla,t as pre�ented. Motion by Bro�m,
�ecund�d by Borchert that the Planning Co�m3.�sion acc�pt the report and reco�end
to tY� Cnnneil final �ppre�val, carried.
FAL Wfl�D second Addition - Dan ��t�n - F�.nal
Committee recommends final approval be �iven this plat as pre��nt�d on Mag 29,
19,�9 sub�ect to the vacati�n of Wesl�y Dri�e on the Nor�h so that 0'1.�pia to
the 5outh o� the plat wi7.1 have s�ffic3en� �tre�t width. Motion by Jordaxi,
�econded by Brown that th� Plann3.n� Comm3.ssion accept �he report and recotr�mend
to ths Council fina7. approval. .
SCHWARTZ �IL COMP�N'�' - 12�1 Douglas Drive
D��erred to September 10, 1959.
C. T. I�JLBERl� & A. L. L�'RAAS - 56a.5 o�.so� Me�or�.�,i x�t�w�
The re-zoning petition for the property at �615 Olson M�morial H3ghway w�_�ubmi.ttsd
to the Zon3.ng �om�ittee incl�.ding a ci.i�ram in block form, The co�nittee paint�sd
o�t the need for a 50-foot setback which the petition�rs agreed upan. �h� parking
aress for th� prope r�y de�relap�nt we�e not sub�itted at this t3.me. The site is
bounded on three sides by fu11y develop�d residential areas. It appears to the
Connn3.tt�� th�t this area should d�velop along the same residential ��.nes a� th�
surro�nding areas. The woaded sect3.on wauld �nhance a residential de��lop�nt.
Th� caaunittee r�commends denial. of the: request for rezc�ning to multiple dwelling.
Mation by Brown, seconded by R�.vglsmnd that the Plannir�g Coma�ission accept the
� repart' and recummend to the Couneil d�nial of th� rezox�i.r� request, carried,
AtTQUST 13, Z95�
STERLING INVESTMENT CflMPANY - Lot 7, B1ock 3, Kavlis Cedardale
Reque�t i� for wa3.ver of s3.delot r�quirements on subst�,ndard lot. The ec�m�i.tt��
feels that thi� hota.�e � too large for the lvt and therefore r�commeads denial.
The curazaittee �vg��sts thh�t the sma11 lot imrr�diately North of this one be
�equ3.red �d �rged into one suitable lot.
The �pplican� agreed t4 construet a smaller hetases on th3s lo� on th� basis of th�
ce�a�ni.tteet s report, M��ion b� Bro�!n, seconded by Velz that the Planning Con�iss ion
accep� th� report and reco�nmend approval of the waiver to the Council aub�ect �o
the Ordinance cosunitte� working With the applicant, the building inspector and
the administrator �.n the esta�blish�nt of th� necesss�sy ��tbaek and sid�yard
requir�aents €�nc3 that the Ordin�nee committee be authorized to act on b�h�,lf of
�the Cozmmi.�s�on, carried.
PAI�N�R K. LARSON, I,Ot� !�0l� & 1���, F�leawoud Addition.
ftequest is far Haiver of s�de lot reqairemen� to � ft. This 3.s �. corner lot and
�.s only 211 feet from corner now. Although some pract3cal difficu.lty co�ld poss3bly
exist� t�he co�.itt�� do�s not feel � real hard�hip existss and th�refor� reco�nd�
Mr. Laraon �ras present and 3n discuss3n� various other problems 3nvolved, th�
Plannin� Gom�.s�3.on r�co�rrended deferring this matter vntil the 5eptember lAth
R�SERT G. ALM, Vacation of Adell Avenue.
The Long Rang� Committee has vi�wed th� suggested vacat3.on of Ade11 Avenn.�
b�±�w�en I�yle and Jun�. It i� 3nformed of the requ�st of Mr. Alm for the
�acation. �t is not inforrr�d of any similar requesst by other property o�ers
a1on� th� proposed vacation. Abuttin� Jun� Avenu� betwe�n Ade11 and Elmdale
Ro�.d there ar� twelv� (12) lots r�3n� in front width� of $5 to over 1�0 feet,
�.11 in bl�+ek 2, Noble Qro�e Addition.
In �eneral, June Avenue is abont !�6 feet lc3wer in elevation than Kyle A�enue
which i� paral.lels. If a roadway were to be �rnded on the proposed eacat3on
porti.on of Ade11, the �ra,de would approx3lr►at� 13� and such a �rad� at that
1.c►cat�on would not be intolerable. The soutY�rly end of the abov� series of lot�
is �,c��s�able from E].m�d.ale and Cul�er Roads. The V3.11ag� will undoubt�dl�r ne�d
the sub�ect portion of Ad�1I Av�nue for tra�elway pnrpo�es an.d also fur und�r�round
and above-ground:util�ty tts�s, etc. The Commi.ttee can see no rational. reason to
�cpmmend the vaeat3.on of ariy portion of Adell A�anue. St therefcrre recommends
den�al of the vacat�on rr+quest.
Motion by Jurdan, s�eonded by Jensen that th�. Planning Commission accept the
Co�.3.t�ee report and recamm�nd deni�l o� the request to Council, carried.
AUGUST 1.3, 1959
Mr, Loughland, chairman of Long Range Gommitt�e presented a progress r�port
stating that the professior�al planner, Nir. James Hawks is nesring completion
of his repQrt and should have it available within the next ten days, copieso
of which wi11 be distributed to the �embers of th� Plannang Commission
immediately ther�after.
Motion by Loughland, seconded by Jordan that the Plann�ng Commis�ion recommend to
the Council for their eonsideration the passage of the proposed legal platting
Regulation for the Village of Golden Val1�y and request that th�se Re�ulat3.ons be
adopted upon completion of revisions bg Village attorney.
Motion by Loughland, �econded by Brown tha� the �?illage Attorney prepar� for
consideration his report on the elar3fication of Merger of Tit1e. Motion
carried. -
Niotion by Boreher�, secanded by Loughland �hat �he Planning Corranission reco�unend
to Council the apprflval of the proposed Plann3ng Commission budget for the �ear
19b0 in th� amount of �5,9�0•0� �ahich compri�es the following: -
Salaries - �5,000,0�
Professienal Services - ��D0.00
Supplies, etc. - $�.Q0.00
The Commission considers this e�cp�ndit�re the most effective and econom�cal way of
continuing and keeping up-to-date on th�± nec�ssary planning information compiled by
the Planning Consultant during the past year. The basic request being the a�sign-
m�ent of a f`u17. time Planning Technicial to work with the P7.anning Commission.
Motion carried.
There furth��business to transaet, on motion, the �eting was act3ourned.
, ���� �
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George ennoc , President
er K. Uls ad, Secretary