01-12-61 PC Minutes ��J' RECrUZAR MEETIIVG of the GOLDEN VALLEY PLA1�iII3G GONIl�IISSIOI� danuary 12, 1961 A regular meeting of the Planning Cornmission of the Village of Golden Valle�r was held an Thursday, January 12, 1961� at 7:30 p,�. at the Civic Center, 7$t� Golden Valiey Road, Golden Valley, Minnes�ta. Vice Fresident Brown pres3ded and the fallowing rr�mbers were present: Bromschwig, 13ischer, I)resser, Het�aan, Jensen, Lynch, Raugland, 3enstad, Shinder, Straw and VanHauer. Also present were Donald Sorensen, Gillage Engineer; Dan Lynch, Bui]siing Inspector; and Mike Sell, Planning Commission Secreta.�y. �n motion by Jensen seconded by Dresser, the December 1�, 1960 Planning Co�ission minutes were unanimously approved. Mr. Joe Bro�wn, Aeting Chairman of the Planning Commissian introduced Mr, Paul Senstad, P�rr. Logan Straw and Mr. Robert Vanxa,uer, the ne�aly appointed Planning Cammission members. ' ELECTION OF �FFICERS Mr. Harold Lynch, �ember of the nominating committee, recorrur►ended that Mr. Gearge P�nnoek, NIr. Joe Brown and Mr. Mike Sell be eleeted President, Vi�ce Pr;�sident and Secretary, respectively, of the Planning Commission. Motion by Raugland seeonded b� Jensen, that the Planning Commission accept the recomm�ndation of the nominating cornmittee and elect George Pennack to the office of President, Joe Brown to the office of vice President, and Mike Sell to the office of Seeretary. Motion unanimous7,� carried. ZONCNG �b25 �I,SON I�ORIAL IiLGHWAY, Trach Construction Co�pany (proposed Multiple Uwelling) Zoning Committee Chairman Dresser gave the following report: "The request ig for rezoning by Trach Construetion Campa,ny for the • parcel of land at �62� 01son Memorial Highway from open d�velt�prr�nt to proposed multiple dwelling. The Commission will: r+�call that , this pareel last-appeared on our agenda in May of 1960, when General Motors asked for rezoning for their Buick Division. This same .parcel has px�viously been reviewed, for mta.ltiple dwelling units as wel�. as other uses.. The Zoning Committee continues to feel that this land can very readily be deveioped into residential lots. The Engineering Depart�nt, at the request of the Cammission in May, laid out �he street patt�rn and l�t location for this pa,rcel of land, whieh could de�clap into at least 17 residential lots, taking in�to consideratfion the two lang lots to the west of the paxcel. The site is fully developed by residential areas on a1I three sides. Yosema.te Avenue is d�esloped, as is t�oodstock, and also the servi.ce drive to the east has developed residential],�. The fact that General Motors, Bertelson and the rest home are across Highway 55 should have r�o bearing on the planning develapment of this site. As a result, the Zo�i.ng Commi��ee, ��� Regular l�teeting of the Golden Va11ey Planning Commission January .12, 1961 � as it previously has stated, continues to feel strongly that this parcel should be develaped into residential lots. From a long range standpoint, it has been our feeling that the south side of Highway 5� fram Highw.ay I00 wes� should d�v�lop along residential lines. This feeling also exists in �°elation to Hi�hway 100 from Highway �� sfluth. In restating our position, from a planning standpvint, there would be 1ittle justi.fication in proposi.n� �oning for either eommercial or multiple dwelling c�r� the last piece af land in ax� developed area. If we ar�: to continue to develop in Golden Falley, we must prevent the encroachment of rezonin�s within our nearly fully developed areas such as this one. A.dmittedly the applieants have come up with a most desirab2e build5.ng, one which �ae, as residents of G�lden Valley, could trul.y be proud of. Its briek �xterior, its ar�hitectural design and proposed landscaping plan wauld be most desirable az3d �ae would hope that - , its development could oeeur in anather ares. However, as we vie�a th+� site and entire area in question, it is quite apparent to us that if rezQnix;g other than residential were proposed far this site, the Village might well expect additional requests aic�ng the service road of Iiighway �5 and finally south along Highway 100 to Woodstock Avenue. The Zonir� Commi.ttee unanimously recoramends denial of this appl.ication. In additivn, and as a part of the denial of rezo'ning, we again suggest that �his area be zoned Residential': Mr. Dave TracY� presented his proposal and answered questions the Commissivn asked of him. P�r. Harry Ranks, �726 Woodsto�k Avenue, stated to the Cammission that he had talked to a dozen home owners vn Yosezni�e..and Woodstoek �.venues and that these home awners w�re unani.r�ous in their opposition to the proposed multiple dwelling. A motion was �.de by Bromschwig seconded by Raugland, that the Flanning Commission aceept the G�mmittee report and recommend denial of this application to the Council. Motion unanimously carried. AMENI�ENT 'TO THE RESIDF,hTTIAL Z�NING CATEGORY The Corr�mission Seeretar,y presented a map and a IiSt keyed to the map, of the areas which were platted and approved by the Council since the last revision of the Residential Zoning eatEgary. Motian by Dresser secanded by Raugland to recomm�nd to the Council that the listed areas be zoned to Residential. Motion wnanimously earried. The Secretary indicated to the Commission other areas which it is feit are �ac�rtT� of c�nsideration for zoni.ng to residential category. This matter was referred to the Long Range an�. Zoning Comm3.ttees for st�.c�y and recofnmer�dation in �he near future. 1 Reg�.lar Meeting of the Golden Valle�r Planning Gommission Januaxy 12, 1962 �RI7INANCE WAIVERS SOUTHWEST C�R1+iII?. T.H, �12 and T.H. �#10�, Rtaegele Advertising Comparr� Ordi.nance Committee Chairman Jensen gave the followin� reportr "Request is for the waiver of Sec. 5.03, Pa�'. 33, Zc�ning Code (Prohibiting biliboards along T.H. I00 & T.H, 55 � �,H. 12) to allow the construction o� a billboard on the Sc�uthwest � corner of the intersection of Highways 12 and 100. - RecOmm�ndation: After much discussion, the Committee felt it would be to the best i.nterests �if the Village 1VOT to::wai�e the ordinance, The Comrnittee recommends denial of this applicatian." The Commission questioned Mr. Tom Sullivan, representing the applicant, about the proposed billboard. Mcstzon b�r Shinder seconded by VanHauer, ta accept the Committee report and recommcnd denial of the request to the Crauncil. Motion unanimouSly carried. 1320 SFRTNG V.aLLEY ROAD, Alfred Lemiewc (Comreya.�ce by Metes and Bounds} t7rdinance Commi.ttee Chairman Jensen gave the following report: "Request is for waiver of Sec. 1.lj,, Platting ReguZations (Conveyance b;� Nletes and. Bflunds) to create two lots at this address. � Recommendation: The Committee agreed that inasmuch as this s�equest meets our standard lot requirements, no practical interests of the V'iliage would be se�red in denyin� this request. The Committee �here- fore reeomrriends approval. The Committee suggests that the appiicant cvnsult wi�th the Building Inspeetor as to the loeation of the division line bet�een the two lots." Letter�s<�voicin� their objection to the proposed lot division from Dr. J. A. Resch, 1318 Spring Valley Road and from Mr. G. C. Sava�e, 1315 Sgring Valley Road, we�e read to the Plannin� Commission. Motion by Bromschwig seconded by Diseher to accep� the Committee report and recommend approval of this request to the Couneil. Motion u.nanimously carried. ��N�:NT TO INDUSTRIAL, LiGHT INWSTRIAL AND CON�R.CI.AL ZfJNING CATEGOftIES This item was deferred to the �e�ru�y ib, 1961 Planning Commission meeting. LONCx RANGE PL�,NNING REQUFST FOR STREET VACATSOAI - POPLAR I�'tIVF; � Long Range Flanriing Committee N'1ember Raugland gave the f ollowing report: '�This request is fc�r vacation af about l0a feet of Foplar Drive from ��� Regular Nleeting of the �olden Valley Flanning Commission January 12, 1961 Ardmore Drive Easterly. This small portian of Poplar Drive ha� �ot been developed as a street becaus� of the steep sloping terrain, and it seems unlikely that it wi11 be developed for sorae time ta come. The r�quest for vacation ste� from a reqaest for waivers to permit a 35t x 'j4� house on Tract B located exactly south of the intersection of Poplar and Ardmore. This house is abviously too bsg for the lot; and, even though this vaeation were �ranted, waivers would still be needed. The Long R�nge Committee cansidered the vacation of tl�is small portion of Paplar I}rive at eonsiderable length and tried ta assess the effects on the ger�eral pub7.ie and the neighborhood, We could only conclu�ie that such vacation wvuld benefit anly Tract B, at po5sible futare inconven�- ience or expense to the Village and the neighborhQOd shouid there be need for the street for tztilities, a walkway or other public use, even though it seems improbable at this time tha� i.t will be graded into a street. The Committee thereforc recommends denial. However, the Committee suggests that the Commission consider the s�e- vision of the east line of Ardmore �rive at Traet B, In this area, . Ardmore Urive is mare than 60 feet wide. If the width were revised to 60 feet, and the excess vacated in favor of Tract B, it appears tha� this 1ot would be substantially improved for building. Any such revision of street li.nes shouid be according to recommendations from the Village , Engineer. In makin.g this suggestion, the Lang Range Cammittee doeg not in�end to � imply that it condones constructing a hfluse too big �'or the Iot, whieh seems to be the princapal dif�ieulty in thi.s ease. However, this is an tuiusual lat, both as to shape and topograpl� and same reasonable waivers might be considered." Mc3tion by Jensen seconded by �Tan�iauer, to accept the Committee report and x�eeommend denial, of thi.s request to the Council. Mption unanimously carr3.ed. IIdTERCHANGE ,�T CfltINTY ROAD �18 and MEDICINE L�KE ROAD Long Range Plarining Committee Member Raugland gave the following report: "The Long Range Committee reviewed the preliminar� lay�out for the proposed irrrprovement of Hennepin County Road �I8 which was subm:i.tted to the Ghairman on December 16, 19ba, by the Village Engir�eer. The T+�ain points for considerat�on were the interchange layout at I�edieine Lake Road and its effect on the Halseth Shopping Center, and the importance of the Uuluth Street intersection with County Road �1$. Since this layout is of a prel3minary nature, these recommendations can be based only on the available information and land development whieh has accured to date. Subsequent developments coulc change the needs in this area cansiderabl�r sinee there is no target date for e onstrta.etion. ��� fteguZar l�eet3ng of t�e Golden Qalle,p Flanning Com�ission January 12, 1g61 The Committes is of the opinion �hat the interchange;,at Medicine Lake Road is satisfactory as shown on the layout. It was felt that the best interests vf the Qill.age as a whole would be served by carrying the serv:ice drive along the present road rather than moving it eas� of the , proposed shapping center and bisecting the rema;ining cammE;reial property. If this seems to work a hardship on the Ha1.5eth project, th,e Gommit�tee can � only paint out that the possibility of an interchange at this point has been common knowledge for so� time. In faet, the i.rriportance of �his inters�ction was recognized several years ago when the property was rezoned , to Commereial category. The interchange at this point is essential to the - free flow of �raffic which will be �he "li.fe blood" of the comm�rcial development in the immediate area. The �ommittee also recognizes the pr�ssibil.ity that the corrunercial area ma� b� expanded in thi's lvcality. The Committee aiso wishes to po3nt out that there is a cansiderable amotuzt of property presently zoned Commercial to the East of the Halseth prtsperty, should these developers feel that the highway encroachment would be disasterous to their project. In regard to Duluth Street, the Committee feels that the importance of this street has gradually ditninished over the past several years, and particularl,y since the General Mills Reeearch Center took such a large area (over l� acres) out of possible home development. 9nother factor affecting the importance of Dulu�h (or Earl) is the improbability of ever g�n��ating enough traffic to warrant an interchange at County Road #�18 when there will be i.nterchanges 2 mile to the North and 2 mile to the South. Without an interchange, �raffic from Dti.lut;� could oniy go 1Vorth on County Raad #�18 or travel the service drive. It would seem more logical to direct our efforts to the developrrn�eent of a North-South street like Ensi.gn to collect residential traff ic and direct it to Medicine La,ke Road where , it could utilize �he in�erchange �'or access to Gounty Road �18. Du7.uth Street now serves as -a good local collector stxeet to take trafficF , � easterl�r to Winnetka, a distance of 2 mile. 23rd Avenue North also serves this function and has the possibility of be�.r2g e�ended further to thw west without interferi.n� with the General Mil1s property. General Mills has in effeet separated the Lakeview Heights neighborhood from the newer develop- mmen�s to the East and Aiortheast. There see.ms to be little need tQ encoura�e connections between the�se areas at Duluth Street, It would seem more logical. tt� expect the neighborhoad which will develop north of Lakeview He3.ghts and General Mi11s to be more compatable to the present development to the East and 23rc� Avenue �ould be the logical cor�neetor. Zn fact, it will be the or�ly East-Wes�t connectc�r, and for this reason more than a�y other, Duluth should be e�rtended across or around the General �Ii11s propexty ts provide anQther East West aecess. It w�ald seem, however, that n�:i�h���o� these streets, Duluth or 23rd, wauld beeom� heavilp traveled. In fact, they �hould be eneouraged to rem,ain at the level of neighborhood collector str�ets. Thus, the Cor�unittee concluded that the layout with respeet to Duluth Street was adequate." After discussion of the plans b�r the Commission, a motion was made b3� Jensen secanded by Bromschwig, to accept the Committee report ar�d re�ommend gen�ral acceptance to the Counei l. Motion una�imously carried. �� Regular I+�eeti.ng of the Golden Valley F�.anning Commission January i2, 1961 GENERAL Zona.ng Commi.�ttee Chairman. Dresser req�zested, and was granted permission, ta address the Com�nission. I�r. Dresser stated that due to increased responsibilities and duties as Trea.�urer of Golden Qalley School Board, he had reqtzested that he not be reappointed as a member of the �3arir�3.ng Co�ni�sion. He expressed his gratitude at having had the opportunity to sexve on the Planning Comrr�i.ssion. He stated that it had been a distinet pleasure, and that he was partictzlarly thankful for �he ver� fine eooperation from the me�bers of his Gommittee and �he excellent assistance given him by the Commission Secretary. Aeting Chairman Brown, re�ponding on behal� of the CommissiQn, expressed the Commission�s gratitude for I�r. Dresserr� service and further indicated tha� the value of Mr, 1lresser�s services is readiZy evident as exhibited by his man� excellen� Zoning Committee repvrts. P(?RTFOLIOS F�R N�n1 ME�II�S A mation was made by Jenaen secc�nded by Brown, to purchase new portfoli�s for the new Planning Commission members. I�tion unani.mouslp carried. There being no further business ta transact, motion by Jensen seeonded by Lynch, that the meeting be adjc�urned at 10:00 p.m. I�Iotion unanimously carried. Mike Se3. , Secretary � � �. Jo Brown, eting C irman