08-11-60 PC Minutes 1�4 ��� ��z�G o� �r� GOLDEN V,ALLEY PLANI�IIING COA�IISSION August L1, 1960 A regular �eeting of the Planning Commission of �he Village of Golden Va11ey was held on Thursday evening, August 11, 1960, at 7:3a P.M, at the Cinic Center, 7800 Go�den Valley Road, Golden Va11ey, Minries�ta. Pres�.dent Pennock presided and the fflllowing members were present: Bedwell, Borchert, Bromseh�a.g, Brown, Dresser, Diseher, Hetman, Jensen, Lyneh and Raugland. Also present were Roger Ulstad, Vil.lag;e Manager; Stanley D. Kane, Village Attorney; Dan Lynch, Building Inspector; arid ffiike Sell, Plann3ng Commission Secretary. On motion by Raugland, second.ed by Brown, the July 1.ltth, 1960, Flanning Com�nn3ssion minutes xe�e unanimously approved. PLATS EWALD TERRACE, Dewey Ewald. Part of the NW 4 of the NW 4 0� Section �, Township 117, Range 21, P1.at Committee Chairman Raualand gave the following reporG: "Mr. Dewey Ewald is asking for prel3minary approval of a plat dated July 20, 1960, and known as tEwald Terrace�. The proposed plat is bounded by Ridgeway Road, TnTinnetka Aven�te, Western Avenue extended, and the east side of the property owned by the applicant. A11 lots in this plat are to be used fflr single fami.ly residences¢ with the exception of two lots in Block !� which are facing Winnetka and which are 150 feet wide and 125 f��� deep. These �wo lots are to be zoned as residential for single family d��.lings at this time, but the applicant may, at a lat�r time, ask that they be re-zoned for double bungalows. The applicant has asked that only those lots of thi.s preliminary plat that face on �+Tinnetka Avenue or on Ridge�ray Road be given f3nal plattir�g at this tic� and that the balance of the lots shown w:i11 not be platted until a later date. The Plat Committee recommends that the entire plat be g3ven pre- liminary appraval subject to the following conditions: l. T�Testern Avenue Extension at the connection with Winnetka Avenue be moved to the North to eorrespond with requirements of the Village Engineer. 2. A separate prelim3ssary plat be made by the applicant showing only those lots intended to be platted at this time with such plat being presented to the Planning Gommission for approval before going to the village Cauncil. z�� REGUL�R MEETING OF THE GflLDEN VALLEY PLANNTNG COMNLLSSION, August 11, 19b0 3. Proper legal assuranees to be given to the Vi1l.age tha� the future platting of this property will correspond �o that shawn on the oe�er-ai1 pz+�liminar9 p1.at." Mation by Dresser, seconded by Brown that the Planning Commission accept the Committee report and recommend approval of the entire plat to the Council; provided, however, that eaeh portion of this plat is to be reviewed by the Plat Committee acting for the Planning Commission, prior to final approval by the Council. Motion unanimously carried. . WOO�LA�1 PARK 3rd ADDITION L. Z. Carlson. Registered Land Surveg #�12. Plat Committee Chairmaan Raugland gave the fo 1lowing report: '�Thi.s propert�* �as before the Planning Commission October 15, 1959, at `which time preluninary approval was given sub�eet to the Village Engineer�s approval of proper alignment and dxainage of the county d3tch which traverses this area. No final action was taken by the applicant at tha.t tirne and, t2�reforei additional approval is necessaxy at this ti�. Applicant has changed the original. applieation by making part of B].oek 1 an outlot and it is the understanding of the Plat Committee that this outlot �ri11 be deeded to the Park Board. The Plat C�mYn3.ttee reeomrnends preliminar�r approval of the revised plat, again subject to the Village Engineeris approval of proper alignmen� and dxa'rnage e�� the County ditch. The Plat Gomm:ittee also recommends that the mi.nimum 100 ft. width at the building setback line be mairita3ned, as required in the Platting Regulations, on one of the two streets; either Regent or Scott Avenue, bordering the plat." Mo�ion by Lynch, seconded by� Borchert, tha.t the Planning Gommi.ssion accept the Co�i.ttee report and reeomrr�nd approval to the Council. Motion unanimously carried. Z�I�iIIdG 9435 1�edieine Lake Road Southeast corner of Medicine Lake Road and County Road 1 , Robert Halseth. Proposed shopping Center. Zoning Cosrimittee Chairman Dresser gave the following reporte t'The Comin�.ttee reviewed the proposed rezoning of a rectangle �asur�ng 165� x 23Q� from open development to our Commercial Zone. This pareel and request for rezorzia�g is in addition to the property now zoned eomt�ercial on this corner west to County Road #18 and north of this parcel to Medicine Lake Road. The �pplicant�s prunary reason for ��� REGtJI,�,R MEETIPtG OF THE GOLDEN VALLE'Y' PI,ANl�T�NG COR�ITSSTON, August 11, 1.960 asking that this additi€�nal parcel be rezoned ta commercial 3s 'to allow additional parking and proper setback requ�rements adhering to our 1(30� su�ggested setback from Caunty Ro�.d #18. This site, �.f approved, will house a proposed shoppYng center. The Zoning Commz.ttee unan3mous7.�r recommends approval." Motior� by Lynch, seconded by Bro�m, that �he Plann3ng Com�iss3.on accept the Co�.ttee repart and recornmend approval of this request to the Council. Motion t�ani�nnusly carraed. � 1.1�,� AQUTL�, �VENUE Nf�tT� Ear1 Peterson, Lots 12 and 13, Block 1.5, Glenwc�od View Ac3dition (Proposed Multiple Dwelling) Zc,ning Commd.ttee Chai;rmar� Dresser gave the following report: 'tP�irr. Peterson proposed to build a three faYni.ly un3t on t�m 50� lots. This request was revi.ewed under our m�altiple dw�elling ordinar�ce and, as presented, would require a numbe� of waivers, includ3ng setbacks on all sides and a waiver on th� buildable area. We reviewed i.n some detail, the purpose of our multiple dwelling ordinance, and suggested that Mr. Peterson GOriSI.d�T' two family dwelling on this site. The Gommittee noted, when va.ewing this property, that ho�es ha�e been built �.n this residential area wa.thin �he last fvur or five years, and conel�des that th�e area should rema3.n in the residenti�.l category. Tn addit�.on to the above, the Commi.�tee eonsidereci several. factors in relation to t� General P+�.11s Research property, includin� the 3mprovements on Mandan Avenue of blacktop surface, � as well as curbing and also the location and potent�al de�relopment o� Boon� Avenue. However, after due eonsideration, the Camcaittee unanimot�sly reco�nds denial of this request, and as a result, Mr. Pe�tersan asked that this item be held over unt�l further natice bY h�n•�� Mr. Peterson appeared $rtd said he had reconsidered and wai�ted Planning Commission action ora his reques� a�t this time. After discussion by the Commissian, a motion was made by Raugland, seconded�=l�r�Bedwell that the Plannuig Comia9.ssion accept the Commit�tee report and reco�mend denisl of this application to the Council. Motian unanimousl�r carr�.ed. ].l�,15 NORT13 LII�A,C I�tIVE Ryan-Lake Properties, Southwest corner of Golder� Va11�;y Road and Trunk Highway #100. (Proposed Mote1) Zoning Com►riittee Cha.irman Dresser gave the following report.¢ "Thi� application for rezoning from residential to commercial Has exp�.�.ined at length to the Zoning Commi.ttee by the applicants, wi.th the applicants suggesting the building of a �tel on this site. Th�y reviewed in much detail, the histor3r of thi..� site and the Commi.t�ee, as well as the Co�sion, will recall a number of applicat3.oras for rezoning of �h3.s cmrner. ��� REGULAF� �TTAiG U�' TI� GOI,DEN VALLEY PLAN1�LAiG C�NtM2SSTON, Augu�t 11, 19� - The applicant�s proposed plan did not a11ow fr�r the 3Qa� setback from Highway #104 0� our zoning code. Tn acidition, a 3�� setback would be required on Golden Valley Road. It 3,s the Com[aittee�s feel3.n� that, with the potential closing of the intersection on �ol.den Va11ey Road and Highway #10�, in addition to this being a T'E'S�.(�ETI'f.1.81. 31"L•'� eiX2t�. SO developed in the Hipp and Lindsa�r additions, this praperty should remain resideni�i.al. The Committee unanimo�sly reca�nds denisl of this requ�st..�� l�otion by Jensen, seconded by Bromsch�ri.g that the Plann3.ng Commi.s�ion aceept the Cc�mmitte�: report and reco�nend denial of this application to the Coune3.l. Motion unanimously carr.t.ed. EXTSTING CQMN�tCIAZ Z�IVING IN aI.�EN 1�ANOR Zoning Ca�ittee Cha3.rman Dresser gave the following repor�: 'r�s requested, the Com�.i.ttee x�ev3.ewed the �lsen Manor properties, � 3nclud3ng the setbac3€ of 1�� fron� the centerline of BassettTs Creek, and concluda�d thaat this px�per�y sheuld be handled the sa� as our g�aid� stuc�g indicated for Bassett�s Creek, provicling for the �0� drainage ease�nt. The Co�ittee recs�m�rends d�.let3ng the entire paragraph." Motion by Fiet�an, secanded by Beciwell that the Plarin3ng Co�i.s�3on accept . the Comm3.ttes report and recom�er�d to the Cot�ncil te rezone the ATortherly 1AQ� Qf �lsen I�nr to our Cor�mercial Zoning Category. Mo�ion �nanimo�asly carried. �nTO FAMTLY �WELLIIdG Z�NTNG CATEGORY �oning Comm3.ttee Chaim�an Dresser gave the fo lluwing report: � �The Zona.z� Comm�.ttee stucL�.ed the proposed new two fami.ly' dwelli�g c�rd3.nance. 1�.fter the Cormn.i.ttee�s revie�, �re e�gested that eopie� be sent to each Conuni�sion member for their review before tonight�s mee�ing, and unless there are questions or suggestior� from the Coz�cnission, the Co�un.ittee recommends i�ts approval to the Com�i.ssion." A�oti.an b�;-Brman, seconded b3r B�omschwig that the P:Lanriing Commi,ssion aceept th� Cvmmittee report and recomt�end appr+oval of th3.s new ordinanee to the Couneil. Motion unani�►ously carr3ed. ORDI�tANCE T�AIVEFtS 1439 a'nd 7,�l�7 Sw�ter A,venue, Joe Pazandak; Lots 1 & 2, Block 5, Winnetka Addn. (�rdinance Co�ni�tee Ch"s3rman Jensen gave the follow3.ng repor�: "Request is for a waiver of Section 3.�51 Zoning flrdina�rice i�� REGULAR MEETING UF THE GOLLIEN VALI,EY PLAIJNING COl!�+JISSION, August 11, 196� (1$,750 sq. ft. and 150 ft. frontage) on lots �. ana 2, �a.ock 5, Winnetka Addition. The Committee recommends a waiver of 19 ft. � to 131 ft. frontage and of 3,030 sq. ft. to 15,720 sq. ft. area provided no front, rear �r �ide yard waivers shall be granted." Motion by Lynch, seeonded bg Bromschwig that the Planning Commission accept the Committee report and reco�mend approval of this applie�.tion to the Council. Matian t�nanimuusly carried. 1,900 MENDEISSOHN AVENUE NO., Wm. Donahue; Lot 11, Bloek 1�, Lakeview Heights Ordinance Committee Chairman Jensen gave the follQwing report: "Request is for a waiver of Section 3.11 Zoning ordinance (35 ft. setback) on Lot 11, Block !�, Lakeview Heights. Th3s is a 60 ft. corner lot. The Comcnitte� recomm�ends a 12 ft. waiver to a 23 ft. setbaek from Duluth 5tre�t only, thereby allowing a 12 ft. min3mtiun �eax yard clearance." Motion by Dresser, seconded by Hetman that ttze Planning Commission accept the Cammi.ttee report and reco�nd approval of this application to �he Council. Motion unanimously carried. ' l�001 WAYZA.TA Bf?ULEYARD, R�_obert Lucas; Lot 1, Block 3, Tyrol Hi11s Ordinance Commnittee Chairman Jensen gave the fo 1lowing report: "Request is for a waiver o,f Section 3.11 Zoning Qrd3nanc� (3� ft. setback) on Lo't 1, $ioc� 3, Tyrol Fiills. Applicant woul.d like a 27� waiver to an 8 ft. setback from the �Torth lot lY.ne in order - to buxld proposed ho�e. The Committee recogni�es a problem with this lot, but reeommends denial of pre�ent. proposal �rith request that application be returned far resubmittal with a house plan ` more suited to the g12E and shape of this 1.ot". NlQtion by �ischer, seconded by Bedwell that the Planning Gommission acczept the Committee repart. Motaon unanimo�sl� carried. 5738 OLSON MEMC)RIAL HIGHWAY, General Motors, Buick Divi.sion Urdinance Com�3.ttee Chairman Jensen gave the following report: � "�pplication is for a waiver of Secti�n 10.06 of Zuning Ordinance (�0 ft. setback of business arid professianal office category) of 1ot at 5738 41son M�;morial Highwa3r. The Comms.ttee met with four members �epresenting Buick interests �nd discussed this matter at length. The Co�mittee feels that whereas w� would like to have this buildang in our Village, we could not justify a 35 ft. waiver to a 15 ft. setback, and therefore recammands denial." Mr. Thomey and Mr. Schuller, representing General Motors, then asked the ��� REGULAR I�TING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANI9ING COMMISSION, August 11, 1960 Planning Comrr�.ssion to cons3.der a 15� setback waiver to a 35 ft. setbaek as required in the Cvmmercial and industrial categor3.es. After discussiun amor� �he Planning Comm.ission etembers, a motion was aiad� by Discher, seconded by Hetma,n that the Plauning Commission accept the Co�m.ittee report and r�comttuend approval of a i5 ft. waiver to a 35 � setback to the Council. Motion carried with Bed�e11 voting Nt?. ORDIbTANCE - G�,SULTNE SERVICE STA,TIONS �'his item wa� deferred to the Septetnber Planning Commissian m�eting. 682�3 �7.s on Memor3.a1. Highway - Robert Brenny; Lot 27, Aud. Sub. �322 All present agreed tco add the abo�e matter to the agenda. Qrciin,ance Cc�mmittee Chairman Jensen gave the fpllowing reportr "Request i,s for a waiver of Section 3.Os1 ZonYng Ordinanc� (18,750 sq. ft. area) on Lot 27, Auditor�s Subdivision #322. The area of this lot is 283 sq. ft. short of require�nts. The Committee feels that it is to the best interests of the ` � Village, and therefore recommends approvai of a wa3ver of appraxi�ately 2$3 sq. ft. to an 18,l�67 sq. ft. area, provided no other waivers are to be granted on this lot," Motion by Hetman, seconded by Brown that the Planning Commission accept the Committee report and reco�r�d approval of this applicatior� to �he � Council. Motion unanimau.,ly carried. GENERAL L4TS 16 and 17, Hip�as Addition, Robert Moser Zoning Commi.t�ee Cha3rman Dresser asked that this item be added to the agenda. �ll present Agreed. Zoning Com�ittee C�airman Dres�er stated that the Highway Depart�nt has a contractor exeavating on Mr. Moser�s property for road construction. An urgeneg exists �n that Mr. N�oser will have to have the Christ�.an Seience Chureh moved 3n the very near future. Mr. Moser intends to move tt� Church to 1215 Aiorth Lilac Drsve. It was suggested by the Planning Co�i.ssion that the applicant�s request be placed on the August 16th Council ager�da for the purpose of ca113.ng a pi�blic hearing. At said public hearing, a Planning Commission recommendation could be given. Mo�ion by Borehert, seconded by Bromschwig that the Planning Commiission empo�er the Zoning Cag�m3.�tee to act for the Planning Commission in their deeisfon to rezone Lots 16 and 17, Block 1, Hipps Addition to Institutional upon the formal request of Mr. Moser. l�tion unan3utwusly carried. �50 REGUL�R MEETING OF THE GflLDEN V�LLEY PLANNTNG COMML5SIOH, August 11, 1960 There being no fux�her bus3.r�ess to trax�saat, motion by Brown, seconded by Jensen that the meeti.rig be adjourned at 11:l�0 P.M. Mot�.on unatiimously carried. � � � ����,��-��--� � � M�,ke Sell; Secretary George Pennock, President