08-10-61 PC Minutes �a�r .: REGULAR N�TING of the GOLl)EN VALLEY PLANI�TTING CONIMISSI�N August lo, �.9bi A regular �neeting of the Planning Commission of the Village of Golden Falley was held on Thursd�y, August .l0, 1961 at 7:30 p.m. at the Civic Center, 7800 Gol.den Valley Road, Go.�den Valley, Mirsnesota. President Pennock presided and the following members were present; Bromschwi.g, Brown, Discher, Hetman, Jensen, Loughland, Senstad, VanHauer and Yelz. Also present were Roger Ulstad, Village Manager; Donald Sorensen, V'illag� Engineer; Stanley D. Kane, Village Attorney; and Mik� Sel1, Planning Commission Secretary. On motion by Jensen seconded by Hetman, the July 13, 1q61 Planning Comm:i..ssion minute� were unanimously approved. PLATS JONELLEN TERRACE, R. C. B1uem Plat Comra3.ttee member Loughla,nci gave the following report: "At its meetir� of July 13, z96i tne Plann�.n$ comm�.ssion a�- bated the Plat Comrni.ttee�s report of July llth in which that Committee recommended acceptance of the applicant�s plat dated July 12, 1g61. The Committee�s recommendation was no� supported by the Planning Commission by a vote of 5 to ?�, with 2 Commi.ssioners abstaining. By a vote of 10 to l, the Commission then referred the question back to the Plat Commi.ttee for action and report at the August Planning Comroissi�n �eti.ng. Pursuant to the Commission�s directive, the Comm.ittee met with the following me�ers present: S hinder, Bedwell, Loughland arid Senstad. Members absent were. Brown, Raugland, and Straw. Loughland acted as chairrnaxi at the request of Mr. Raugland. Comm3.ssion Pres.ident Pennoek was present at the invitation af the acting chaix�nan. In addition to the Comanittee�s comments in its report of July 1].th, it wisl�es to set down its views concerning 2 parcels of land that, accord3.r� to the applicants, are potential ho�e sites but Will not be legally buildable w�.t2r- out specisl action of the Planning Cammission and Village Council, Thi.s refers to Lot 1, Block 2, Richland Hills 2nd Addition and an unplatted area presently owned by Mr. A. H. Ho1l�nbeck. Waivers would be required to comply with See. 7-F and Sec. 7.l�, of the Platting Regulations adopted September 15, 1959, which s�ate; "All lots sha11 abut by their full frontage on a public street.�� and "No conveyance of land shall b�; made or recorded which is described by metes and bounds or by reference to a plat which is less than 2z acres in area and l�� fe�t in width- - - - - -° LtV� Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Comrr�ission, August 10, i961 The Committee voted to sustain its recommendat`ipn dated July 11, 19b1 by a 3 to 1 vote. Mr. Bedwell, who voted No� had again wa].ked over the property in question and felt convinced that Valders Avenue should be continuous. The Comm3.ttee suggest5 to the Planning Gomrr�.ssion the adoption of this report and also its report of Ju].y 11, 1961, both pf which recommend approval of �he plat, JONELLEN TERR�CE, as revised au� i2, 19b1.�� After discussion of the Commi.ttee report a motion was made by Senstad seconded by Loughland, that the Planning Commission accept the Committee report and re�o�nmend approval of this request to the Covncil. Upon roll call vote, members Loughland and Senstad voted "Yes�'; Members Bromschwig, Hetman, Discher, Van Hauer, Brown, Jensen and Velz voted "No" . Chairman Pennock thereupon deC�.ared the �tion l.�st. After further discussion, a motion was made by Di.scher, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Comm:issi4n recommend denial of this plat since it does not have Valders contiriu3_ng through the plat. Motion was earried with L�ughland abstaining and Senstad voting "No�'. HESSIAN FSTATES, Hessian and Holberg This reguest was deferred to the 5eptember Planning Commission meeting. AMENDMENT TO THE PLATTZNG REGULATTONS Vi,llage Attorney Kane ea�plained the proposed Ordinance,and Plat Committee member Loughland reported that the Flat and Long Range Planning Commi:ttees recommend to the Comm7.ssion the adoption of this ordinance. Motion by Jensen seconded by Brown, that the Plannzng Commi.ssion accept the , Committee r�ports and recommend approval of this ordinance to the Council. M�tion unanimously caxried. ZONTNG 260 NORTH LZLAC T�.IVE - Graham Paper ,Company This item was withdrawn by order of the Company�s architect, Mr. Gerrish. 2200 k�INNETKA AVENUE NORTH - Multiple Dwel.ling, Lamphere & Jones Zoning Commi.ttee Chairman Hetman reported that the applicants h.ad met with the Zoni.ng Cc�mmittee and presented a proposal to develop this area with multiple dwellangs. The Committee felt this to be the best use of the 1and but asked the applicants to re-submit the plans with revisions in their stre�t pattern. Mr. Fred Jones appeared to expla.in their proposal and stated the changes asked for had been ma.de. A motion was made by Hetman seconded by Discher, that th�; Planning Commission recommend appraval of the zoning to the Covncil in tha.t all recommendations of the Conur►3.tte� have �o� Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Cornm:tssion, August 10, 1961 been followed; with the additional stipulation that the North 30 feet of the East !�2 2f3 rods of this parcel be dedicated as a utility ease- ment. Mption unanimously carried. 67,50 ST. CROIX AVENUE - Shopping Center, Irving Brown Zoning Commmi.ttee Gha.irman Hetman gave the following reports "Messrs. Ix�ving Brown and William E. Crowder met with the Committee and presented a new proposed plan for the shopping center at 615� St. Croix Avenue. Mr. Brown explained the plan �o the Gommittee, wh�'i.�ch plan included a re�idential bu���r, as well as the necessary setbaek as required by the new Village Zoning Ordinance. The applicants stated that the new plan would not haqe access to Brusaswick Avenue. After considerable discussion, the Cornmittee members noted that, although the new proposal complies with a11 existing Village Ord�.nanees and does contain some ehanges within the boundary of the land parcel under eonsideration, the overal basic plan and - proposed use of this development would have the same effect on the surrounding area as the initial proposal. In view of the above, the Comm:i,ttee reaffirms the position taken as con�tained in the Comm.ittee report dated December 15, 1960, and recommends denial of the application for rezoning. Comraittee members noted that th5.s area is continuing t� develap residentially and, since action on the previaus application, additional res3dential platting and home construction has taken place.'� Mr. Brown appeared in support of his request. A motion was made by Bromschwig seconded by Velz, tha,t the Planning Commi.ssion aceept the Commi.ttee rep�rt and reeommend denial of this request to the Couneil. Motion unanimausly carried. �625 OISON P�IORIAL HTGHWAY - Church of the Latter Day Sain�s Zoning Comm3.ttee Chairman Hetman gave the following report; "The app].icants met with the Gommittee and presented a plan for the construction of a ehurch building on approximately a four and one- hal.f acre tract at 5625 Olson Memorial High�aay. The applicants pointed out that the church had a �mbership of 1�00 at this tim�e, and that the proposed p1an included futur� expansion. Commission members noted that the church membership caxr�e frQm an extensive area which included most of the metropolitan and suburbarz Minneapolis areas. The plan as proposed met all the necessary Viliage Ordi.nanees. In diseuss3.ng the proposed rezoning request,. the Committee �mbers noted the follo�wing po�ntss 1) that the proposed re�oning r�quest, if granted, would ereate a traffic problem which is and has been the concern of the Village in this general area. This would be especially true dur3ng the high points of the church1s activities. Also, taki.ng i.nto consideration the increase in membership af this ehurch body during ��� Regular: ,meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Comm�sion, Au�ust 10, 1961 the past four years, when pro�ected into the future andicates a more serious traffic problem, and 2) that the area is residentia� and has been deve].oping along these l.ines. In view of the above points and the previous Committeets reco�ndations, ttae Committee unanimc�usly recommends denial of the request. The Committee alsa recommends that this land parcel be rezoned to the Residential category." Bishop Gwynn appeared and outl�.ned the activities of the church in detail and also explained the m�:thods of traffie aceess for the church members. A motion was made by Velz seconded by Brown, that the Planning Comrnission accept the Committee report and recommend denial of this request to the Council. Motion was carried with member VanHauer voting �'No". ORDIN.�NCE WASVERS Y,�,R:D REQUIR�MEfi12S OR.I)TNANCE - Business & Professional Offices & Tnstitutional Zoning Categories Ordinance Committee Chairman Jensen read the changes proposed in the twa categories by the Ordinance Committee. The Commi.ssion then directed l+�rr. Kane, the Village Attorney, to draft the changes in ordinance form and present them to the Commission at their Sept�mber �eeting. 26?�0 MAJOR ,AVENUE NDRTH - Robert Preston All present agreed to add the above matter to the agenda. Ordi.nanee Committ�e Chairm�n Jensen gave the followi.ng report: r'Request is for waiver of Sec. 3.11 (side yard requirements) of approx- imately one foot an the North a.�d 5outh side yards to approximately 13� feet. The Com�nittee discussed this request in detail with the owner and finds as fo�.lowst l. Excavat�on was done before permi.t was granted or requested. 2. Permit was requested for a 71 ft. house. When explained this size would not conform to ord3nance, applicant agreed and a permti.t (signed by Mr. Montgomery, the contractor) was issued for a 69 ft. house. 3. Receiving no call for footing inspection, the inspector investigated and found that footings were already in for a 71 f�. house. 1�. Cont�actor then agreed to correct footi,ngs. ���_:.. Regular Meeting of the Golden Va11ey Planni.ng Commission, August 10, 19b1 �. Several days later, Inspect�r found the corrections had not been made; the basement was capped and some of the studdings up. 6. The Contractor paid no heed to request for corr�etions, so a stop order was placed on the building. The Committee feels no true hardship exists and �that any so-called hardship was self-itnposed. The Comaiittee feels obligated to the r�sidents of this Village to recom�;nd denial." Mr. Preston was present to answer questions put forth by the Commission. I�otion by He�man seconded by Loughland that the Pla,nning Commission accept the Committee report and reeommend denial of this request to the C�uncil. Motion unanimously �arried. There being no further business to transact, Motion l�y Velz seconded by Brown, to adjourn the meeting at 11:35 p.m. Motion unanimous�y carried. � � � Mike 5e11, lanning Commi.ssion Secretary o e Pennock, President