05-12-60 PC Minutes � �
May 12, 196�.
A reg�lar �etin�g of the Pla�aning Coa�is�ion of Gclden V�,lle3t was h�ld an
Thnrsda,p �venir�, � 12, 1960, 7:34 P.M. at the Civic Center, 78C�1 Golden
Va11ey RQad, Golden Vall�y, M3.nnesota. Presiderat Penr�ack presid�sd �d the
following �e��rs �ere preser�t: Bedwell, Bro�schwig, Bro�wn, T�ischa�r, Dr�s�er,
�ez�ser�, Lough:M.xrid, Lyneh, Ra�land, s�iinder, arid Velz. Alsc� psresent were
xoger Ulstad, Yillaga Mana�;er, Donald S�reasen, V311age Eng�eer, St�ale�r D.
K�ne, �il].a�e lttorn� and Mike Sell, Pl�aing Cc►mmi�ffiion assistant.
Or� �tion, the l�arch 10, 1960 �nd the April I2, 196t? Plar�ain� Commission
�,ante� xere approTed.
SECt)1� ALIUITI�N, Becon �orpor�a.tion. Th�t part of t}�e S�1/!} of NE T/t� of �uec.31,
T-11 , R-21, l�ing AJorth of t�ae centerli,r�e of Bas�ett�s Cr��k.
Plat Com�ittrse Chair�stn R,�uglazid gave t� followiMg report: "The Plat Com¢aitteea
. reecx�nend� acc�pts�nce of th� p1a�t for prel3minary appru�al on the fcllowin�
c0xiditiun�s a) The name of the �treet b� �haunged fro� Beeon RoAd tc� Lewia
Rm�d. b) The width of the street is to be cha�ed fram �0-feet as show�e o� the
plat to 60 foat."
�!Sotion by I.��ghla�d, seconded by Bromschwig that th+� Planni.ng Co�ssioA a�cept
the c��nittee rep�rt and re�c�mmeud approval to the �am�►ci1. Motior� carried.
MAF�ft FI�� ADDI�IO�i, M.d.�rot�p. Part of ao�erru�ent Lot 3, Sec. 33, �-118,�-21.
Plat Co�i.ttee Ctaa#x�axa Fta�laiad gA7c �tie foll�wwirag repa�: "The Plat Committ�e
r�cg�r�id,s accap�ar►ce of the plat fur prel3.�in�ry appruval sub3ect to t�e
conc�i.�iaa that �.c►� 1, Block 1 be zen+e�i to Professioraal 8c H�siness Office c�teg4ry."
Motion by Dresser, secanded b� Shinder ths�t the Pla�ning Co�sion aceept th�
co�ami�.ttee report with the additian�l require�nt �hat Lot !�, Blc�ck 1 be dividad
ir�to two residmm�tial lots a�d on that ba�3� approval be rect��e�ded to Con�ttcil.
ASotio� carried.
T�D t�+1P,�i3C �DDITIEI�N, H �C Y Co�structio� Co. , Part af Lct 69, Auditor�s
�nbdivisio� 3 2. P].�t Com�itteE Chairm�ax �t�tgla�aci gave the fallowimg report:
�t� �s �ota �e Plat Cs�ed�.ttee act3.ag for the Pl�m�� �o�i.�si��
reco�gds preliati�ar,r appr�sval of the ""Tred Eompa� Additicmm�p (Pl�t �`2) t�der
the follow3� eoacii.ti+�riss a) The u�ers af the 1r�d �o the Sat�th of the
propo�ed p].at �d �torth c�f Westcr� Avenue deed tm the Tred Compaxy a 60 ft. wide
exte�s3o� af Ke�tnc�y ATe�ue aa�d a 30-ft. w�de e:xte�asioa� oF Lc�uisia�a to the
So�th ba�dar� of Lot 69, Auditor�s Subdi.visi�� �322. �hi,s la�d to ttaaa bmca�s
part Qf �1�e �red Comp� Additic�. Tn return the Tre.sd Co�p� � agraed to
coestra�ct tk�eae �atreet�s. A t�apvrary tur�-arou�a wf.11 �e pl�aed at thea 5ca�th
e�d ot' Lo�ai.si� g�ena�s. The Plat Co�ittee alsa re�om�rada� a f'�.ture approval
of a 9�-foot fro�t yard width far the four potestisl lots 'borderi�g the South
bowa.dasy of this Tr�d Company Addition. Mr�. La@�a will dedicate the Northern
ha].f of �Te�tern Aver�ue from Louisia�a A�ver�ue to Jersey A�. either �t this tin�
or at the time the� plat their property.�'
TR�D ��MPANY ADD2TT0�, H & Y Go�stre�.etiom CompaAy. P�rt of Lot 69,A.5.#322.
Cha3.r�a l�augland �ave th� follo�ri�g raports "The� varim�.� property owr�er�
haee �ot ccacurred as yet with refere�ce to access tm the Sot�th of this
P].�t. T2�ey w311 have � �eti�ag wi�h t�u Plat C��'i.tt�e or� �nds� eve�i�g,
May- 1.6, 1960.
Motion b�r Ye1z, seconded 'by Bro�ehwi.g that the Plat Comm3.ttee be at�h- .
orize�d to �ct im, behalf of the Plannirig Comcai.ssio�► ixa exaininir�g said
prelinaiffiary p].at for apprc>va1 at � special Plat Com�aittee meeti� o� May
�� ��f3�r Mfl�,1013 C.BI'Y'lt°f1�•
S.W. C�RNE�. K�TOLL ST. & DOUGLAS DRIVE, Lr�ts 28() thr� 288, Bel��t. Joh�s Paul�oxa.
Comm3.ttee chair� Ih�esser gave the followi�g r�port: "Th3s report was prep�.red
for the �.pr3.�. �eeti.�. I� v3e� of the applicst�s �flt beiAg ia attendarice at
this �eeti�g, the appl.i�a��Gior� r�as held over a�d subsequcntly agai�.r� reviewed by
the cor�ittee as a res�.lt of a� m�or ch�ge by the appl3cants. �owever, the
com�.i.ttee�s report- for April starids unch�ged, �d i� presented as sueh. This
requ�st is fc�r �ultiple dwellixig zoa��g. It is a�e of the few re�,ai.�ir�g
parcals of 1s�s�d 3.� Belmo�t Addition; a large resideatial plat filed 3.� 1915.
There are single fa�3.ly residences oa three sides of the parcel. Grant�n�
of this applicatio� wr�uld destrc>y a pQSSible extensioa mf Plgnaouth Xvenue
to Douglas Drive. �he pattez�ri in thi� area appears to be that thc�e �0-ft.
lot� are developiacg iz�to lfl4-ft. lots for fine s3.ag1� f�m3.2y homes. Tt is .
therefore the op3.,r�ion of the Ccra�itt�� that this pareel of land �hould be
devel.vped as r�sid�ntial a�d the request ft�r �►ultipl.e zoning b� d�ra�.ed.�'
Motion by Loughla�ld, seconded by Bedw�11 th�t the Pl�ning Com�i.��3.� aceept
the com�n.ittee repor°t �ad reccmmend de��i�.l �o the Co�cil. Motio� carried.
BECQN C�R,PaRATIC1�t Lots 1 �nd 2, Blc�ck 1 a�d Lflt 6, B1ack 2, Beeon Addition.
Prapo�ed office - �lectr�nics Maraufacturi�g (ATortan3.cs, Inc.) arsd pra�posed
�ffice War�hQUSe (NW Be11 �elephoz�e Co.)
Co�ttee chair� Dre�ser gave the folle��g reports " The.Zonir�g Comrn�.ttee
w�s represented by si.x of its seve� membex�s 3.� rev3.ew of this appl3catiott.
Both aPFlicatioras are fr�� open developmer�t td our Ligh�G Ind�strial tioning
cat�gory. Considerable discuss3on xaas giren to the exitire parcel af la�ad a�d
the Coma�i.,ssia� taill. recall th€�t ttais property �ras fox�erly os�med by� the Yillag�
as�d st�bsequentlg sold via bids. Prev3.on� discussia� has �d�.cated that �his
parcel �st li.kely ws�ld be daveloped iat saare form �f Co�nercial or Light
Ix�dustri,al Developmer�t. The applic�nts ha�� m�de a� att�mp� as tk�e records
will show, to d�el.op t?�e �ntire �ra� as or�e �it. However, the3r huve bae�
�uceessf'ul i� attr�.ctimg such a� �pp3iesnt. The S�. Pa�l �'�r�i.a�al Ware-
hot�e is an axample, and ��s d�r�ied a request px�.aiaril� a� th� ba�i.� of
heavy trueking traffic. The appl3�carits subseqnently �tat�d. t1�at this ar�e
could develop 3.� a b�,ght I�ad�str3.al park. The em�mi�tee first x�viewed their
applic�tion for a Northwestern Bel].1 Telephone office �nd garage facilit�.
T� 3.� bric b�i.ld3.r�g, pri�arily �o ho�se service pariel tz�tcks. Adequate
par�'�r3.�g �`or emr�oqe�,s has �ieen made a�railable.
�he Com�nitt�e �orked without detailed building drawimgs for the .Nortoni�cs
Com,par�; hox�ver, the applicants have indicated t��t this buildi.�g also
will be of brick �r�ttstz�tetion. The ps�rk3.�g spaee fc�r this applicatiom is
excellent, aad prov3.des adequate parkir�g, incl�ding potex�tial f�.ture
exps�,sio� f�cili�ies, Ir� both cases, bui.ldi�tg requi.rr,��ts h��e been
ehecked by the E�giue�z�i�g �epartment. �he cflm�ttee revi.e�ed iaa so�e
detail tt�e ax�ea ad�aeent to B�ssett�s Creek, a�d would stra�gly reca�end
ta the C�sion amd to the Co�encil that this en�ix� Cre�k �r�a be 1�d-
scap�d i�ediately 1� the Becor� �orporation, aaad �:Lso recoamer3ds that
adequate aa�d st�bst�ti�l laaadseapi�g b� designed and provided b� the
applicaxts far bath pr�posaX.€� before th8 fir�al 3�spection of t�se bt�ld-
ia�gs 3.� ca��l�ted. Tt i�s 'becom�ag appar�sat t�iat a A�ber of our Light
I�dustrial arrd btas�aes� deve�,p�ents ix� the Village }�v� not been adeqtaat�ly
1.a�dscaped accoz�dimg tc� origi�al verbal propos�ls. �he appl3.c�ats have laid
out ad�acent par�e].s aP la�d �r3th eo�asid�r�ble Plex3.bility 3.� �d, ar�d the
Com�ai.ttee via��a7.�es that these will be prese�t�d for zonia�g ira parcel�
1�xger ths� t}a� sis�le 90 or 110 ft. lots �ow ir�dic�.te. As � exa�ple,
aPPlicar�ts hav� stat�d that �dts 1, 2, a�d 3 of B1oek 2 might we11 be co�biraed
for a ��le �applicar�t. T1ae Committee reco�aends or� a � to 1 �rate the
rezorti�ag c�f beth parcels ta Li.ght Itadustrial zoning eategorg.�
ASotion by Brown, �ecomded b�g Jea�sen that thc Pl�iz�g �omr�iss#,or� ace�pt the
co�i.�tee report on bath zonir� requests ar�d r�comm�rad appxroval to tha Cotuicil.
Motio� earried.
M. J. TROUP Lots 1 2 3 �# Blnek 1 Mahar First Add3.tion. Proposed �ffice
ciing. oni�g Comm3.ttee Ghairmax� Dresser gave the fc+llowi�ag r�port: " �he
M. d. Troup s�pplieation was reviewed by the Cps�i.ttee �s o�e bais�.c parce2,
as it Yya� been vn sev�ral px�ev3.ous occas�3ar�. A pre�vi.ous app].i�a�tiam had
be� received and proc�ssed for multiple w�3.ts c� �his parc�l, a�d several
tinofficial appl3ca.nts have �.l,so reviewed it for ather uses. The Commi.ttee,
as b�fvre, is of tt�� opi.�ion t1�at this entire parcel s�ould be d�velcrped iiata
residenti.al lots. Tt 3ss ou�r fe�li,�g th�t this l�nd can be desvelc�ped
reside�ti�lly a�d w� ha�e asked the �ngineerirzg I?epartmertt to lag o�t a
pot�nt3s7. street patter� for 3t. The pa,xrcel 3� now sarrcunded b�r three
residsnti�l ar��. �'ms�i.te Avdnue i� ec�spletei,y cl�veloped a�a is the Wood4s�ock
ar��a s� the Sonth, The Ea,st border of th�s parcel has also develaped
residemtially. T�e applicatiomm for resoa�i�g of Let #1 for th� Bia�'i.ck I�iTisiar�
of G�eral Motoxre 3s very at�r�ctive, a€id one t�at the Co�o3.tte� would lik+�
to �ee ap�xro�ed scrmewh�re i� our Viliage. Ho�er, unle�s the p�blic }�arings
r�veal a �r� po�it3v� appraach by the ne3�ghborhood, th�; Co�i�tee cont3.r�nes
to feel s�rangl�r tl�t t�i� i$ a residential site. It has been onr feeli:mg ttsat
the Scuth side of FiighW� �5 fro� Highway 1�0 We�t shauil.d de�velmp alomg .
rasi.derr�ia7. li��. �tie Co�.ttee una�i��asly recommer�ds d�mial of this�
applicatio�a �d. sugg�sts th�t the Villaga Go�c�l �one it to residexatial".
Motiar� by Bro�m, seconded �y Velz that the Plar�in� Coa�s3.�n accept the
Co�3ttee r+e�por� �d r�e ad der►ial a�� this applicatio� tn tl� Co��i3.
l��ta�ar� Sl�:der aad Raug].aa�d votimg n�oa.
R�gn�ar Meeting of the Qoldeb Vall�y Plarusi�g Comt+�ssic�n - l�ay 12, 196�
EDIS�Rt �BILE HU2�, 7��0 �1son l�emorial H3ghway. I,ot l�6, Auditor�s
�b. 322 and part of Tract A, RLS #�312. Prop4sed Co��re�.al A�obile
Home Sales.
Zoning Com�u.ttee Cha3i.rma� Dress�r gave tt�e follow3.ng rep�rt:
"The applieati�n for Edisern P�obi].e �Tomes on the parce� be�ween Kellg Drive
aa�d Rh� Islar�d is for cot�aerci�l d��relop�nt. This par�el has bee�
reveiwed or� a nu�aber o�� oceasions and ca►me �p far cor�s3.derable di�c�.ssioaa
within the Co�a3,t�ee on At��st of 1959 '�1��� �e processed the �ta�ymond
N. ;Dungan applicatior�. At this ti�e, we de�i.�d the applicati0n fcrr the
West s3.d� of Rhoci� Tsland, �d subsequ�ut]�r Yia�� d�n3.ed applie�tior� Por
this sa�e pr�p�rty f or both co�erei�l ar�ci a portian of it f or an�.tiple
dwell�.ngs. The CAmm�.ttee daes A�'�. �'EGZ 'ti�18'� "F.�'1�.3 typ�: of tr�iler displ.�,y
eo�ereial b��ess is compatible with the neighborhoad. Tt is th�
�omm3.�tec�s responsibility t,o rec�m�end an the basi�s of plsr�nixlg for tk�e _
Vil�.ag�, sand up �o thi� ti�, we hav� looksd with littl� favor tcward
mobil� home parks, which mi�ht �ell b� r�flected in this applicatiora. The
Cu�3ttee does t�ot feel that we shonld jeapardiz�; the deYeslop�nt of the
hi�h graanc3 for �he 1ow ar��. r�quested in th3.s �Qplieatifln. At thiss ti.�e,
the Com�Lttee ind3�.c�t�s tl�at this parc�l shouid be develap�d along :eng eral
resideaG►t�.al 1irt�s a�ad ch��eter, �nd as sueb, r�c��nd� to the Com�m3.s�ion
denial o� thi.s requ�st�'�
i�tion b�y Brown, s�conded by 9e1� that tha Plau�i�g Com�i.ssion accept the
Co�i�tee repurt and recommend d�ial of this applic�tion to the Ce�cil.
I�btion c�rried.
�n s�aex�, 10l�8 Orkla TJriv�, I�ot 16, B1.a�ck 2, Gc�1d�e gaks .
f3rdi.nance Ca�i,ttee Chairma� densen gav� the �ollowing report:
"I�e+que�t is for Wa�iv�ers of S�cti�r� 1[�, Plattir� xe�gr�lations arac! Section 3.11,
Zoning code to ereate two lots � of �ge witk� a siae yarc3 set-back of 5
ft. on tt�e exi�ting ho�. A rep�sentative of the adjoin3ng prmpex�ty ot�rnera
met �ith tl� Ord�.nance Com�i.ttee 3.r� � and a�pro4ed the t�r�tative plan far
di�visian. Th� Comm�.�tee viewed the prop�l^ty arad recommends s waiver of
lA ft. to a � ft, sid� ysrd se�back 0f th� home on Lot 15 and a �aiver
of Sect3.on 1.l� a.� Lc�t 16 prc�vided, howev�r, �l�at no va3.vers be• �raAted far
ar�y builc� on yot 16,��
1�otiun by Brc�wr�, sec��d l�q 5t�.�rad�r to refer this ite� back to the
(h�di.nance Ca�t.ttee for furth�r sttuly. Motion earried.
JAMES M. C(�FE�►N� 30() Ardmore Drive, Lot 1 dc &2 Lot 2, Glenwoad.
E'3rdiriance Ce��.ttee Chair�n Je��n gav� �he follow3.ng repor�t:
�T13e Comar3.ttee r�ce�rends deaial. (See �3.autes o� April 12, Pl�nning
Co�a3.ssion mee�3.ng.) .
: 1��
Regular M�etimg of th�► Golden valley Planning Coa�3.ss3.on - May 12, 19�
Motion b�r Bras�n, �econded bq Bedwell that the Plann3.ng Co�.ccian accept
th� Comar3.tt�e report a�nd recommend denial of th3s appl.3.cation to the
Counc�.1.. i�tion carri�:d.
H�ROLD KNUASaN, �7 �nade zs�a �v�i�e �o�t�►, zot i and North 20t �f
Lot 2, Block�, Winn�tka.
Ordi�a�nee Cou�i.ttee Chaix�a,n Jensen ga�e the foliarrimg report:
�'Reqt�est is �or a t�aiv�r of Sectian 3.Z1, �ZAnir�g Code a.�d was x�ferr+ed
back to this co�ni.ttee at the April meeting. The CQ�m3.ttee visited the
lct ia questian �nd ch�clted ths set back location$ of other ho�ses in
t�is ar�a a$ well as the lc�w area to the Narth anci the right-of-�ra� far
�T3nsdale Street arid, s�fter a�eh deliberation, the Co�amittee r�commends
a Wsiver of 8.l� ft. to a 26.b ft. se�-back from T�3.nsdale Street."
Motion by Sh�nder secor�ded by Bedwell that the PL�suaing Co�i*sinn �ccept
the �o�m3.ttee repart snd reco�end appraval ta Cow�c�.l. i�oti�� carried.
�� �• ��. 911 Tdin�►etka Ave. So., Lnt 21, B1ock 3, Cors�ier �C 8rickson�s
�rdinadnee Comm3.ttee Ch�.ira�an Jer�►ett gave th� fos�].owing report:
�Reque�t is fc�r � w�.iv�er af Sectio� 3.12, Zani�g Code. Th� Co�i.ttee
viewed this property and the ad�oinimg homesi�cs. 3'hi�s request fs for
a wr�3.ver og a lot ta enable owner tQ s�11 the 1At b�t tk�ere is no plar�
for a h4n� on �be lot at tk�.s t3s�e, anr Was ther� a certified aursrey.
Iz� view of past experiences it is the policy mf th� Co�.ttee not t+�
act o�a Haivers until an �pp�.ication fnr a btai.lding per�.t i� under �ra�r
aiad a eertified eopy of sti�rvey is �wbmi�ted �ogether with ths buildi.�g
plan. The �om�.i.ttee therefpr� r+eeoa�nds �hat tbis �pplicatian be
ret�ied tm the maker.'+
l�otiora by Drts�er seeonded by Ra�gland that the P7.a�nixig �a,�ission
accept tkte Co�.tte�e report as read. l�tion carri�d.
DON H. WILI�I;AI�'�"s, 1�2lt3 Golden Valley Road
Ordiu�nce Comm3.ttee C�rmari dens�n g�ve the foll�ixg report:
"�PPlicatian is for wai�er af Sec�ion 7.�, Platti�g r�gu7.�tior� to �re�te
�hr�e (3) lots out of n�e 7.�rge lot 132.5 fset wide by 7�� f��t long.
Eace lot would have �oz� th�qt� t� reqro�:x+ed area arid �ize. Th� Comr�lttee
f�els that t�.s would b� to the best ir�ter�sts of �2�e Villag� and
recomrnends approval."
I�ot�a by L�ch seconded b3r Shinder that the Plar��iing Commis�ion r�tcccept
'Gh+e Co�i.ttee report �d recom�nend approval crf tl�i.s appl.ic�tia� to �'.:.t�e
Cr�raric�.l. Motioa carr3.ed.
PA�1L �01���R� 21�5 �ouglas Drive
fh��d3r�ance Coam�.f.ttee Cha3ra�an densen gave the followir�g report:
"Req�est is f4r a wa3ver of 50 ft. to a 2t� ft. �et back, as d�f'Yned
by Sectio� ].9.�3 cf th� �3.7.1�g� Code for �ervic� st�tio�. 'Wtiereasa the
Co�ma.ittee w�s in agree�nent �r3.th the �eneral te�s af th�reqt�est, after
careftzl cc,nsi.d�rat3.on arld cunsultation, the Commi.ttee feels we do not
have proper juri�dietiom m� thi.s matter �nd�r zo�ing regulatiuns �t it
is eovez�ed by th�Village Code. We therefore request that th� a.pplicat3 fln
be r�turned witho�t r�co�ndation b�r this com�tittee. We fwrther stiggest
t�tt�.�e�t3on 19, '�illage Code, eitl�er in whp].e or it� part, be repe�.led
�ar r�vised to �oinc�de w3.th the building eode gu►d pr�se�� day �tandarde."
I�otion by L�tagland s�canded b3r Brown that the Pl�rini�:g Comtr�.ssion accept
the Ccu�.i.ttee r�purt and that the Cc�m�Lssic�ia �ce itself ��ail�ble to the
Cr�uncil to ftirther study this maitter if tt� �ouncil so desires. A3�tion
TRED C�A�;A.NSC ;ADDITIDN, H & Y Constr�ct�tc�n ComPar�r', Part of Lot 69, Aud. Sub. #3�2
Long R�nge Com�.i,tt�e c�iairm�r� Y�1z gave the foll+awwi�g report:
"�h3.s �t�m was referred to the Long Rar�ge Commi�tee by the Pl.atuiing Coma�i.ssi.c>n
at their Apr3.l meeting. There was questic,n wheth�r th� f��u�re p7.anning for
Lauisiana A�nue wn�ld interf�re with s�,y lots proposed �xi this pl.at. I
have beer� assur�d by the Vi11a�� Engix�eer that the �gter�ior� of Lu�isi�:na
�.P�nuc ta G]�rood at H�rold A.v�n�: c� be �.ccompl.is�ied wi�hout aequiring � � . .f
por�tiaz� of the lsts i.ta� th� P1at.�
�ation l�y Jer�en secoAded b� L3rnch ts:�accept tlae Co�aittee report. Mnt3on carried.
Cha3„r�an nf the Zonirag Co�i.tt�� �res�er gave the f�11.Qwing r�part in rsgard
�tu rezoning policies: �The Cha3.r�nan of the Zrani�g Cc�mii3ttee has received a.
well Wr3tfiren �nar�ndum �'rom th� T�illage Attorne�, St�nley �. Kane, a�d
aft�r review, �rould recomm�ttd t�o the C�mr�.�sion Chairman that thi� doc�rtt �
be repraduced a�d distribut�d tA�e entire Co�aissioa �s we].1 � the vill�ge
Catanei3 and thme �c�n3n3stra�i.on. The village I�riager irifox�med tt�e Co�m3.ssi�n
thi� has alr�acf� been done.
Tt�re b�ing no f�a.rther bus3.ness to transact, �t3o� by Bro�cht�3.g �econded by
Penraock that the �eting be aci�ourrred �� 12s45 +�.�. c�rried.
� 1 �,ok-E1
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I�ike��Sell, Secre�ary�
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QrEfl P'EA1Aifl K, PreBide�tit