03-16-61 PC Minutes �(.J� REGULAR MEETING- of the GOLDEN VAT,LEY PLAIVNING CO1�tISSION Marcn 16, 1961 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the Village of Golden Valley was he�d on Thursday, March 16, 1961 at 7:30 p.m. at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Va11ey Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. President Pennock presided and the fol.lowing members were present: Bedwell, Bromschwig, Discher, Hetman, Loughland, Lynch, Raugl,and, Senstad, Shinder, Straw and Vanliauer. Also present were Donald 5orensen, Village Engineer and Mike Sell, Planning Commission Secretary. On motion by Bromschwig, seconded by VanHauer, the February 16, 1961 Planning Commission minutes were unanimously approved. PLATS GOLDEN M�NOR ,A,DDITZQN, Paramount Builders, Inc. Plat Comm3.ttee Chairman Raugland gave the following report: "This proper�ty is owned by Paramount Builders, 818 West Lake Stree�, Minneapolis 8, Minnesota. The property is of an irregular shape, facing on Glenwood Avenue with one corner extending to the southwest intersection of Glenwood Avenue and Edgewood Avenue. The plat provides for a future extension of Western Avenue to the west. Tt cons�.sts of one lot in block one of sufficient size to allow for a two fami:ly residence and also four lots in block two of single family residences` serviced by a cul-de-sac. After study of this plat, the Plat Committee recommends approval without ar�y changes,�' Motion by Shinder seconded by Bedwell, that the Planning Commission accept the Comm�.ttee report and recommend approval of this plat to the Counc�.l. Motion unanimously carried. VALLEY VIEW ADDIT�ON, Louis Riegert Plat Committee Chairman Raugland gave the following report: "This property is owned by Louis J. Riegert and Anne M, ftiegert, The property is located on the North side of Lowry Terrace from Regent Avenue North to 22� feet west of Scott Avenue North. The depth of the property is approximately l66 feet. This is in the Yale Garden Homes area, in which an overall plat was prepared for and approved by the Village Council several years ago. The surrounding area consists of many undersized lots and the plat approved by the Gouncil al.so consisted of undersized lots for the property in question. It was the feeling of the P1at Committee that the plat presented by Mr. Riegert very satisfactorily accomplishes the ideas set forth by the Council'and therefore, we recommend ��� Regul.ar Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission, Nlarch 16, 19b1 approval together with the necessary waivers of �.ot fron�tage and lot size as indicated on the plat.�' Motion by Shinder seconded by Bromschwig, that the Planning Commi.ssion accept the Committee report with the additional recommendation that the platter be allowed to increase the size of the corner l.ots, but maintaining a minimum 80 foot width for the interior lots, and recommend approval to the Council. Motion unanimously caxr�ed. BRUNSWICK COURT 2ND ADDITION, Ken Nash P1at Committe� Chairman Raugland gave the following report: '�This property is owned by Kenneth Z. Nash and is located alor�g the south side of 22nd Avenue North between Zane Avenue North and Brunswiek Avenue North. fihe pla� conforrr� with all platting reQuire- ments, however, the Plat Committee ha.s asked Mr. Nash �to present to us a proposed rough pla� of the property to the south so as to determine that there wi11 be suffieient land to the south to adequately lay out this property for the proposed lots and roads in this area. The Plat Cpmmittee recommends approval." Motion by Lough�.and seconded by Bromschwig to accept the Committee report and recommend approval of this plat to the Council. Motion unanimously carried. STREET NAME CHANG� - BUSCH CROSSROAD Plat Commit�ee Chairman Raugland gave the following report: "This item is carried over from last month, at which time the Plat Committee recommended denial of the proposed street name change for Busch Crossroad. Nir. John Yngve, representing the petitioners, stated that �he Nortronics Company still desired the name Busch Crossroad to be changed, and that the P1at Committee recommendation to change the name to lOth Avenue North was perfectly acceptable to t hem. The Plat Committee, at this time, reeommends approval of the change in street name from Busch Crossroad to lOth Avenue North." Motion by Shinder seconded by Hetman, that the Planning Commission accept the Commi.�tee report and recommend approval of this request to the Council, The motion was carried, 8 to 3, mernbers Bromschwig, Lynch and VanHa.uer voting ttNpt�� ZOlVING 770Q WAYZATA BOULEVARD - Ridahl Construction Company (proposed office building) Zoning Committee Chairman Hetman gave the following report: �V� Regular Mee�ing of the Golden Valley Planning Commission, Maxch 16, 1961 �tThe application requests a rezoning from residential to Professional and business office use. Lots 5 through 8 and Zots 17 througk� 20, Block 1�, Confer and Erickson�s Baulevard Gaxdens Addition, except tha.t portion to be used for the Highway 12 9.nterchange at Winnetka. The applicant�s representatives, Mr. Gerrish, and Mr. Westerlund, the ; project architects, presented to the Zoning Committee the develop�ent plan of the land, as well as the building plans. The proposed building would incorporate an open area on the ground f loor which would prov�:de part of the parking area required. The proposed structure would have a brick finish and the p1an, as presented, includes a tree planted area separati.ng the develo�nt from the residential area to the north. After consideration of all aspects of the rezoning request, the Committee unan3.mously recommends tha.t the Planning Commission approve the rezoning request for the entire parcel af land, including that portion set aside for the Highway development, and that the landscaping buffer on the north be made a part of the overall plan. In considering the applic ation for rezoning, the Commi�ttee established the following points: 1. This parcel of land has posed a probl.em f or development due to the removal of fill by the previous owner. 2, The design �f the building takes into consideration the grade level of this property in rel.ation to the adjoining lots. 3. The �ezoning to business and professional use of this land parcel, in the opinion of the Committee, constitutes good planning and is a practical solution for developing this last group of lots which wi11 complete the land development in this addition. The Comrnittee would recomrr�nd that waivers be granted, i.f necessary, to permit parking in the front yard set-back area, and tfl permit this structure in our Business and Professional Off ices Zoning category. The Committee also felt tha.t the designer of the proposed building has made an effort to design a structure which would be well suited for this partieular paxcel of land, both in the aesthetical sense and the functional." The President o� the Planning Commission stated that this was not a public hearing, but if ar�yone in the audience had any interest in this r�zoning request, they would be heard. Mr. Alban Winkels, 97_It Sumter Avenue South; Mr. Lyle Larsen, 83a Rhode Island Avenue South; Mr. Edmund Noren 8�.0 Sumter Avenue South, stated that they objected to the proposed rezoning. A: motion was made by Discher seconded by VanHauer, tha� the Planning Commission accept the Committee report and recommend approval of this reguest to the Council. The mo�tion was carried 8 to 3, members Bromschwig, Raugland and Senstad voting "No" ��� Fegular Meeting of the Golden Va11ey Planning Commission, March 16, 1961 �• ORDINANCE WA.TVERS l�OOI WAYZATA BOULEVARD - Lot 1, B1ock 3, Tyrol Hi11s; Mrs. C. Vehe Ordinance Committee Member Bedwell gave the following report: "Request is for waiver of Sec. 3.11 (setback requiremen�s) to a 20� setback from street line. The Comrni.ttee viewed and discussed this parcel with the applicant at great length. A certified survey was made in accordanee with � our request, but no endeavor was made to adjust the plan to the 1ot. We agreed - This plan or building proposed would not fit the lot and therefbre is not acceptable. We would suggest a 25 foot setback from Wayzata Boulevard and a 20 f oot setback from North Tyro1 Trai1." The Fresident of the Planning Commission stated that this was not a public hearing, but if anyone in the audience had any interest in this waiver request, they would be heard. Mr. C. A�. Wid�r, President, Tyrol Hills, Inc.; N1r. M. K. Patterson; Mr. Donald Barr; Dr. Earl Nelson; Mr. Vernon Aanenson and Mr. Warren Lundsgaard asked questions of the Commission concerning the proposed structure regardin� setbacks, and the type of home to be built. � Motion by Bromschwig seconded by VanHauer, to accept the Committee report and to defer this item to the Apri1. 13th Planning Commi�sion meeting. 1.550 KELLY �RTVE - Mrs. Doris Sawyer Ordinance Committee Member Bedwell gave the following report: "Request is for waiver of Sec. 11�, Platting Regulations (Conveyance by Metes and Bounds}. South 100 feet of Lot �, lying wes`t of the easterly 380 feet thereof; Keene, Higbee and Bitzer�s Golden Valley Outlots, subject to an easement over the west 10 feet thereof for Ke11y Drive. This is a large 1ot, approxi.mat ely 2�,000 square �eet and more than rneets the Village requirements. The Committee recommends approval." Motian by Shinder seconded by IJischer, that the Planning Commission accept the Committee report and recommend approval of this request to the Council. Mo�tion unanimousl.y carried. ��� Regular Meeti.ng of the Golden Valley Planning Commission, March 16, 1961 l�000 GOLDEN VALLEY ROA.D - Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Ord.inance Corrunittee Member Bedw�ll gave the following report: "The app7.icant, by his own request, has withdrawn. Therefore, the Committee recommends his money be refunded." Motion by Shinder seconded by Discher, to accept the Committee report and refund the application fee. Motion unanimously carried. AMENDMENT - ZQNING CATEGORIE� - Industrial, Light Industrial & Commercial (Yard requirements) Ordinance Committee Member Bedwell read the proposed ordinance a.s drafted by the Ordinance Committee and the Village Attorney. After discussion, a motion was made by Bromschwig seconded by Bedwell, to recommend to the Council approval of the proposed ordinance. Motion una,nimorzsly carried. There being no further business to transact, Motion by Shinder seeonded by Bromschwig that the meeting be adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Motion unanimously carried. � � Mike Sell, lanning ommission Secretary �' / --� - G � . .��- ���� Ge rge P nnock, President