06-16-60 PC Minutes ��� REGULAR MEETING OF �HE GOLDF�1 YAI.LEY FLANNTNG CAI�iISSION June 16, 1960 A regular �eeting of the Planning Co�.i.ssion of Golden Valley was held on Thursday e�er�i.ng, June 16, 19�, 7�30 P.M. at the Civ3.c Center, 7800 Golden Va11ey Road, Qolden Valley, Min�nesota. Pres3dent Pe�nock presided and th�; folloxirig members �rere present= Bedwell, Bx�c�mschwi�, Discher, Dresser, Hetman, Loughland, Raugland and velz. Also present �rere I}on�ld Sorens�n, Vi�.lage Engineer: Ik�i Lynch, Bui2ding Inspector; and M3ke Sell, Planning Co�3ssion Assist�nt. � �n �otion by Loughland, seeanded by Velz the � 12t� i96o plann�ng eoa�.ss�.on m3nntes were appro�red. PLA2'S ' TRED COMP,ANY ADDITIOAT Ti. & Y. Construction Co�a�y. Par� of Lot 69, Auditor�s 'Sub visior� 322. Chairman Ra�gland gave the folloNing report: "On motion m�de by Br�wn, geconded by Jensea that the P1.�t Com�.i.ttee �ct for the P1�� Ga,�un.ission on the Tred Co�aray addition, the Plat Com�ni.ttee held a special meetir�g on Monda� even3ng, i�q 16, 1964. On unan2mou.� vote� the F1.at Coa�mi.�tee, actsng for the Planning Cn�sion, recammends preliminar,r appruval of the �Tred Go�pan,y �ddition� (Plat #2) under the folloving conditions= a) The owners of the land to the South of the proposed plat and North of W�stern Avenue deed to the �red Co�pany a 60-foot wide extension of Kentucky Avenue and a 30Tfoot wide e�ctension of Louisiana Avenue to the South boundar� of Lot 69, Auditor�a Sizbdivision #322. This 1.and to then become part of the �Tred Co�aa�,y �ddition�. Tn return the �r�d Gn�par�y has agreed to construct these streets. � te�ra�r�r turnarota.n.nd will be placed at the South end flf Lou3.�siana A�eriue. Th� Plat Coma�ittee also recom�ends a future approval of a 94 ft. front yard width for the four (!�} potential lots barder3ng the South boundary of this Tred Com�pa�r Addition. Mrs. LaQua will dedicate the Northern half of Western Avenue frau� Louisinna Avenue to Jers� Avenure, either at this time or at the tiine th�,y pl�t their property.� I�otion by Vel.� seeonded by Longh�.and, that the P1antt3.ng Co�.i.�sion ratify the action of tt� Plat Comm3.ttee at their l�a�;r lb, 1960, �eeting. Motion carri�d, _ ZOBiI1�iG NORT�E,ST CA�. - ,Bt�ONE AVENUE dc SIXTH AVENtJE N(7RTH Charles Thour (propo�ed Off-uale L3quor Store Chairman �r�,sser gave the follos�ing report: ��� REGUL�.A'. MEETTNQ� OF �HE GULDE�i S�AI,LE3C PL�ANNING Cfl1�A9ISSI0N Pa�e 2 "The applicant is V3.rginia N. Thour, �rho€e petition asks for rezoni.ng fr�� �{}pen Develop�ent� to �Cc��ercislt on the I�orthwest corner of Boo�ae Avenue sr�d Sixth �venue Nprth. The Zt�rling Comm�i.ttee met on J�ne 9th w3t2� Mr. Thour representing the appiic�n�. We revei�red the request ' on the basis of parking, ingress and egrees, set-b�c� and the proposed buildin,�. I�aformation was a4�i.lable to us on the �onde.�natior� proeeedin�s at the Thour�s pres�r�t location.. I�t is the Co�mi.ttee�s feel3ng th.at th�.s corner as well �s the ad�acent �rca to the North might.well develop a� a un3.t ratYv�r than �pot develQgment. We seriously qu�st3.on rezoni.ng Lot� 12 and l3 Hhen the �ppl3.cant proposes a btaildin� to oecupy onlg Lot 13. 2he develapment on the ldorth side of Si�h Avenu� in this area, althatigh �Open I)ev�lopment� has developed along �Re�identi�i� 13nes, it is the Co�i.ttee�s feeling that this �Residentiial� develop�ent should contin�e. Be3ng aware of the Thour�s need to rel�cate, the Committee mac�e several �uggestior� as to potential areas �.lready �o�ea �.p�r co���.�z c�te�ory. The Co�n.ittee reco�ends den3al of this request for re�onin�; to �Comn�erc�al�. Mntion by Ve1z, seconded by B�dwell, that the Planning Comm3ss�on accept the Co�,i.ttee report a�d recomcaend denial of thi�s application to the Couacil. Motion carried. 18 No. M'f�`NDEI�SOHI�i ,�V'ENUE N1r. Larry Hork (Propo�ed 5upper Club-Restaurant) Chair�an IJre�ser gave the followirig i*eport: "The appl3cant, Mr. Larry Hork, is �pplying for rezoning a site Nor�h af Bassett�s Creek a� 18 Mendelssohn Avenue North from �Open I}evelopa�ent� - to �Com�,ercial�. The proposal would house a restaurant, cafe, and night club operation, ir� �dditior� to a store for retail off-sale liquor. After consider3.n� this request, the Com�i.ttee prc�posed that the applicant set the builc�ing back 100 fe�t from the property line and the applic�nt so agreed. It appears that adequate parking h�,s been provided, hawev�r, when f3na1 deta;iled p].ess are available, the parki.r�g requirements shonld be rechecl�ed. �he landscap3.ng plan is excelient and �,ppears to pro�ride a st�lastaa�tial bvffer oa both sides of the property. This, in addition to Bassett�a �reek, lettds its�lf to this type of developnaent. We reviewed the necessity of a 5� ft. easement along Bassett�s Creek ar�d tt�e �pplicant agreed to provic�ng sa�e. The Ccrs�ai.ttee un�nimously recommends apprn��,l of this request."' Motion by Bec3�ael1, second�d b3r Brom�ch�i.g, that the Planr�ing Co�xi.ssion accep� the Commi.ttee report and reco�e�d appraval of this application to the Conncil. Motion carried. ?421 GI,ENWOUD �VENUE RLS #3? Cataract Lodge (Propos�d Maasonxc I,odge) ' Ghairman Dresser gave the following report: "The Zonin� Gc»ittee reviewed the application iif Cat�,raet Lodge No. 2 0f Y 3?� REGULA,.R MEETING �F THE GOL1�N YALLEY PI�ANrtING C(3MMLSSION, June 16� 19f�0 P�ge 3 Ancient, Free and Aceepted Ma�sons for a proposed buildi.ng i.n the 7�00 block on Glenwood Avenue. The request is for rezr�n�r�g to ottr �Institutionait zane and the agplican�s have stated that this facility is used pr�im�rily fc�r lodge meetin�s, ho�ver, the iodge rooms on occasion �rouZd be rented. Tt appears that the p�rk�ing f�cilities would be adequate and could be expanded if r�ecessaryr. We questinned the area abutting �chull�r�s First Addit3.on and were told tl� this was ineluded as part of the land purchased. Th3.s implies that the ho�e at 7l�21 C�lem�ood i��ruld re�nain a,s i,s. Again the Com�nittee notes that this parcel of l.�nd is ad,jace�at to �Rssidential� areas. The areas on Rhode Island have deve].oped along resideatial lines s�s has the Kel],y Drive area and the existing ho�es on Gl�nwood and Si.xth Avenue North. Th� Commi.tte� do�s not feeZ that rezo�g thi.s small parcel would be advisable and as in previous recoma�endations, are �f the op3.tiion that the are� could develop fresidentially�. The �o�3.ttee recommends denial of this zon3ng request." Motion by Bedwell, seconded by Brc>mseh�aig, that the Plann3.ng Commi.ssion acc�pt the Com�tttee report and recom�aend den�.al of this applieation to the Couzicil. Motion carried. 91Z0 SIXTH AVENUE ATC�?.TH Frar�c Gracyas� (Proposed Off-Sale Liquor Store) Chaira�arx Dressar� gaqe the fol7:owing report: "The applicant for rezoriing from �Open DeYelopment� to �Commercialt i� Mr. Gracy�sz. The location is a sma11 proposed lot �asuring 60 ft. by 135 ft. �'� 9110 Sixth Avenv�e North. The applicant wo�a7d tzse the proposed building n� 30 x 50 ft. for an off-sale liquor store. The Co�ittee �ave considerable -�_ though not anly to this small 1ot, but also to �he development of the entire plot �easuring 57l� feet on Sixth Aqenue North by a depth of from 385 to l�07 feet rubir�ing DTorth from Sixth A�enue. The rezoning of sueh a small lot would be 3.mpractical from a planning standpoint and �aould tend to di:cta�e the development of the ent3re plot. Residential Development has already oecured a2ong Sixth A�enue and the Commi.ttee feels that this developaient trend shQUld continue. Witkwut goin� i.�o detail of the building proposal or its setbaWCk or parking facilities, the Committee unanimausl,y recom�ends den:i.a1. of th3.s r'equeSt,e� l�tian by Loughland, seeond�d by Discher, that the Plannin� Commi.s�ion aceept th� Coa�3.ttee report and rF:commend denial of this application to the Co�cil. Mot3on carried. ORDSNANCE WAIVEAS FRED ST�CKER., zo}�8 orxla Driee - Lot 16, Block 2, Golden 0aks Co�ittee Member Heta� gave th�e following report: ��This request is for a wa3.ver of side3.ot clearance and of Seetion 3.la, (conve�ance by n�etes ax�d bo�nds) a�d af lots .15 and 16, B1vck 2, Golden Oaks. This item xar referred back to the Co�ittee atthe meeting of May 12, for � �� REGULAR. MM�TING OF THE G4LDEN V�LLEY PLANNING CQN�IISSION, June 16, 196� Page �. further study. After due stt�dy and deliberation, the Comanittee feels that, whereas there m�r nvt be ir� ev�.dence tr�e hardship, there s�es exist a practical difficul�y, therefore, we feel that 3.t is to the best interests of the �'illage to grant th� aforesaid waivers. We therefore re-affir� onr previous report and recomr�end a waiver of ten feet to a fi�re foot setback of the house on lot 1s, and a wai�er of Sect3on 1.l� on lot 16, provided, however, that no waivers be granted for any building on lot 16." , l+�otian by Velz, seconded bp Bedwell, that the Planning Commi.ssion aecept the Coramittee report and recommend approval. to Couneil. ' Motion earried. C�N�tCZ�.L PROPERTY - 215� Douglas -Drive No action was taken on tY�is `applicat�on, deferred pending change of the Ordi.nance. After discussioa�, a motion was made by Raugland, seeonded by Dresser, that Section 19.�3 be taken out of the Village Code and ins�rt it i.n�o Section 7.05 of the Zoning Code referring to Gasoline and Oil Storag�, Publie Garages and any other simi.lar use eonstitut3ng like hazards, and that the Planning Commission empowecr the Ordi.nance Committee to act on the proposcd Ord3.nance as written by the gillage Attorney, it being unders�tood �hat, should the propo�ed ordinance require a setba�k of less than 200 ft., the proposed ordinanee woul.d necessarily require further action by the Plaxuiing Commissi.on. Motion carried. C�RTTR�,L �ONSTRUC`�ION C(lME'�,NY 1�0l� Tyrol Tra3.l - Lot 8 and the N. 55 ft. of Lot 7, Block 7, Tyro1 Hills (Wm. C. Webster) Member He�man gave the following report: !'Request is for a waiver of Section 3.11, Building Setback Requirements. Building pez�ni.t �ras issued August 1�, 1959, with !�7 foot setback. SubsegueAt title search reveals �hat approximately l� feet was d�eded to the Villa�;e for R.O.W. �.n 1939, This leaves approximately 31 foot sett�aek. Purchase contraet cannot be co�ples�ed, until builder furnishes a marketable title which complies with the Vi1l.age Ord3nance. - . The Co�n,ittee discussed many aspects of this request and agreed that no practical purpose would be gained in denying this request, approval, ther efore, is reeommended.'r - Motion by Raugland, seconded by Dresser, that the Planning Commiss3on accept the Co�arnzttee report and recommend approval to Council. Motion carried. NORD62'ROM-ODELL Lot 1l;, B1ock 2, Winnetka Addition, l�lt8 Rhode Island Ave. Since t�.s application was not filed before �he d�ad�.ine, the Chair�aan of the Pla.nni.ng Com�nission asked that it be added to the agenda. All present agreed. Request is for a 5 ft. waiver to a 3t) ft. 5etback from 0].ympia 2�� REGUL.�R. P+lEETII�G CF THE GQLDEN VALLEY PL,A,NNING CONjMISSIOAT, June 16, 196a Page 5 Street. A simi.lar wa:iver was granted in January, 1960, for the corner of Olympia and Sumter. l�iotion by Dresser, seconded bg Hetman, to approve a 5 ft. wai�rer to a 34 ft. setback from Olyrnpia Street based on action taken 3n January, 1960. Motion carr3.ed. GEN.ER�,L GEI+J�A.L MOTaRS, BI�ICK DIVTSI�N (A. D. Strong Compan,y') During an inforra�al. discussion, �Ir. Schuller, representing the �. D. Stzro ng Co�par�y, i.ndicated that the Buick Dvision will be formal.ly req�e.ating rezoning of,tfhe �ho�r property at �738 Olson I�emorial H3.ghway. It was sugges�ed by the Planning Com�i.ssi.on t�at the applicantts reque�t be pla.ced on the June 21.�t Village Council agenda fur the pnr:pose-of setting July 19th for a p�blic hearing. At �aid public hearing, a reco�ndation could be given from the minu�es cf the Ju].y 1,l�.th Flanni.r�g Comm3.ss3.on meeting. LETTF�i FR��I VILLAGE ATTORNESC REC�DING ORDINAl9'CES: The Chairr�an of the Planning Comn�i.ssion read a letter from the Village At�orney asking th� Planning Co�3.ss3.on to eonsider the adoption of an offic3.a1 Village Map and if the Planning Commission would like to have hirn draft proposed orciinances regulating truck park3.ng and establishing a special zoning d3.striet for 2-famil� dwel].ings. After d3scussion of the letter, a motion was made by Loughland that the Planning Commi.ssion recommend to the Covncil the adopt3on of an ordinanee specif3��.ng the setbacks on Bassett�s Cre�k. The awtion was defeated for 1.�ck o� a second. Per the Village Attorneyts recommendation, a motion was made by Dresser, 3t'.COTifl@d b� Hk✓'�l118Ti� that the Planning Com�s�ion request the �Tillage Attorney to dxaft an ordin�nce separating two family dwellirigs from s3ngle far�r3.ly dwellir�s atzd establi.shing sepaxate zoning categox�r. NEW &JSI�S t The Chai:rman of the Planning Commission i�sstrueted the P1.anning Co�miss�.on Secretary to investigate ways in whieh the �illage can require site improve�ents and landscaping, There being no further bus3.ness to transac�, �otion by Dresser, secorzded by Bro�chr�3.g that the �me�ting be adrjourned at 11:2� P.M. Mution carried. n � � Sell, Secretary - �'��,,����:'' �.:✓„✓ George Penr�,ock, President