07-14-60 PC Minutes z4�
of the
Ju1y 1lt, 1960
� regular meeting of the Planning Gommission of the Vi7.lage of Golden
Valley was held on Thursday evening, Ju1y 1.1�, 19b0, ?:30 P.M. at the
Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Va11ey, Minnesota.
President Pennock presided and the following raembers w�re presents
Bedwell, Bromsehwig, Brown, Discher, Jensen, Loughland, Lynch, Shinder,
and Velz. Al.so present were ftoger Ulstad, Village Manager; Dan Lyneh,
Building In�pector; and M3ke Sell, Planni.ng Commission Secretary.
On motion by Jensen, seconded by Bromschwig, the June 16th, 1960,
Planning Gommission minutes wer� app�°oeed.
53.�0 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD RLS#37, Robert Maser (Proposed Ch�m ch)
Committee N1�ember Lynch gave the followi.ng report:
'fThis application requests rezoning of the eorner northeast lot
of Golden Valley Road and Hightiaay #100. The in�ent was to move
the Christian Scientist Church on Highway 100 to this corner as
a result of the Minnesota Hi.ghway Department con,demnation of their
present land. The Committee reviewed this request with Mr. Moser
and found the lot too small to accommodate the necessary parkang,
and we also implied to A�r. Moser that th:is bui],ding would not be
an asset to the existing residential axea. As a re�ult, the
applicant agrEed w�:th u5 and has withdrawn the application. The
Comrr�ittee recommends that the Christian Scientist eheck fc�r
�25.0� be returned.f'
Motion by Loughland, seconded by Ve1z, that the Planning Commission aceept
the Gomtinittee report. Motion carried.
�738 OTSON ME�I�IAL HIQI�AY Buick Division, General Motors, Inc.
Proposed Office Building
Co�ni�tee l�mber Lynch gave the followi.ng report:
"The application is for rezoning of a site at 5738 Olson Memorial
Highway (the Thomey Property) from open develflpment to our
professional. and busir�egs office zoning category. The Cor�mission
will recall the review mad� by the Zoning Committee at its May
July ].l�, 1960
m�eting for a site across Highway #5� (S.�T. Corner, #55 & #1�0), the
building exterior being all brick and the parking facilities and
basic landscaping identical to the previous proposaZ. At the time
the Zoning Committee reeomtnended denial of the request for Buick
on the 5outh si.de of H3.ghway #5�. We recomm�ended to the applicants
several po'�ential sites tha.t were alreacty partially dedicated to
bu.siness or commercia7. development, with the hope that this fi.rm
would selec�t a site within Golden Valley. It was the Comrnittee�s
unaninwus opinion tha.t this site be rezaned. This decision is
based primarily on the alreac� existing development of this area,
the Bertelson property and the Rest Horae."
Motian by Velz, seconded by Brown, that the Planni.ng Commission accept the
Committee report and recommend approval of this application to the Council.
Motion carried.
HLOCK 2 AND BLOCK 3, BUNGI�LOW TERRACE F & R Realty, Inc. (Froposed Multiple
Cvmmittee Member Lynch gave the following reports
t�F, & R. Realty, Inc. requesting rezoning from open development
�o our m�ultiple zone?.in Bungalow Terrace ,Addition ad�acent to the
now exi.sting three ap�tcnent units. The Commi.ssion w3.11 recall
that onl� the necessary land was rezoned for this applicant at
the time of building thei,r first three units. Th3s requ�st is
now a logical addition to this development. The Gommittee, •in
reviewing this parcel, reminded the applicants of ��ture develop-
ment in this area as it might pertain to the 50� dedication from
Bassettts Creek arKl also the need for a street pattern on the
prc�perty contemplated for deveZopment to the north of the proposed
site. Proper landscaping of all units was again reviewed with the
applicants. The parking areas, set-backs and buildable land area
coincide �r3.th our zoning requirement5. As a result, the Committee
recomrnends approval of this request."
Motion by Shinder, seconded by Jensen, tha.t the Planni.ng Commission accept the
Comcr�3.ttee report and, pending dedication of right-of-way per the Village
Engineer�s recommendation, recoTOmend approval af this application to the
Village Council. Motion carried.
Committee Member Lynch gave the f ollowing report:
"The Zonx.rig C�mmi�tee discussed briefly the two-dwelling zoning
category, but as yet have not received the recommendations as
asked for at our last Commission meeting from the Village Attorney.
Motion by Bromschwig, seconded by Lynch, that the Planning Commission
accept the Committee report and defer this inatter to the August meeting,
at which time the Village Attorney will have a proposed Ordinance for
the Zoning Committee to consider. Motion carried.
CURTIS FR�,NI�SEN, !�0lt0 Wasatch Lane; Lot 9, B1ock 2, Ma.ry Hi11.s
Ordinance Consnittee Chaixman Jensen gave the following report:
"Request is for a waiver of Section 3.11 - 3� ft, s�t-back,
Applicant requestS a waiver of 1(7 ft. to a 25 ft. set-back,
of i�ot 9, B1ock 2, Mary Hills Addita on, elaim�.ng a hardship
because of the terrain. Investigation reveals there is
approximately 5s Pt. difference in elevation between Wasatch
Lane and Ba.ssett Creek Drive. The Committee feels a true
ha.rdship exists and therefore reeomr�nd� approval.t1
Motion by Brown, seconded by Shinder, that the Planning Commission accept
the Comnittee report and recommend approval of this application to the
Council. Motion carried.
LOFTUS & OISON 7$21 Kno11 Street, Lot 3, Bloek 11, Winnetka
Ordinance Comcnittee Chairman Jensen gave the following report=
"Request is for a waiver of Section 3.11 - 10� and 20� side yard
set-backs. Applicant requests a reversal of the East and West
set-back requi.rements. By error the building location was staked
out in reverse and the basement is now completed. I� wa,s brought.
to the Committeets attention that a building permit has not been
issued, further that the builder was in violation by not obtaining
a permit before starti.ng construction. The Comma.ttee does not feel
that negligence of the builder or his emplo�ees constitutes a
hardship. Neither can the� condone mistakes or p�or planning by
granting hardship waivers. The Committee unanimously recommends
Motion by Lough�and, seconded by Bedwell, that the Planning Commission accept
the Gomnittee report and recommend denial of this application to the Council.
Motion carried.
This item was deferred to the August Planning Commission meeting.
14� :
Residential Construction in Glenwood Addition Nvrth of T.H. #55
After sorr� disc�.ssi�n of a request for a building permit in the Commercial
zoned area in Glenwood Addition, a moti.on was made by Brown, seconded by
Loughland, that the Long Range Committee make a stuc�y of the zoning in this
area and presen� a report within the next three months. Motion carried.
71�21 GLENWOOD AVENUE, RLS. #�37 - Cataract Lodge (Propased Masonic Lodge)
At the ir�vitation of the President of the Planning Commission, Mr.- Lindberg,
Mr. Frank Harris, and Mr. Edgar Johnson, spokesmen for Cataract Lodge,
appeared to give add.itional information concerning their rezoning reqnest.
It was the unanimous opinion of the Planning Commission that the additional
information doe5 not alter the situa.tion and the motion to recommend denial
to the Council stands as recorded in the June 16, 19b0, Planning Commission
There being no further business to transact, motion by Bromschwig, seconded
by Lynch that the �eting be adjourned at._10:50 P.M. Motion carried.
Mike Sell, Secretary
: Ge rge Pennock, President