10-15-59 PC Minutes l . � ftEGULAR MEETTNG OF THE GOLDEN VALLE3� PLANN:LNG CONIMLSSTON OCTOBER 15, 1959 A re�,�alar meeting of the P1ann3ng Conanis��ton of Golden Valley was held on Thursday even3r� 7:30 P.M. Oetober 15, 1959 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Va11Ey Road, Golden V'aZley, Minnesota. President Pennock presided and the following m�rnber� were pregent: Bedw�ll, Brown, Ewald, H�tman, Jordan, Loughland, Shinder and Velz. Also present were Roger K. Ulst�.d, Village Administrator, Donald Bol1, Assi�tant Village Enginaer and Dan Lynch, Village Building Inspector. On mot ion, the Septe�ber 10th minutes were approved. PI�ATS RING�S COLOI+tIAL ADDITION (Jersey-Louisiana-Laurel) - Final Sa.nce no ch�nges were ma,de ir� this plat after prel�.minary �.pproval (!t/7.5/58) the Plat Committee recommends final approval. Mfltion by Loughlaaid, secended b� Ewalc� to accept the comm3.ttee report and recomtt�end final �.pproval tv Council. Motion carr3ed, J. H. JONES �C ROY WTTT Part of Lot 1, Bloek 11, Glendale and part of RL5 �T52 �e� � ens. al. Final ap rc�val i� reco�unsnded ina,�tmuch as no ch�nges were mad�: frmm the prel3.minary p1�t (2�7/�9). Mot3.on by Ewald, seconded by Hetman to aecept the �omr�3.tte� report �nd recoasnend final approval te Counc�l, carried. CL'OVER LEAF' TERRACE 2nd Addit3on. . Prelim3.riarg Al1 of the lots ms�re than meet the required 12,500 : �qnare f�et and the F'latter h�s ci.eeded 3� ft, on Woodstock Av�nt�e for the nec�ssa�y 60-ft. road, Th� n�w1y cre�.ted road. (Clover Lea.f Drive) is 60 ft. wide. On thi� basis, th� Plat Committ�e recom►�ends prel3m�.nary appmval �ub�ect to the Committee�s reconunenda- tion of rez0ning Lot Z, Bloek 1, into PBO category. Motion by Jarda�n s�conded b� H�tman �o defer this item to the Novemb�r 12th meetiz�, carried, REGEPTT FtEALT7� - Lets 2�, 26, 27L Bloek 1, McNair Manor. (Hom�wood Realty, origin�.l P1a �r� — There be3.ng a Merger of Title question involved, the Plat Gommittee f�el� that the • drdanance Committee should also s�udy this applieation and discu.ss it 3mintly wi�h the ent3.r� Pl�nning Comm3ssion at this time. Me�tion by Velz, geconded by �Shind�r that the portion of MeIV'air M�nor imrolving the re-�rran��m�nt of lot� 2�, 26, and 27, Block l, be given prelaminary and final apprflval sub�ect tfl thE chan�� o�' the sidelot lin� as deseribed in the survey submitted October 2nd, 1959 a.�.d also �hat f3.na1 approval of the repl�tting of Lots 5, 6, and 7, B1ock �, MeNair Manor be reeo�send�d for f inal approval on -�he basis of the prelimin�ry approv�l recommend�d on Apr3.l 16, 1959. Motion carried.. � !.1� REGULAR I�TING OF THE CrOLDEN VALLEY PLANIVING CONlMLSSION OCT. 1�, 19.59. L.Z.CARLSON - R.L.S. #.�12 - Pr�liminary. Committee reeomm�nds prel3mir�ary approval o� this plat with the drainage problem having been solved. Mc�tion by gel�, seconded bg Hetman that the Planning Commission accept the Committee report and reeon�end prelimin�,xy' approval subject to the Village Engine�:r�s approval regarding proper align- �nt an.d dra,�.nag� c�f the County Ditch which trav�rses thr0ugh this ar+��. Motion carried. ZObTING MRS. ANNA HELD ETZLER, Circle Down & Highway #12 Request for rezoning �o mult3.ple dwellit�g lots � and 19, �d the sout� i5 f�. of Lot 6 and ?, the 5outh 11-1/2 feet of Lot 8, anci the South 9-3/!� ft. of the five lots 9 through 1la, of Block 2, Spring Gr��n South Addi�,ion. T�i:e Zaning Committee met with Mrs. Etzler and with Mr. and Mrs. Golciman. Th� proponents pre�ent�d a revi��d layo�.t plan �howing th� us� of L ot ,� as s part of the buildable �.x°ea ta be used for two 12 unit apartment build3.ngs. The appliearits �resented the Com�n3.t�ee with build� p1�n.s, � we11. as an architectural drawir�g of the proposed apartmen� uriits. Tn stud,y3.ng the propos�d zonin� r�ques� the Committee noted the fo�.1c►win� eonditionst 1.. That Lot 19 is irregul�r in shape and that the propased ' apartnyent units would be the best t�se of th� land. 2. The propos�d bu3.�du� �aould serv� as a buf�'er b�t�r�en the cor�snercial are�, on the �outh and the Residential devel.opm�nt on the Nor�h. The CQmmittee recomm�nds that the Plat�ning Commission approve the zoning reque�t and that tt�e mir�3.tr�u.m area use wa3v�r b� grar�.ted ta p�rm3t th� constx�.etic�n of two 12 unit apartment buildin�s. Sn makin� th3.s waiver r�eommendation th� ComYn3.ttee took note of the rat3o between the building �rea and the tatal larzd �,rea which is lt.6�. Motion by LaughlaMd, seconded by Brown to ace�pt th� Gom�nittee report �d refer the reeommendations t� Council. Motion c�,rried. FORMAN-FE)R.D COMPANY - 1200 Mendel.ssohn Av�nue Request for rezonin� �rom "Open Devel.opn�ent�� to �'Tndustrial Us�'� aPProx3.mately seven acres of land North Qf the right-of-w€�y af the M3x�ne�ota Western R�3.lro�.d and East of the right-of way flf H�.ghway #1$, The Comnittee mu�t yaith P�ar. Lee Potter of Fflrtttan Ford Comparay mn Thur�da�, O�t. $. Mr, Potter pr�sented �he arehiteetural drawing of the propo�ed b�3.lding, along �rith other plans. P�tter �xplained the Corr�any�� operation and ind3.ca�ed that the propo�ed facilities would be used fvr the manufa�ttz.ring of its product and warehousing Qf ��ished goods, a� we11 �..s to serve as a distribut3.on po3nt for th� eompanyis operations in this region. � � REt�ULAR MEETSNG OF THE GOLDEAT VALLE3t' PLANNZNG COMNI'ISSION Oct. l5� 19�9. FQRNIAN-FORD (Conttd) �'Iie Co�i.�tee �a� 3nfnrmed that th� immediat� build3ng building pl.araa in�luded approximatel,y E�U,000 square feet af space �oaith plans for future exp�s3,on. Pot�er 3.nformed the Comtnitt�e that th� compa�y would employ appa�o�ima.t�l;� 40 peaple. The Committee no��d thst a large portion af th� floor spac� in �he propc�sed build3ng would be uu.�ed for w�x�hous� finish�d goods. Aft�*� cansiderat3.t�g al]. a�peet� of the zonin� r�que�t, the C.ommitte� a�com�nds that the Planning Commission approve the zor�ing reque�ts, provided th�,t so� type of ��reen be constanact�d to cover th� outside stcrag� tannks which are 3ncludeel in th� bu.il:cL�ngplans. In making this reeomdnendation the Co�nittee membcsrs agre�d that this would b� th�: best use of the land and in keepir� with th.€, co�unercial and 3.ndustr3�l developmgnt along Highwag 18 to th� South. The �ommittee taish�s to point ot�t to the Commi��ion that no 3.n�P�:stigat3.un was mad� of the company�s operation to determi.ne if any odors or exhaust gas�s would cause a nuisance problem. The Committ�e also pointed out to the applicant that the ou�s�de �ppearance of th� buildin� and the landseaping would have to �onform with the patt�rn establish�d by the Village �or s�ch eomtn�rca.al and indu�trial development�. Motion b�r Loughland s�eonded by Brown to aeeept the commi��e� repor� and r��e� the reeo�rnnendations to Council, carried. NORTHERN iJNZ�N CONFERENCE ASSOCTATION Def�rred to November 12� 19�9 Plann3ng Commiss3on meeting. RAINVILLE-PANKONIE 7l�21 (�lenwood Avenue. Request rezon3ng this lot from " �s ent a 11 to 0 fice and Professiona " Mr. l�i.ane Foss, representing the applicants, presented to the Committee a proposed plan and with additions and remodeling of the residential home now loeated on the 1ot for rezmning consideration. Mr. Foss indicated that the remod�led building would be used as a mortuary. In making its recommendations the Committee con- sidered th� follo�aing conditions and inf'ormation: l. That rezoning this lot would be spot zoning, and would� divide the residential development on the East from the resident3al development on the West. 2. Th�t gueh reaoning would not be in ke�pin� with the residential development in this area. The Committee recommends to the Planning Comrriisgion that the rezoning requ�st b� d�ni�d. Motion by Brown, seconded by Vel� to accept the committee report and r�fer the recommendati on of d�nial to the Council, with Jordan not voting, motion carried. ORDINANCE WAIVERS GORD�N WAKIVITZ, 1l�09 Sumter This requ�:st has previously been reviewed by the Ordinance Committee and at that time, speeific r�commendat�iong were ma,de to the CommiSSion concerning this waiver re quest. A physieal insp�ction of the premises was made by the Committee on Saturday, October 10. The Committee noted that the new proposal as submitted by 1t�4 REGULAA. MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMTSSION O�t, 15' 1.959. GORDON WAKNITZ, Cont�d Mr. Waknitz would require waiver of m�i.nimum requirements on front, side and rear. It is the Committee�s opinion that the original suggestions mad� at the September meetin� be adhered t�. Motion by Ewald, seconded by Bedwell to accept the CQmmit�ee report and r�fer the recomrr�ndations to Council carried. R.EGENT REALTY, Lots 25-26-27 B1ock l, McNair Manor Addition. Committee inspected premises on Saturday October 10 even though the petition for waiver was improperly made out, there being no signatures of ad�oining prc�perty owners attached to said petition, nor detailed layout and drawings of the proposed structure on the newly propo�ed lots. Committee also noted that final approval of these pareels calling for re-division of thr�e lots into two is to appear before the Plat Committee for final approval. Zn view of this lack of detail, it� is the fe�ling of the Committee that a consultation with the Plat Committee is necessary before any final action be taken. Motion by Velz, seconded by Hetman that a ,5-foot sideyard waiver for all sides be granted and in addition, a front yard setback waiver of 10 feet be recommended �or Lot A and a 5-fo�t waiver for lot B. This is not to be constr•ued to mean establishing a policy, but is du� to the curvature of the street and the odd shap� oF thE 1ots, therefore creating a hardship and further that these waivers could not create any unusual situation not now existing in that area. Motion carried. JOHN GRIFFITH, 117 Turnpike Road. Committee made a physical inspection of the premises on Saturday, October lo, arid although in sympathy with the petitioner, feels that a waiver is not �ustified in view of the definition qf the Hardship Ordinance as such. Construction of additional living spaee can be made 3n the rear of the home. In fairne�s to the petitioner, it �s obvious �hat the placing of additional rooms at the rear would bE more costl� than an addition to the side of the ho�e which requires a waiver . of the Ordinance. Peti�ion is ther�fore recommended for denial. Motion by Be�aell seconded by Ve1z to accept the committee r�port and deny the request for waiver, with Shinder voting '�No", earried. LONG RANGE PLANNING ELMER E. CROtidT�, Vacation of 27th ,Avenue between Ky1e & June Avenue. The Long Range Comma.ttee looks with favor on the vaeation of �he South�rly half of 27th ,Avenue from Kyle Avenue to June. It appears that some legal technicality is necessary to clear the title of this property in questic�n. On motion by Loughland, seoonded by Bedwell to accept the r�commendations of the Long Range Committe� and refer same to Council carried. � _ REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN 9ALLEY PLANNTNG COMMLSSION Oet. ls, i959 MELVIN L. I�NRTFSON - Vacation of Douglas Ave. between Belt Line (T.H.�10�) and Ral�ight Avenue South. It is the opinion af the Zong Range Plannirig Committee that vacation of that paxt of Douglas Avenue lying Westerly of Trunk Highway #100 South of Block !� Kavlis Cedaxdale, and Easterly �f Raleight Avenue lying in Golden Va11ey be recammended for vacation ta Council. On motion by Loughland, seconded by Velz to accept the Long Range Plann�g report and recommend vaeation �o Council carried. GENERAL 5ECTION 3.01�, 3.Q5, 3.�51 ZOTTING ORDINANCE There was not a majority of the �rdinance Committee present for the study of clari.fication of the Zan�ng Ord.inance Sections 3.0�, 3.05, and 3.051. fit is hoped that th�: members of the Ordinance Committee may re-schedule a meeting date for the elarification report as soon as possible. After a general discus�ion of these three sections of the Zoning Ordi.nance, the Commis�ion felt that there are several wordings which could be revised and it was sugges��d that codes from other communitie� be secured by Mr. Stanley D. Kane, Village Attflrney, and referred to the Ordinance Committee for study and consideration, There being no further business to transact, on m�tion the me�ting was adjourn�d. � � � or e ennock, Presidenti R K. U st d, S�cretary