03-10-60 PC Minutes ��� REGULAR MEETIPJG OF THE GOLDEI�T Vl�i:.LEY PLANNING COMMISSI0�1 - :"Zarch lo, 1960. �A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of Golden Valley was held on Thursday evenin�, Ma.rch 10, 1960, 7:30 P.M. at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Vall.ey, Minnesota. rresident Pennock presided, and the following members were present: Bedwell, Bromschwig, Brown, Dresser, Helgeson, Hetma.n, Jensen, Loughland, Lynch, Raugland, Velz, with Discher arriving at 9:�.5 P.M. Also present were Donald Sorensen, Village Engineer, Stanley D.Kane Vill�.�e Attorney and Mike Se11, Planning Commission Assistant. On motion, the February 11, 196o mi.nutes were approved. Motion by Brown, seconded by .Jensen and carried, -to have the ma.iled, corrected February 11, 196Q, minutes approved. PLATS VI:�LAG� TERRACE ADDITION - Seth Abbott�s Western Ave. 0utlots, Lots 1 - 6. Enaco, Inc. Frelimi.nary. Deferred to the April 1.1�th meeting. CONNELLY ADDITION - East Ha1f Lot 3, Meadowbrook Acres. (Paul £nghauser) A,fter a study of this plat, the committee recommends preliminary approval, Motion by Lynch, seconded by Br�wn to give preliminary approval to this plat, carried. STEG+1AftT�S �.IDGE4�lAY 2ND ADDITION - Park of Lot 63, Aud. Sub. #322. Freliminary. Mr. Stewart, the applicant, withdrew his application for preliminary approval of this plat for the present. STREET NE'�MFS: COLONIAL RGAD - Ring�s Coloni�l Addition The committee recommends deferment of this item until homes are built� in this area. Motion by Lynch, seconcied by Jensen to accept the committee report, c2sried. ZEALAND AVELN�[TE to AaUI�A. - Matzke�s Terra Linda Addition. � The committee recommends that the East T;dest portion of Orkla Drive in F�ichland Hills Addition be ehanged to 2l�th Avenue North. Motion by Jensen, seconaed by Loughland that the Planning Commission recommend to Coi:ncil that this po rtion of Orkla Drive be changed to 2�.th Avenue North, carried. ST. CROIX AVE. to SAND�L'RG ROAD The committee recommends that the street now known as St. Croix Avenue �.n: Section 29, Township 118, Rar_be 21 be changed to Sandburg RQad. Motion by Brown, seconded by Bromschwi� that -�he Plarning Commission recommend to Council that the street now known as St. Croix Avenue in Section 29, Twp. 118, Range 21, be changed to Sandburg Road, carried. 23RI3 AVENUE NO�.TH to ST. MARGARETtS DRIVE. The Committee recommends deferment �f this item pending submission of a group of names by the petitioners for consideration. ��� REGITLAR �TII3G OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLAPJNING COMMISSION M�RCH lfl, 1960. STRE�T NAME�: Cont�d. UN-N�.NRED STREET: . South from Medicine Lake Road, approxi- ma.tely 660 ft. West of Douglas Drive. The committee recommends that this street be named Florida Aven_ue. Motion by Discher, seconded by Bromschwig that the Planning Commission recommend to Council that tlzis street be named Florida, carried. 20NZA1G RAYI��ORE PANKOTUIE - 6?31 Golden Valley Road. Proposed Funeral Home. Zor_ing Comrnittee Chairman Dresser gave the following report: "The xec�uest for rezoning the Golden Valley Methodist Church property at 6731 Golden Val,ley Road tiJ�,s reviewed in detail by the Zoning Cammittee at their February meeting. �t that timP, the applicant�s information was incomplete. The names and addresses of surrounding property o�aners were not included, and a detailed description of the parcel was not available. The committee was very much concerned taith a 9-�t. side-lot probl�m at this meetir_g. Hotaever, the applicants have now re-surv�yed the parcel and find that the property line West of the Church building is approximately 35 ft. away. The proposed rezoning for a funeral home to be established in the existing building brough-t up several observations. First, the setback from Gold.en Valley Ro�,d which is only 30 ft. This is reco�nized as n4n- conformin� to the proposed rezonin�. Future building permits would require full compliance with the "Business �,�d �'rofessional Office" zoni.ng code. The comm�t�ee �,*as very much concerr_ed as to how this building might be imprave�. to make its appEarance more compatible with the surrour.din�; area. The applicants have stated that this building will be used to establish -the business, with a new building proposed in the future. I1ue to the existing building�s age, the committee suggests that it be examined by the buildin� inspector prior to off�.cial rezoning. The committee further paints out that the existing garage o:� the parcel adjacent to this property on the West side protru3es aver the West line by approxima.tely 8 feet on one corner. T'.ze Zor.ing committee recommends this parcel be rezoned to "Business ar�d Professional Office" cate;or�T. Tt is the committee�s feeling that this zonin; category best fits the applicantts requirements, and establishes the proper category for future funeral home requests." Tt was brought out in discus'sion a.mong the Commission members that the Village LQng P�an;e Thorou�hfare plan calls for vacation of Gold�n Valley Road West of Idaho Avenue, The applicant said he was aware of this and had no objection to it. rioti.on by Lynch, seconded hy Hetman ta accept the committee report and recommend tQ the (;ou.�cil approva,l of thLs request, carried. QRDINA?VCE TrJ�IVERS C. B. JOH?dS��t, Part of Lot 8, Aud.Sub. ;f322 (6600 Glenv;o�d �ve.) Cria:i.rm,�rr JenJ�� ef the Ord�.nance Committee g�ve the follataing report: ��� P,�GULAR. N�TITdG Or TF.E Gv�DE��1 VAL LEY PLANi��TG CGNS�.I.�'�SION - March 10,196U. "Request is for waiver of Seetion 11j., Flatting Ordinance (cQnveyance by metes and baunds) and Section 3.OI�, Zoning Code (less than 12,500 sq. ft. area) to ereate a lot out of the South par-t af Lot 8, Aud. Sub. �#322. The committee visited the site and viewed the lot as it was staked out. After considerable deliberation and discussion, the coruritte� a��e�d that this would be in the best interests of the Village and therefore recommends approval." �fter a vez�r len�thy discussion durin� which a memb�r of the audience, Mrs. Clarenee Nlaller, 6610 Gler,wood Ave, sta.ted she was verR� much opposed tQ the granting of this waiver; a motion was made by Velz, seconded by Dresser that the Cor►m�ission accept the commyttee report but recommend denial ta the Council. Upon ro11. ca11 vote, six members v�ted yes and five merr�ers voted no. t�otion carried. D. 'vJ. FCSS - KI�OLL & FLORIDA - (Lot 20�, Belmont Addition) Ordir.ance Committee Cliairman Jensen g�.ve the fo±lowing report: "This is the N.E. corner of the intersection of Kno11 St. and Florida Ave. Inasmuch as the lots to the East in this block are vacant; the committee fe't the applicant should endeavor to acquire a11 or a portion of Lot 203 in order to create a more st�.ndard lot. The com,mittee theref�re requests that this arplication be deferred until fur�her notice by the applicant." D. W. FOSSi WINSDAi�E & NiENDELSSQ��`� AVE. (Lot 17�Block �, Lakeview Heights Addn�) Ordinanee Committee Chairman JAnsen gave the f ollowing report: "Application is for vtaiver of Section 3.1.1 (setback requirements) on this 6i foot corner 1ot at the S.E. corner of U7ir�dale a.n� County Road i�. The committee discussed this corner lot prablem at length and agreed that special consideration must be given. The carunittee recorr�rnends approva� of a waiver of � feet to a 22 f�. setback from Trlinsdale only, with full compliance to the code in all other respects." Motion by E�rown, seconded by Lynch to accept the co.mmittee report and recommend approval to Council, carried. D. h. FOSS, ?�1APEft ST. & INDEPr.NDENCE �VE. (Let 12i B1ock 5, Lakeview Heights} Chairmar. Jensen of the Ordinance Committee �ave the f�llowing report: "This is a 60-ft. cornen 1ot on the A�.�', corner of ?Vaper St. & Indeper.dence Ave. The S.E. corr.er of this l�t has been rounded off to conform to the street pattern at this inter•section. The comr?ittee feels that a 22-ft. set- baek is warranted here. The committee therEfore recommends a waiver of 13 f�et to a 22 faot setac':� �ra.ra ?�?aper Street wifih full campliance tU the code in all. other respects. " Motion b;� Br��wn, seconded by Helgeson to accept �he committee r�port and recor-4�e�d a�proval te Counc�l by the Ca:��,ssion, carried. � � "LOiJG RA'���'L ii.,ri11:1I�du E. S. PATTO�T, Lot 10� Au�.. Sub. ;;`�?_2 - (6�20 �: 663�. G7-enwooa Ave.) Lor.� Ran�e Committee chairman Ve1z gave the follo�aing report: 124 ?EGI11���R IJi��iI�vTG GF TI� G�).i..D��:�; V�yEY I'I,:P��dING CCI�uI:`��iCN Ii�.rch 10,1.�?60. � . "F�e�ue�-t is f�r �,r�Giver of `�ection 1!� of the Platting Qrdir�ar.ce (conveyance b;� m�etes a:nc� bounds; and Section 3.n� of Zenin� Orciinancn (Mirlimum front�.ge) to crc�ate twa �.ots aut of �iot 10, Aud. Sub. r�322. This ite� �as referred to the commi�tee from the Ordinanee committee last month. The Long A,ange comrnittee met with interested home owners ir. this area. About fi�teen a.ffected pro�ert;y oTf�ner� T-aESe present. A prelimin�.ry study of a street Nat�ern for this area wi:�l be Fresented at a later date to tYze Commission. The committee feels that the granti�g of this waiver request would not hirdeN the lot and street pattern development of this �.rea. t�ir. Patton �s�:d N�r. Burrlett have stated they will deea to the Village ar�y street right 4 of-way needed in this �evelopment. Upon this condition therefore, it is recomriended appr�val of this Waiver request." Motion by Velz, seconded by Jensen that the Comr�ission accept the comr�ittee repo� and recommend appraval to Council. Motior. carraed. GENE��L nEPORT BY GEORG�: LOUGHLAN.� Niemb�r Loughlanc� r�ported that he ha� completed a review of the revised Zonin� Code �nd had left his comr,ients ESith Vi2lage Manager Ro�er Ulstad on March 10, 1960, thus fulfilling the requirements of � motion voted at the Commission�s meeting of February 11, 1960. There being no further business to trar.sact, motion by Jensen, seconded by Bedwp�_1 for adjournment at l0:us carri.ed. ike Se l, Secretary � r � eorge Pennock, President