11-16-61 PC Minutes !.f'��
of the _
hiovember 1b, 1961
A regu1ar meeting of the Go1den Valley Piannir�g Comnission was
held on Thursday, November ib, 1961 at 7:30 p.rn, at the Civic
Center, 7800 Golden Vailey Road, Golden Valley, Min�esota. Vice
Fresident Brown presided until President Pennock arrived at 8:45
p.m. The following members were present : Bedwell , Bromschwig,
Discher, Hetman, �oughland, Senstad, Straw and Velz . A1so present
were Roger Ulstad, Village Manager; Stantey D. Ka�e, Vittage
Attorney and Mike Seil , Planning Ccx�nission Secretary.
On motion by Bromschwig seconded by Hetrnan, the October ti , 1961
Ptanning Comrnission minutes were unanimousty approved. ,
� PtAfiS � � �
WESTERN TERRACE HILLS - Sto�lie, Clift � Margolis
€�lat Corrxnittee member '�oughtand gave the fotiowing report:
"�This plat is located at the Southwest quadrant of the Winnet-
ka Avenue - Wester� Aver�ue intersection. There are existing
homes as welt as bare land in the plat . Some of the proposed
plat is a part of an otd plat, ''Jessenis Addition ' fited ir�
1941 . There are many lots in this general area with less
than 100� frontage and less than 12,500 sq, ft . of area.
There were 8 originai owners of land involved in this plat
and they have been working for more than 2 years to design
a plat satisfactory to al t the owners ar�d the Plat Cc�mrnit-
tee. The Plat Corrxnittee has viewed numerous designs in
the past and feels that this proposed plat is the best
solution that can be obtair�ed under the circumstar�ces.
The proposed plat is comp�ised of 34 lots and 2 outlots.
Four of the 34 lots lack the necessary area, tl�ree lots have
tess than the required 100� of frontage at the setback line
- and four 1ats iack both frontage and area, Average area
and frontage of these substandard lots is 11 ,405 sq. ft . and
81 ' . The lots were platted so tt�at alt the existing hc�mes
would have �he required front, side and rear yard clearances .
An exception is the existing house o� Lot 11 , Block 1
(Mr . Clift ' s house) which is closer than 35 ' to Winnetka
,4venue. A waiver of Sec. 7(B) 1Q, of our platting regulations
will also be g�anted because Westerr� Terrace is longer than
S0�' , the maximum allowed for a Cui -de-sac.
The Piat Committee c�nanimously reccxmnends approval of the
ptat, recognizing fihe conditions set fo�th above."
Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Gomnnission - Piov. i6, 1961
Mr. Meridith, the surveyor, and Mr. Ctift were present and answered
qcaest i ons tf�e Gommi ss i on had concerr�i ng the p 1 at .
Motion by Discher seconded by Straw, that the Planning Ccxr�nission
accept the Ccmrnittee report and recommend approval of this plat
to the Council . Motion unanimousiy carried.
ADELINE A�DITI4N - �r . Robert Botler
This piat was deferred, at the request of the applicant, to the
December meeting.
2001 NORTN LI�.AC DRIVE - Ccxnmerciai � Multiple Qwelting, Richard Mipp
Zoning Cc�runittee Cha9rman Hetman gave the foilowing report:
��This land area referred to in the application was zoned to the
Commerciat and Multipte Dwetling category in 1958 for a pro-
posed shopping center at the request of the Apache Vatley-View
Enterprises . Subsequently the present developer acquired the
property and is planning to devetop this land tract.
The request is for re-zoning approximatety 350 ft. strip of
Tract E on the west, from the multiple d�relling cat�gory to
Ccxnmercial ; and Tracts 1 and 2 to the multipte dwelting
zoning category. Tract i is now zoned Commercial and Tract 2
Open Devetopment. The applicant met with the C am�ittee and
presented the new plan for developing this land parcel . Mr.
Nipp pointed out to the Committee thafi the revised ptan would�
provide a better aligr►ment of the proposed comnercial area
with the new tocation of the Goiden Valley Road.
After studying the proposat , the Cc�mmittee unanimousty reccxn-
mends that the P 1 ann i ng Corr�mi s s i or� approve the rezon i ng
request with the stipulation that tk�e applicant dedicate to
the Viltage any land necessary for public streets or roadways.
In making its recc�nendatior�, tMe Cc�nittee took into considera-
tion the retocation of the proposed multiple dwelting units as
a desirabie buffer separating the residential � devetopment south
of St. Croix Avenue from the Commerciat area. Members were
assured by tt�e developer that he ptans to proceed with the
project as soon as construcfiion is initiated on the new Go1den
Valley Road.�'
Motion by Velz seconded by Bromschwig, that the Ptar�niag Gcxrunission
accept the Comrnittee report and recorrxxnend approvat of this request
to tk�e Council . Motion unanimously carried.
5745 GLENWOOD AVENUE - Muttiple Dwelling, Paul Enghauser
Regular Meeting of the Goiden Va11ey Plan�ing Ccxrunission-Nov. 16'61
Zoning Ccx�nittee Chairman Hetman ga�re fihe follvwing report:
�'The apptication requests a ior�ing from Open Development to
Muitipte Dwelting category, a tand parcei di�ectly south
of Glenwood Avenue, part of Lot 3, Meadowbrook Acres . The
developer plans to construct a minimum of twenty one and a
half story apartment units built as connecting individual
units ,
The exact number of units will be determined after ciarifi -
cation of setback requirements atong the railroad right-of-
This particular land area is bound by the MNS Railroad on
the west, �nd the location of the apartment units on the
plan i�dicates that the buitding a�ea would also be bound
on the east by the railroad right-of-way.
Committee members unanimously agree that this proposal would
provide the best use of land ar�d a�ould foitow a desirable
pafitern of planning as established by the Multiple Dwelling
zoning ordinance. The appticant stated that he had �eceived
no objections from the neighborhood regarding the proposed
development plan. The Cor�nittee reccxr�nends that the Plan-
ning Gommission approve this zoning request.
Mr . Enghauser was present and explained his pians for the con-
struction of the multipie dwetlings .
Motion by Loughland seconded by Velz that the Planning Cornmission
accept the Committee report and reccxr�nend approval of tk�is request
to the Cour�cil . Motion unanimously carried.
692� WQYZATA BOULEVARD - Corr�nerciat , Douglas Rees
Zoning Caranittee Chairman Hetman gave the following repo�t:
''The applicants met with t�e Zoning Committee and pres�nted
pians for a proposed restaurant building to be located at
the northeaster� intersection of Nighway 12 and Louisiana
Avenue. This area alor�g Highway 12 is now zoned industrial ,
The request is for Carunercial rezoning of a iand parcel
approximately two (�) acres in size. in consideri�g the
proposed rezoning request, and the study of this land area,
the Ccxruni ttee members took note of the fol iowing poir�ts:
1 . This area has bee� zoned Industrial after consider-
able study by the various ViTlage planning groups , as
weli as professionat pianners, and is o�e of tk�e few
large industriat tracts teft in the Village. '
L►l.r� `
Regutar Meeting of the Gotden Valley Planning Cor�ission-Nov. 16�61
2. That grar�ting C�rrxnercial zoning afi this time for this
particular iar�d parcel would te�ad to encourage requests
for C arunerciat devetopments in this Industrial area,
This, in the opir�ion of the Cc�nittee, woutd be contrary
to good viltage planning.
In view of the above points, the Committee uraanimously recorr�nends
denial of the rezonir�g request. Corr�aittee members wish to point
out that the proposed restaurant operation woutd be a fine addition
to the Village and that if this area was now developed industrially,
with this pa�ticular parcel undeveloped, the Co�nittee might be
fiavorably inclined to approve such proposed use.l�
Mr. A. C . Godward, Consulting Engineer for Mr . Rees , spoke to t�e
Commission regarding the proposed devetopment af a pancake
restaura�t , explaining the ingress and egress tt� the site and the
amount of traffic generated.
Mr . Rees stated that he felt that Mr . Lynch should not have voted
at the Zoning Committee meeting since he presentty owr�ed a
restaurant on Wayzata Boulevard. Zoning Ccxnrnittee Chairman Hetman
stated that Mr. �ynch was not biased and that , in fact, it was he
who suggested that a more suitabie site for the pancake restaurant
would be the already ccxxunercially zoned area in the vicinifiy of
Tur�er' s Crossroad.
Acting Chairman Brc�wn stated to the Cc�ission and Mr . Rees, that
in view of the tong and meritorious service rendered the Planning
Ccxnrnission by Mr. tynch, Mr. Rees inference and statement was
uncat led for.
After further discussion, a Motio� was made by Velz seconded by
Bedwell , that the Flanning Co�nissio� accept the Ccxnrnittee report
and reccx�nend denial of this request to the Councii . Motion _
carried with Members Loughland and Pennock abstaining.
SELF- SERVIGE DEPARTMENT STORES - Reccxnmendation regarding Zoning
Zoning Committee Chairman Hetman gave the following report:
"The Co�nittee members discussed considerabte the problem
related'.to the proper ctassificatio� of this particular use
category. The Committee members feit that the discount store
type operation should fall into the Gcxnmercial category, but
that a further study should be made so that the present
existing Comnercial zoning ordinance would not be jeopardized
as it does r�ot now specifically cover such an operation.
Members aiso questioned wMether in some cases , a discount
store operation would be similar to a whoiesate warehouse
operation. The Gorr�mittee recommends that a further study be
made after a generai discussion by the enti�e Flanning
Cc�nission body.�'�
Regular Meeting of the Golden Val tey Pianning Corranission - Nov. i6`'`61
After discussion , a Motion was made by Loughland seconded by
Straw, that the Ccxrnnission accept the Cc�mmittee report and go
on record that a 5elf-Service Department Store is primarity a
retail operation, and as such, is already provided for under
our Commercial zor�ing category . Motion unanimously carried.
9135 �LS4P1 MEMORIAL HIGHWAY - Gunnar Widen
Ordinance Corrnnittee member Bedwell gave the following report:
��Request is for a waiver of Section 14, Platting Regulations ,
to convey by metes and bounds description a parcel of tand
25 ' wide to the owners of the Bowiing Altey. Proponent
states this is to increase the size of the parking lot at _
the bowting ailey. The Cc�nittee feels this to be in the
best inte►-ests of the Vittage and thereFore recommends
approva 1 .�r
MQtion by Brown seconded by Oischer , that the Planning Comnission
accept the Corr�ittee report and recommend approvat of this re-
quest ro the Cour�cil . Motion unanimously carried.
1104 SUMTER AVENUE NORTH - R. Begin (Lot il , Btock 13 , Winnetka�
Ordinance Cc�aittee mernber Bedwetl gave the foliowing report:
�'Request is for a waiver of Sec. 3.052 , Zoning Code. This
lot has been merged with Lot 10, Btock 13, under the terms
of Sec. 3.052 . The existing homes on tots 10 ar�d 12 have
adequate side yards and this is the onty remaining vacant
lot in this block. The Committee reccxrrnends approval .�;
Motion by Discher seconded by Hetman, that the f'lanning Commission
accept the Corr�ittee report and recommend approval of this request
to the Council . Motion unanimously carried.
4222 OLSON MEMORiAL HIGHWAY - Joe Gold��n (�ots 110 and fill ,
G i er�wood)
Ordinance Car�nittee member Bedweit gave the following report:
��Request is for a waiver of Sec. 5.�5, Zoning Code to locate
a buiiding 8 ft . closer to the property line than the normal
35 ' requirement. The building would then be 6.45 feet north
of the front (south wall ) of the St . Regis Paper Buitding,
whicM is set back only 3 feet from it' s property tine.
Applicant states he needs the added space in the rear to
comply with the parking requirer�ents and to more �earl �
tine wp with the existing St. Regis Paper building. The
Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Ptanning Commission-Nov. t6'61
Committee discussed this at great length and felt no real hardship
exists . Therefore, the Cor►�ittee recommends denial .��
Motion by Senstad seconded by Hetma�, that the Ptanning Commission
accept the Gorr�nittee report and recommend d�nial of this req�aest
to the Council . Motion unanimously carried.
3900 GLEhiW40D AVENUE - Jea� Feriss
Ordinance Ccx�nnittee member Bedwell gave the foltowing report:
��Request is for a waiver of Sec. 14, Alatting Regulations , to
convey by me:tes and bownds description, a parcel of tand 110�
in frontage by 395' deep. The parcel has adequate frontage
and area, The Corr�nittee can see no advantage in requiring
this land to be platted. The Corrmittee reccxrxnends approval .�`�
Motion by Brc�wr► secor�ded by Loughland, that the Planning Ca�nmission
accept the Cc�ni ttee report and reccxrrner�d approvai of thi s �equest
to the Cauncii . Motion unanimousty carried.
6920 WAYZATA BOl1LEVA,RD - Uoug 1 as Rees
Ordinance Cor�nittee member Bedwelt gave the foitowing report:
��This item was deferred due to lack of information.�� .
All present agreed to add the above matter to tk�e agenda.
Village Attorney Kane presented an ordinar�ce prohibiti�g biliboards
atong County Road #18.
Motion by Brown seconded by Bedwell , that the Planning Co�nission
recommend approval of the ordinance to the Council . Motion unani -
mousty carried.
Long Range Ptanning Gcx�nittee Chairman Brown gave the following report:
��Members of the Long Range Ftanning � �oning Comnittees met
on Saturday morning, November 4, 1961 , to consider �rarious
sites now zoned Open Development , for rezoc�l�ng to Residential .
. TMe CExnmittees concerned themselves primarily with the area
bounded by Highway #100 on the east; Minnesota-Westerr� Rait -
road on the south; Boone Avenue on the west and the Village
timits on the north. The Ccxnrnittees made a physical inspec-
tion of the sites and reccxnrnend the foltowing: Sites indieat�d
Regular Meeting of the �otden Va1Tey Planning Commission-Nov. 16'61
on the map as presented by the Ccxnmission Secretary be rezoned to
Residential ."
After discussion, a Motion was made by Straw seconded by Loagh-
land, that the Ptar�ning Cc�mmission accept the recc�r►e�dations of
the i.ong Range and Zoning Committees and recexnrnend to the Council
that the areas , with tl�e e�ception of the Lessard property, be
rezoned to Resider►tiat . Motion unanimousiy carried.
There being no further tiusiness to transact, Motion by Brc3rnschwig
seconded by Velz to adjourn the meeting at ti :05 p.m. Motion
unanimously carr�ed.
� e e , anning ornm�ss�on ecre ary
eorge ennoc , res� en