11-12-59 PC Minutes �VU
NOVEMBER 12, 1959 �
A regular meeting af the Planning Commission of Golden Valley was h�1d
Thursday evening, November 12, 1959, 7:30 P.M. at the Civie Center,
7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. President Pennoek ,
presided and the following znetnbers were presentz Borehert, Dresse�,
Helgeson, Hetman, Jensen, Ly�tteh, Raugland and Shinder. Also present were
Roger K. Ulstad, Village Admir�istrator, Donald Sor�nsen, Village Eng3neer,
and D�.n Zynch, Building Tnspeetor.
On motion, the October 1.5, 1959 minutes w�r� appr�v�d, "
L. Z. Carlgon�s RLS #512 - Final. Defarred.
LINDSAY PT�AT - E. ft. Conry - Final.
Plat Comrr�.tte� �ecammends final approval with the consideration that the Cul-
de-Sac on the W�st �nd of Lindsay Street be constructed even thau�h it is not
with3n the limit5 of this Plat. Motion by Hetman, seconded by Shi.nder to
accept the Committee report and recommend final approval to Council, carried.
There being no changes indicated since preliminary approval was granted
t5/19/59) the Committee recommends final approval of this plat. Motion by
Dresse�, seconded by Raug�and to aceept the Committee report and recommend
final approval. to Council carried.
CLOVER LEA�' 2"ERR�CE, 2nd AIaD2TI0N. Preliminaxy.
After restudy�ing the plat and on the basis of the new survey as presented by
the representative of th� Northern Union Conference Association of Seventh Da�
Adventists, on November 12, 1959, showing the addition of lots 13 and 7.1�., the
Plat Committee recomrnends preliminary approval be recarr�nended. Motion by ,
Dr�sser seconded by Hetman to recommend preliminary approval to Council carried.
CLINTdN FEMftTTE - 135 Hanley Road.
Tn vi�w of the fact that most of the area is unplatted and to avoid another
Yale Gaxden �fiascof, the Plat Committee suggests tha� the entire section kn.own
as Jessen�s Addition be turned over to the Engineer3ng D�partment for furth�r
study� stressing in part3cular the future road pattern, to be diseuss�d at the
December lOth Planning Commission meeting.
� �
NORTHERN UNION CONFF,RENCE ASSOCSATIOId (Clove�° Leaf Terrace, 2nd Addition)
The zon3ng reques� appl3.es tti lot #1 only. This parcel is currently in our
residential, zone. The request for rezonizig is to Office and Pro�essional.
'Phe applicant is �he Northern Conf�rence of the Seventh D�y Adventists, This
off3ce wi11 be res3dential i.n nature and wi11 prov3_d� office space and director
meeting spac� only. Ther� will be approximately nine offices in �he building
and it 3.s our understandi.ng that the occupants �f this office build3.ng spend
a great porti.on Qf their tinre traveling throughout the area served by the
Northern Union Cvnferenee. The building will be l�ss than 100 feet in length.
The Committe� reviewed the previous p roposals for -�h�s pareel and the second
addit�on of Cloverleaf Terrace, and the actions tak�n preuiously b�r the Planning
Coramission and the Golden Valley Villag� Council an the following dates; 2/1l�./57;.
3/�G./57; �./li/57; 5/9/57; 6/1�/57; 8/20/57;9/17/57; a.o/15/57; l0/22/573 �a �inaiZy�
the official publication in the Suburban Press on the rezoning of the entire parcel
from flpen Development to Res3.dentia,l.
As a result of the final Gouncil action in 19�7 re�oning this parcel to a resi-
dential zone, the committee find5 the situation unchanged at the present time
and agrees that the request for rezoning should be denied.
Member� of the zoning committee have �t on several oceasi�ns with the Cloverleaf
Terrae� Associa.tion and suggest the fallowing letter be given serious consid�ra-
tion by the Golden Va11ey Village Council;
"Proposed Development of Cloverle af Terrace- Second Addition by the Northern
Union Conferenee Association of S.D.A.
A� a meeting held November lst by the Cloverleaf 2'errac� Association to
further consider the plan for d�velopment of the 5econd addition to the
C2over L�af Terrac� by the RTorthern Union Conferenc� ASSOeiation of
Sev�nth Day Adventists, t he follo�ring resolution was passed by a ma�ority
vote o� the memb�rss
l. '�hat the CloverZeaf Terrace Association would go on recorcl not to oppose
the applieant�s rezoning request and would suppflrt the request with the
£ollow3n� 1im�.tations:
�.. That lots 13 and ].1.� of the attached plat be platted for de:velopmF:nt.
B. That all lots platted, with the exception of Lot 1, incl ude deed
restrictions to the end that the lots will be developed for
r�:gidential use on1y.
C. That lots 2,3,�, 13 and 1.la. have constr�zction under way prior to
the issuance o� a bua.lding permit f or the proposed stucture on Lot 1.
D. Tha.t further deed restrictions be placed requiring a minimum vf 1200
square footage of living space for hom�s be built on all lots to be
developed residential.
E. That the parking area in L�t 1 be limited to driveway type
faeilities compared to a concrete, laned strip.
� F. That the Cloverleaf Terrace Association has the opportunity to
revisw the final plans for the build3.ng prior t� con�truction.
As px°eviously stated, if the above limitations are agreed to by the applicant,
the matter of rezoning Lot 1 �o "one s�ore professional" wi11 not be objected
to by the Cloverleaf T�rrace Association.�'
The committee suggests that the optimum time has elapsed for the ftiill develop-
ment of this area res3.dentially and feels that the proposal for lot #1 m3ght
be termed the second best u5e of the 1and.
The committee further recommends that the plat be approved � submYtted by
the plat �ommittee with the addition of Zots 13 and 11s.
Motion by Borchert, �econded by Dresser to aceept the committee report and refer
same to Council carri�d wi�h Shinder voting "no�'.
V�.LLEY TTIEW REST HOME - Deferred to Deeember lOth meeting.
SCHWARTZ OIL COMPANY - Deferred to December 10th meeting.
ENACG, PAUI� ENGHAUSER, 2155 Douglas Drive�
The request for rezons.n.g from open development to commereial was added to the
agenda at the request of Paul Enghauser. Having viewed th€� proposed site
located adjacent to the rZinneapolis Honeywell industrial parcel and th.e Robbin-
sdal.e school distriet prop�rty, it is the committ�ets opi.nion that this 300�
by 30pt parcel shou�d b� zoned to corrrnr�er�ial. The co�nittee r�ecomtnends approval
of the rezon3.ng request for the purpose of a filling station and office buil.ding
for Enaco, Inc.
Motion by Bvrchert, seconded by Hetman to accept -�he �ommittee report and
recomm�nd approval of t he re�oning request to Council carried.
ZONINGS - Report
Zoning Committee Ghairman Dresser report�d on the areas which h ave been zoned for
a specific purpose on which no application for� permit h� been mades
Sec�ion 5.01 Atland Mfg. Co. Appro�.mately 6525 G�lden Valley Road
Paragraph 10 Rezoned to Light Industrial 8/7/�b, No building.
Paragraph �0 6155 St. Croix Ave. & 1'j20 Douglas Drive North.
6155 St. Croix 3.s the location of an apartment buildin�.
No buildings on remainder. Al1 zoned to PBO 8/7/�8.
Para.graph !�8 Sheldon Broflks 97.I45 �lson Memor3al Highway - Zoned. to Multiple
Dwe1�.3.ng on 10/21/58. No building,
Paragraph 53 St.Croix & T.H.�100 - Zoned Commercial and Multiple
Dwelling on 10/10/58. Pvrtican of the Radia Station
proper�ty is also zoned Multiple Durelling.
Section 6.01 Zonec3. Industr�.al b/9/�� - 7501 M�dicine Lake Road
Paragraph ��':���_. � (Olson Proper�Y) � �
It raas suggested that Stanley D. Kane, village Attor.ney and Chairman Dresser
get together for a diseussion on the legal a�pects irrvolved in rezoning of
these axeas �o flpen Dev�loprr�ent.
SUPERICff� FStTILDERB, INC. Lots 2, 3, 4 Block 2, Winnetka Addition.
Request is for Waiver of Merger of Tit1e Ordinanee to �reate two (2) 90 ft. lots
from three (3) 60-foot lot5. The eommi�tee feel5 that thi� upgrading of these
3 lots into 2 more suitable lots complies with the intent and purpose of Section
3.052 a� ammended. We therefor� ,recomtr�end approval provided future r�sidence� or�
these lots eornply with the ordinances. Motion by Zynch second�d by Hetma.n to
aceept the committee report and recommend approval to Counc3�1 carried.
SECTIONS 3.�1� 3.0� 3.0�1 - After some (�.1SCUSS'1011� it was agreed that the Piat
ommi ee an e 0r inanee Comm3ttee, together with attorney Kane, study this
matter �ointly in order to arriae at a clarifica�ion report on f�ture lot s3ze
requirements for recommendation to Council.
T�ere being n.o further business to transact, the rr�eting w�.s ad�ourned.
orge Pennoc , Pres den � .
o� r U s a , S e t ar�J