12-15-60 PC Minutes ���.
of the
�o�,D�a va�z� ��n�� ca�ss�o�
�ecember 15, 19b0
� regula.r meeting of the Planni.ng Commission of the 93.11ag� of Golden �'alley
was held on Thursda�p, December �.5, 1960, at 7:30 p.a�. at the Givic Center,
7$C�0 Golden �alley R�aa�cii, Golden Valle�t`, Minnesota. President Pennvek px�-
sided and the fallowing m�mbers �ere present: B�dwell, Brown, H�tmaxi, densen,
_ Lyx�ch, Etaugland and Shinder. .Q,lso pr�sent were Villa�e £ngin�er, 1?or�ald
Sorens�; Yi1.la�e Attorney, Stanley D. Kane; Building Inspector, Dan Lgnch;
Planniag Com�.i.ssion S�cretary, P�ike Sell.
an motian h� J�nsen seconded �y Lynch, the November 10, 196a Planning Gor�sion
minut�s raers �nan3.r�ousl� appreved.
191� ➢OUGL.�S I�IVE IYUBTH, l�obil flil Company (Proposed Service Sta�ion�
Zoni�g Cnmmitt�e member Hetman gave the follc�wing report:
"The principle pc�ints of the Zoni�g Committ�e report on th� Brat�n
shopping center application also �pply to th� �bil r�quest for
rezoning, Tr7h+en thinking of the Mobil application without �he
proposed shappi.ng c�nter, the same pla,nning theory was disc�ts�ed
�cept that we would h�ve to assume, as indicated, tha� the Bro�m
progerty would de4elap .along residential liries. As a result, th�
Committee reco�nds denial of this request."
(See motion re: bl.5p St. Craix Avenue.}
6150 ST, GROIX A9ENITE, Irving Brown (praposed Shopping C�n�Ger)
Zoning Comaui�tee member Hetman gave the fol.lc�w�.ng �eport:
"This p�t3tien for rezoning to our Coramercial Zone was snbmitted
the 22nd of �.ugt�st, and the Zoning Co�nmi.ttee has warked with A�.
Bx'o�m since that time. The final drawir�gg were most accep�able
�o th+� Gommi.ttee, and met the requis�;ments of ou.r ordinances as
r�svi�wed 3s� detail by� th� Co�nmi.ssionis Secretary. Conside�rabl�
disetzssion deveioped as tQ the area tha� this prapased shoppiag
center would s�rve. We �aere re�3.nded of the Gommission�s action
taken and sa.bseq�zently approved by �the Gouneil for a shop�ing
cerrter at Highwa� #100 and St. Croix A�enue. The Co�ission wi31
rec�13'.that this sit� includad not only a shoppin� cent� but also
a substantiaZ area dedicated to multiple dwe11:3uigs. This pro�€c�
has besn a�l�ea au� to the constrfaction of the new overpass t�nd
land conde�atians. When contacting the present o�nar� o� this
prc�perty-, it w�s found that they pl�n to proceed a.s rapidl�r as
possible. This mearis that the propvs�d Brown applic�tion fc�r a�
ftegu3.ar I�teeting of th� Gold�n Va11�y Planning Comc�ission, �cember 15, 1960
shoFPing c�nter wou7.d b� approximately 4 of a mile from the now
ex3.st3ng retioned parcel an Hi.ghwap �1C3E1 and St. Croix Avenu�, At
the ti� the Zonirtg Go�ttee r�com�nended approv�.i of this shopping
eenter, it gave its recom�endatio�t c�n the basis of a trans3.tional
zon� between t� shopping center �nd the resid8ntial area which
�aas pl.anned to ho�e multiple dwell3.ngs. This mEant that i.n addition
to the multiple dwellings, w� also obs�rved Bassett�s Creek as a divid3n�
lir;e between thc� r�sideatial area. The Zon3.ng Gommi.tte;e a1.so notes
that l�ts 3, !�, 5 �nd 6 of Yarnall;s Q��lden 9alley t}utZot� have not
as ye� b�en plotted, and it is aur-feeling that these parcels shauld
be d�:veloped alo�g residsnti�l lin�s aYZd should not be inPluenced by
ang type of prupos�d co�rcial �oning ar the de4elop�nt of the n�w
highway, We note th�t th� entire area has deqelop�d along r�sidential
lines with the Pur� �il s�ation b�ing the only exception. We strcnglp
fee7. that this residential dev�lop�ent should eontinu�. The lats at
67�.�p and 6120 St. Croix Aven�, as �ell as those at 17�.� Bruris�3.ek and
�:$C3l�Br�znswisk �ou].d b� s�.b�ect to future eommerci.�l inquiries axid
although fencf.ng has been agre�d on betwe�n th� �pplieants and the
r�sidents, th3.s Com��ee does not believe that a shopping e�ater
proj�ct thi� close to res3d.enti�l lots constitt�t�s good p].azini.n�.
As a result, �.t is the epinion of the Committee that the best passible
use af this �ntire parcel af land is for ftzture residential develop-
�n�C. The Cott�3.tt�e re:cem�nds de�a�.a1 of �he request for rezor�ing."
Since th� above two it�;ms w�re handled ,�o�.utly, a mfltion was macie by Brown
seccrnded b�r Bedw�ll, tc� ae€ept both Go�ittee repor�ts and recommend denial
of both requ�sts to �he CQUncil.. Motion u�animousl;� carri�d.
9120 PLYMOUTH AVENUE, Jaccsb Liss; Lots $ thru 15, Block 8,
First Addition to L$keview H�ights
This rsquest for ��zoning �as �aithdrat�n tv permit further studias by the
b83� SA�'DBURG RO�D, Marva.n Jel�nson (Presposed Sehool Bus Garage}
Zon�.ng Co�.tt�e ��r getman �ave the follawing r�port.
�'The applicant agreed to withdr�w his appliaatien permitting the Zoning
Committee �o r�quest a detailed stuc� of the Eng3.r��ering Department on
a possible cha�� of St, Cr�iix Avenue. The Com�.ssion will recall a
pervious dzscussion on th3.s topic, w'�en r�iewing �he Graph�.e Arts
prt�pflsal. T�T� ag�in r�ots ths most diffic�alt intersection of.St. Croix
aa�d Medieine Lake Road. It is our r�eo�ndatit�n tha� the Engin��ring
I�;part�ent �tud�• thi� problem while land is still available, and that
final3�, th� Village take the necsssary setiox� ta eliminate this pr�ble�
situatit�n. Th� Zoning Committee further recammends that �he appl3�earitts
�25.fl� fae be refunded."
Motion b� Jensen seconded b� Brown, to accept th� Co�3,.ttee repor� and ref�d
the �2�.�t1 �pplieation fee. �Iotion unauimov�sly c�rried.
R�gulax I�eeting of th.e �ald�n Yalley P2s�ning Go�gion December 1,5, 1960
132(J S�RING-�tALLEY 8aAI3, .�lfred I,emietix
This item was d�ferred to �lanuary I2, 1961 at the requsst of the applicant.
72.5 RH4IlE ISI��ND AVERiUE SOUT�i, Swanson ar3d Youiagdale
�rdinance Committe� Chairmazt Jensen gave �he follot�g report:
"Reqv,es� is �or �raiver of Seetion 1.l�; Pla.tting R�gula��.�ns (corlveyar3ce
by �t�s and bounds) �nd �.� Seetion 13.Q1 Zonir�g Cc�de (off s�reet
Parl�g). The Commi.t�es disc�zssed this request at length and agreed
to de� the applieati�€u� as presented. The Co�mi.�te� alsv re�o�nds
that �� ask for the str�et right-of-wap on Rhod� Is2ar3d in an„y further
consid�r�tion of this requ�st."
A�. S�anson withdrew the �rec�uest for the wsiver of the parkirsg require�nta,
I�tion by Jenseu s�conded b� Sh3nder to grant a waiver af Sect3.on l.t�, Pl�.tting
Eegulatimns {Conveyanc� by m�tes �d bflunds) and recommend approval to the
Gouncii subjeet to, dedication �f '�Y� W�S'� 3O� O� 'k,�.5 praperty for ��reet
r3.�ht-of-wa�. I�ti4n unan3mously carried.
59�b GOT:�3Eb3 vALLEY ROAD, Qscar Hardin
C'}�ci�anc+� Coa�m,ittee Chairman deasen gave the followi�� r�port:
"�t�q�tes� is �ar a waiver of Sectior� ?-B-15 and Section 7 F-1, Platting;
Re�ulatians to pe�x�.� eonstraction of a stable on a 1ot with no
�'t'QA'15�g@ on a public street. Appl3cxarit rioes �eet the r equirem�nts
vf S�sct3.an 2.0� Zonir3g Code (St�ble� in an C?p�n Develogmerrt 2otlirig
I33.gtric�). The Comu►i.ttee recom�nds approval,"
Mctita� b�r Lyneh s�conded b� Het�naa to aceapt the Committec report ar�d reca�nd
approv�.1 of thi� request to the Cuuncil.. �tion r�aar�imously sarried.
I�ot 20, B].o�le 2, LAI{Ei�tEGT HEIGATS, Maurice Goleln�n
4rdin�nce Co�i.tt�e Ct�airtn�n J��en ga�e the fcllo�ring repc�rt:
"&equest is f4r wai�rer af Section 3.452 Zoning Code (Merger af �itle).
.The Co ttee exa�ir►cd a purehasc agree�nt dated l�ov�mber, 1955, �hieh
is n4t etoctunent�d a�d �,lso the �emorancium c�f owners. a� tI� basi�.� af
ee�rri.d�nee preseated, the Cumm3.�t�� feels obligated to ree��eud da�i�.l."
�o actian v�s taken. It xas the decisioA of the Planning C€��3.ssiQn �uud stated
bg the �hair.�ar�, that tt�e prc>ponen� should snb�.t sa�tisfaetory �v3.dence ta the
�`i2lage �.ttorr��y that this lot is nat s�tb�ec� to the Merg�r of Title E)rd�ce.
3339 NUBLE .�vEI�TtTE �3oRTH, Ciel].mo�at �harp
t)rdinan�e Ca�an3.ttee Ci�airman J�nsen gave the following report.
Reg�.lar Me�ting vf th� Gol.den Valley Plarua3.ng Ca�issian T3cce�nber 1S, 1qb0
�Request is for waiver af Sectiun 7.2�,, P].atting R.eegulatior�s {Cornreyance
by i�etes and baunds) and �ection 3.�5 Zoning Cod� (Creating a lot
s�,ller tha�n 1�� ft. frontag� and 12,500 sq. ft.) . �he Cam�3.�tee
checked th� survey ar�ci th,e propc�c�d building plan. They �lsn tuok
n�te c�f the fact that th3s �as �he anl� vac�.nt lot left ira this
im�diate area, The Gomm�i.ttee feel.s that gr�nting thi.� request wotald
be 3n the best interests of t?�e Village �ad th�refore recam�nds agpra��.l.TM
�otian 2� Lyneh seeonded by Shinci�r, ta accept the C��3ttee r�pQrt a�d
re�ammend apprvval of this request t€� th� Go�eil with the stipul.�tion that
15t sid� pards �ast be rnaintained. M�tic�� unanimcr�.sly carried,
Ordinanca Com�ai.tte� Ch�irm� Jer�;ss�n read th� propossd ordinance.
MEation by Jensen secc�nded b� Bedwell, tc� recommend appro�al of t}� proposed
aasoline Station 4rdinaMCe as read to th� Council, Motic�n unani�nvusl� carried.
.� �
A prupased amendment was r�ad and discussed by the Plat�ning Co�nis��on,
I�otion b�r Raugland seaanded by Brown, to rec��nd apprvv�.l of the propased
a�r�dm�nt to tMe Zon�.�ag Cade tct the Council; said arnendment to be returtted
to the Plannu�g Co�,saion a�ter f3rst reading by th� Go�ncil. l�tiAn �sarriecl
t�i.th L�rnch �nd J�nsen voting "�i{}".
L(?TS b1 throt�gh 71 �ND LOTS 115 thrc�t�h 125,_ GLEN6+Ta0D ALIDITIO�'
The Planning Co�mis aic�n discttssed the abc� �d a motion was mad� by Brt��,
s�conded by F�angland, to reea�nend to thc GQUn�il vacation of �he aZley
sub�ect to util3.ty easements. �otian unanuntausly cax°ried.
Chairmaz�, Pennoek apperinted Harold Lyneh ar�d Paul �el� t� a Committee t�
nomuiata new �affieers fc�r 1961; �ir. L�ch to act as Chairman vf the �o�m3.��ee.
There taeing no f�zrther busine�s to tr�nsact, motion b� Hetman seeonded by
fta�.gland t� a.djourn at 10:l�5 p.m. 1'�otion ur�aisi�c>usl�r c�rried.
.,-�_ ��,
Mi.ke Sell, Seeretary
_ � �
Geor�ge Per�nock, Px���ider�t