02-16-61 PC Minutes �
of the
February 16, 1961
A regular �eting �f the Planning Co�r¢nission of the Village of Golden Val.le3�
was held on Thursda�, February 16, 1961, at 7:30 p.m. at the Civic Center,
, 7800 Golden Va11ey Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. President Pennock presided
and the following members were present: s���ii, Bromschwig, Brown,. Hetman,
Lynch, Raugland, Senstad, Straw, VanHauer and Velz. Also present were Donald
Sorensen, V'illage Eng3neer; S�tanley D. Kane, Village Attflrney; and M3.l�e Sell,
Planning Comm:ission Secretary.
On motion by Hetman seconded by Raugland, the January 12, 1961 Planning Commission
. minutes were unaniFnously appro�ved.
Comm3.ssion Chairman Pennock stated that cor,�ittee assignments had been made
and that Comm3.ssion members were sent a roster of assignments. He then
formally assigned the following as chairmen:
Joe Brown Chairman, Long Range Planning Comm�.ttee
Lyle Jensen Chairman, Ordinance Committee
Robert Raugland Ghairman, Plat Committee
Frank Hetman Cha.irman, 2onin� Committee
Plat Committee Chairman Raugland gave the fol�.owing report:
'�Mr. Olson, in platting this ground, wishes to make provision fc�r a
future extension of this plat at the northeast corner. For this
reason, he has provided an outlot number two as well a5 a temporary
turnaround at the north end of this plat. A.fter studying this problem
together with other difficulties encountered, the Plat Committee
recomr�nds the followi.ng changes to this p1at.
l. The Northeast corner of the temporary turnaround, which is a �
ciamension �f 6b� x 60� together with outlot number 2 and Lot 1,
Block 2, all be incorporated i.nto one ot�tlot. The puxpose of
this is as follows:
� Since the northwest corner of Lot l, B1ock 2, must be
used at this tirae as, part of the tempora2y turnaxound,
it was felt that there must be assurance to the Villa�e that
this lot will not be buil� on until the plat is e�ctended and
Regular<Meeting of the �olden Vall.ey Planning Cornmi.ssion, Febr�a.ary 16, 1961
the temporary turnaround eliminated so as to assure
t�at there wi11 remain sufficient ground for a 100�
d.iameter turnaro�nd.
2. This will then make three distinct outlots in the plat, and should
be numbered according to the recommendation of the Village Er�a.neer.
3. This wi11 also require the renumbering of the lots in Block 2.
4. The Plat Comm7.ttee a].so wishes to remind Mr. Olson that the front
yard setback is 35�, and that the 20� setback shown on Lot 8,
Block l, would not-be allowed.
5. That there be provided a 50� easement along Bassett�s Creek.
With the above recommendations, the P1at Committee at their meeting, �
recommended approval. However, since this meeting, additional inform-
ation has been given the Chairman of this Committee, which makes him
seriously wonder if approval at this time is appropriate. The Engi.neering
Department of the Village has said that Mr. Olson agreed with the Village
to provide a 2 to 1 slope from the ri.ght-of-way on Bassett Creek Drive
to the creek and that the present two outlots along the drive are not
sufficient to provide this slope. Also, that Mr. 01son had agreed and
had received permission to straighten the creekbed through Lot 8, Block
1.. This ha.s not been done.
Considering al.l of these factors, it is the opinion of the Chairman of
the P1at Committee that this plat should be deferred since �here are
too ma.ny changes that should be made. Mr. Olson should have his
surveyors re-draw the p1at, incarporating into it a1.1 of these recommend-
ations. The plat may then. be resubmitted and the Plat C�mm�.ttee will
reconsider it at that time."
Motion by Lynch seconded by Hetman, to accept the Comma.ttee report and defer
this item to the Marcl�, 1961, Planning Commission me�ting. Motion unanimous ly
M,,�.LLERtS ,,�,DDTTI�N - Clarence Nialler
Plat Comm�.ttee Ghairman Raug1.€�nd gave the foll.owi.r�g report:
'�This plot fronts on Georgia Avenue North and adjoins the Westchester
Plat. It is part of an area which is owned by many landowners and
which, as a result, is divided in mar�,y individual parcels of land, some
af which are landloeked. This area was f ormerly studied by the Plann3ng
Coramission and a proposed street pattern for the entire area was suggested.
At the time of this stuc�r, a 100� diameter turnaround was pr�posed for
the east of Mallerfs property. Since this turnaround is not 3.rs at this
time, the Mallers are proposing a strip of land facing on Georgia Avenue,
whieh is 33� wide and 87� deep, to be used for a driveway for access to
Lot 1. This in turn, reduces Lots 2, 3, a.nd l� to 8,5� width. The Plat
177 .
Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission, February 16, 1961
Committee gave considerable time to the study of this plat in an attempt
to redesign the lots so as to provide a 100� frontage. There was also
consideration to reduce the number of lots to 3 in place of !� in order
ta obtain a 10�� frontage. However, due to the terrain of this area,
which will require a cons3.derable amount of �il� to make these lots
bu:ildable, and the economics involved, it was f3nally determined that
the plat submitted was the only sensible way in which this property could
be divided.
The Plat Committee therefore, recommends approval of the plat with a
hardship waiver given to reduce the width of Lots 2, 3, and 1� fram I00�
t� 85�. The Plat Committee also recommends that sufficient land be pro-
vided by the petitioner to provide, in the eas�G side of the property, one-
half the required area necessary for a 100� turnaround. The location of
such to be deterrnined by the Village Engineer."
Mr. and Mrs. Maller were present and answered questions of the P].anning Comanission.
After discussion, a motion was made by Brown seconded by Bromschwig, to accept
the Oommittee report and recommend appro�al of this request to the Council.
Mo�tion unanisn�usly carried.
Plat Committee Chairman Raugland gave the fol.lowing report:
"The Nortronics Company, Inc. ha.s asked that the present s�reet name,
Busch Crossroads, be changed either to Norco Avenue or Magnetic Avenue.
They have stated that they desire a name that is phonetic �,nd one that
will appear advantageous as a business street address. The Nortronics
Company has 3n a pe�ition, the names of a11 the property owners on Busch
Crossroad except that of Northern Sta.tes Power Company. They do, howev.er,
state a.n their letter that Northern States Power Company has been contacted
and that they have no objection to a change.
The P1at Comm.ittee fee� that changing the name Busch Crossroads to either
of the above mentioned names would be of no advantage to eit her the Village
of Golden Valleg or the Post Office and that the only advantage would be
for the Nortronics Company. The Committee does not feel it wise to change
the name of any street in the Village for this purpose, since this may
encourage other coYapanies 3n the Village to petition for the s�ne type of
change. We also feel that if aqp change were to be made, it should be to
the name of lOth Avenue North si.nce there is a possibility that this street
may be e�rtended to Highway #18, in which case it would then 1i.ne up with
lOth Avenue North in Plymouth Village,
For the above reasons, the Plat Committee recommends denial of this request.""
Motion by Lynch seconded by Ve1z to accept the Committee report, but:�to�refer
the request back to the P1.at Committee for further study,
Regular l�eting of the Golden Valley Planning Commi.ssion, February 16, 1961
This item was deferr�ed pending final approv°a1 and fil3ng of the Ad�ei^��:s�g-
Creative Center Plat.
9120 PLYM�UTH AVENUE, Jacob Liss (proposed multiple dwelling, 11 units)
Zoning Committee Chairman Hettaa,n gave the following report:
'tThe request is for rezoning from Residential to Multiple Dwelling;
Lots 8 through 1�, B1ock 8, F�,rst Addition to Lakeview He�ghts.
The applicant proposes to build an eleven (11) zuzit apartment. The
plan, as proposed, meets a11 the requ�rerr�nts of the existing V3.11age
After meeting with the proponents, the Committee unanimously recommends
that the Planning Commission ap�^ave the rezoning request. The Zor�ing
Committee�s recommenda.t�.on is based on the following points:
1. The proposed apaxtment units would serve as a buffer between
the residential area to the north and the open develop�nt
land to the south. The Committee felt that the area to the
south of Pl.�nwuth, now in open development, would co�tinue
developing into the Industrial Zoning classi�ication.
2. The proposed p1.an for the development of these lots would
el.imina�e the need of F1agg Avenue as a street which appears
impractical. due t4 the sharp grade in the rear of Lots 10 & 11.
3. Tn reeommendang the rezoniaig, the Committee felt that the plan
would be the best use of the land and in keeping with sound
overall planning."
Motion by Brown seconded by Lynch, to accept the Committee report and recamrr�end
approva]. of this request to the Council. Motion unanimo�sly carried.
2,�0 ARDMflRE DRIVE N(�RTH - J. H. Janes
Ordinance Comrnitt�e member B�dwell gave the.'follow3.ng reportr
"Request is for waiver of Sec. 3.1.1. (setback requirements) of 15 ft,
to a 2� ft. 5etback from Poplar �rive (North lot lirie) . The Committee
e�iewed the property, noted the location of building stakes as well
as the size and shape of thi.s lot. The Com�ittee recommends approval
of this request, subject �o the vacation of a certain portion of
Ardmore Drive.'"
�_ :�.
Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission, February 16, i961
Motion by Brown seconded by Lynch to accept the Committee report and recommend
approval of this requegt to the Council. Motion unanimousl.y carried.
l�p01 WAYZATa BOULEVARD (LOT��., BLOCK 3, TYROL HLLIS) - Mrs. Catherine Vehe
Ordinance Comm.i.tt�e member Bedwell gave the follo�ring report:
4'Request is for waiver of Sec. 3.11 (setback requirements) of approximately
15 ft. to approximately 20 ft. setback from street line. The Comt�ittee
vi.ewed this property and nated the absence of an�r indication of established
lot 13nes or survey stakes. The exa.ct setbacks were not established on the
proposed building plan and there seems to be some question as to the size
of �h�.s lot since a pprtion was taken by the Highway Department some years
ago. In view of these facts and that the house p1an seems to be too large
for this�.lot, the Committee would recom�nend denial. However, the COTil111�'�'F,EE
feels this request should be deferred at this time and g3.ve the appliea�t
an opportunity to bring in a plan more suited to the si.ze of the lot, to-
gether with a certified stxrv�ey with the proposed building location accurately
drawn on it and stakes set on the lot to show the proposed building location
�.ri relation to the lot lines."
Motion by Lynch seconded by Iietman to accept the Committee report and take no
action at this time. Motion tananimously carried.
TYiis item was deferred to the March Planning Commission meeting.
REQUF�T FOR STRF.ET VACATION - ARDNIC3RE DRIVE (a part adjaining Tract B, R.L,S. �889)
Long Range Corn�nittee Chairma,n Brown gave the following report:
E'This request came as a result of the Long 8ange Committee�s recommendation
to Mr. Jones at their Januar�r, 1961 meeting. (See Planning Commission
minutes of January 12, 1961) The Long Ra,�ge Commi.ttee recommends approval
for this request."
Motion b�r Velz seconded by Hetman to accept the Comm3...ttee repor�t and recorrenend
approval of this request to the Council. Mot,i on �nanimously carried.
Long Aange Committee Chairman Brown gave the following report:
�'As a result of the reaZignment and construction of Plymouth Aver�ue,
there is now an excess 4f street right-of-way adjoining Psr. Ness�
�troper�y. �he Long Range Commi.ttee recommends approval of this request
Regular Meeti.ng of the Golden Va11ey Planning Commission, February 16, 1�9b1.
subject to review by the Village Attorney as to the status of the :
prapexty to be vacated.'�
A�cation by Bromschwig seconded by Raugland to accept the Comtnittee report and
recommend approval of this request to the Council. Motion unanimously carried.
RE�UFST FOR STR.EET VACAfiION - XENIA AVENUE in Village Terrace Addition
A11 present agreed to add the above ma.tter to the agenda..
Mr. Paul Enghauser, platter of Vil.lage Terrace Addi.tion, is 3n the process
of obtaining a Torrens Title for his plat. Records show th�t this tu3used
street rnay have been vacated about 30 years ago, however, thi� is not elear.
It is now requested that the Village formally vacate Xenia Avenue.
l+�otion by Lynch seeonded by Raugland that the Planning Commi.ssion rec��mend
approval of this request to the Council.. I�tion unanimously c�rried.
Mr. Robert Rydburg, Research Director of the Minneapolis Gas Cort�aa�y�s Area
I�evelopment Departrnent, appeared before the Comu�ission and brought them up to
date on the progress made in the study of Golden Valley, originally approved
by th� Commission at their meeting of December 12, 1959.
The series af maps resulting from this �tudy were formally presented to the
Village Couneil on Feb:ru�y 7, a.961. After briefly reviewi.ng these rnaps� l�r.
Rydburg expressed his thanks to the Com�issi�n and the Admi.nistrative staff
for the help in compiling the information an the map series.
Tl�ere bei.ng no further business to transact, motion by Bed�aell seconded by
Raugla�d, that the meet3.ng be adjourned at 11.�5 p.m. Mo�ion unan�mously
�f Mi.ke Se11, Seeretary
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�-Geor Pennock, Presidettt