12-10-59 PC Minutes 110
DECEMBER l�, 1959
A regular meeting of the pJ.anning Commission of Golden Valley was held
Thursday evening, December 10, 1959, 7:3G P.M. at the Civic Center,. 7800
Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, �gi.rl.�esota. presidPnt pennock presided
and �he following members were present: Bedwell, Bor°chert, Brown, Dresser, : . ,, .
He�man, Jensen, Jordan, Raugland and Shinder. Also pr�s�nt were Roger K. :, . �_:.
Ulstad, Village gdministratar, Donald Sorensen, Village �ngineer, �arz I,ynch,
$uilding Inspector and �tanley D. Kane, Village A�torney.
pn motion, the November 15, �.959 minutes were approved.
CLSNTON FEMftITE - 135 H�1ey Aoad.
The plat Committee recommended deferment of this itme un.til af'ter the fi.rst
of the year with �r. Femrite, the applicant agreeing to this def�rment.
PANKONIE-RATNVZLLE, ?�.�1 Glenwood gvenue, RIS #37, Tract A
�he Comrnittee studied the new prop�sal whicl� requests that the t�est 200
ft. be z�ned for commercial purposes, �eaving the East 120 feet in �he res-
idential categor�r. In making their recommendations, the �ommittee reiter-
ated the conditions set forth in their pctober committee report as fallows,
a) Rezoning this lot would be spot zoning and would divide the
residential development on the �ast from the residential
development on the West.
b) That such rezoning would not be in keeping with the residential
development �in that area.
The �ommittee therefore recommends denial of this request. �otion by $or-
chert, seconded by �rown -to recommend denial, with Rau�land, Jordan and �,ynch
voting �+nay��. Mo�ion carried.
COLONZAL ACRES, �t�30 Golden Valley Road. proposed residence for the elderly.
The ��mmittee recommends deferring this item to the January lOth planni.ng
Commission meeti.ng, suggesting that �i-,he pro�onents meet with the Long Range
Committee in the interim, regarding the street pattern.
VALLEY VI�tnT REST HOME� 5730 p�son Memorial �ighway.
Znasmuch as this it�m has never� had representation by the applicant, the
Committee recommended its withdrawal from the agenda.
1�� ;
The committee reported on the status of the Sheldon Brooks property� 91�5
Olson Memorial High7,�ay which was zoned to MultipSe Dwelling in October� 1959.
Constructian and development of this site was delayed because of finan:ciaZ
problems. Ho�aever� plans for const�.c�i.r�n°.seha:d�l�d shortly after the firs�
of the year are now being considered.
NAEGLE OUTDOOR ADV�R.TISSNG Proposed Bil3board for the Golden Valley Shop-
ping Center
Request is f or waiver of setback for the billboard. The committee ehecked the
billboard ordinance and f ounci this request ��ou1d involve several waivers - dis-
tanc� from highway, total area and h�ight. The corrm�ittee feels we cannot ap-
prove this request on the basis of hardship. Z�Te further feel th�t inasmuch
as previous requests for billborads have been acted upon directly by Council�
that this request be referred to them f or f inal consideration. Motion by
Raugland� seconded by Borchert that the Planning Commission should not rule
on billboards and signs since this is not under their �urisdiction; that the
present ordinanee is inadequate and recomrnend that additional study be made
to improve this ordinance, with the Planning Commission assisting, if Council
desires. Motion carri�d. Motion by Rau�land,, seconded by Borchert to accept
the committee report and refer the mat�er to Council, carried.
ETI-�L A. BALDUS - 10� N. Lilac Drive
Request is f'or a waiver of lot nonconforming setbaek of 9 feet to a further
non-conforming setback of 7 ft. Investigation reveals that the property owner
was awarded �1�,90� damages for condemn.ed land which placed house in noncon-
forming use, It is believed th�se damages were intended to cover house in non-
conforming use. The committee recommends denial. Motion by �3rown, seconded
by Jordan to accept the committee report and recommend denial of this request
� to Coi�ncil. Motion carried.
F_AUN & LUND CONSTRUCTION COMPA�VY, Lot I�,, Sunrise Lane Addition (108 Maddaus Lane)�
Request is for waiver of 35 ft. setback to 30 f't. s�tback on triangular shaped
lot. The committee feels that, in view of' the s hape and terrain of this tri-
angular 1ot and the additional rear yard area which would result, w� therefore
recommend approval. Motion by Borchert, seconded by Hstman to accept the com-
mittee report and recommend approval to Cou.ncil carried.
R�,PORT ON SECTION 3.01�, 3.05� and 3.051.
Recorr�nended Amendment to the Zoning Code.
-- Section 1. Sections 3.0�, 3.05� and 3.051 of the Zoning Code are hereby re-
pealed� and the following 3anguage substituted in lieu thereof:•
3.0�. No land shall be platted or subdivided hereafter so as to creat� any
1at of a width less th an 100 feet, at the buildin� setback line, and
an::area of less th,an 12,50C� square feetr provided' however� that in
cases of unusual tapography or the unusual curving of the street fronting
any lot�or the unusual shape of lots, the Village Council may, in its '
REPORT OP1 SECTION 3.0l�, 3.0� and 3.051 Con�'d.
3.0� discretion approve a plat of subdivision containing lots of greater
or less width or greater or smaller area.
a. The provisions of Section 3.0� hereof shall have no application
to plats dedicated to the Village and accepted by the Village
, Council prior to May 3� 1938.
3.05 In the Open Development and Residential Zoning Districts a lot, or
premises of a minimum area of 12,�00 square feet (and a min�mum width
of 100 feet at the building setback line) shall be required for one
family housed in one building.
3.051 In the Qpen Development and Residential Zoning Distriets a lo� or
premises of a minimum area of 18,750 square feet at the building
setbaek line (and a minimum width of 15� feet at the building set-
back line) sha11 be required for two families housed in one building.
No mare than two kitchen areas sha11 be permitt�d in �ny two-family dwelling..
SECTIflN 2. This ordinance shall take �ffect and be in force from and after
its passage and publication.
Motion by Jensen,� seconded by Shinder to recommend approval of these changes
and refer same to Council for their approval. Motion carried.
Excerpts of minut�s of ineeting of Planning Commission� �illage of Golden
Valley� Hennepin County� Minneso�a. December 10, 1959.
Pu.rsuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Planning
Commission of th� Village of Golden Va11ey, Hennepin County, Minnesota was
duly h�ld at the village hall in said Village on the 10th day of December,
1959 at 7:30 o'clock. Following memoers were present: Bedwell� Borchert,
Brown, Dresser, Hetman, Jensen, Jordan� Pennock, Raugland and Shinder. The
following members were absentz Lynch� Ve1z, Ewald� Loughland and Helgeson.
Member Shinder introduced and read the following written Resolution and moved
its adoption:
WHEREAS, an obvious error appears in the minutes of the. Planning Commission
meeting held on July 16� 19�9 insofar as �hey relate to Adeline Add3tian,
Dr. Robert Boller, final.
�,iHERE�iS, said �rror occurs in the final parag�raph of that part af the minutes
relating to said matter in that, a) "Street width waiver" is referred to�
whereof "Setback Waiver" is meant; now therefore,
��� '_
Be it resolved b� the Planning Commission of the Village of Golden Valley
that the minutes of the rr�eting of the Commission held on Jul� l6, 1959,
be and the s�me h�reby are amend�d in th� final paragraph in the part of
the said minutes relating to Adeline Addition by striking �herefrom where
they occur the words "Special Street Width V�aiver" and substituting in
lieu theraof, the words, 'rSpecial Setback Waiver"'.
Member Brown seconded the motion for passage of the ftesolution and upon
vote being taken, the same received all of �he votes of the members present,
whereupon the Chairman declared the motion duly carried and the Resolution
passed and adopted.
SECTION 3,11 Amendment thereto.
Motion by Raugland� seeonded by Hetman that the Ordinance Committee draft
recomTriendations for changing Section 3.11 of the Village Code (Side Yard
requirements) and submit the recommendations to the Council for approval.
Motion earried.
President Pennock designated a committee of the following members, Dresser,
Brown� Shinder, Jensen and Loughland to act in the selection of a full time
Planning Cotmnission technici.an.
Motion by Borchert, seconded by Jordan that the Planning Commission approve
the Industrial Surve� as requested by Mr. Rydberg repres�ntin� the Minneapolis
Gas Company, North�rn Gas, Northern States Power Compan,y and the Metropolitan
Planning Gommission to obtain the necessary information f rom Golden Valley
as part of his pilot's st�d�r and also designate the Long Range Planning Com-
mittee as a group to assist Mr. Rydberg 3n this study. Mo�ion carried.
There being no further business to transact, on motion, the meeting was adjourned.
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G rge Pennock, President fto er . Ulst d Secre ax�r