09-10-59 PC Minutes �� REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALI,EY PLANNING COI�SSION uEPTEMBER 10, 1959 A regular �eting of the Planning Commission of Gold�n Va11ey was held on September 10, 1959, 7:3� P.M. at 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden V�11ey,Minn. President pent�ock presided and the following members were present: M�ssrs. Borchert, Brown, Dr�sser, Helgeson, H�tman, Jens�n, Jordan, Lou.ghland,Lgnch, Raugland, Also present were Roger Ulstad, Village Administrator, Dnnald Sorensen, Vi11�.ge Engin�er, Stanley D. Kene, Village Engineer. On motion by Brown, seeonded by Hetman the August 13th minutes were approved. PLA3'S JIDELINE ADDITIQN (Dr. Rober� Bo1Zer) By unanimous agreement c�f i,f,e planning Commission, the Adeline Addition Pl�.t was addsd. to the agenda. T'he P1at Comm3ttee recomnends modification of their action taken on July 16s a) The establishment of Adeline Lane as a 30-ft. width street b) Maintaining a 20-ft. buffer •zone West on the roadwa�, and redueing the front yard setback on the East side to 20 ft. instead of th�; original 25 ft. due to the hardship as a � result of the topograph� of the area. Purpose of this action removes the possibility of there being any violation of the Village Gode regarding t he setback on th� part of the B�nder residence. Motion by Raugland, seconded by Brown to aceept the report and recommend to the � Council final approval of the Adeline Addition, carri�d. ZONING SCI-�nTARTZ 0IL COMPANY (Wayne Schwartz) 1201 Douglas Drive At the request of the Zoning Committee this item was withdrawn from the Agenda due to lack of additional information required. LUTHER�111T BIBLE INSTITUTE - Highway #5� and Douglas Drive The Cotranittee finds this request for �oning to Institutional faeorable in that the area is a part of the ori�inal tract zoned for Institutional purposes making the area complete. On motion by Loug hland, seconded b,y Jordan that the Plazming Commission accept the co�nitt�e report and r�commend approval to Council carried. MRS. ANN� HE:LD ETZLER, Area between Cirele '��o�rns & Highway �12. Deferred to �ctober 15, 1959. �� REGU�A�t M��TTNG OF TT� GO�;T�I` VAT,T�EY �'r,AN'NTNG COMMISSION S��'T.'���t los 1959. BRUCH MORROW & KNAFLA Lot 5 Block 1 S r3ng �reen South App icant w3thdrew petition. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE PALMER. K. LAR54N - Lots �.4lt, 1�05 GLENTnT�OD AI7DITIflN This request was deferred f rom August so that the Committee could meet at Mr. Larsonts home while he was there. A�ter viewing premises, the eommitt�e re-affirms the previous report and recommends denial. Motion by Helgeson, seeond�;d by Jengen to acc�pt the committee report arid recommend denial to the Coune3l, carried. CLINTON FE�lR.ZTE - 135 Hanley Road Request is ta establish a lot with less than minimum frontage. The committee recommends denial of request, but refers application to Plat Committee and requests Mr. Femrite to work with th�m on a suitable plan. Motion by H�tman, seconded by Brown to accept the committee report as presented and reeommend to Counc3l denial. of �he waive�°. Motion c�.rried. DUANE FOSS - Auditorts Subdivision #�322 - Lot 8. R�;q�zest is for appronal of lots of less than minimum standard depth. Survey c�rtifieates indicate lots as only 11a,0 x 87 which do�s not meet minimum �.rea requirements. Committee recorr�aends approval of thes�; 3 lots grovided they are inereased to 1l�1� ft. zn width to rr�et area requirement�. Under no conditions ar� th�re ariy wiavers to be granted in the future, on these lots. MotiQn by Lynch, seconded by Borchert to accept the Committee report and r�commend approval to Council, earried. GORDON �JAKNSTZ - 7800 Knoll Str�et. Lot 7 and the S 10 ft, of Lot 6�B1k 5, Winnetka. By consent uf the Planning Commissivn this ite� was added to the Agenda. Request is for waiver of front and side lot requ�.rement on a 70 ft, corner lot. The eommittee does not f�el that a side lot waiver is necessary and fe�ls that the house could be s�t back 3 feet f�.rther than indicated on the drauring. The committe� recommends approval provided the �arage setbaek is 25 ft. from Knoll S�r�et and the house setback is 28 feet from Knoll Street and a 35 ft. ��tback is maintained from Surnter. At the requ�st of the proponent and by agreement of the Planning Commission, this iten was d�ferred to October 15th allowing the committee to view th� site. LONG RANGE PLANIVING � i �'tEGU�,AI� 1+�'�TNG 0�" THE GOLIyE�3' �'.A�LEY' F'LAATN�N(3 COML�CSS�nI� S��'�MB�R l0, 1959 LAND USE OF AREA 1�ORTH QF I,AURII, AVE. between MNS RR and Jersey Ave. The Council has ask�d the Planning Commi.ssion for a suggested land u�e, more defined than the 1958 Guid� P1an shows, of the areas more or le�� :iznm�diately North of Laur�7. Av�±nue betw�en Perinsy].va.r;�a Av�nue on the West and MMISTT8c5 R�?. r/w on the East. It authorizEd the Commission to �ngage Carl Gardner & A�soc. to make such a study. This study has been reported as flf August 31, 1959. Th� Long Range Co�nitt�:e is in general agreement with aradner�s Augus� 31st report. As to item 7 oP the reeo�n�ndations which read ��L�urel Avenue be considered for eventual e�rtens3.on to Turner�s Cross Roads", the Committee suggests �hat the need for sueh cons3.deration will not arise unless and until the eharacter of the land use on both s�des of that po�sible eactension sub- stantially cha,nge� or other needs for i� develop. The Commit�ee wishes to comment on some other aspect� of the area that should be considered when approvals of l�nd u�es ar� contemplateci:- l. T�iat Gardner detail study shows that most of the �rea should be d�veloped for residential. use - �. �light �ariance from the 1958 Guid� plan - th�;refore no zoning actions are nec�ssaxy until re�idential plat� are subr�3.tted. 2. Th� area North of Lau�l Avenue su�g�sted by th� repor� as suitable for industrial use shou�d be rezoned if and wh�n applied for, further- more, it is th� committee�s recommendation that the land use be no heav3.er than Light Industrial. 3. The alignment of t he suggested 10� foot strip of land centering appro3rimately on dudici�l D3tch #6 along the Northw�st border of the Li�ht iridustrial area North of Laurel, should be de�ined by the Village Engineer soon, so as to be known to owrzers on each �ide before committments �f land us�s are made. J�. Judicial Ditch �6 (bu�lt some 30 year� ago) not enly dr�ins se��r�.l hundxed acres in Golden Valley but �.lso nna.�h more area in the City of St. Louis Park, A�innetonka and Plymouth Toranships combined. There have been times wh�n the storm water carry:ing capacit� o� the gresent outlet from th�; lands in question, has proved to be too sma11, resulting in the flooding of eonsid�rable areas on both sid�s of 7�sure�l Avenue. When all of the lands drained by the ditch �re built up, a substantial inGrease in flood flows must be anticipated. Th.is m�ans that when the outlet from the la�n.ds 3n qu�sti on is altered �nd that mu.st be done soon, its carrying capacity mnst be based on the full potent3�.1 of th� area draining 3nto Golden Va11ey as well s� from �o7.den Valleyt s o�an ar�a. The County, be3ng responsible for the ditch ma3.ntena.�ice, should be consulted for pQ�sib1� participation in the cogts of adequately providing for �1ood carry3r�g capaeity of the diteh for th� max�mum poteMt�.�1 a� the outlet from the lands in question. 5. The suggested li�t�t industrial traet North of Laurel Ave. �hvuld be graded down tu a level close to that of the r�ilraad grad along Laurel, or as directed by the V311age Engineer. . �� �tEGULA�t M�ET�N'G bF mH� GOLI� VALLEY f'LAI�TIVING COMI�S�ION � S�p��R l0, 1959 LAUREL Cont�d This sugg�sta.on is made so as t.o make the use of the ar�a mc�re compatible with the residents unm�;diately North and Tnlest of it and jt�st across the suggested 100 ft. drainage buffer, Mo�ian by Brown, 5econded by H�tman to accept the report as presented, carried. MAJOR STREET PL.AN FOR OLYMPTA L�ng Range Planning Committee r�;c€�mmends acceptance of the alignment of OJ_ympia Av�nue as sho� by the Vi11ag�: Engineer�s drawing da�ed Sept�mber lo, 19�9. Motion by Jordan, s�conded by J�nsen to accept th� Street Alignm�nt of 07�mpia Avenue as present�d and recommend approval by the Village Council, carried. FRON3'AGE R.OAD - 5W c�rner Inter-section of' T.H. #55 and MPIBcS RR Long Rang� Committee reeomm�nds that a front�..ge ro�d on th� South �ide of the boundas�y of Trunk High�ray #�5 be provided in order that the area South of Highway �55 between the Holzapfel property and East to the railroad bridge ean be d�vel�ped prroperly. Motion by Dtresser, seconded by Brown to accept the Gomm3.t�ee report arad recommend aceeptance by the Oillage Caunca.l, carri�d. HIGHwAF #l2 PLANS - From Junction T.H. #�100 to PRT7DENTTAL BLDG. The following recommenda�.ions con�ern�ng that port3on of T.H. #12 are mades- 1. A direet access to the East bound lane from Tyrol Hi11s Subdivision at North Tyrvl Tra3.1. 2. A direet aecess to the W�st bound lane frc�m West Tyrol Hills Sub-division at North Tyro1 Trai1. 3: Provide an outl�t from Tyrol Hi11s 5ub-division for East and West travel thru Prtadential property for aecess to �erv3.ce road on North boundary. �t. Prov3de a traffic t�.nne1 unter T.H. �`12 connecting West Tyrol and Tyrol Sub-d�.V3.S�.fl23S near the W�sterly edges of thc�se two Sub-divisions. Thi� plan may �uggest modifications in the layout for th� prnpos�d ou�er drive at that lpeati on. Even with these suggestions, convenient acce�s from the areas i.mmediately North and Sout�i of the above seetion of T.H. 12 will b� awkward an.d round-about and �rill substantially add to the traffic load now carried on the purely residential str�:ets. The Village wi11 be compel.l�d �o g�.ve this featt�re considerabl� study. The �Tillage should actively �.rge the d�v�lo ment of Cedar Lake Road along thc� Norttz side �f th� Great Northern Railway r� to France Avenue and France At�enue leading to �.t frc�m th� North. Travel �rom Tyrol and Kenne��s South Tyrol Subd.3.visions would be more �olerable if thi� were done. d REGU�.AI� �1'�'G dF �'HL GOT�D�t' vAL�EY P�iNNIN'G COt�tSS�ON S��'.t'F�fB�"ft l0, 1959 H�GHW�Y �12 PLANS (Cont�d) Motion by �3�nsen, second�d by Jord.a� to accept the report �� the Long Ran�� Plann3ng ecamnxittee �s p��sented� carried. GENE�R,AL sECr�o� 3al�, 3�5, ZOIdTNG OR3xLNANCE �ft�r a g�n�r�l diseussion, the Ch�,irman desi.gnated the Ordinanee Committee to rev3.�w these Sections of the 2oning Ordinan.ce and prepare a clarifica�ion repor� r�!gaxding future lot �ize requirements for the October l�� 195� m�eting. MERC�ER OF TITLE Mot3,on by Jens�n, seconded by Loughland that Amendm�nt to Section 3.fl52 of Merg�r of Title Ordinance b� accept�d with recoiranendation for Counc3.l cflnsideration and approval, earr3.�d, MAJOR STREET PZAN Chairman P�nnock prc�pased imple�ent�.zig the adoption of a street p].�n for the �i11ag� of Golden Va11�y. Ghairman Pennock s�ated that it was necessary to �stabl3.sh definite locations and width of s�reets in accordan�e with the Guid� Plan before any recomme�ndat�.ons can b� submitted to the Gouricil. Chairman Penno�k des3gn�.ted that the Long Rang� Committee work with th� Eng�neer in pre- paring and establish3ng the variAUS streets. Chairman Pennock requ�sted information regard�ng �h� zonings whieh hav� transpired in the past twelve months for reviewal by the Zoning Commit�ee and r+eport to b� submitted �s to �he status of the d�velopment of these areas 3.n relation to the zonings. There being no fu�ther business tQ transaet, on �ot3on, the meeting was adjourned. / � � R . s a , Secre ary Geo e Pennaek, Pr�sid�nt