11-12-59 PC Minutes �VU REGULAR. MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNTNG COMMTSSTON NOVEMBER 12, 1959 � A regular meeting af the Planning Commission of Golden Valley was h�1d Thursday evening, November 12, 1959, 7:30 P.M. at the Civie Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. President Pennoek , presided and the following znetnbers were presentz Borehert, Dresse�, Helgeson, Hetman, Jensen, Ly�tteh, Raugland and Shinder. Also present were Roger K. Ulstad, Village Admir�istrator, Donald Sor�nsen, Village Eng3neer, and D�.n Zynch, Building Tnspeetor. On motion, the October 1.5, 1959 minutes w�r� appr�v�d, " PLATS L. Z. Carlgon�s RLS #512 - Final. Defarred. LINDSAY PT�AT - E. ft. Conry - Final. Plat Comrr�.tte� �ecammends final approval with the consideration that the Cul- de-Sac on the W�st �nd of Lindsay Street be constructed even thau�h it is not with3n the limit5 of this Plat. Motion by Hetman, seconded by Shi.nder to accept the Committee report and recommend final approval to Council, carried. MeCABE ADDT'TION - Final There being no changes indicated since preliminary approval was granted t5/19/59) the Committee recommends final approval of this plat. Motion by Dresse�, seconded by Raug�and to aceept the Committee report and recommend final approval. to Council carried. CLOVER LEA�' 2"ERR�CE, 2nd AIaD2TI0N. Preliminaxy. After restudy�ing the plat and on the basis of the new survey as presented by the representative of th� Northern Union Conference Association of Seventh Da� Adventists, on November 12, 1959, showing the addition of lots 13 and 7.1�., the Plat Committee recomrnends preliminary approval be recarr�nended. Motion by , Dr�sser seconded by Hetman to recommend preliminary approval to Council carried. CLINTdN FEMftTTE - 135 Hanley Road. Tn vi�w of the fact that most of the area is unplatted and to avoid another Yale Gaxden �fiascof, the Plat Committee suggests tha� the entire section kn.own as Jessen�s Addition be turned over to the Engineer3ng D�partment for furth�r study� stressing in part3cular the future road pattern, to be diseuss�d at the December lOth Planning Commission meeting. � � REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANI�IING C ONIlK[5S ION 11/12/59 NORTHERN UNION CONFF,RENCE ASSOCSATIOId (Clove�° Leaf Terrace, 2nd Addition) The zon3ng reques� appl3.es tti lot #1 only. This parcel is currently in our residential, zone. The request for rezonizig is to Office and Pro�essional. 'Phe applicant is �he Northern Conf�rence of the Seventh D�y Adventists, This off3ce wi11 be res3dential i.n nature and wi11 prov3_d� office space and director meeting spac� only. Ther� will be approximately nine offices in �he building and it 3.s our understandi.ng that the occupants �f this office build3.ng spend a great porti.on Qf their tinre traveling throughout the area served by the Northern Union Cvnferenee. The building will be l�ss than 100 feet in length. The Committe� reviewed the previous p roposals for -�h�s pareel and the second addit�on of Cloverleaf Terrace, and the actions tak�n preuiously b�r the Planning Coramission and the Golden Valley Villag� Council an the following dates; 2/1l�./57;. 3/�G./57; �./li/57; 5/9/57; 6/1�/57; 8/20/57;9/17/57; a.o/15/57; l0/22/573 �a �inaiZy� the official publication in the Suburban Press on the rezoning of the entire parcel from flpen Development to Res3.dentia,l. As a result of the final Gouncil action in 19�7 re�oning this parcel to a resi- dential zone, the committee find5 the situation unchanged at the present time and agrees that the request for rezoning should be denied. Member� of the zoning committee have �t on several oceasi�ns with the Cloverleaf Terrae� Associa.tion and suggest the fallowing letter be given serious consid�ra- tion by the Golden Va11ey Village Council; "Proposed Development of Cloverle af Terrace- Second Addition by the Northern Union Conferenee Association of S.D.A. A� a meeting held November lst by the Cloverleaf 2'errac� Association to further consider the plan for d�velopment of the 5econd addition to the C2over L�af Terrac� by the RTorthern Union Conferenc� ASSOeiation of Sev�nth Day Adventists, t he follo�ring resolution was passed by a ma�ority vote o� the memb�rss l. '�hat the CloverZeaf Terrace Association would go on recorcl not to oppose the applieant�s rezoning request and would suppflrt the request with the £ollow3n� 1im�.tations: �.. That lots 13 and ].1.� of the attached plat be platted for de:velopmF:nt. B. That all lots platted, with the exception of Lot 1, incl ude deed restrictions to the end that the lots will be developed for r�:gidential use on1y. C. That lots 2,3,�, 13 and 1.la. have constr�zction under way prior to the issuance o� a bua.lding permit f or the proposed stucture on Lot 1. D. Tha.t further deed restrictions be placed requiring a minimum vf 1200 square footage of living space for hom�s be built on all lots to be developed residential. E. That the parking area in L�t 1 be limited to driveway type faeilities compared to a concrete, laned strip. � F. That the Cloverleaf Terrace Association has the opportunity to revisw the final plans for the build3.ng prior t� con�truction. 1A8 � RLGULAR MEETING OF T�E GOLDEN VALLEY' PLANNSNG CONINLLSSION 11�12/59 NORTHERN UNTON CON�"�R.ENCE ASS�CIATI�N (C ont�d} As px°eviously stated, if the above limitations are agreed to by the applicant, the matter of rezoning Lot 1 �o "one s�ore professional" wi11 not be objected to by the Cloverleaf T�rrace Association.�' The committee suggests that the optimum time has elapsed for the ftiill develop- ment of this area res3.dentially and feels that the proposal for lot #1 m3ght be termed the second best u5e of the 1and. The committee further recommends that the plat be approved � submYtted by the plat �ommittee with the addition of Zots 13 and 11s. Motion by Borchert, �econded by Dresser to aceept the committee report and refer same to Council carri�d wi�h Shinder voting "no�'. V�.LLEY TTIEW REST HOME - Deferred to Deeember lOth meeting. SCHWARTZ OIL COMPANY - Deferred to December 10th meeting. ENACG, PAUI� ENGHAUSER, 2155 Douglas Drive� The request for rezons.n.g from open development to commereial was added to the agenda at the request of Paul Enghauser. Having viewed th€� proposed site located adjacent to the rZinneapolis Honeywell industrial parcel and th.e Robbin- sdal.e school distriet prop�rty, it is the committ�ets opi.nion that this 300� by 30pt parcel shou�d b� zoned to corrrnr�er�ial. The co�nittee r�ecomtnends approval of the rezon3.ng request for the purpose of a filling station and office buil.ding for Enaco, Inc. Motion by Bvrchert, seconded by Hetman to accept -�he �ommittee report and recomm�nd approval of t he re�oning request to Council carried. ZONINGS - Report Zoning Committee Ghairman Dresser report�d on the areas which h ave been zoned for a specific purpose on which no application for� permit h� been mades Sec�ion 5.01 Atland Mfg. Co. Appro�.mately 6525 G�lden Valley Road Paragraph 10 Rezoned to Light Industrial 8/7/�b, No building. Paragraph �0 6155 St. Croix Ave. & 1'j20 Douglas Drive North. 6155 St. Croix 3.s the location of an apartment buildin�. No buildings on remainder. Al1 zoned to PBO 8/7/�8. Para.graph !�8 Sheldon Broflks 97.I45 �lson Memor3al Highway - Zoned. to Multiple Dwe1�.3.ng on 10/21/58. No building, Paragraph 53 St.Croix & T.H.�100 - Zoned Commercial and Multiple Dwelling on 10/10/58. Pvrtican of the Radia Station proper�ty is also zoned Multiple Durelling. � REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNII�TG CdN�lTSST�N 11/12/59 Section 6.01 Zonec3. Industr�.al b/9/�� - 7501 M�dicine Lake Road Paragraph ��':���_. � (Olson Proper�Y) � � It raas suggested that Stanley D. Kane, village Attor.ney and Chairman Dresser get together for a diseussion on the legal a�pects irrvolved in rezoning of these axeas �o flpen Dev�loprr�ent. ORDINANCE WAIVERS SUPERICff� FStTILDERB, INC. Lots 2, 3, 4 Block 2, Winnetka Addition. Request is for Waiver of Merger of Tit1e Ordinanee to �reate two (2) 90 ft. lots from three (3) 60-foot lot5. The eommi�tee feel5 that thi� upgrading of these 3 lots into 2 more suitable lots complies with the intent and purpose of Section 3.052 a� ammended. We therefor� ,recomtr�end approval provided future r�sidence� or� these lots eornply with the ordinances. Motion by Zynch second�d by Hetma.n to aceept the committee report and recommend approval to Counc3�1 carried. SECTIONS 3.�1� 3.0� 3.0�1 - After some (�.1SCUSS'1011� it was agreed that the Piat ommi ee an e 0r inanee Comm3ttee, together with attorney Kane, study this matter �ointly in order to arriae at a clarifica�ion report on f�ture lot s3ze requirements for recommendation to Council. T�ere being n.o further business to transact, the rr�eting w�.s ad�ourned. � ,, orge Pennoc , Pres den � . o� r U s a , S e t ar�J