04-13-61 PC Minutes ���
o� tY�
April 13, 1961
A regular meeting of the Planning Comu�aission c�f the Village of Golden Valley
was held on Thursday, April 13, zgb�. at 7:30 p.m. at the Civic Center, 7800
Golden Valley Road, Golden V�.11ey, M3nnesota. President Pennoek presided
and the following members were present: Bedwell, Bromsehwig, Braawn, Hetman,
Jensen, Lyneh, Raugland, Senstad, Var�Ta�.er, Ve12. A1so present were Donald
Sorensex�, Vill� e Engineer and Mike Se11, Planning Commission Secretary.
Dn motion by Jensen seconded by Brown, the March 16th, 1961 Planning Conunission
m3nutes were unanimously approved.
CUNtBE�N� H:tI,I,S 3RD AD➢zTTON, i�. B. Olson
A11 prssent agreed to add the above matter to the agenda.
Plat Comm3.ttee Chaixnnan Raugland gave the �ollowing reportr
"Mr. Olson returned his preliminary plat of Cumberland Hi11s 3rd
Addition, iricox°porating the changes asked for by the Plat Comrri3.ttee
in February. The Plat Committee recornn�ends approval."
Motion by Jensen seconded by Bedwell, to aecept the Comtr�i.ttee report and .r
reeommend approval of this plat to the Couneil. Motion unanimous7,y carried.
�900 OIS4Ai MEMORIAL HIGIaWAY - F1uiAyne Engineer�.ng Corporation
Zoning Com�aittee Chairman Hetsnan gave the follow3�s� report:
"The applicant requests 3ndustrial zoning of a seven (7) acre land
parcel which is located north of th� right-of-way of Trunk Highway
#55, bordered on the West by the Minneapolis, Northfield and Sou�h�rn
Ra3.Zraad and on the N4rth by the Minnesota Western Rai].road. This
property presently is in the open zoning category.
The applicant proposes to construct a 1l.G,OOQ s�uare foot building.
The Compa.r�yt s btzsiness 3.ncludes research and develapment, testing
and manufacturing of test equipment, as well as the manufacture of
flight co�onents for aircraft and missiles.
Applicants me�t with the Zoning Comin�i.ttee and presented plans for
developing the land parcel. under consideration. The proposed bui�s�ir►g
plans meet all the requirements of the existing V'illage Ord3nances,
and will be placed on the site to n�eet the requirements of the building
Regular mee�in�; of the Golden Va11ey Planna:ng Cammissiun, Apr�l 13, 1961
code. The Commi.ttee pointed out the need for a thraugh street along
the eastern boundary of this property. The proponents agreed to dedicate
a 30 foot strip of 2and to the Vil�ge for future devel€�pment.
The Zoning Committee unanimnusly recommends that the request for re-
zoning be granted, prov:ided that a 30 foot str3.p an the easte�n boundary
be dedicated to the Village for future development of a 60 foot street."
Motion by Lynch seconded by Rau�land, to accept the Com�,i.,ttee repor� and reco d
approval to the Counc3.l w3.th the notation that if the "Yard Requ3.rements"
Ordinance is passed prior to the rezoni.ng, the Commission sanetions ar�y sideyard
waivers necessary to make it conform �o the new '�Yard Requirements" Orditzance.
l�tion unani.�wusly carried.
�.Oal T�YZATA BOtiLEVAR.D, Lot 1, Block 3, TYrai Hills - Pqrs, c, vehe
Ordinance Comm7.ttee Cha3.rman Jensen gave the following report:
"Request is �or a waiver of Sec. 3.11, �onang Cude (35t setback) . The
applicant has submitted a revised plan which more nearly fits the lot
than previous plans. A 15� waiver to a 20� setback on the East side
and a lOt waiver to a 2�t setback on the North s�Ide is requested. The
Com�a.ittee feels this compromise plan acc�pt�ble, and ther�fore reeomrrrends
I}r. Earl Nelson 13n8 T3rx'o1 Tra3�, appe���ed and stated that he and Mr. Vernon
Aanenson of 130� Tyrol Trai1 were ob�ecting to the waiver.
A�otiun by Bedwell, seeonded by Hetmari, to accept the Camm3ttee report and
recommend approval to the Couneil. Motion unanirnously earried.
6?3i �ov� v�,� RoAn - Mr. Robert Nioser
ardinance Comtaa.ttee Chairm�n Jensen gave the following report:
"Request 3.s fox waiver of See. ].l�, Platting Regulations (Comreyance
by l�etes & Bounds) ta con�ey the East 100 ft. of this 251� ft. lot
(zoned Tnstitutional) to the ad3oining property own�rs to the East.
This is a matter of exped3.ency for the petitioner, as this matter
could be handled in two other ways. The Commy.ttee recom�ends approval."
Motic�r� by Zynch $econded by Bed�ell, that the P].�nning Com�i.ssiun accept the
Commi.�tee report and reco�end �.pprov�al of thi.s reqt�est to the Counc3l.
�Iotion unan�naus7.y carr3.ed.
??Ol (3LYMPI� STREET, Lot l�, Block 3, Winnetka - Bu�se-Erickson Bttilder�
Ordiaance Comr�i.ttee Cha,ix�man Jerisen gave the �olluwing x�poi^ts
"Request 3.s �or waiver of Sec. 3.11, Zoning Ordinanee (3�� setback) c�f
R�gular meeting o� the Golden Va11�y Planning Com�i.ssion, Apri1 13, 196i
9� to a 26t setbaek from 0lympia Street only. The Cotn�►�.ttee recogni.zes
tha.t this is consi�st�nt wi�h other houses in this add3.tion and there-
fore:<:r�;comm�ends approval.."
Motion by Brown seconded by Rai.ugland, that the Planning Co�nmission aceept the
Comm3.ttee report and reco�mend approval of this request to th� Co�ncil.
Motion unanimously carried.
763� PIiU�;N� s�'REET, Lot 16 & the N. 2 of Lot 1S, Block 17, Winnetka -
Busse-Erickson Builders
This item was deferred to the Ma� 11, 1961 Pl.a�ing Cammission �eet3.n$;.
137-.� ��L,AND �LV�,NUE Nt�.TH, Part of Lot 8, Block 5, Glenwood View - �arl Peterson
(?rd3nane� Gomrnittee Ghairman Jensen gave the followin� report:
ztReques� is for waiver of Sec. 1l�, Platting Regulat3.ons (Conveyance by
II�Ssetes & Bounds) to convey a port3.on of Lo� 8,:�Block 5, Glenwood View,
creat3ng a gub-standard lot of approximately 9000 sq. ft. The Comm-
ittee feels comp�lled �o recor�nend denial of this request as presented.
If the appl.ieant so desires, we would defer this r"EQtlES't �Q allow him to
work out a mor+� suitable plan."
The CQmmission discussed this request at.:_length with l+�r. Petersun and Mr.
Elgiri Ungar, pre5ent owner af Lot 8, a�ad a moti.on was made by Raugland seconded
by Bromschwig, that the Commmi.ttee repurt be accepted and amended to provide
fpr approval of the wa3.ver by makir� the division so that the �outh 13.ne of
Lot $ be 137.77 feet, thence rut�n3.ng Nor�herly to a point on the North line
of Lot $ which is 16Q feet Northwesterly of the Northeast eorner of I,Ot 8,
hav3.ng an area of more than 10,�0 sq. ft. Motion unariimously carried.
1336 NoR2H LILA,C I�IVE - Frank Topel
Ordinance Comm3.ttee Cha,ix�,an Jerisen gave the follow3.ng report:
� '�Request is for waiver of Sec. 1�, Platting Regulations (Conveysnce bp
Metes & Bounds) to crea� 3 lots of Lot l�l, Aud. Sub. �330, in accord-
ance with a Plann3ng recomYnendation of December 13, 1�56. �he Co.m�.i.ttee
recommends approval stzb3ect to the I,pr�g Ran�;e Committee report on the
vaeation of the southerly 10 ft. of Tope1 Road."
Mation by Bromschwi.g secor�ded by Raugland, to accept the Comm3.ttee report, ree-
ogn3.z� that the existing home will be non-cunform�3.r�g by hav3� appraximately
9� North side yard, and recomn�nd appro�val of this reque�t to the Cou�cil.
Motion unanimously carr�.ed.
1 �
Regular meet3ng of the Golden Valley Plann� Co�.ss3.on, �pr�.i 13, i96�.
STFtEET V�C.�TI�N - 5outherly lp� of TOPEL R,C)AD - F'rank Tope1.
Long Ra�e Plaxsning Committee Chaixma�n Brown gave �he followi,r�� report:
"Tl�s 3.tem was approved by the Planning Co�nission at their r�eeting
of Deeember 13, �956. Ten feet, North of the present ri�ht-of-way
of Topel Roacl, has been deed�d to the Vill�ge. The Commi.ttee re-
affirms the pos3.ti�n taken by the Planning Comr�ssion in December,
19�6, and rec�mmencLg approval of th3s street vacat3.on."
Motion by Veiz secand�d by Sez�stad, that ti�ee Planning Gommiss3oa secept �he
Co�ni.ttee report and reco�nrend appraval of this request to the Co�nc3.1. MQtion
unan3.�nously carried.
Diseussion of Praposed Plat - NE 4 of NE -4f Sec. 6, T-117, R-21
�Area buunded by We,stern Avenue, Brookvi+�w Golf Cltab, Ftidgeway Rd. & Wirinetka Ave.)
The propez��r awners of this a�°ea, w3th Mr. John Clif� act3,r�g as spokesma�i for
the group, �asked questions of the Comm3.ssion rega,rding pl.attin�, s�rers, �treet
access, and zoxiing. A meet�.ng was scheduled for Apr�.1 2l�, 1961 at 7z30 p.m.
bet�ween the property owners and �he P1.�a�t Committee.
llonald Sorensen, Villa�e Engineer, presen�ed ten�tativ� plar�s proposed by the
Miiusesota Highway Depart�ent for Wa,�zata Baulevard from T.H. #� ta Pentt Avenue.
Th3.s item w�s referred to the Long Range Planning Committee for sttu� and
� The Chairma,n of the Planning Co�anission brc�ught the Co�ni.ssion �p to date on
the prcyposed ord3nance. This item was referred to tt� Ordinance Co�n3.ttee for
fux-ther study.
There being no f'uirther business ta transact, raot�.on by Jense� �e�conded by Lynch,
to acl�jaurn the �neetingr. at 11s00 p.m. Motion unazaimou.s].y carr3.�d.
- e
Milse Se11, P]:anning om�i.ssion Secretary
. � r
G�o e P�nnock, Pr�sident