04-12-60 PC Minutes ���,.
AFRIL 12, 1960
A regular meetir� of the Planni.ng Comm.ission of Golden Va11ey was held on
Tuesday evening, Apri1 12, 1960, 7:30 P.M, at the Civic Center, 7800
Golden Valley Ro�d, Golden Va11ey, Mu�r�esota. President Fennock presided
and the following members were present: Bedwell, Bromschwig, Brown,
Discher, Dresser, Lou�hland, Faugland, Shinder. Also present were Donald
Sorensen, Vi11a�e En�ineer,. Stanle� �. Kane, Village Attorney and MiT�e Sell,
Plannin� ComMission assistant.
On motion by Loughland, seconded by Brown, the March 10, 196� Planning
Commission minutes t� be correctecl, re-written and re-c�istributed along
with the April 12, 19b0 minutes, carrie�.
VTL"LAGE TER.RACE ADDTTI�N�Enaco,Inc. Parts of Government Lot l�, and Seth
Abbott�s Westerr Avenue Outlots.
P1at Committee Chairman Rauglancl gave the follotaing report:
"The Plat Com.mittee recommends acceptance of the plat f�r preliminary
approval with Lots A, B� C, D and E to be designated as one Otxtlot"A".
Req�zest for Multiple Zoning of +re designated Outlot "A�' must be accomplished
by a separate action by the Zoni.n� Committee." Motion by Shinder, seconded
by Loughland to accept the Plat Com.mittee�s report with Lots A, B, G, D, &
E included as Outlot "A" and recommend approval to the Council. Motion
carried. A motion was made by Raugland, seconded by Loughl�.nd that the
request for Multiple Zoning be referred to the Zoning Committee and that the
Committee be empowered to act for the Planning Commission as to their decision
on the recommendation of the zening petition in order to permit zoning request
to be considered with the final plat approval on AZay 3rd, 1960. In no case
should any ordin�.nce waivers be granted. Motion carried.
STEwAR.T�S RIDGEGuAY SECOND ADDITIO?�T - Ben Stewart. Part of Lot 63, Aud.Sub.#322.
The Plat Cornmittee recommends preliminary approval of this plat. Motion by
Brown, seeonded by Shinder that the Planning Commission accept the committee
report and recommend ap�roval to the Council. Motion carried.
TRED COMPANY AUI�ITION. H & ?� Construction Company. �art of Zot 69?Aud.Sub.#322.
Plat Committee Chairman Ftaugland gave the following report:
"The Plat Comriittee recommends that this item be referred to the Long Range
Committee and a joint meeti.ng of the Long Range and Plat� Committees be held
enabling positive action at the May Planning Coznmission meeting." Motion by
Brawn, seconded by Loughland that the Commissiorz accept the committee report,
STFi.EET N�NiE CHANGE: 23rd Averiue North to ST. P�:�RGARET�S DRIVE
Plat Committee Chairman Raugland gave the following report:
"The petitioners have requested tha� this item be reconsidered after
being held over from the Mareh Commission meeting. �to alternate street
names have been submitted as was suggested. After discussion, the Plat
Cor,�mittee reeemmends that inasmuch a� this street is quite short in
distance and tYiat all of the resider.ts on the s-�reet have signed the
petition trat the street name be changed. fram 23rd Avenue North to St.
Margaret�s Drive.T' Motion by Brown, seconded by Shinder th�t the Planning
Commission accept the committee report and recommend approval to the Council.
Motion car2�ied.
Z onir�
$���i�EDICTNE LAKE ROAD - Church of the Brethren
Member Bromschwi� read. the following Zonin� Committee report:
"lhis is a request for rezoning the Church of the Brethern property at 8001
Medicine Lake Road to Institutional category. In A�ril of 1956 the Village
Council agreed to the use of this property for Church purposes, provided the
plans and a11 related matters meet Village requirements. The applicz.n.t has
agreed to deed the Sesuth 2� feet �f tr�is property for the po5sible e�ension
�f �2�th Avenue. The Committee recommends that this parcel be rezoned to
"Institutional". Motion by Brown, seconded by Discher that the Commission `
accept �he;.committee report and recommend approval to the Council. Motion
Prc�posed multiple dwelling - 1�4 unit. Ryan-Lake Properties.
Member Brc�mschwig read the follokiing Zoning Committee report:
"This request is for multiple dwelling zoning. It is one of the fe*� remaining
pareels of land in Belmont Addition - a large residential pl�.t f iled in 1915.
There are single family residenees on three sides of the parcel. Granting of
this ap�lication would destroy a possible extensior_ of Plymouth Avenue to
Douglas Drive. Tha pattern in this area appears to be that these �Q-ft, lots
are developing into 100 foot lots for fine sin�le family homes. It is therefore
the opinion of the Committee that this parcel of land should be developed as
residential and the requpst for multiple zoning be denied." No action was taken
by the Commission becausE of no representation by the applicant.
ROBERT J. F�DDY - 6701 Glenwood Ave. Lot 78, Aud. Sub. �#322.
Member Brown read the followin� Zoning C�mmittee report:
"P�equest is fer waiver of Section 1.LG Platting Ordinance to create 3 lots out
of Lot 78, Aud. Sub. #322. There are exis�ing homes on th•o of these lots and
each would have in exeess of 12,500 sq. ft. T12e committee recommends approval.'�
Motion by Shinder, seconded by Bedwell to accept the committee report and
recommend to ��urlcil approval, carried.
� - ! -:
: FRED STQCKER - 10�.8 Orkla Drive. Lot 16, Block 2�Golden Oaks.
The applicant requests this item be deferred to the May meeting.
CHARLES GROWE- 1536 Jersey Avenue. Lot 61� Bel.mont.
Member Brown read the f ollowing report by the Ur�.in�r�ce Cammittee:
" Request is f or a �raiver of Section 3.11 of the Zonin� Code. This i� a corner
lot 68.75 feet wide. The committee viewed. the property ar.d adjacent houses
and agreed to the need for a waiver. The committee therefore recommends a
waiver of 6 ft. to a 29 ft. setb�.ck from Jersey Avenue only." Motion by
Bedwell, seconded by Bromschwig to accept the committee report a.nd reeommend
approval to Council. Motion carried.
J.Ei.MES M. COOPERMAN - 300 Ardmore Drive. Lot 1 & E 1/2 Lot 2, Glenwood.
MeMber Brown. read the f ollowing Ordii:ance Committee report:
"Request is for waiver of Section 3.11 of setback requirements from rear lot
line in order to build addition anto rear of home. Mr. Osmundson, owner of
adjacent property to the East declines to give consent. Investigation
indicates that Mr. Csmundsor was iorced to buy 20 ft. of Lot 2 from Mr.
Cooperman in order to acquire al1 of Lot 3. He now indicates he is willing
to sell Mr. Cooperman back that 20 ft. of :i�ot 2 for the same price he paid
' f or it. Ir.asmuch as this property is available the committee does not feel
a reaZ hardship exists and there��re recommends denial." No action was ,taken
b� the Comm.ission �ue to absence flf repres�ntation by the applicant.
RORERT W. NEWPORT - �38� Culver P�oad. Lot 72 B1ock �, Woodlawr Park 2nd Addn.
Mem�er Brown read the f ollowing Orair��nce Cotnmittee- report:
"Req�:est is for waive� of Sectior 11� Platting Ordinance to create 2 lots out
of Lot 7, Bloc�� l� Woodlawn Park 2nd Add�.tion. The committee noted that two
adjoining proper�y owners did not �ive consen-t. One apparently did not �aant
an,y neighborhood trouble, and the other apparpntly would prefer a double
bungalow, In view of the size of this 1ot (approxi.mately 28,000 sq. ft,)
which w�uld create two lots of over 12,500 sc�. f�. eaah in area the committee
recom.m�nds approval". Motion by �resser, seconded by Discher to accept the
committee report and recommend �,pproval to Council, earried.
HAROLD E. KNUT�CN - 11G29 Rhode Island. Lot 1. & North 20 ft. Lot 2,Blk 6._
The Chairman of the Commission requested that this item be rettzrne�. to the
Ordinanee Committee for further study and reported on at the Ma�r Flanning
Commission meeting.
� ��
VTLLAGE OF GOLDEN VAI,LEY - 8330 Flymouth Avenue North (Dischinger)
Member Brown read the fclloiair.g Qrdinance Committee reports
"Request is for waiver of Section 3.11 Zoning Cade and Section 1.1a.,
Platting Ordin.ance at 8310, 8330 and 8350 Plymouth 4venue. This
applica-tion is ma�e by the Village for the u�timate benefit of the
people �f the Village it�elf. The com*nittee recommends a waiver of
Secta.fln l?� Plattin; Ordinance and a waiver of 1� ft, to a 17 ft. sethack
�'rom Flymouth Averue of existing house at 8330 Plymouth Ave. Nort h",
I`Zotion b�r DreSSer, seconded by Shinder to acce�t the commi�tee report and
recomme�d a�prova"� to the Cou�cil witr the un�.erstanding that any future
lots adhere to the 35-ft. setback, Motion carried.
WESTER�At 1dINII�.A,L PRODtTCTS COMPANY - l�725 01son Memorial Hi hwa
11emb�r Bro�ar_ read tk?.e following Ordinance C�mmittee report.
''Request zs �or Vaaiver o�' Sect�.�n 10,�J6 of Zor.ing Code for that property
at J�725 Cyson Hi�h�aay. The comrnittee spent considerable time studying
the pro�osed buzldir,g in questipn as well as the service road and adjacent
properties. After much discussion the committee aareed that a 35-foot
setback could be to the best interests of the Village. The conunittee
therefore recommends a waiver of 15 feet to a 35-ft. setback from North
li.ne fronting Olson Hi�hway."
Motian b�r Loughland, seconded by Shin�.er to accept the committee report
and recommend approval to the Council., carried.
There being no fur-ther bus�:iess, on motion by Loughland, seconded by
B�mschwig, the meetino was adjourned at 11:35 P.M.
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� r'Iike Se11, Secretary
Geo�ge rennock, President