12-14-61 PC Minutes ��� REGULAR MEETING of the GOt[lEN VALLEY PLANNIh1G COMMISSION December 14, 1961 A regular meeting of the Gotden Vatley Planning Commission was held on Thc�rsday, December 14, 1961 at 7.30 p.m. at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valtey, Minnesota. Vice President Brown presided and the fotlowing members were present: Bedt�ell , Bromschwig, Hetman, Jensen, loughland, Lynch, Raugiand, Senstad, Shinder , Straw and Velz. Also present were Donald Sorensen, Village Engineer; Roger Ulstad, Village Manager; and Mike S:eil , Planning Commission Secretary. On motion by Hetman, seoo nded by Shinder , the November 16, 1961 Planning Commission minutes were unanimously approved. PLaTS ADELINE ADDITION - Dr . Robert Boller Plat Committee member Loughland gave the fotlowit�g report ; '�This ptat has appeared before the Cc�rnnission at various times since 1959. The Plat Corrnnittee reviewed the present status of the plat and emphasize the following points : 1 . The plat as now presented witl have a street . (Adeline Lane) with only 25 ' of right-of-way for a distance of approximately 19�.8 feet , fihe remainder being 40 feet of right-of-way. � 2 . The traveled portion of road wi11 be 20 feet wide with a 5 foot boulevard on the east side for approximateiy 190.8 feet, then it wi11 have a 10 foot boulevard on each side for the remaining length of the street . 3 . The turn-around at the end of Adeline �ane wili be 90 feet in diameter . 4, The platter requests a 15 ' waiver (allowing a 20' setback) for future homes on Lots 1 , 2 and 3 due to the steep drop in the contour of the lots down to the lake shore. 5. The platter also requests that a hardship waiver of 5 ' be granted to atiow a 30� setback from Adeline Lane for the house on Lot l , Block 5, Thotland' s Twin View Terrace. 6. The platter further requests that an outiot, 15 ' in width, be located along the entire East side (approximately 190.$ ' ) of Lot i , Block 5, Thotland' s Twin View Terrace. This outlot to be retained by the platter , and not be used as traveled roadway, ��� Regular Meeting of the Go1den Vatley Planning Corrxnission,Dec. 14, 1961 PLATS - continued The plat committee, mindfut of the physical problems of platting this piece of property and recognizing the conditions set forth above, unanimously recommends approval of the plat as presented, subject to the approval of the �`itlage Attorney.�� Dr . Boller was present and answered questions the Commission had con- cerning the plat . Motion by Shinder, seconded by Jensen that the Planning Commission accept the committee report and recommend approval of this plat to the Council . Motion unanimously carried. ARKAY ADDITION - Jack Kahn (Arkay Builders ) Plat Committee member Loughland reported that this request had been withdrawn. PROSPEGT HEIGHTS - Amendment to plat committee report. All present agreed to add the above to the agenda. Plat Commifitee member Loughland gave the following report: ��A,n error has been found in the plat eommittee report as it appears in the October 11 , 99b1 minutes which were maited to the commissioners. The plat committee recommends that said report be corrected by the addition of the following sentence after the words 'Winnetka avenue' : Ir� approving this plat, the Committee recommends the vacation of Winsdale Street, said right-of-way to be incorporated into Lots 2 and 3, Btock 3 and �ot 2, Block 2 ." Motion by Jensen, seconded by Velz that the planning Commission accept the committee report and instruct the Secretary to place the corrected report in the official minutes of the Ptanning Commission. Motion unanimously carried. ZONING 1609 XERXfS AVENUE NORTH - Narsing Home; A1 Herman Zoning Cvmmittee Chairman Hetman reported that this it�m had been deferred to the January Planning Commission meeting . 5625 OLSON MEMORIAL HIGHWAY - Nursing Home; Arkay Buitders Zoning Committee Chairman Netman gave the following report: �fThis request is for rezoning from residential to institutional for a proposed Nursing Home. The Commission wi11 recall that this parcel has appeared on our agenda a number of times in �-�'7 Regular Meeting of the Golden Va11ey Planning Commission,Dec, 14, 1961 ZONING - continued the past for rezoning. Recent requests were for Buick Division (May 1960) t Trach Construction Company for a multiple dwetting ( Jan. 19�+11 , Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for a church (Aug. 1961 ) . Each of these requests was denied and the committee stilt feels that this tand can be readily developed into a fine residential addition to the Village. The parcel is completely surrounded by residential homes and it seems logieal that this parcel should be next in 1ine in this area for home construction . Mr . ,aack Kahn, the appl icant , ap�eared before the corr�ni ttee and presented his proposat . He proposes to build a Nursir�g Home on the Northerly 2/3 of this site and ieave the Southerty 1/3 residential . He did state that he woutd not construct the homes , but would try and selt the lots . He would leave as . many of the existing trees as possible for a buffer. The committee discussed this request and unanimously recc3mmends denial ." Mr . Kahn and Mr . Rivkin, the applicants , and Mr . Patch, the architect , were present and �xptained their proposal further, stating that it was to be a taxable institution with an approximate valuation of $400,000. They also stated that they felt , since this would be a residence for aged peopie this was a compatible use in a residentiat area. Motion by Bedwelt , seconded by Lynch that the Planning Commission accept the committee report and recommend denial of this request to the Council . Motion carried with member Shinder voting ��Noi� . 6920 WAYZATA BOULEVARD - Request to add "�Restaurants« as a permitted use in the Industriat Zoning Gategory . Martin Lebedoff. Zoning Comrnittee Chairman Hetman gave the foilowing report: "This request is to add �'Restaurants" as a permitted use in the Industrial Zoning Category. The committee discussed this at length and also met jointly with the Qrdinance Committee sincc this would involve an ordinance change. Mr . Rees , Mr. Lebedoff, Mr . Godward and Mr. Jim Hawks of Mid- west Ptanners were at the meeting and presented their request . Mr. Hawks gave a short resume of what other communities are ailowing in their Industrial Zones and stated that in his opinion restaurants are a compatible use and a necessity in any industrial area . The committee takes the same position as reported tast month. If this area was now developed industrially, with this 228 Regular Meeting of the Golden Vattey Planning Commission,Dec. 14, 1961 ZONING - continued particalar parce1 undeveioped, it might be inclined to approve such a use through rezoning. The Zoning and Ordinance Committees at their joint meeting felt that the permitfied uses in any area should be controlted by zoning. This arrangement has worked wetl for the Village ia the past and amending the Zoning Ordinance to a11ow special uses, not presently allowed, in a category woutd b� undesir- abte and should be discouraged. The Zoning Committee, with member Lynch abstaining, recommends deniat of this request .�� Mr . Lebedoff, Mr. Rees, Mr. Godward and Mr. Jim Hawks were present and answered the cc�mmission' s questions relative to the app�licatiohs. Motion by Jensen, seconded by Bedwell that the Planning Commission accept the committee report and reccxr�nend denial of this application to the Councit . Motion carried with member Lynch abstaining . Further discussion followed in regard to the possibility of broaden- ing the code to atiow additional uses, not presently allowed, in the Industrial Zone. It was agreed that no action was needed afi this time. ORDINANCE WAIVERS 1601 GETTYSBURG AVENUE NORTH - Jacob Liss Ordinance Committee Chairman Jensen gave the following repo�t : "Request is for waiver of �ec. 3 . 11 Zoning Code {35 ft . set back) of 13 ft . to a 22 ft . set back from Olympia St . The 22 ft . set back would allow a 26 ft , home on a 60 ft . corner lot and wouid establish this set back on Olympia St. The Corrnnittee agrees that this woutd conform to other set backs in this area and would be to the best interests of the Vi l lage: The Committee recor�nends approval .�� Motion by Velz, seconded by Netman that the Planning Gommission accept the committee report and recommend approval of this request to the Council . Motion unanimously carried. 755 DOUGLAS DRIVE N�RTH - Pako Corporation Ordinance Committee Chairman Jensen gave the foltowing report : '�Request is for waiver of Sec. 14 Platting Regulation (Gonveyance by Metes � Bounds ) to convey a parcel of the Pako property appro�imately 120 x 140 ft . After much discussion and without consideration of the intended use, the Ccxrmiittee agreed that no practical use woutd be served by denying this application: The Committee recommends approvat .�� ���•; Regular Meeting of the Gotden Valley Planning Commission,Dec:14, 1961 ORDINANCE WAIVERS - continued Mr . Swaten, representing Pako, was present and stated that Pako inten- ded to build a gasoline service station on the site, primarily for the use and convenience of their employees . They would retain owner- ship of the building and site and lease the station' s operation. Motion by Shinder, seconded by Raugland that the Planning Gommission " accept the committee report and recommend approval of this request to the Council . Motion unanimocasly carried. L�NG RANGE PtANNING REZONING OF CERTAIN VI�LAGE AREAS �ROM OPEN D�VELOPMENT The Long Range and Zoning Corr�nittees recommended sites indieated on the map as presented by the Corrnnission Secretary to be rezoned to Residentiai , Institutional , Light Industrial , and Industrial . After discussion, a motion was made by Jensen, seconded by Bedwell that the Planning Corr�ission accept the recommendations of the Long Range and Zoning Committees and recommend to the Council that these areas be rezoned. Motion unanimously carried. GENERAL The Commission Secretary reported that Mr . Pennock, the Gcxrxnission Chairman, had appointed members Loughland, Lynch � Vetz as a nominating committee for the nomination of Officers for 1962 . Member Loughland to act as Chairman . There being no further business to conduct, motion by Velz, seconded by Bromschwig to ad�ourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. Motion unanimous- ly c ried. � � � � � � . 4,....f�� . . ' oe�� Br rr; re�a e t i e e , ann�ng omm� ss�on Secretary